2,840 research outputs found


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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Civil.O modal metroviário se destaca como uma interessante solução para a mitigação dos problemas de mobilidade urbana. A implantação de tal sistema passa para por diversas etapas. O projeto básico e com ele o pré-dimensionamento de suas estruturas de suporte são cruciais para o adequado desenvolvimento da obra. Esse trabalho busca, através de modelos teóricos e empíricos, dimensionar as estruturas de suporte de um túnel de ligação, um túnel de via e um poço de ventilação e saída de emergência. As estruturas de suporte dos túneis foram dimensionadas utilizando o sistema Q de Barton. Já as estruturas do poço foram obtidas a partir de uma combinação entre a teoria de empuxo de Rankine e cascas de revolução. Além disso, o resultado dos dimensionamentos passou por duas análises distintas com ferramentas computacionais. A primeira avaliou a estabilidade dos blocos de rocha formados entre a escavação das estruturas e as descontinuidades do maciço com o programa Unwedge da Rocscience. Na segunda utilizaram-se modelos de elementos finitos para verificar os sistemas de suporte. Esse consiste do programa Phase2 da mesma empresa do anterior. Dentre os resultados obtidos, encontrou-se que as estruturas de suporte dos túneis foram superdimensionadas. Também, percebeu-se a importância de realizar a análise com diversas ferramentas, já que as estruturas de suporte tiveram um impacto grande na análise de estabilidade de blocos

    Academia Physical: Jonas e Tubarão

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    The human body can be considered as a visual medium of individual expression. The practice of bodybuilding and muscle hypertrophy is a possibility of self-creation. In this essay I present two urban characters who work with an idealized model of male body, through powerlifting and bodybuilding. Masculinity associated with physical strength appears as a desired virtue in this lifestyle. The photos are based on a bodybuilding gym in the center of Porto Alegre.O corpo humano pode ser considerado um meio visual de expressão dos indivíduos, nesse contexto, a prática da musculação e hipertrofia muscular é uma possibilidade de criação de si mesmo. Neste ensaio apresento dois personagens urbanos que trabalham com um modelo idealizado de corpo masculino por meio do levantamento de peso e do fisiculturismo. A masculinidade associada à força física aparece como uma virtude almejada nesse estilo de vida. As fotografias têm como cenário uma academia de musculação no centro de Porto Alegre

    Determinants of Capital Structure of Italian Selected Listed Companies

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    The study aims to identify the main determinants of the capital structure of Italian listed companies and is based on the assumption that profitability is the fundamental variable. For this purpose, a sample was selected consisting of all the companies that had published their 2021 financial statements at the date of the research. A linear regression model was used for the analysis of the relationships, in which the operating income to total assets and the financial result to total assets were considered as independent variables, while the equity ratio and the debt ratio were used as dependent variables The results obtained show that financial profitability contributes more than the operating one to the equilibrium of the capital structure

    Proposal of a coast-down model including speed dependent coefficients for the retarding forces

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    Coast-down techniques are widely used on bicycles and motorized vehicles in order to estimate retarding forces and respective coefficients. The mathematical model behind coast-down data analysis is usually based on the assumption that both drag and rolling resistance coefficients do not depend on the vehicle speed. This assumption restricts the model validity to the specifically tested range of speeds and provide averaged values for the force coefficients. In the attempt to overcome this limit, the proposal of a complete polynomial equation of motion is developed, evaluated and discussed on a human powered vehicle case study. The analysis points out that the extended model is adequate for experimental data fitting and could potentially provide a more reliable power-speed prediction outside the testing range. However, the expressions included in the model in order to account for speed dependent coefficients is a first approximation with limited capability to represent these complex phenomena. As a consequence, further experimental testing is needed in order to achieve a validation. Advantages and side effects of both the classical and the complete polynomial models are discussed, concluding that the two approaches could be complementary and could answer different needs that specifically depend on the purpose of the coast-down analysis

    Notes on fast in India

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    Sustainability reporting in banks: History of studies and a conceptual framework for thinking about the future by learning from the past

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    The importance of sustainability reporting has grown steadily over time and banks, as intermediaries in the capital allocation, are significantly involved in the issue. By analyzing the development of studies on banks' sustainability reporting over the past 30 years, this contribution aims to set up a conceptual framework for guiding historical research and glimpsing future directions. Most of the literature on sustainability reporting is organized by specific topics and rarely by periods, while research in this area suffers from the lack of historical analysis models. The study addresses these two research gaps by applying the historical approach both to a structured literature review and to the interpretation of the results. The theoretical utility of the study consists in the development of a conceptual framework for historical research, while its practical relevance lies in indicating to banks and lawmakers the critical issues and opportunities of the ongoing regulatory changes


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    Management Profiles of Capital Increases with a Premium. Evidence from Italy

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    The present contribution investigates the issue of shares with a premium, especially concerning those factors that influence the pricing of securities. In particular, the analysis was carried out by examining a sample of small businesses listed on the Italian Stock Exchange and showed that the phenomenon of the share premium represents a situation of considerable importance. Furthermore, the study aims to demonstrate how the share premium can perform both a compensatory or equalizing function between old and new shareholders, and an eminently financial function in favor of the company. In the case of the compensatory function, typical of older companies, the determination of the share premium measure is mainly due to the amount of the accumulated net equity, since the subscription of the new shares gives the right to participate in its benefits. In the case of the financial function, more typical of younger companies, the main purpose of the share premium is to provide the company with adequate financial resources to support its future growth

    Petrarca inspanizzato : le "Invectivas" o "Reprehensiones contra el médico" di Hernando de Talavera

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    La traducción de las Invective contra medicum, acabada por Hernando de Talavera a mediados del siglo XV es obra fundamental para estudiar la penetración del Petrarca 'filósofo' en la Península. Asimismo el romanceamiento destaca, en el panorama del Cuatrocientos, por ser un ejemplo\ud de buen a traducción humanística, según muestra el análisis de la lengua\ud del traductor, caracterizada por el uso de un léxico culto, pero no 'colonizado' por los latinismos, y una emulación de la sintaxis latina que nunca se convierte en pasiva reproducción del ordo verborum. El texto, hasta ahora, mal o solo parcialmente editado, necesita un riguroso rescate filológico, en una edición que ahonde en la relación con el modelo subyacente y en interesantes\ud detalles paratextuales, como las glosas al margen y la puntuación.The translation of the Invective contra medicum, that Hernando de Talavera carried out in the mid of the 15th century is a fundamental work for studying the penetration of Petrarch's philosophical thought in the Iberian peninsula. Moreover, this romanceamiento stands out in the landscape\ud of the 15th century Spanish literature as an example of a good humanistic\ud translation. This is appreciable from the analysis of the translator's language,\ud which is characterised by the lexicon he used, learned but not 'colonised' by latinisms, and by an emulation of the Latin syntax that never fell in the passive\ud reproduction of the ordo verborum. This text was incompletely or even\ud badly published in the past and merits a rigorous philological reappraisal, in\ud an edition that more deeply examines the relationships with the Latin model, as well as sorne interesting paratextual details as the marginal glosses and the\ud punctuation