49 research outputs found

    Starch-gelatin antimicrobial packaging materials to extend the shelf life of chicken breast fillets

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    [EN] Antimicrobial starch:gelatin (1:1) films containing N-¿-lauroyl-l-arginine ethyl ester monohydrochloride (LAE) (10 % wt.) were used as food contact active layers in chicken breast fillets vacuum-packaged in polyamide/polyethylene pouches. Active layers were thermoprocessed (TP) or cast (OC) on the plastic film. Oxidized starch was used in OC coatings. Packaged chicken breast samples were stored at 4¿°C and their physicochemical properties (pH, colour and lipid oxidation) and microbial quality were analysed throughout storage. Both TP and OC films significantly (p¿<¿0.05) extended the shelf life of chicken breast fillets compared to control samples. The starch oxidation reaction in OC films promoted the formation of Maillard reaction compounds in the starch-gelatine blends, which enhanced the antimicrobial effectiveness of the OC films, but also promoted oxidative processes. This greatly affected the pH and colour parameters in OC packaged samples. Therefore, TP blend films containing LAE are recommended since they effectively extended the shelf life of chicken breast fillets without affecting the meat oxidation.The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by Ministerio de Economia y Competividad (Projects AGL2016-76699-R and AGL2013-42989-R). Olga Moreno Marro also thanks the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte for the FPU 2012-1121 grant.Moreno Marro, O.; Atarés Huerta, LM.; Chiralt, A.; Cruz-Romero, MC.; Kerry, J. (2018). Starch-gelatin antimicrobial packaging materials to extend the shelf life of chicken breast fillets. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 97:483-490. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2018.07.005S4834909

