319 research outputs found

    Mutual Interactions between Aquaporins and Membrane Components

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    During the last years, a number of studies have been focused on the structural evaluation of protein complexes in order to get mechanistic insights into how proteins communicate at the molecular level within the cell. Specific sites of protein-aquaporin interaction have been evaluated and new regulations of aquaporins described based on these associations. Aquaporin isoforms heterotetramerizations are considered as novel regulatory mechanisms for plasma membrane (PIPs) and tonoplast (TIPs) proteins, influencing their intrinsic permeability and trafficking dynamics in the adaptive response to changing environmental conditions. However, protein-protein interaction is an extensive theme that is difficult to tackle and new methodologies of physical interactions are being used in approaches to its study. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) and the identification of cross-linked peptides based on tandem mass spectra, which resulted complementary to other methodologies such as heterologous expression, co-precipitation assays or confocal fluorescence microscopy, have been discussed in this review. The chemical composition or physical characteristics of the lipid bilayer also influences many aspects of membrane aquaporins, including their functionality. The molecular driving forces stabilizing the observed lipid positions around aquaporins could define their activity, which could alter the conformational properties. Therefore, an integrative approach to the relevance of the membrane-aquaporin interaction to different processes related to plant cell physiology is shown. Finally, the interactions between aquaporins and copolymer matrixes or biological compounds offer an opportunity for the functional incorporation of aquaporins into new biotechnological advances

    Youth of Secondary Education at the use and consumption of ICT

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    En estos últimos años se ha visto un incremento exponencial en el uso de los medios digitales a todos los niveles. Por ello, consideramos que se hace necesario, desde el ámbito educativo, conocer los referentes e indicadores que valoren el consumo digital de nuestros jóvenes para plantearnos metodologías colaborativas que nos ayuden a favorecer una educación en y para el consumo de medios digitales, entendiendo que un primer paso sería conocer el equipamiento, acceso y uso para valorar lo que hacen dichos adolescentes cuando interaccionan con estos medios digitales. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el uso y consumo de medios digitales (Internet, redes sociales, teléfono móvil, consola de videojuegos y televisión) del alumnado educación secundaria de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia. Por tanto, en este trabajo se van a presentar los resultados de una investigación, en la que han participado un total de 2734 alumnos de 3º y 4º de la ESO de 15 centros educativos públicos y concertados, a los que se les administró un cuestionario de 73 ítems, con cuatro opciones de respuesta, estructurándose en seis dimensiones que recogen la información referida al uso y consumo de los diferentes medios digitales. Los datos fueron analizados con el paquete estadístico SPSS for Windows 15.0, utilizando estadísticos descriptivos. De los resultados obtenidos habría que destacar las diferencias que se aprecian entre el uso y consumo de los medios digitales por género, ya que los chicos y las chicas no los usan, de la misma manera. Las diferencias más significativas las encontramos en la participación en las redes sociales, en el uso de la consola y ante el consumo de la televisión. En los otros dos medios analizados las diferencias no son tan significativas pero se ha de destacar el consumo de Internet y del móvil entre los jóvenes de 15 a 17 años de ambos sexos.In recent years there has been an exponential increase in the use of digital media at all levels. Therefore, we believe it is necessary, in the educational environment, meet the benchmarks and indicators that assess the digital consumer to ask our youth collaborative methodologies to help us promote education in and for digital media consumption, meaning that a first step would be to know the equipment, access and use to assess what these teens do when they interact with these digital media. The aim of the paper is to analyze the use and consumption of digital media (Internet, social networks, mobile phone, game console and TV) of secondary school students of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia. Therefore, in this paper we will present the results of an investigation, which involved a total of 2734 students in the 3rd and 4th of ESO 15 schools public and private schools, which were given a questionnaire 73 items with four response options, structured in six dimensions which gather information regarding the use and consumption of different digital media. Data were analyzed with SPSS for Windows 15.0, using descriptive statistics. This should highlight the differences of the results that can be seen between the use and consumption of digital media by sex, and that boys and girls are not used in the same way digital media analyzed, the most significant differences are found using social networks, the console and television, in the other two media analyzed the differences are not as significant but must emphasize the use and consumption of mobile Internet and among young people 15-17 years of both sexes.Este articulo presenta resultados del proyecto de investigación "El uso y la interacción de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en el alumnado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria de la Región de Murcia " (Ref. 15252/PPC/10), financiado con cargo al Programa de Generación de Conocimiento Científico de Excelencia de la Fundación Séneca, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia

