125 research outputs found

    Propuesta de Innovación Eduactiva en Ciclo Formativo de Técnico de Emergencias Sanitarias

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    Realización de un protocolo de actuación en emergencias sanitarias y un vídeo por parte de los alumnos para asegurar el aprendizaje significativo y la evaluación continua de los alumnos

    Psychological distress in relatives of critically ill patients: Risk and protective factors

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    The admission to an intensive care unit can result in a significant burden of emotional distress in the family. This study analyzes the psychological distress of 89 relatives of intensive care unit patients and the potential risk/protective factors for such distress. Families show high levels of anxiety, depression, and stress. Regarding risk factors, having steady partner, being a woman, and being a mother are associated with increased risk of anxiety, depression, and stress. Contrarily, being younger and having higher educational level are associated with reduced anxiety and stress. Influencing these trends could change positively the suffering course experienced by relatives and intensive care unit patients indirectly

    Efficiency in Social Enterprises

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    [EN] The aim of this article is to offer a review of the impact the different methodologies of analysis have on social enterprises, focusing the study on processes that establish a greater universality based on the degree of success achieved in their social objectives, the social reinvestment of their benefits and their democratic organisation, parameters that should favour the creation of a clear and simple method, as well as adaptable to change. The systematics will allow to establish systems for the measurement of the efficiency of social enterprises, in order to both organise objective procedures of comparison and offer support when applying for public aid derived from European and national funds set up for this purpose. The quantification of the social impact of the companies that constitute the social economy is vital to assess and follow up on their social mission.Ballester-Miquel, JC.; Perez-Ruiz, P.; Hernandez-Gadea, J.; De Juan Jordán, H.; Guijarro García, M. (2017). Efficiency in Social Enterprises. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 4(2):61-79. doi:10.4995/muse.2017.7329SWORD617942Chaves R. & Monzon, J.L. (2012): La economía social en la UE, CESE, BruselasComisión EUROPEA (2010): Comunicación Una estrategia para crecimiento inteligente, sostenible e integrador, COM (2010) 3/3/2010 Comisión Europea. BruselasComisión EUROPEA (2014): Comunicación Balance de la Estrategia Europa 2020 para un crecimiento inteligente, sostenible e integrador COM (2014) 130 Final, 5 de Marzo, Comisión Europea Bruselas.Comisión EUROPEA (2014): Comunicación relativa a un marco estratégico de la UE en materia de salud y seguridad en el trabajo, COM (2014) 332 Final, 6 de Junio, Comisión Europea Bruselas.Comisión EUROPEA (2015): Comunicación Programa de trabajo de 2016, COM (2015) 610 Final, 27 de Septiembre, Comisión Europea Bruselas.Comisión EUROPEA (2015): Comunicación Un sistema de imposición de las sociedades justo y eficaz en la Unión Europea: cinco ámbitos de actuación fundamentales, COM (2015) 302 Final, 17 de Junio, Comisión Europea Bruselas.Comisión EUROPEA (2016): Comunicación Iniciativa Europea de Computación en la Nube: construir en Europa una economía competitiva de los datos y del conocimiento, COM (2016) 178 Final, 19 de Abril, Comisión Europea Bruselas.Diaz, M., Marcuello, C. & Marcuello, Ch. (2012): "Empresas sociales y evaluación del impacto social", CIRIEC-Espa-a, revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 75, 179-198.Enciso, M., Gómez, L. & Mugarra, A. (2012): "La iniciativa comunitaria en favor del emprendimiento social y su vinculación con la economía social: una aproximación a su delimitación conceptual", CIRIEC-Espa-a, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 75, 55-80Freeman, R. (2010). "Does Inequality Increase Economic Output?" In Controversies about Inequality. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.Gómez Urquijo, L. (2014): "El encaje de la economía social en la nueva gobernanza económica y social de la UE", CIRIEC-Espa-a, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 82, 233-252.GUÍA PRÁCTICA PARA LA MEDICIÓN Y LA GESTIÓN DEL IMPACTO. Asociación Espa-ola de Fundaciones. EUROPEAN VENTURE PHILANTHROPY ASSOCIATION. 2015Narillos Roux, HUGO (2012): "Economía social: valoración y medición de la inversión social". Editorial ESIC

    Exploring the impact of ketogenic diet on multiple sclerosis: obesity, anxiety, depression, and the glutamate system

