145 research outputs found


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    This thesis analyzes some aspects of the relationship between health and economic growth from a theoretical point of view. It consists of two papers, one co-authored and one single-authored. The co-authored paper \u201cChildren's health, human capital accumulation, and R&D-based economic growth\u201d describes the role of children's health for human capital accumulation and for long-run economic growth. For this purpose we design an R&D-based growth model in which the stock of human capital of the next generation is determined by parental education and health investments. We show that i) there is a complementarity between education and health: if parents want to have better educated children, they also raise health investments and vice versa; ii) parental health investments exert an unambiguously positive effect on long-run economic growth, iii) faster population growth reduces long-run economic growth. These results are consistent with the empirical evidence for modern economies in the twentieth century. In the single-authored paper \u201cDifferent Types of Health Expenditures in an OLG framework: living longer or working better?\u201d, the health status of individuals affects their longevity and their labor productivity. We include public health expenditures into an overlapping-generations model. The government faces the trade-off investing its revenues either into the health expenditure that makes the labor force productive, or into the health expenditure that increases life expectancy. We show how the government optimally allocates the resources between the two types of health expenditures. The results are remarkable because by using a straightforward structure of the economy, we are able to combine two strings of the existing literature about the impacts of health: higher life expectancy and higher worker productivity

    Latitudinal variation in maternal investment traits of the kelp crab Taliepus dentatus along the coast of Chile

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    Maternal investment (MI), the energy allocated by mothers to offspring, has important effects on the life-history traits of marine organisms. Variation in such traits shows strong correlation with latitude for several marine taxa (Thorson’s rule). Large-scale latitudinal variation in MI within a single species suggests population genetic divergence, while temporal changes in MI, rather, reflect plasticity. At higher latitudes (i.e., colder waters), traits associated with MI (brood weight, fecundity, egg volume, and energy content) increase. To identify phenotypic plasticity along a latitudinal gradient in MI traits (brood weight, egg volume, density number, and egg lipid composition), five populations of the kelp crab Taliepus dentatus along the coast of Chile (30°S–42°S) were investigated during the summer (December–February) and winter months (June–August) of 2015–2016. Despite this wide latitudinal range, the sea surface temperature (SST) difference between the northernmost and the southernmost sites was only approximately 2.0 °C in winter and 5.5 °C in summer. In summer, when latitudinal variation in SST was highest, brood weight, egg density, fecundity, and egg lipids increased with latitude, while egg volume decreased. No trends in MI were observed in winter when the SST gradient was almost non-existent. These results suggest that the relationship between MI and latitude is shaped by temperature rather than being site-specific. The seasonality of latitudinal MI traits also suggests a trade-off between the costs of female maintenance and/or brooding behaviours and MI. When investigating latitudinal and temporal variation in marine brooder MI, the effect of temperature on life-history traits and the associated costs of female brooding should be quantified

    Apoptosis and proliferation in thyroid carcinoma: correlation with bcl-2 and p53 protein expression.

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    The aim of this study was to determine the apoptotic cell death in 92 thyroid carcinomas of different histotypes (42 papillary, PTC; 12 poorly differentiated, PDC: 21 undifferentiated, UC; and 17 medullary, MC) by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP-digoxigenin nick end labelling (TUNEL). Apoptotic index (Al, evaluated as a percentage of TUNEL-positive cells of neoplastic cells) was calculated in each tumour. The AI was very low in all subtypes of thyroid carcinoma, ranging from a median value of 0.2 in PTC to 1.4 in UC. The proliferative activity was determined by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibody, MIB-1. The percentage of proliferating cells was significantly different among the histotypes, increasing with tumour aggressiveness (from the mean value of 3.1 for PTC to 5.6 for PDC and 51.8 for UC). In addition, the ratio between proliferative activity and apoptosis was significantly higher in UC than in the other histotypes. The expression of bcl-2 and p53 protein (important in the modulation of cell death) was correlated (bcl-2, inverse correlation, r2 = 0.1, P = 0.04; p53, direct correlation, r2 = 0.11, P = 0.02) with apoptotic index in PTC

    Activation of diacylglycerol kinase alpha is required for VEGF-induced angiogenic signaling in vitro.

