253 research outputs found

    Takeaway Teaching - A design for redesign

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    This paper introduces a new teaching design called Takeaway Teaching. The design consists of pre-designed generic themes and activities that support the development of study strategies in higher education. These themes and activities are easily redesigned by the teacher and integrated into the academic curriculum. The purpose of the design is twofold. It supports the didactic reflection and development of the teacher and the development of the students’ study competence. This paper presents the theoretical framework of the design, based on a theoretical approach of metacognition and second-order teaching and learning, and an example of a redesign of one of the generic themes; Literature Search

    Vocal behaviour of the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis during the breeding season

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    Capsule Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis use vocal communication during the breeding season, with males being particularly vocal earlier in the breeding cycle and showing individual variation in some calls, which could be used for individual recognition. Aims To identify and describe vocal behaviour of Great Cormorants, to link calls with observed behaviours and to explore if the calls had potential for individual recognition. Methods We followed 21 nesting pairs of Great Cormorants by videoing and recording their vocal behaviour throughout the breeding season. We linked calls with observed behaviours, and measured the acoustic characteristics of the calls using signal analysis tools in Matlab. Results We identified and measured acoustic characteristics of six different call types: courtship, landing, nest building, nest relief, jumping, and chick begging calls. Five of these call types were linked to distinctive breeding behaviours. Vocal signalling occurred between the male and female, and between parents and offspring. Males showed higher vocal activity than females and used a larger repertoire of calls. The courtship call was the most common call type in both sexes. These calls also differed acoustically between the sexes; male calls were longer in duration than female calls (617 ms versus 323 ms) and had wider bandwidth (763 Hz versus 473 Hz). Conclusion Great Cormorants use vocal communication for social interactions. Males were vocally more active and had a larger repertoire of calls than females, and calls differed between the sexes. Calls of males also differed individually and could, therefore, function for individual recognition in this species.Peer reviewe

    Context matters:multiple novelty tests reveal different aspects of shyness-boldness in farmed American mink (<i>Neovison vison</i>)

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    Animal personality research is receiving increasing interest from related fields, such as evolutionary personality psychology. By merging the conceptual understanding of personality, the contributions to both fields of research may be enhanced. In this study, we investigate animal personality based on the definition of personality traits as underlying dispositional factors, which are not directly measurable, but which predispose individuals to react through different behavioural patterns. We investigated the shyness-boldness continuum reflected in the consistency of inter-individual variation in behavioural responses towards novelty in 47 farmed American mink (Neovison vison), which were raised in identical housing conditions. Different stages of approach behaviour towards novelty, and how these related within and across contexts, were explored. Our experimental design contained four tests: two novel object tests (non-social contexts) and two novel animated stimuli tests (social contexts). Our results showed consistency in shyness measures across multiple tests, indicating the existence of personality in farmed American mink. It was found that consistency in shyness measures differs across non-social and social contexts, as well as across the various stages in the approach towards novel objects, revealing that different aspects of shyness exist in the farmed American mink. To our knowledge this is the first study to reveal aspects of the shyness-boldness continuum in the American mink. Since the mink were raised in identical housing conditions, inherited factors may have been important in shaping the consistent inter-individual variation. Body weight and sex had no effect on the personality of the mink. Altogether, our results suggest that the shyness-boldness continuum cannot be explained by a simple underlying dispositional factor, but instead encompasses a broader term of hesitating behaviour that might comprise several different personality traits

    Navigating in Higher Education – NiHE: Et blik fra studerende og undervisere på faglige, sociale og personlige perspektiver på undervisningen

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    Denne rapport er skrevet på baggrund af spørgeskemaundersøgelsen – Navigating in Higher Education (NiHE) – der rummer besvarelser fra 1410 bachelorstuderende og 283 undervisere fordelt på ni uddannelser fra Aarhus Universitet: Uddannelsesvidenskab, Historie, Nordisk sprog og litteratur, Informationsteknologi, Biologi, Fysik, Medicin, Odontologi og Folkesundhedsvidenskab. NiHE undersøgelsen er gennemført i efteråret 2015 og vinter 2016, og den har til formål at generere data til almen undervisningsudvikling og rummer derfor både faglige, sociale og personlige perspektiver på undervisning.

    Om undervisning af første og anden orden

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    Artiklen beskriver og diskuterer undervisningsbegrebet, sådan som det tager sig ud med afsæt i Niklas Luhmanns sociologiske systemteori. Formålet med artiklen er at vise, hvorledes det systemteoretiske blik giver mulighed for at reflektere over nogle af de didaktiske usandsynligheder, som underviseren håndterer i dagligdagen, men som ikke skrives tydeligt frem i andre didaktiske positioner. Undervisningsbegrebet kobles til tre centrale didaktiske temaer: Første tema omhandler spørgsmålene om undervisningens hensigt. Andet tema omhandler iagttagelse af elevens læring. Tredje tema omhandler det, vi med afsæt i systemteorien vil kalde andenordensundervisning eller undervisning om undervisning og læring
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