12 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Nama : Balqis Yusuf NIM : 1101101010110 Fakultas/Jurusan : Ekonomi/ Ekonomi Pembangunan Pembimbing : Muhammad Ilhamsyah Siregar. S.E., M.A., Judul : Analisis Determinan Harga Tanah di sekitar Pusat Perbelanjaan di Kota Banda Aceh Konsentrasi : Ekononi Regional dan Perkotaan Keberadaan pusat perbelanjaan menjadi insentif masyarakat dalam menentukan jarak tempat tinggalnya ke lokasi pusat perbelanjaan. Dengan semakin banyaknya pusat perbelanjaan dapat mendorong permintaan terhadap lahan yang berada di sekitarnya. Peningkatan permintaan inilah yang mendorong terjadinya peningkatan terhadap harga lahan di sekitar pusat perbelanjaan. Sehingga, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor kesedian membeli harga tanah di sekitar pusat perbelanjaan. Kemudian, penelitian ini juga melihat pengaruh pusat perbelanjaan terhadap harga tanah di sekitarnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Banda Aceh dengan mengambil sampel terhadap 100 orang responden yang mewakili populasi di daerah. Adapun model yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berganda dengan metode OLS (Ordinary Least Square). Hasil yang didapat yaitu, keinginan membayar harga tanh di sekitar pusat perbelanjaan yaitu senilai Rp 1.052.356,- sedangkan faktor-faktor yang sangat kuat mempengaruhi kesediaan responden untuk membeli tanah disekitar pusat perbelanjaan adalah pendapatan. Sedangkan pendidikan, aksesibilitas, fasilitas dan kenyamanan hanya menjadi pilihan pada sebagian masyarakat. Sehingga dengan semakin banyaknya permintaan dan berkembangnya lahan di daerah pusat perbelanjaan pemerintah harusnya mulai menyusun ulang penataan kota yang baik. Kata Kunci: Determinan, Harga Tanah, Pusat Perbelanjaa

    Klasifikasi Kanker Payudara Menggunakan Algoritma Gain Ratio

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    Kanker payudara merupakan jenis kanker yang menempati urutan kedua sebagai penyakit yang paling umum ditemui. Seperlima dari wanita penderita kanker adalah mereka yang didiagnosa mengidap kanker payudara. Kanker secara umum dibagi dua yaitu jinak dan ganas, begitupun kanker payudara. Pada status ganas, kanker dapat berakibat buruk bagi penderitanya bila terlambat diketahui. Oleh sebab itu, deteksi dini pada penyakit kanker sangatlah penting agar penderitanya dapat menerima penanganan yang tepat. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam rangka untuk melakukan klasifikasi jenis kanker berdasarkan variable-variabel yang mempengaruhi menggunakan teknik data mining. Klasifikasi kanker payudara dilakukan menggunakan metode decision tree dengan algoritma gain ratio. Atribut-atribut yang digunakan dalam klasifikasi yaitu ketebalan rumpun, keseragaman ukuran sel, keseragaman bentuk sel, adhesi marjinal, ukuran sel epitel tunggal, ukuran asli nuclei, kromatin, keadaan nucleoli normal dan mitosis. Hasil evaluasi kinerja algoritma gain ratio diperoleh nilai recall, accuracy dan precision masing-masing sebesar 92,55%, 95,17% dan 93,76%. Nilai tersebut menunjukkan bahwa algoritma gain ratio sangat baik digunakan dalam klasifikasi ini. Berdasarkan skema decision tree, variabel keseragaman ukuran sel merupakan variable yang paling signifikan mempengaruhi jenis kanker

    Flood impacts across scales: towards an integrated multi-scale approach for Malaysia

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    Flooding is a recurring challenge across Malaysia, causing loss of life, extensive disruption and having a major impact on the economy. A new collaboration between Malaysia and UK, supported by the Newton-Ungku Omar Fund, aims to address a critical and neglected aspect of large-scale flood risk assessment: the representation of damage models, including exposure, vulnerability and inundation. In this paper we review flood risk and impact across Malaysia and present an approach to integrate multiple sources of information on the drivers of flood risk (hazard, exposure and vulnerability) at a range of scales (from household to national), with reference to past flood events. Recent infrastructure projects in Malaysia, such as Kuala Lumpur’s SMART Tunnel, aim to mitigate the effects of flooding both in the present and, ideally, for the foreseeable future. Our collaborative project aims to develop and assess a new multi-scale model of flood risk in Malaysia for current and projected future scenarios, and to address climate adaptation questions of policy relevance for flood stakeholders. This approach will enable us to identify the preferred adaptation pathways given multiple scenarios of climate and socio-economic change in Malaysia, and, beyond the life of our project, internationall

