1,563 research outputs found

    Experimental study of main rotor tip geometry and tail rotor interactions in hover. Volume 1. Text and figures

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    A model scale hover test was conducted in the Sikorsky Aircraft Model rotor hover Facility to identify and quantify the impact of the tail rotor on the demonstrated advantages of advanced geometry tip configurations. The test was conducted using the Basic Model Test Rig and two scaled main rotor systems, one representing a 1/5.727 scale UH-60A BLACK HAWK and the others a 1/4.71 scale S-76. Eight alternate rotor tip configurations were tested, 3 on the BLACK HAWK rotor and 6 on the S-76 rotor. Four of these tips were then selected for testing in close proximity to an operating tail rotor (operating in both tractor and pusher modes) to determine if the performance advantages that could be obtained from the use of advanced geometry tips in a main rotor only environment would still exist in the more complex flow field involving a tail rotor. The test showed that overall the tail rotor effects on the advanced tip configurations tested are not substantially different from the effects on conventional tips

    Experimental study of main rotor tip geometry and tail rotor interactions in hover. Volume 2: Run log and tabulated data

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    A model scale hover test was conducted in the Sikorsky Aircraft Model Rotor hover Facility to identify and quantify the impact of the tail rotor on the demonstrated advantages of advanced geometry tip configurations. The existence of mutual interference between hovering main rotor and a tail rotor was acknowledged in the test. The test was conducted using the Basic Model Test Rig and two scaled main rotor systems, one representing a 1/5.727 scale UH-60A BLACK HAWK and the others a 1/4.71 scale S-76. Eight alternate rotor tip configurations were tested, 3 on the BLACK HAWK rotor and 6 on the S-76 rotor. Four of these tips were then selected for testing in close proximity to an operating tail rotor (operating in both tractor and pusher modes) to determine if the performance advantages that could be obtained from the use of advanced geometry tips in a main rotor only environment would still exist in the more complex flow field involving a tail rotor. This volume contains the test run log and tabulated data

    Experimental study of main rotor/tail rotor/airframe interactions in hover. Volume 1: Text and figures

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    To assist in identifying and quantifying the relevant parameters associated with the complex topic of main rotor/fuselage/tail rotor interference, a model scale hover test was conducted in the Model Rotor Hover Facility. The test was conducted using the basic model test rig, fuselage skins to represent a UH-60A BLACK HAWK helicopter, 4 sets of rotor blades of varying geometry (i.e., twist, airfoils and solidity) and a model tail rotor that could be relocated to give changes in rotor clearance (axially, laterally, and vertically), can't angle and operating model (pusher or tractor). The description of the models and the tests, data analysis and summary (including plots) are included. The customary system of units gas used for principal measurements and calculations. Expressions in both SI units and customary units are used with the SI units stated first and the customary units afterwords, in parenthesis

    Chalk-Ex—fate of CaCO3 particles in the mixed layer : evolution of patch optical properties

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 114 (2009): C07020, doi:10.1029/2008JC004902.The fate of particles in the mixed layer is of great relevance to the global carbon cycle as well as to the propagation of light in the sea. We conducted four manipulative field experiments called “Chalk-Ex” in which known quantities of uniform, calcium carbonate particles were injected into the surface mixed layer. Since the production term for these patches was known to high precision, the experimental design allowed us to focus on terms associated with particle loss. The mass of chalk in the patches was evaluated using the well-calibrated light-scattering properties of the chalk plus measurements from a variety of optical measurements and platforms. Patches were surveyed with a temporal resolution of hours over spatial scales of tens of kilometers. Our results demonstrated exponential loss of the chalk particles with time from the patches. There was little evidence for rapid sinking of the chalk. Instead, horizontal eddy diffusion appeared to be the major factor affecting the dispersion of the chalk to concentrations below the limits of detection. There was unequivocal evidence of subduction of the chalk along isopycnals and subsequent formation of thin layers. Shear dispersion is the most likely mechanism to explain these results. Calculations of horizontal eddy diffusivity were consistent with other mixed layer patch experiments. Our results provide insight into the importance of physics in the formation of subsurface particle maxima in the sea, as well as the importance of rapid coccolith production and critical patch size for maintenance of natural coccolithophore blooms in nature.We would like to thank the Office of Naval Research/Optical and Biological Oceanography Program for their support of Chalk-Ex with awards N000140110042 (WMB) and N00014-01-1-0141 (AJP). Additional funding for this work came from ONR (N00014-05-1- 0111) and NASA (NNG04Gl11G, NNX08AC27G, NNG04HZ25C) to W.M.B

    Helicopter tail rotor thrust and main rotor wake coupling in crosswind flight

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    The tail rotor of a helicopter with a single main rotor configuration can experience a significant reduction in thrust when the aircraft operates in crosswind flight. Brown’s vorticity transport model has been used to simulate a main rotor and tail rotor system translating at a sideslip angle that causes the tail rotor to interact with the main rotor tip vortices as they propagate downstream at the lateral extremities of the wake. The tail rotor is shown to exhibit a distinct directionally dependent mode during which tail rotors that are configured so that the blades travel forward at the top of the disk develop less thrust than tail rotors with the reverse sense of rotation. The range of flight speeds over which this mode exists is shown to vary considerably with the vertical location of the tail rotor. At low flight speeds, the directionally dependent mode occurs because the tail rotor is immersed within not only the downwash from the main rotor but also the rotational flow associated with clusters of largely disorganized vorticity within the main rotor wake. At higher flight speeds, however, the tail rotor is immersed within a coherent supervortex that strongly influences the velocity field surrounding the tail rotor

    Coccolithophore counts from polarized microscopy birefringence measurements of samples collected in the Northwest Atlantic during R/V Endeavor cruise EN616 in July 2018

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    Dataset: Coccolithophore birefringence from polarized microscopyThis dataset presents polarized microscopy-derived concentration data for coccolithophores and detached coccoliths in samples collected from stations in the Northwest Atlantic during R/V Endeavor cruise EN616 in July 2018. Counts are based on image analysis of dark-field, cross-polarized views of filtered particulate matter. These counts take advantage of the birefringence property of calcium carbonate (particulate inorganic carbon) that it rotates the plane of linearly polarized incident light by 90 degrees. Incident light directed upwards, towards the microscope slide, is polarized 90 degrees with a linear polarizer. Particles are viewed from above the slide, through a second, linear polarizer filter held between the microscope stage and the camera which only accepts light that is polarized orthogonal to the lower polarizer. Calcium carbonate particles in the beam appear as bright dots of light. Image analysis software then analyzes the pattern of birefringence and enumerates only those particles with size and shape of coccolithophores or detached coccoliths. For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at: https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/887863NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) OCE-163574

    Embryonic development of the squid, Illex illecebrosus, and effect of temperature on development rates

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    Development stages for artificially fertilized and naturally spawned eggs of Illex illecebrosus were observed and a staging scheme proposed which relates to earlier studies on naturally spawned eggs of Illex coindetii and artificially fertilized eggs of Todarodes pacificus. Photographs and descriptions of stages provide a reference for embryonic development of small ommastrephid eggs and an aid to the identification of egg masses of the species in nature, an essential step in understanding its life cycle. Embryonic development in Illex illecebrosus fails at temperatures below 12.5°C. and the development rate at 21°C is nearly twice that at 12.5°C. This temperature requirement restricts the spatial and temporal distribution of spawning in this squid, and temperature-related development rates allow prediction of the age of egg masses found in nature in water masses of a particular temperature