54 research outputs found


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    The contribution deals with a design of effective way to ensure the traffic in the Kosice-surroundings district even in the nonstandard and special times. The current status is analysed by a method of system approach. The current situation in the public transport is analysed according to transport timetables; nonstandard times and time spans of transportation lines are defined. The contribution points to the options to solve and presents a design of division of transport space into three parts that would be secured by separate means of transport. Routes are not firmly defined but they will be created dynamically, according to the needs and number of passengers. Hierarchical structure of the solution of problem of the ensuring of above standard transportation for Kosice - surroundings district is created by the system access for the design itself and solution of the defined problem

    Comparison of the differences in the composition of ruderal flora between conventional tram tracks and managed green tram tracks in the urban ecosystem of the city of Bratislava

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    Green infrastructure (GI) brings many benefits to urban ecosystems (e.g. better air and water quality) and it presents a helpful tool in the effort to reduce the consequences of climate change. Green tram tracks can be considered to be a part of GI. The presented study is focused on the comparison of the frequency of ruderal plant species, as well as species composition when comparing conventional tram tracks with green tram tracks (with planted succulents and ornamental plants) in Bratislava, Slovakia, Central Europe. This comparison also provides an insight into the changes of the flora of tram tracks over time, as we compare the results of the older research (from the years 2014–2019) with recent research on green tram tracks, which were built in Bratislava in 2020. The data were analysed by cluster analysis, Sign test and Wilcoxon two-sample test in the R 3.5.1. The results revealed significant differences in the composition of flora between conventional tram tracks and green tram tracks. In particular, the total number of species has decreased over time, as green tram tracks host fewer spontaneously growing taxa than conventional ones. The frequency of occurrence of archaeophytes and neophytes has decreased on the strict rail yard (covered by planted succulents) while on the tracksides (covered by non-succulent ornamental plants) it has increased. Green tram tracks deliver positive features to ecosystems, but may also have negative aspects because they present a pool of alien, potentially invasive plants. &nbsp

    The Potential of AI-Powered Face Enhancement Technologies in Face-Driven Orthodontic Treatment Planning

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    Improving one’s appearance is one of the main reasons to undergo an orthodontic therapy. While occlusion is important, not just for long-term stability, aesthetics is often considered a key factor in patient’s satisfaction. Following recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), this study set out to investigate whether AI can help guide orthodontists in diagnosis and treatment planning. In this study, 25 male and 25 female faces were generated and consequently enhanced using FaceApp (ver. 11.10, FaceApp Technology Limited, Limassol, Cyprus), one of the many pictures transforming applications on the market. Both original and FaceApp-modified pictures were then assessed by 441 respondents regarding their attractiveness, and the pictures were further compared using a software for picture analyses. Statistical analysis was performed using Chi-square goodness of fit test R Studio Studio (ver. 4.1.1, R Core Team, Vienna, Austria) software and the level of statistical significance was set to 0.05. The interrater reliability was tested using Fleiss’ Kappa for m Raters. The results showed that in 49 out of 50 cases, the FaceApp-enhanced pictures were considered to be more attractive. Selected pictures were further analyzed using the graphical software GIMP. The most prominent changes were observed in lip fullness, eye size, and lower face height. The results suggest that AI-powered face enhancement could be a part of the diagnosis and treatment planning stages in orthodontics. These enhanced pictures could steer clinicians towards soft-tissue-oriented and personalized treatment planning, respecting patients’ wishes for improved face appearance

    Intersexuality and Transgender Identity as a "Problem" of Participation in Sports Competitions

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    Amidst a global landscape where transgender individuals face unprecedented challenges in accessing equitable sexual health care, our review breaks new ground by exploring the intricacies of sexual health within the transgender community. Unveiling the critical gaps in current health care practices, our research not only amplifies the voices of those often marginalised in health narratives but also pioneers a comprehensive, culturally sensitive approach to transgender sexual health. The literature review tries to find medical and subsequent legal justifications for PRO and CONS of participation of transgender and intersex athletes in the category of the opposite sex. It tries to analyse which differences in life can be relevant in defining competitive advantages, which nowadays lead to very controversial, often politically motivated conclusions. The opinions of the professional and sports public do not go along with some decisions of sports associations and authorities. It therefore also deals with the recent decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Caster Semenya, as well as the participation of athletes across different sports disciplines and categories. It does not ignore the question of the adequacy of anti-discrimination measures. Furthermore, it evaluates the impact of such participation on the integrity and fairness of competitive sports, highlighting the need for a balanced approach that respects the rights of all athletes. This study stands at the forefront of transforming sexual health care for transgender individuals worldwide

    Mask in theatrical forms of the Roman Republic and Empire

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    The aim of the bachelor thesis is to show the usage of the mask as an inseparable dramatic element in theatrical forms in the period of the Roman Republic and Empire exceeding to social- religious level life of a Roman citizen. The work deals with mask's functions, forms, occurrence in particular genres and changes throughout this period. It refers to the importance of the mask as an essential factor for building performance on the ancient stage regarding the perception of the actor. The mask becomes an object of the dramaturgical level, being a distinctive element of the theatrical scenery. KEYWORDS mask, ancient theatre, ancient Rome, mythology, funeral mask, funeral mime, pompa circensis, Etruscan dancers, phlyax vases, palliata, pantomimus, imago, personat

    Eva Ballová Mikušková's Quick Files

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    The Quick Files feature was discontinued and it’s files were migrated into this Project on March 11, 2022. The file URL’s will still resolve properly, and the Quick Files logs are available in the Project’s Recent Activity