    Minimizing the clock drift in partially synchronized heterogeneous TSN networks

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    The new generation of embedded systems will increase interaction between the environment, people, and autonomous devices. This will increase their need for communication, particularly in meeting real-time requirements. To address the real-time requirements of embedded systems, a communication network capable of providing high bandwidth, low latency, and deterministic behaviour is necessary. Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) was developed by the IEEE 802.1 TSN Task Group and is a set of standards providing deterministic service over standard Ethernet and is an attractive option for achieving this. TSN leverages the advantages of IEEE Ethernet standards, including low hardware cost, high bandwidth, and deterministic behaviour. TSN uses time synchronization, traffic shaping, strict priority, and resource reservation mechanisms to provide a reliable and deterministic network environment suitable for real-time applications. However, for these mechanisms to work and TSN to achieve high performance, the network must be fully synchronized. In this thesis, we aim to integrate existing legacy devices into a TSN network without incorporating TSN functionality into them, as implementing all TSN standards requires significant investments in time, financial resources, and infrastructure upgrades. However, as the legacy devices don’t have TSN capabilities and cannot implement TSN synchronization protocols, they cannot synchronize with the TSN switches, which causes negative adverse such as clock drift between the TSN switches and the legacy end-stations. In this thesis, we aim to minimize the clock drift in the partially synchronized heterogeneous network, allowing researchers and organizations to take advantage of the benefits of adopting TSN into a legacy network without facing those issues. To solve the clock drift that occurs between the legacy end-stations and the TSN switches, we implemented one solution by combining those proposed solutions in the previous work [9] by using the Drift Detector (DD) and the Centralised Network Configuration element (CNC). This will be resolved by DD measuring and calculating the difference between the expected and actual reception of the messages from the receiver end-station. The CNC later uses the variation values detected by the DD to modify the TSN schedule and updates the network with the new period. In this way, we could minimize the negative consequences caused by partial synchronization in the network

    Minimizing the clock drift in partially synchronized heterogeneous TSN networks

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    The new generation of embedded systems will increase interaction between the environment, people, and autonomous devices. This will increase their need for communication, particularly in meeting real-time requirements. To address the real-time requirements of embedded systems, a communication network capable of providing high bandwidth, low latency, and deterministic behaviour is necessary. Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) was developed by the IEEE 802.1 TSN Task Group and is a set of standards providing deterministic service over standard Ethernet and is an attractive option for achieving this. TSN leverages the advantages of IEEE Ethernet standards, including low hardware cost, high bandwidth, and deterministic behaviour. TSN uses time synchronization, traffic shaping, strict priority, and resource reservation mechanisms to provide a reliable and deterministic network environment suitable for real-time applications. However, for these mechanisms to work and TSN to achieve high performance, the network must be fully synchronized. In this thesis, we aim to integrate existing legacy devices into a TSN network without incorporating TSN functionality into them, as implementing all TSN standards requires significant investments in time, financial resources, and infrastructure upgrades. However, as the legacy devices don’t have TSN capabilities and cannot implement TSN synchronization protocols, they cannot synchronize with the TSN switches, which causes negative adverse such as clock drift between the TSN switches and the legacy end-stations. In this thesis, we aim to minimize the clock drift in the partially synchronized heterogeneous network, allowing researchers and organizations to take advantage of the benefits of adopting TSN into a legacy network without facing those issues. To solve the clock drift that occurs between the legacy end-stations and the TSN switches, we implemented one solution by combining those proposed solutions in the previous work [9] by using the Drift Detector (DD) and the Centralised Network Configuration element (CNC). This will be resolved by DD measuring and calculating the difference between the expected and actual reception of the messages from the receiver end-station. The CNC later uses the variation values detected by the DD to modify the TSN schedule and updates the network with the new period. In this way, we could minimize the negative consequences caused by partial synchronization in the network

    Reduction of Microbial Content (Escherichia coli) in Well Water Using Various Processes: Microfiltration Membranes, Aeration and Bentonite Adsorption