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disorder. Individuals with MS frequently present symptoms such as functional disability, obesity, and anxiety and depression. Axonal demyelination can be observed and implies alterations in mitochondrial activity and increased inflammation associated with disruptions in glutamate neurotransmitter activity. In this context, the ketogenic diet (KD), which promotes the production of ketone bodies in the blood [mainly β-hydroxybutyrate (βHB)], is a non-pharmacological therapeutic alternative that has shown promising results in peripheral obesity reduction and central inflammation reduction. However, the association of this type of diet with emotional symptoms through the modulation of glutamate activity in MS individuals remains unknown.AimTo provide an update on the topic and discuss the potential impact of KD on anxiety and depression through the modulation of glutamate activity in subjects with MS.DiscussionThe main findings suggest that the KD, as a source of ketone bodies in the blood, improves glutamate activity by reducing obesity, which is associated with insulin resistance and dyslipidemia, promoting central inflammation (particularly through an increase in interleukins IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-17). This improvement would imply a decrease in extrasynaptic glutamate activity, which has been linked to functional disability and the presence of emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression

    Rapid evaluation of ammonium in different rain events minimizing needed volume by a cost-effective and sustainable PDMS supported solid sensor

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    [EN] The presence of ammonium ion in rainwater is due to atmospheric processes which involve its scavenging from gas phase and particulate matter. The fractionated samplings of rainwater can provide information about these processes and their potential sources. However, only a low sample volume may be available, which constrained the analysis in general and more particularly in situ mode. For minimizing this limitation, this work proposes a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-salicylate sensor that produces a color change. The embedding of solid reagents into PDMS was optimized. Good analytical characteristics (analysis time of 10 min, sample volume of 500 mL, limit of detection 0.03 mg/mL1) were obtained. Furthermore, other features of the method such as carbon footprint, equipment cost, residues, toxicity and safety have to be taken into account to be assessed according to the Green Analytical Chemistry approach. In this sense, the hexagon tool was employed for comparing the proposed sensor with methods based on the same reaction as well as with general methods for the ammonium analysis in water (using luminol, ion selective electrode, Nessler and modified Roth method). The proposed method based on PDMS-salicylate sensor stands out from all the others by its sustainability, particularly, in terms of low carbon footprint, residues and cost. The method was applied to fractionated samplings in a suburban site (Galicia, Northwestern Spain) and a higher contribution of the rainout process was observed. When long-duration rain events were analyzed, a relationship between the sampling time and ammonium concentration could indicate a loss of ammonium ion over time. The research focuses on developing an innovative PDMS-sensor, for monitoring ammonium determination in rainwater under wide conditions (scavenging process)

    Pharmacogenetics May Prevent Psychotropic Adverse Events in Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Observational Pilot Study

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    Introduction: Up to 73% of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID) currently have prescriptions for psychotropic drugs. This is explained by a higher prevalence of medical and psychiatric chronic comorbidities, which favors polypharmacy, increasing the probability of the appearance of adverse events (AEs). These could be a preventable cause of harm to patients with ASD and an unnecessary waste of healthcare resources. Objective: To study the impact of pharmacogenetic markers on the prevention of AE appearance in a population with ASD and ID. Methods: This is a cross-sectional, observational study (n = 118, 72 participants completed all information) in the ASD population. Sociodemographic and pharmacological data were gathered. The Udvalg for Kliniske Undersøgelser Scale (UKU Scale) was used to identify AEs related to the use of psychotropic medication. Polymorphisms of DOP2, ABCB1, and COMT were genotyped and correlated with the AE to find candidate genes. Furthermore, a review of all medications assessed in a clinical trial for adults with autism was performed to enrich the search for potential pharmacogenetic markers, keeping in mind the usual medications. Results: The majority of the study population were men (75%) with multiple comorbidities and polypharmacy, the most frequently prescribed drugs were antipsychotics (69%); 21% of the participants had four or more AEs related to psychotropic drugs. The most common were “Neurological” and” Psychiatric” (both 41%). Statistical analysis results suggested a significant correlation between the neurological symptoms and the DOP2 genotype, given that they are not equally distributed among its allelic variants. The final review considered 19 manuscripts of medications for adults with ASD, and the confirmed genetic markers for those medications were consulted in databases. Conclusion: A possible correlation between neurologic AEs and polymorphisms of DOP2 was observed; therefore, studying this gene could contribute to the safety of this population’s prescriptions. The following studies are underway to maximize statistical power and have a better representation of the population

    Adherencia y satisfacción del paciente con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica desde la farmacia comunitaria