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) promotes angiogenesis by stimulating migration, proliferation and organization of endothelium, through the activation of signaling pathways involving Src tyrosine kinase. As we had previously shown that Src-mediated activation of diacylglycerol kinase-alpha (Dgk-alpha) is required for hepatocytes growth factor-stimulated cell migration, we asked whether Dgk-alpha is involved in the transduction of angiogenic signaling. In PAE-KDR cells, an endothelial-derived cell line expressing VEGFR-2, VEGF-A165, stimulates the enzymatic activity of Dgk-alpha: activation is inhibited by R59949, an isoform-specific Dgk inhibitor, and is dependent on Src tyrosine kinase, with which Dgk-alpha forms a complex. Conversely in HUVEC, VEGF-A165-induced activation of Dgk is only partially sensitive to R59949, suggesting that also other isoforms may be activated, albeit still dependent on Src tyrosine kinase. Specific inhibition of Dgk-alpha, obtained in both cells by R59949 and in PAE-KDR by expression of Dgk-alpha dominant-negative mutant, impairs VEGF-A165-dependent chemotaxis, proliferation and in vitro angiogenesis. In addition, in HUVEC, specific downregulation of Dgk-alpha by siRNA impairs in vitro angiogenesis on matrigel, further suggesting the requirement for Dgk-alpha in angiogenic signaling in HUVEC. Thus, we propose that activation of Dgk-alpha generates a signal essential for both proliferative and migratory response to VEGF-A165, suggesting that it may constitute a novel pharmacological target for angiogenesis control.

    A Network of MicroRNAs and mRNAs Involved in Melanosome Maturation and Trafficking Defines the Lower Response of Pigmentable Melanoma Cells to Targeted Therapy

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    Simple Summary Selective inhibitors of mutant BRAFV600E (BRAFi) have revolutionized the treatment of metastatic melanoma patients and represent a powerful example of the efficacy of targeted therapy. However, one of the main limitations of BRAFi is that treated cells put in place several adaptive response mechanisms, which initially confer drug tolerance and later provide a gateway for the insurgence of genetically acquired resistance mechanisms. We previously discovered that pigmentation is one of these adaptive response mechanisms. Upon BRAFi treatment, those cells that increase their pigmentation level are more resistant to BRAFi than those that do not. Here, we demonstrate that pigmentation limits BRAFi activity through an increase in the number of intracellular mature melanosomes. We also show that this increase derives from increased maturation and/or trafficking. In addition, we identify the miRNAs and mRNAs that are involved in these biological processes. Finally, we provide the rationale for testing a new combinatorial therapeutic strategy that aims at increasing BRAFi efficacy by blocking the adaptive responses that they elicit. This strategy is based on the combined use of BRAFi with inhibitors of pigmentation, specifically inhibitors of melanosome maturation and/or trafficking. Background: The ability to increase their degree of pigmentation is an adaptive response that confers pigmentable melanoma cells higher resistance to BRAF inhibitors (BRAFi) compared to non-pigmentable melanoma cells. Methods: Here, we compared the miRNome and the transcriptome profile of pigmentable 501Mel and SK-Mel-5 melanoma cells vs. non-pigmentable A375 melanoma cells, following treatment with the BRAFi vemurafenib (vem). In depth bioinformatic analyses (clusterProfiler, WGCNA and SWIMmeR) allowed us to identify the miRNAs, mRNAs and biological processes (BPs) that specifically characterize the response of pigmentable melanoma cells to the drug. Such BPs were studied using appropriate assays in vitro and in vivo (xenograft in zebrafish embryos). Results: Upon vem treatment, miR-192-5p, miR-211-5p, miR-374a-5p, miR-486-5p, miR-582-5p, miR-1260a and miR-7977, as well as GPR143, OCA2, RAB27A, RAB32 and TYRP1 mRNAs, are differentially expressed only in pigmentable cells. These miRNAs and mRNAs belong to BPs related to pigmentation, specifically melanosome maturation and trafficking. In fact, an increase in the number of intracellular melanosomes-due to increased maturation and/or trafficking-confers resistance to vem. Conclusion: We demonstrated that the ability of pigmentable cells to increase the number of intracellular melanosomes fully accounts for their higher resistance to vem compared to non-pigmentable cells. In addition, we identified a network of miRNAs and mRNAs that are involved in melanosome maturation and/or trafficking. Finally, we provide the rationale for testing BRAFi in combination with inhibitors of these biological processes, so that pigmentable melanoma cells can be turned into more sensitive non-pigmentable cells

    The diacylglycerol kinase α/Atypical PKC/β1 integrin pathway in SDF-1α mammary carcinoma invasiveness