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    Water is a basic need for living things. This research aims to know the reduction of microbe content (Escherichia coli) in well water by using microfiltration membrane, adsorption using bentonite and aeration. The capability of those three methods in reducing E. coli was examined on the variety of time contact: 30, 60, 90, 120,180 and 300 minutes. The result of the research shows that using those methods has shown that the optimum percentage of E. coli reduction by using microfiltration membrane with 23 Most Probable Number (MPN)/100 mL of E. coli initial concentration in well water and became 0 MPN/100 mL by 100 % of E. coli reduction. Adsorption using bentonite resulted in a 78% reduction in E. coli and reduction by using aeration, the reduction of E. coli by 21%. This study shows that microfiltration has the best ability compared to other methods

    Spatial estimates of flood damage and risk are influenced by the underpinning DEM resolution: a case study in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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    The sensitivity of simulated flood depth and area to DEM resolution are acknowledged, but their effects on flood damage and risk estimates are less well understood. This study sought to analyse the relative benefits of using global DEMs of different resolution sizes, 5 m AW3D Standard, 12.5 m ALOS PALSAR and 30 m SRTM, to simulate flood inundation, damage and risk. The HEC-RAS 2D model was adopted for flood simulations, and the Toba River in the Klang River Basin in Malaysia was chosen for the case study. Simulated inundation areas from AW3D coincide the most with reported flooded areas, but the coarser-resolution DEMs did capture some of the reported flooded areas. The inundation area increased as the resolution got finer. As a result, AW3D returned almost double flood damage and risk estimates compared to ALOS PALSAR, and almost quadruple compared to SRTM for building-level damage and risk analysis. The findings indicate that a finer-resolution DEM improves inundation modelling and could provide greater flood damage and risk estimates compared to a coarser DEM. However, DEMs of coarser resolution remain useful in data-scarce regions or for large-scale assessments in efforts to manage flood risk

    Enhancing the flow characteristics in a branching channel based on a two-dimensional depth-averaged flow model

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    Natural rivers have many branching junctions. The flow in branching junctions is complex, owing to significant changes associated with flow dynamics and sediment transport that result in erosion and deposition problems. A branching channel of the Tigris River in Missan, Iraq, was selected for investigation of the scouring and deposition zones. A two-dimensional (2D) numerical model was used to simulate the hydro-morphodynamics in the branching channel, where hypothetical vanes as control structures were included at the junction to control the scouring and deposition zones. The simulation results suggest the most effective location, dimension, and angle of the introduced vanes. For the studied junction, controlling morphological features was achieved by introducing a single vane with an inclination angle of 90° on the flow direction of the Tigris River. The most effective location of the introduced vane was the location that caused considerable enhancement in the flow depth and velocity distribution

    Improving the hydro-morpho dynamics of a river confluence by using vanes

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    Controlling the flow and bed morphology in a river confluence is important in training and navigation works. The flow in river confluence is highly complex due to crucial and rapid changes associated with flow dynamics, sediment transport, and geomorphology. The flow in Malaysia’s rivers has many confluence junctions in natural drains of catchment areas. The confluence between Kurau and Ara Rivers, in Perak, Malaysia, is selected to investigate the scour hole that usually forms in the erosion zone and the bar that forms in the deposition zone. A 2D numerical model is used in simulating hydro-morpho dynamics in the rivers confluence to mitigate the erosion and deposition zones by adopting vanes as control structures. Simulation results suggest that the most effective location, dimension, and angle of vanes can be decided based on their performance in scouring and deposition zones. The distribution velocity and flow vectors can help in deciding the location of the vanes

    Financial Literacy for University Students: Helping You Prepare For Life

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    Without good financial planning, it will not be easy to achieve all of one's financial goals in the future. The purpose of this community service is to teach students how to manage finances so that they can understand personal financial planning and be wise in managing their finances. This activity is aimed at students of the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Accountancy Universiti Malaysia Sabah and students of the Faculty of Economics and Management Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Knowledge of financial planning will be taught by a lecturer and a speaker from Finansialku as a digital financial application to introduce how to use the application for financial planning. The result of this event is that students need to have sufficient and good financial literacy in order to be able to prepare their financial condition for the future.Without good financial planning, it will not be easy to achieve all of one's financial goals in the future. The purpose of this community service is to teach students how to manage finances so that they can understand personal financial planning and be wise in managing their finances. This activity is aimed at students of the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Accountancy Universiti Malaysia Sabah and students of the Faculty of Economics and Management Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Knowledge of financial planning will be taught by a lecturer and a speaker from Finansialku as a digital financial application to introduce how to use the application for financial planning. The result of this event is that students need to have sufficient and good financial literacy in order to be able to prepare their financial condition for the future