    Conditions for increasing food self-sufficiency of municipalities

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    Cílem předložené diplomové práce je zjistit postoj starostů obcí a měst ve Zlínském kraji, vůči problematice nefungující zemědělské krajiny a důsledků jejího nesprávného hospodaření. Záměrem je zjistit faktory ovlivňující vlastníky k souhlasu/ nesouhlasu s propachtovaním nájemních smluv. Sekundárním cílem je zjištění vztahu občanů k půdě, k lokálním produktům a k zemědělství jako takovému. V jedné z obcí již probíhají projekty a opatření vůči zmíněné problematice a právě tato obec představuje vzorovou obec, z níž aktivit vychází praktická část práce. Práce je také zaměřena na vysvětlení souvislostí mezi podporou potravinové soběstačnosti a způsobem hospodaření.The aim of the submitted diploma thesis is to find out the attitude of mayors of municipalities and cities in the Zlín region to the issue of a non-functioning agricultural landscape and the consequences of its incorrect cultivation. The intention is to identify the factors influencing the owners to agree / disagree with the change of leases. The secondary goal is to find out the relationship of citizens to the land, to local products and to agriculture as such. In one of the municipalities, projects and measures against the mentioned issues are already underway, and it is this municipality that represents a model municipality, from which the practical part of the work is based.The work is also focused on explaining the relationship between the promotion of food self-sufficiency and farming methods.Cieľom predloženej diplomovej práce je zistiť postoj starostov obcí a miest v Zlínskom kraji, voči problematike nefungujúcej poľnohospodárskej krajiny a dôsledkov jej nesprávneho obrábania. Zámerom je zistiť faktory ovplyvňujúce vlastníkov k súhlasu/nesúhlasu s prepachtovaním nájomných zmlúv. Sekundárnym cieľom je zistenie vzťahu občanov k pôde, k lokálnym produktom a k poľnohospodárstvu ako takému. V jednej z obcí už prebiehajú projekty a opatrenia voči spomínanej problematike a práve táto obec predstavuje vzorovú obec, z ktorej aktivít vychádza praktická časť práca. Práce je taktiež zameraná na vysvetlenie súvislostí medzi podporou potravinovej sebestačnosti a spôsobu hospodárenia

    Mobile application design and user experience testing

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá user experience a návrhem mobilních aplikací, které jsou pro uživatele intuitivní a jednoduché na používání. Rozebírá základní charakteristiky správného používání jednotlivých UX/UI prvků pro mobilní aplikace a proniká do psychologie uživatelů. Cílem práce je navrhnout funkční prototyp aplikace na podporu prevence, který bude následně otestován uživateli a připraven na další iterace a na zpracování vývojáři. Prototyp diplomové práce je navržen na základě principů Design Thinking a během celého procesu staví do středu pozornosti uživatele a jeho potřeby. Navržený prototyp, který se skládá z 228 obrazovek, byl testován testery, kteří adresovali hlavní funkční problémy. Tyto problémy byly zapracovány do finální podoby prototypu této diplomové práce. Prototyp je ve finální fázi připraven na další iterace.Diplomová práca sa zaoberá user experience a návrhom mobilných aplikácií, ktoré sú pre užívateľa intuitívne a jednoduché na používanie. Rozoberá základné charakteristiky správneho používania jednotlivých UX/UI prvkov pre mobilné a preniká do psychológie užívateľov. Cieľom práce je navrhnúť funkčný prototyp aplikácie na podporu prevencie, ktorý bude následne otestovaný užívateľmi a pripravený na ďalšie iterácie a na spracovanie vývojármi. Prototyp diplomovej práce je navrhnutý na základe princípov Design Thinking a počas celého procesu stavia do stredu pozornosti užívateľa a jeho potreby. Navrhnutý prototyp, ktorý pozostáva z 228 obrazoviek, bol testovaný testermi, ktorí adresovali hlavné funkčné problémy. Tieto problémy boli zapracované do finálnej podoby prototypu tejto diplomovej práce. Prototyp je vo finálnej fáze pripravený na ďalšie iterácie.This Master’s thesis deals with user experience and designing mobile apps which are intuitive and easy to use for its users. The thesis analyses UX/UI elements and deep-dives into the psychology of everyday users. The thesis aims to design the first functional prototype of a health prevention supporting app, test this prototype with its potential users and prepare the prototype for the next iterations and further development. The prototype is designed based on Design Thinking principles and the users and their needs are in the centre of attention during the whole process. The initial prototype which consists of 228 screens is tested with testers and the main problems are addressed during this process. Further on, these problems are fixed and no longer present in the final prototype of this Master’s thesis. This prototype is ready for the next iterations

    Assessment of alternating results from upper body Wingate tests throughout different periods of an annual training cycle.

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    Title: Assessment of alternating results from upper-body Wingate test throughout different periods of an annual training cycle. Aim : Show relation between changes in functional parameters from 30-s Wingate test and changes in selected training indicators in three different periods of an annual training cycle among top flatwater kayakers. Methods: Casuistical research - we employed a Wingate test adapted for arm cranking in assessment of anaerobic capacity level among flatwater kayakers. Results: Laboratory test's results show, that changes in functional parameters from 30-s Wingate test doesn't correspond to changes in selected training indicators in different periods of an annual training cycle.. They also show, that top values of an anaerobic capacity were recorded by the top Czech kayaker. Key words: flatwater canoeing, Wingate test, anaerobic capacity, annual training cycl

    Beethoven und die Slowakei

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