184 research outputs found

    Workflow Concept of WS-PGRADE/gUSE

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    On the equivalence of specific control flow and data flow patterns with use cases

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    Building science gateways by utilizing the generic WS-PGRADE/gUSE workflow system

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    Diplomska naloga obravnava toplotnoizolacijske materiale iz lesenih vlaken in celuloze, primerja te materiale s klasičnimi materiali in podaja konkretni primer uporabe le-teh v prostostoječi enodružinski hiši. V prvem sklopu obravnavamo omenjene materiale v splošnem. Podamo kratek zgodovinski pregled le-teh, opišemo njihove lastnosti. Z izračuni primerjamo materiale iz lesenih vlaken in celuloze s klasičnimi materiali. Pri tem upoštevamo veljavni Pravilnik o učinkoviti rabi energije v stanovanjih. Primerjamo tudi cene in ugotavljamo optimalne rešitve za tolotno izolacijo individualnih hiš. V drugem sklopu uporabimo izračunane vrednosti in jih preverimo na konkretnem primeru prostostoječe enodružinske hiše. Pri tem prikažemo rezultate za izbran izolacijski material ter tako predstavimo uporabo izolacijskih materialov iz lesenih vlaken in celuloze v projektantski praksi.The thesis discusses the thermal insulation made of wood fibers and cellulose, compares these materials with classic materials, and presents concrete example of its use in the individual single-family detached home. In the first section, the insulation materials made of wood fibers and cellulose are discussed in general. The historical backgrounds of the production of these materials as well as their properties are presented. Materials made of wood fibers and cellulose are compared with classic insulation materials through calculations. In these calculations the new regulations on efficient use of energy in housing are considered. We also compare the prices and optimal solutions for house insulation. In the second section, the results of analysis on the own single-family detached home, which we have designed during our survey are presented, including the calculations of thermal materials used. Further, the cases of houses projects with the use of thermal materials made of wood fibres and cellulose are described

    Korpuszalapú fordítástudomány, és ami mögötte van

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    Supporting agricultural communities with workflows on heterogeneous computing resources

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