    Monitoring of chicken meat freshness by means of a colorimetric sensor array

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    A new optoelectronic nose to monitor chicken meat ageing has been developed. It is based on 16 pigments prepared by the incorporation of different dyes (pH indicators, Lewis acids, hydrogenbonding derivatives, selective probes and natural dyes) into inorganic materials (UVM-7, silica and alumina). The colour changes of the sensor array were characteristic of chicken ageing in a modi¿ed packaging atmosphere (30% CO2¿70% N2). The chromogenic array data were processed with qualitative (PCA) and quantitative (PLS) tools. The PCA statistical analysis showed a high degree of dispersion, with nine dimensions required to explain 95% of variance. Despite this high dimensionality, a tridimensional representation of the three principal components was able to differentiate ageing with 2-day intervals. Moreover, the PLS statistical analysis allows the creation of a model to correlate the chromogenic data with chicken meat ageing. The model offers a PLS prediction model for ageing with values of 0.9937, 0.0389 and 0.994 for the slope, the intercept and the regression coef¿cient, respectively, and is in agreement with the perfect ¿t between the predicted and measured values observed. The results suggest the feasibility of this system to help develop optoelectronic noses that monitor food freshness.Salinas Soler, Y.; Ros-Lis, JV.; Vivancos, J.; Martínez Mañez, R.; Marcos Martínez, MD.; Aucejo Romero, S.; Herranz, N.... (2012). Monitoring of chicken meat freshness by means of a colorimetric sensor array. Analyst. 137(16):3635-3643. doi:10.1039/C2AN35211GS3635364313716Anang, D. M., Rusul, G., Ling, F. H., & Bhat, R. (2010). Inhibitory effects of lactic acid and lauricidin on spoilage organisms of chicken breast during storage at chilled temperature. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 144(1), 152-159. doi:10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2010.09.014HINTON, A., & INGRAM, K. D. (2005). Microbicidal Activity of Tripotassium Phosphate and Fatty Acids toward Spoilage and Pathogenic Bacteria Associated with Poultry. Journal of Food Protection, 68(7), 1462-1466. doi:10.4315/0362-028x-68.7.1462Jeremiah, L. . (2001). Packaging alternatives to deliver fresh meats using short- or long-term distribution. Food Research International, 34(9), 749-772. doi:10.1016/s0963-9969(01)00096-5Ellis, D. I., & Goodacre, R. (2001). Rapid and quantitative detection of the microbial spoilage of muscle foods: current status and future trends. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 12(11), 414-424. doi:10.1016/s0924-2244(02)00019-5Vinci, G., & Antonelli, M. . (2002). Biogenic amines: quality index of freshness in red and white meat. Food Control, 13(8), 519-524. doi:10.1016/s0956-7135(02)00031-2Lovestead, T. M., & Bruno, T. J. (2010). Detection of poultry spoilage markers from headspace analysis with cryoadsorption on a short alumina PLOT column. Food Chemistry, 121(4), 1274-1282. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.01.044Bota, G. M., & Harrington, P. B. (2006). Direct detection of trimethylamine in meat food products using ion mobility spectrometry. Talanta, 68(3), 629-635. doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2005.05.001Grau, R., Sánchez, A. J., Girón, J., Iborra, E., Fuentes, A., & Barat, J. M. (2011). Nondestructive assessment of freshness in packaged sliced chicken breasts using SW-NIR spectroscopy. Food Research International, 44(1), 331-337. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2010.10.011Sahar, A., Boubellouta, T., & Dufour, É. (2011). Synchronous front-face fluorescence spectroscopy as a promising tool for the rapid determination of spoilage bacteria on chicken breast fillet. Food Research International, 44(1), 471-480. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2010.09.006Lin, M., Al-Holy, M., Mousavi-Hesary, M., Al-Qadiri, H., Cavinato, A. G., & Rasco, B. A. (2004). Rapid and quantitative detection of the microbial spoilage in chicken meat by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (600-1100 nm). Letters in Applied Microbiology, 39(2), 148-155. doi:10.1111/j.1472-765x.2004.01546.xMartínez-Máñez, R., & Sancenón, F. (2003). Fluorogenic and Chromogenic Chemosensors and Reagents for Anions. Chemical Reviews, 103(11), 4419-4476. doi:10.1021/cr010421eAmendola, V., Fabbrizzi, L., & Mosca, L. (2010). Anion recognition by hydrogen bonding: urea-based receptors. Chemical Society Reviews, 39(10), 3889. doi:10.1039/b822552bQuang, D. T., & Kim, J. S. (2010). Fluoro- and Chromogenic Chemodosimeters for Heavy Metal Ion Detection in Solution and Biospecimens. Chemical Reviews, 110(10), 6280-6301. doi:10.1021/cr100154pAmendola, V., Bonizzoni, M., Esteban-Gómez, D., Fabbrizzi, L., Licchelli, M., Sancenón, F., & Taglietti, A. (2006). Some guidelines for the design of anion receptors. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 250(11-12), 1451-1470. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2006.01.006Chen, X., Zhou, Y., Peng, X., & Yoon, J. (2010). Fluorescent and colorimetric probes for detection of thiols. Chemical Society Reviews, 39(6), 2120. doi:10.1039/b925092aMohr, G. J. (2006). New chromogenic and fluorogenic reagents and sensors for neutral and ionic analytes based on covalent bond formation–a review of recent developments. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 386(5), 1201-1214. doi:10.1007/s00216-006-0647-3Kerry, J. P., O’Grady, M. N., & Hogan, S. A. (2006). Past, current and potential utilisation of active and intelligent packaging systems for meat and muscle-based products: A review. Meat Science, 74(1), 113-130. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2006.04.024Rakow, N. A., & Suslick, K. S. (2000). A colorimetric sensor array for odour visualization. Nature, 406(6797), 710-713. doi:10.1038/35021028Lim, S. H., Kemling, J. W., Feng, L., & Suslick, K. S. (2009). A colorimetric sensor array of porous pigments. The Analyst, 134(12), 2453. doi:10.1039/b916571aPalacios, M. A., Nishiyabu, R., Marquez, M., & Anzenbacher, P. (2007). Supramolecular Chemistry Approach to the Design of a High-Resolution Sensor Array for Multianion Detection in Water. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129(24), 7538-7544. doi:10.1021/ja0704784Wu, Y., Na, N., Zhang, S., Wang, X., Liu, D., & Zhang, X. (2009). Discrimination and Identification of Flavors with Catalytic Nanomaterial-Based Optical Chemosensor Array. Analytical Chemistry, 81(3), 961-966. doi:10.1021/ac801733kJanzen, M. C., Ponder, J. B., Bailey, D. P., Ingison, C. K., & Suslick, K. S. (2006). Colorimetric Sensor Arrays for Volatile Organic Compounds. Analytical Chemistry, 78(11), 3591-3600. doi:10.1021/ac052111sSuslick, B. A., Feng, L., & Suslick, K. S. (2010). Discrimination of Complex Mixtures by a Colorimetric Sensor Array: Coffee Aromas. Analytical Chemistry, 82(5), 2067-2073. doi:10.1021/ac902823wHuang, X., Xin, J., & Zhao, J. (2011). A novel technique for rapid evaluation of fish freshness using colorimetric sensor array. Journal of Food Engineering, 105(4), 632-637. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2011.03.034Anzenbacher, Jr., P., Lubal, P., Buček, P., Palacios, M. A., & Kozelkova, M. E. (2010). A practical approach to optical cross-reactive sensor arrays. Chemical Society Reviews, 39(10), 3954. doi:10.1039/b926220mRos-Lis, J. V., García, B., Jiménez, D., Martínez-Máñez, R., Sancenón, F., Soto, J., … Valldecabres, M. C. (2004). Squaraines as Fluoro−Chromogenic Probes for Thiol-Containing Compounds and Their Application to the Detection of Biorelevant Thiols. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126(13), 4064-4065. doi:10.1021/ja031987iRos-Lis, J. V., Martínez-Máñez, R., Rurack, K., Sancenón, F., Soto, J., & Spieles, M. (2004). Highly Selective Chromogenic Signaling of Hg2+in Aqueous Media at Nanomolar Levels Employing a Squaraine-Based Reporter. Inorganic Chemistry, 43(17), 5183-5185. doi:10.1021/ic049422qRos-Lis, J. V., Marcos, M. D., Mártinez-Máñez, R., Rurack, K., & Soto, J. (2005). A Regenerative Chemodosimeter Based on Metal-Induced Dye Formation for the Highly Selective and Sensitive Optical Determination of Hg2+ Ions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 44(28), 4405-4407. doi:10.1002/anie.200500583Ros-Lis, J. V., Martínez-Máñez, R., & Soto, J. (2005). Colorimetric Signaling of Large Aromatic Hydrocarbons via the Enhancement of Aggregation Processes. Organic Letters, 7(12), 2337-2339. doi:10.1021/ol050564dCliment, E., Marcos, M. D., Martínez-Máñez, R., Sancenón, F., Soto, J., Rurack, K., & Amorós, P. (2009). The Determination of Methylmercury in Real Samples Using Organically Capped Mesoporous Inorganic Materials Capable of Signal Amplification. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 48(45), 8519-8522. doi:10.1002/anie.200904243Ábalos, T., Jiménez, D., Martínez-Máñez, R., Ros-Lis, J. V., Royo, S., Sancenón, F., … Parra, M. (2009). Hg2+ and Cu2+ selective detection using a dual channel receptor based on thiopyrylium scaffoldings. Tetrahedron Letters, 50(27), 3885-3888. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2009.04.060Climent, E., Giménez, C., Marcos, M. D., Martínez-Máñez, R., Sancenón, F., & Soto, J. (2011). Selective and sensitive chromo-fluorogenic sensing of anionic surfactants in water using functionalised silica nanoparticles. Chemical Communications, 47(24), 6873. doi:10.1039/c1cc11393cRoyo, S., Costero, A. M., Parra, M., Gil, S., Martínez-Máñez, R., & Sancenón, F. (2011). Chromogenic, Specific Detection of the Nerve-Agent Mimic DCNP (a Tabun Mimic). Chemistry - A European Journal, 17(25), 6931-6934. doi:10.1002/chem.201100602García-Acosta, B., Comes, M., Bricks, J. L., Kudinova, M. A., Kurdyukov, V. V., Tolmachev, A. I., … Amorós, P. (2006). Sensory hybrid host materials for the selective chromo-fluorogenic detection of biogenic amines. Chem. Commun., (21), 2239-2241. doi:10.1039/b602497aSancenón, F., Descalzo, A. B., Martínez-Máñez, R., Miranda, M. A., & Soto, J. (2001). A Colorimetric ATP Sensor Based on 1,3,5-Triarylpent-2-en-1,5-diones. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 40(14), 2640-2643. doi:10.1002/1521-3773(20010716)40:143.0.co;2-aEsteban, J., Ros-Lis, J. V., Martínez-Máñez, R., Marcos, M. D., Moragues, M., Soto, J., & Sancenón, F. (2010). Sensitive and Selective Chromogenic Sensing of Carbon Monoxide by Using Binuclear Rhodium Complexes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 49(29), 4934-4937. doi:10.1002/anie.201001344Moragues, M. E., Esteban, J., Ros-Lis, J. V., Martínez-Máñez, R., Marcos, M. D., Martínez, M., … Sancenón, F. (2011). Sensitive and Selective Chromogenic Sensing of Carbon Monoxide via Reversible Axial CO Coordination in Binuclear Rhodium Complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(39), 15762-15772. doi:10.1021/ja206251rRos-Lis, J. V., Martínez-Máñez, R., Sancenón, F., Soto, J., Rurack, K., & Weißhoff, H. (2007). Signalling Mechanisms in Anion-Responsive Push-Pull Chromophores: The Hydrogen-Bonding, Deprotonation and Anion-Exchange Chemistry of Functionalized Azo Dyes. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2007(15), 2449-2458. doi:10.1002/ejoc.200601111El Haskouri, J., Zárate, D. O. de, Guillem, C., Latorre, J., Caldés, M., Beltrán, A., … Amorós, P. (2002). Silica-based powders and monoliths with bimodal pore systemsElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: UV–Vis spectrum of sample 3. See http://www.rsc.org/suppdata/cc/b1/b110883b/. Chemical Communications, (4), 330-331. doi:10.1039/b110883bDe Jong, S. (1993). SIMPLS: An alternative approach to partial least squares regression. 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    Μικρο-παλαιοντολογική έρευνα με βάση τα πλαγκτονικά τρηματοφόρα στην περιοχή του τροπικού Ατλαντικού Ωκεανού κατά την πρότελευταία Παγετώδη περίοδο