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    Introducción: Numerosos estudios demuestran que actualmente la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) está mal controlada e infradiagnosticada en numerosos pacientes debido a la utilización inadecuada de la farmacoterapia. El conocimiento de los pacientes sobre los complejos medicamentos que manejan puede no ser suficiente, y es aquí donde la dispensación activa del farmacéutico comunitario juega un papel esencial. Los objetivos de este artículo son medir la adherencia al tratamiento y el grado de satisfacción con la intervención del farmacéutico de los pacientes que utilizan inhaladores.  Método: Se ha realizado un estudio observacional transversal en 105 pacientes diagnosticados de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) tratados con inhaladores y que acuden a la farmacia comunitaria. A todos los pacientes se les realizó el test de Morisky-Green de adherencia al tratamiento y un test para valorar el grado de satisfacción de los pacientes que utilizan inhaladores con la intervención del farmacéutico.  Resultados: Presentan adherencia al tratamiento el 60% de los pacientes. La adherencia al tratamiento es superior en mujeres que en hombres, y mayor en pacientes de edad igual o superior a 65 años. Respecto al grado de satisfacción con el farmacéutico se observa que el 52,4 % de los pacientes considera adecuada la intervención llevada a cabo por el farmacéutico y el 43,8 % totalmente adecuada. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con EPOC tienen una adherencia al tratamiento bastante mejorable y están satisfechos con la intervención del farmacéutico en la mejora de la utilización de los inhaladores

    Adherencia y satisfacción del paciente con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica desde la farmacia comunitaria

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    Introducción: Numerosos estudios demuestran que actualmente la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) está mal controlada e infradiagnosticada en numerosos pacientes debido a la utilización inadecuada de la farmacoterapia. El conocimiento de los pacientes sobre los complejos medicamentos que manejan puede no ser suficiente, y es aquí donde la dispensación activa del farmacéutico comunitario juega un papel esencial. Los objetivos de este artículo son medir la adherencia al tratamiento y el grado de satisfacción con la intervención del farmacéutico de los pacientes que utilizan inhaladores.  Método: Se ha realizado un estudio observacional transversal en 105 pacientes diagnosticados de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) tratados con inhaladores y que acuden a la farmacia comunitaria. A todos los pacientes se les realizó el test de Morisky-Green de adherencia al tratamiento y un test para valorar el grado de satisfacción de los pacientes que utilizan inhaladores con la intervención del farmacéutico.  Resultados: Presentan adherencia al tratamiento el 60% de los pacientes. La adherencia al tratamiento es superior en mujeres que en hombres, y mayor en pacientes de edad igual o superior a 65 años. Respecto al grado de satisfacción con el farmacéutico se observa que el 52,4 % de los pacientes considera adecuada la intervención llevada a cabo por el farmacéutico y el 43,8 % totalmente adecuada. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con EPOC tienen una adherencia al tratamiento bastante mejorable y están satisfechos con la intervención del farmacéutico en la mejora de la utilización de los inhaladores

    Editorial: Ketogenic diets for cognitive and behavioral function

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    Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. MG-P: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. MC-B: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. GC-E: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. MB: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.Neurodegenerative diseases represent a broad set of pathologies, based on the progressive death of neurons in different regions of the nervous system. Given the complexity of the nervous system, manifestations depending on the affected area are numerous and diverse. Prominent among these is the potential impairment of movement, memory, language, cognition, and learning, causing patients to suffer deterioration in their quality of life and autonomy. However, despite being incurable diseases, in recent years the importance of diet in improving the prognosis of these pathologies has been highlighted. Among these, ketogenic diets stand out as they are able to counteract the pathogenic processes that characterize neurodegeneration, such as high oxidative stress, inflammation, and energy abnormalities at the mitochondrial level. Therefore, they are increasingly being used as complements to treatments, especially because of the benefits evidenced at the cognitive and emotional levelsMedicin

    A Descriptive Review of the Antioxidant Effects and Mechanisms of Action of Berberine and Silymarin

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    Oxidative stress is a key factor in the development of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and liver disorders. Antioxidant therapies that target oxidative damage show significant promise in preventing and treating these conditions. Berberine, an alkaloid derived from various plants in the Berberidaceae family, enhances cellular defenses against oxidative stress through several mechanisms. It activates the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway, which reduces mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and improves energy metabolism. Furthermore, it boosts the activity of key antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx), thus protecting cells from oxidative damage. These actions make berberine effective in managing diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and neurodegenerative disorders. Silymarin, a flavonolignan complex derived from Silybum marianum, is particularly effective for liver protection. It activates the nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) pathway, enhancing antioxidant enzyme expression and stabilizing mitochondrial membranes. Additionally, silymarin reduces the formation of ROS by chelating metal ions, and it also diminishes inflammation. This makes it beneficial for conditions like non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and alcohol-related liver disorders. This review aims to highlight the distinct mechanisms by which berberine and silymarin exert their antioxidant effects.Ciencias de la Alimentació