    La rejilla horizontal antipulgar según técnica de Mollin modificada

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    El presente trabajo presenta un aparato auxiliar fijo para evitar el hábito de succión digital, descrito por el Dr. Mollin (USA) y modificado por el Dr. J. M. Salagnac (Francia). Consiste en una rejilla de disposición horizontal que además de eliminar el hábito de succión, ayuda en la corrección de las alteraciones dentarias ya establecidas y se compara con otros sistemas mecánicos utilizados habitualmente

    Information technology and communication in the school-family relationship

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    El objetivo de nuestra investigación es dar a conocer la valoración que hace la familia del alumnado (autóctono y extranjero) de educación infantil y primaria de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia, sobre el uso y la interacción comunicativa de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). El equipo investigador ha pretendido analizar, con un interés particular, las relaciones mantenidas entre el centro y las familias, centrándonos con mayor interés en la relación existente entre las familias y la escuela ante la incorporación de las TIC. En la metodología se utiliza un diseño transversal en consonancia con la finalidad investigadora, para recoger la opinión de la muestra seleccionada de 1932 familias, mediante la aplicación del cuestionario como instrumento de recogida de información. De los resultados obtenidos se constata que las familias muestran un gran interés en el uso y en la incorporación de estos medios digitales en las aulas, a la vez que están muy interesadas en recibir formación en los propios centros educativos sobre las posibilidades de estas herramientas tecnológicas. En relación al uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación en el hogar hay grandes diferencias según sean autóctonas o extranjeras y dependiendo del país de origen de los progenitores. Esta cualificación de padres y madres condiciona la valoración que se hace sobre TIC tanto en el proceso de enseñanza /aprendizaje de sus hijos, como en el uso que de éstas se desarrolla dentro del hogar.The aim of our research is to inform the assessment by the family of the students (native and foreign) of primary teachers in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, on the use and communicative interaction of Information Technology and Communication Technologies (ICT). The team has tried to analyze, with a particular interest, the relationships between the school and families, focusing more interested in the relationship between families and the school to the incorporation of ICT. The methodology used a crossover design in line with the purpose of research, to obtain the views of the selected sample of 1932 families through the questionnaire as a tool for gathering information. From the results it appears that families show great interest in the use and incorporation of these digital media in the classroom, while they are very interested in receiving training in educational centers on the potential of these technological tools. Regarding the use of Information Technology and Communication in the home there are great differences as are native or foreign, and depending on the country of origin of the parents. This qualification of parents affects the ratings given ICT both in the teaching / learning of their children, as in the use of these takes place within the home

    Information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning process of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

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    En este artículo realizamos un análisis teórico sobre el uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje con alumnado que presenta necesidad específica de apoyo educativo. En concreto, el análisis pretende destacar las potencialidades de las TIC en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del alumnado con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA). A partir de distintas investigaciones que recogen experiencias educativas llevadas a cabo con este alumnado, se muestran los resultados conseguidos que manifiestan la evidencia de las bondades de las TIC en la enseñanza de estas personas. En este sentido, definimos algunas de las características que tienen las TIC que las convierten en un medio de ayuda para la educación del alumnado con TEA. A continuación, señalamos cómo una de las principales aplicaciones del uso de TIC en la enseñanza de este alumnado se concreta en el uso de software educativo. Seguidamente, exponemos las características que debe reunir un software educativo adaptado para el alumnado con TEA y, por último, presentamos ejemplos de software educativo existente para este alumnado y que pueden ser aplicados en la escuela, con la participación de los docentes, y en el hogar, con la participación de las familias.In this paper, we present a theoretical analysis of the use of information technology and communication (ICT) in teaching and learning process of students with special needs. Specifically, the analysis shows the potential of ICT in teaching and learning process of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). From various investigations that collect educational experiences conducted with these students, we indicate the results obtained that show evidence of the benefits of ICT in teaching these people. In this sense, we define some of the features of ICT that make them an aid for the education of students with ASD. Next, we show how one of the main applications of ICT use in teaching these students is specified in the use of educational software. Next, we present the characteristics required of educational software adapted for students with ASD and, finally, we present examples of existing educational software for these students and can be applied at school, with the participation of teachers, and the home, with family involvement

    Expression Profiles and DNA-Binding Affinity of Five ERF Genes in Bunches of Vitis vinifera cv. Cardinal Treated with High Levels of CO2 at Low Temperature