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    Στην κατώθι εργασία πραγματοποιήθηκε μικροσκοπική ανάλυση πλαγκτονικών τρηματοφόρων με σκοπό την μελέτη των μεταβαλλόμενων συνθηκών στην περιοχή του τροπικού Ατλαντικού. Συγκεκριμένα μελετήθηκαν οι αλλαγές στην στάθμη, την θερμοκρασία, την αλατότητα της θάλασσας και η επιρροή των δυναμικών φαινομένων στην υδάτινη στήλη κατά την προτελευταία Παγετώδη περίοδο και την απόψυξή της.In the following work, a microscopic analysis of planktonic foraminifera was performed in order to study the changing conditions in the tropical Atlantic region. Specifically, we studied the changes in the level, the temperature, the salinity of the sea and the influence of the dynamic phenomena in the water column during the penultimate glacial period

    Effects of storage temperature on biogenic amine concentrations in meat of uneviscerated pheasants (Phasianus colchicus)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the hygienic quality of the pheasants reared for high-quality meat production by the biogenic amine concentrations in their meat. The content of biogenic amines was measured in the meat of sixty male pheasants killed by pithing and stored uneviscerated for 21 days under different storage temperatures (0 °C, 7 °C and 15 °C). The samples of breast and thigh muscles of pheasant were tested at weekly intervals. Biogenic amines were analysed by reverse phase liquid chromatography and detected by tandem mass spectrometry. Concentrations of biogenic amines (except spermin and spermidin) in thigh muscle were higher than in breast muscle. Highly significant difference (P < 0.01) was found in tyramine (5.80 mg/kg and 1.38 mg/kg for thigh and breast muscle, respectively), cadaverine (40.80 mg/kg and 14.43 mg/kg for thigh and breast muscle, respectively), putrescine (13.42 mg/kg and 3.16 mg/kg for thigh and breast muscle, respectively) and histamine (5.51 mg/kg and 1.70 mg/kg for thigh and breast muscle, respectively) concentrations after 21 days of storage at 15 °C. This study provides information on the dynamics of biogenic amine formation in pheasant meat during 21 days of storage at different temperatures. Based on our results, we can recommend storing pithed uneviscerated pheasants at 0–7°C for up to 21 days, or at 15 °C for up to 7 days. Concentrations of biogenic amines gained in our study can be helpful in evaluating freshness and hygienic quality of the pheasant game meat

    Simultaneous determination of ten underivatized biogenic amines in meat by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS)

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    Biogenic amines (BAs) are considered to be important indicators of freshness and quality in food. In this work, an analytical method for analyzing ten underivatized BAs in meat by performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry has been developed. Comparison between ion trap and triple quadrupole as mass analyzers indicated that the latter provides greater sensitivity and selectivity. The range of the correlation coefficients of the calibration curves of the analyzed compounds was 0.987–0.999, and the limits of detection and limits of quantification were in the range of 0.002–0.1mgl1 and 0.008–0.5mgl1, respectively. Once validated, the method was used to analyze the concentrations of BAs in 16 commercial meat samples, for evaluating the freshness of food through the study of BA indices, i.e. biogenic amine index (BAI) and the ratio spermidine/spermine (SPD/SPE). The results indicated that all the samples were fresh, with a BAI lower than 1.49mgkg1 and a SPD/SPE ratio lower than 0.41 in each case. This methodology for testing the freshness of meat has potential for quality control applications along the entire production chain of meat products