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    Diacylglycerol kinase α (DGKα), by phosphorylating diacylglycerol into phosphatidic acid, provides a key signal driving cell migration and matrix invasion. We previously demonstrated that in epithelial cells activation of DGKα activity promotes cytoskeletal remodeling and matrix invasion by recruiting atypical PKC at ruffling sites and by promoting RCP-mediated recycling of α5β1 integrin to the tip of pseudopods. In here we investigate the signaling pathway by which DGKα mediates SDF-1α-induced matrix invasion of MDA-MB-231 invasive breast carcinoma cells. Indeed we showed that, following SDF-1α stimulation, DGKα is activated and localized at cell protrusion, thus promoting their elongation and mediating SDF-1α induced MMP-9 metalloproteinase secretion and matrix invasion. Phosphatidic acid generated by DGKα promotes localization at cell protrusions of atypical PKCs which play an essential role downstream of DGKα by promoting Rac-mediated protrusion elongation and localized recruitment of β1 integrin and MMP-9. We finally demonstrate that activation of DGKα, atypical PKCs signaling and β1 integrin are all essential for MDA-MB-231 invasiveness. These data indicates the existence of a SDF-1α induced DGKα - atypical PKC - β1 integrin signaling pathway, which is essential for matrix invasion of carcinoma cells


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    Cachexia is a wasting syndrome associated with cancer, AIDS, and multiple sclerosis, and several other disease states. It is characterized by weight loss, fatigue, loss of appetite and skeletal muscle atrophy and is associated with poor patient prognosis, making it an important treatment target. Ghrelin is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth hormone (GH) release and positive energy balance through binding to the receptor GHSR-1a. Only acylated ghrelin (AG), but not the unacylated form (UnAG), can bind GHSR-1a; however, UnAG and AG share several GHSR-1aindependent biological activities. Here we investigated whether UnAG and AG could protect against skeletal muscle atrophy in a GHSR-1a-independent manner. We found that both AG and UnAG inhibited dexamethasone-induced skeletal muscle atrophy and atrogene expression through PI3K\u3b2-, mTORC2-, and p38-mediated pathways in myotubes. Up-regulation of circulating UnAG in mice impaired skeletal muscle atrophy induced by either fasting or denervation without stimulating muscle hypertrophy and GHSR-1a-mediated activation of the GH/IGF-1 axis. In Ghsrdeficient mice, both AG and UnAG induced phosphorylation of Akt in skeletal muscle and impaired fasting-induced atrophy. These results demonstrate that AG and UnAG act on a common, unidentified receptor to block skeletal muscle atrophy in a GH-independent manner

    Growth Hormone Secretagogues Protect Mouse Cardiomyocytes from in vitro Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury through Regulation of Intracellular Calcium

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    Background: Ischemic heart disease is a leading cause of mortality. To study this disease, ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) models are widely used to mimic the process of transient blockage and subsequent recovery of cardiac coronary blood supply. We aimed to determine whether the presence of the growth hormone secretagogues, ghrelin and hexarelin, would protect/improve the function of heart from I/R injury and to examine the underlying mechanisms. Methodology/Principal Findings: Isolated hearts from adult male mice underwent 20 min global ischemia and 30 min reperfusion using a Langendorff apparatus. Ghrelin (10 nM) or hexarelin (1 nM) was introduced into the perfusion system either 10 min before or after ischemia, termed pre- and post-treatments. In freshly isolated cardiomyocytes from these hearts, single cell shortening, intracellular calcium ([Ca ] ) transients and caffeine-releasable sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca were measured. In addition, RT-PCR and Western blots were used to examine the expression level of GHS receptor type 1a (GHS-R1a), and phosphorylated phospholamban (p-PLB), respectively. Ghrelin and hexarelin pre- or post-treatments prevented the significant reduction in the cell shortening, [Ca ] transient amplitude and caffeine-releasable SR Ca content after I/R through recovery of p-PLB. GHS-R1a antagonists, [D-Lys3]-GHRP-6 (200 nM) and BIM28163 (100 nM), completely blocked the effects of GHS on both cell shortening and [Ca ] transients. Conclusion/Significance: Through activation of GHS-R1a, ghrelin and hexarelin produced a positive inotropic effect on ischemic cardiomyocytes and protected them from I/R injury probably by protecting or recovering p-PLB (and therefore SR Ca content) to allow the maintenance or recovery of normal cardiac contractility. These observations provide supporting evidence for the potential therapeutic application of ghrelin and hexarelin in patients with cardiac I/R injury
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