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    Ethylene response factors (ERFs) play an important role in plants by regulating defense response through interaction with various stress pathways. After harvest, table grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) are subject to a range of problems associated with postharvest storage at 0°C, such as fungal attack, water loss and rachis browning. The application of a 3-day high CO2 treatment maintained fruit quality and activated the induction of transcription factors belonging to different families such as ERF. In this paper, we have isolated five VviERFs from table grapes cv. Cardinal, whose deduced amino acid sequence contained the conserved apetalous (AP2)/ERF domain. The phylogeny and putative conserved motifs in VviERFs were analyzed and compared with those previously reported in Vitis. VviERFs-c gene expression was studied by quantitative real-time RT-PCR in the different tissues of bunches stored at low temperature and treated with high levels of CO2. The results showed that in most of the tissues analyzed, VviERFs-c gene expression was induced by the storage under normal atmosphere although the application of high levels of CO2 caused a greater increase in the VviERFs-c transcript accumulation. The promoter regions of two PRs (pathogenesis related proteins), Vcchit1b and Vcgns1, were obtained and the in silico analysis revealed the presence of a cis-acting ethylene response element (GCC box). In addition, expression of these two PR genes was analyzed in the pulp and rachis of CO2-treated and non-treated table grapes stored at 0°C and results showed significant correlations with VviERF2-c and VviERF6L7-c gene expression in rachis, and between VviERF11-c and Vcchit1b in pulp. Finally by using electro mobility shift assays, we denoted differences in binding of VviERFs to the GCC sequences present in the promoters of both PRs, with VviERF6L7-c being the only member which did not bind to any tested probe. Overall, our results suggest that the beneficial effect of high CO2 treatment maintaining table grape quality seems to be mediated by the regulation of ERFs and in particular VviERF2-c might play an important role by modulating the expression of PR genes.This work was supported by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme FP7-PEOPLE-2012-CIG no. 321694 and by CICYT projects AGL2011-26742 and AGL2014-53081-R. IR and MV-H were supported by a postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva contract from the MICINN and a predoctoral contract from the MEC, respectively.USD 2,116.5 APC fee funded by the EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access PilotPeer reviewe

    Mechanical Properties and Durability of CNT Cement Composites

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    In the present paper, changes in mechanical properties of Portland cement-based mortars due to the addition of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and corrosion of embedded steel rebars in CNT cement pastes are reported. Bending strength, compression strength, porosity and density of mortars were determined and related to the CNT dosages. CNT cement paste specimens were exposed to carbonation and chloride attacks, and results on steel corrosion rate tests were related to CNT dosages. The increase in CNT content implies no significant variations of mechanical properties but higher steel corrosion intensities were observed.The authors would like to acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ref: Mat 2009-10866) and Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2013/035) for their economic support on this research

    Ca, B and Si application determining fruit physical quality in relation to aquaporins in Prunus species

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    [SPA] Los frutos del género Prunus sp. siguen un patrón climatérico de maduración, produciendo un rápido deterioro de la calidad del fruto y causando el acortamiento de la vida útil del producto. Uno de los parámetros de calidad que más afectados se ve por este decaimiento es la firmeza, la cual está considerada como uno de los más importantes tanto a nivel mercantil como de manejo de los frutos. Algunos minerales como Ca, B y Si han demostrado ser claves para la estructura y función de la pared celular, favoreciendo el mantenimiento de la firmeza. Por otro lado, el Ca, aplicado en spray, ha demostrado ser capaz de regular la actividad de las acuaporinas en situaciones de estrés para la planta. En este trabajo se realizaron aplicaciones de tratamientos combinados (Ca+B y Ca+Si) en cuatro especies de Prunus, determinando la relación de su firmeza con la activación del transporte y mantenimiento de nutrientes en los frutos a través de las acuaporinas. Ambos tratamientos resultaron efectivos en la activación de acuaporinas, la firmeza mostró tener un componente genético más importante. [ENG] The fruits of the genus Prunus sp. follow a climacteric pattern of ripening, producing a quick deterioration of the fruit quality and causing the shortening of their shelf life. Firmness is considered one of the most important features both, commercially and in the fruit management. It is one of the quality parameters most affected by this ripening decay. Some minerals such as Ca, B and Si have been shown to be involved in the structure and function of the cell wall, favouring the maintenance of firmness. On the other hand, Ca, applied in spray, has been shown to be able to regulate the activity of aquaporins under stressful situations for the plant. In this work, the application of combined treatments (Ca+B and Ca+Si) was carried out in four Prunus species, determining the relation between their firmness and the activation of nutrient transport through the aquaporins. Both treatments were effective in activating aquaporins, firmness showed to have a more important genetic component.Agradecemos a la empresa Fénix Fresh su implicación en el proyecto y envío de frutos para su análisis