153 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Response of HTSC Thin Film Microwave Resonators in an Applied DC Magnetic Field

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    The non-linear microwave surface impedance of patterned YBCO thin films, was measured using a suspended line resonator in the presence of a perpendicular DC magnetic field of magnitude comparable to that of the microwave field. Signature of the virgin state was found to be absent even for relatively low microwave power levels. The microwave loss was initially found to decrease for small applied DC field before increasing again. Also, non-linearities inherent in the sample were found to be substantially suppressed at low powers at these applied fields. These two features together can lead to significant improvement in device performance.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX type, Uses IEEE style files, 600 dpi PostScript file with color figures available at http://sagar.physics.neu.edu/preprints.html Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivit

    Comments on "Vortex Glass and Lattice Melting Transitions in a YNi_2B_2C Single Crystal"

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    Recently, Mun et.al. (Phys. Rev. Lett., 76, 2790 (1996)) have published their results on single crystal YNi_2B_2C, claiming that their experimental observations can be explained in terms of formation of Vortex Glass and Lattice melting. Our experiments, carried out on samples obtained from the SAME source, reveal a much richer phase diagram and span wider regions of experimental parameter space than Mun et. al. that encompasses most of their observations. We speculate that this material has anomalous intrinsic properties and the results cannot be explained by simple models about the flux lattice.Comment: 1 page, LaTeX type, 1 PostScript figure, Uses PRABIB.STY file, 600 dpi PS file available at http://sagar.physics.neu.edu/preprints.html To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Composition of a new chemotype of Senecio chrysanthemoides DC. 

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    1,10β-epoxy-6-oxo-furanoeremophilane 1 (21.8%) along with furanoligularenone 2, germacrene D 3, selin-11-en-4α-ol 4 and caryophyllene oxide 5 have been identified in Senecio chrysanthemoides DC. of the Garhwal region of Himalaya at an altitude of 3600 m. 1,10β-epoxy-6-oxo-furanoeremophilane 1 has not been reported in Senecio chrysanthemoides DC. but reported in the other species of the genus Senecio. Presence of compounds 1-5 and absence of previously reported β-thujone and 6-hydroxy-p-menth-4(5)-en-3-one makes it a new chemotype within the genus Senecio.

    The Peculiar Type Ic Supernova 1997ef: Another Hypernova

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    SN 1997ef has been recognized as a peculiar supernova from its light curve and spectral properties. The object was classified as a Type Ic supernova (SN Ic) because its spectra are dominated by broad absorption lines of oxygen and iron, lacking any clear signs of hydrogen or helium line features. The light curve is very different from that of previously known SNe Ic, showing a very broad peak and a slow tail. The strikingly broad line features in the spectra of SN 1997ef, which were also seen in the hypernova SN 1998bw, suggest the interesting possibility that SN 1997ef may also be a hypernova. The light curve and spectra of SN 1997ef were modeled first with a standard SN~Ic model assuming an ordinary kinetic energy of explosion EK=1051E_{\rm K} = 10^{51} erg. The explosion of a CO star of mass MCO6MM_{\rm CO} \approx 6 M_\odot gives a reasonably good fit to the light curve but clearly fails to reproduce the broad spectral features. Then, models with larger masses and energies were explored. Both the light curve and the spectra of SN 1997ef are much better reproduced by a C+O star model with EK=E_{\rm K} = 8 \e{51} erg and MCO=10MM_{\rm CO} = 10 M_\odot. Therefore, we conclude that SN 1997ef is very likely a hypernova on the basis of its kinetic energy of explosion. Finally, implications for the deviation from spherical symmetry are discussed in an effort to improve the light curve and spectral fits.Comment: "To appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Vol.534 (2000)

    Composition of a new chemotype of Senecio chrysanthemoides DC.

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    1745-17481,10β-epoxy-6-oxo-furanoeremophilane 1 (21.8%) along with furanoligularenone 2, germacrene D 3, selin-11-en-4α-ol 4 and caryophyllene oxide 5 have been identified in Senecio chrysanthemoides DC. of the Garhwal region of Himalaya at an altitude of 3600 m. 1,10β-epoxy-6-oxo-furanoeremophilane 1 has not been reported in Senecio chrysanthemoides DC. but reported in the other species of the genus Senecio. Presence of compounds 1-5 and absence of previously reported β-thujone and 6-hydroxy-p-menth-4(5)-en-3-one makes it a new chemotype within the genus Senecio

    New features in the microwave response of YBCO crystals: Evidence for a multi-component order parameter

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    New features are reported in precision measurements of the complex microwave conductivity of high quality YBa2Cu3O6.95YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6.95} crystals grown in BaZrO3BaZrO_{3} crucibles. A third peak in the normal conductivity, σ1(T)\sigma_{1}(T), at around 80K80K, and enhanced pair conductivity σ2(T)\sigma_{2}(T) below 65K\sim 65K are observed. The data are inconsistent with a single order parameter, and instead are indicative of multi-component superconductivity. Overall, these results point to the presence of multiple pairing interactions in YBa2Cu3O6.95YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6.95} and also provide a natural explanation to account for the low temperature 35K35K conductivity peak observed in all YBa2Cu3O6.95YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6.95} crystals.Comment: 4 pages 4 figures, Revtex, multicols [to appear in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm)]. Our preprints also available at http://sagar.physics.neu.edu/preprints.htm

    Evidence for a colour dependence in the size distribution of main belt asteroids

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    We present the results of a project to detect small (~1 km) main-belt asteroids with the 3.6 meter Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). We observed in 2 filters (MegaPrime g' and r') in order to compare the results in each band. Owing to the observational cadence we did not observe the same asteroids through each filter and thus do not have true colour information. However strong differences in the size distributions as seen in the two filters point to a colour-dependence at these sizes, perhaps to be expected in this regime where asteroid cohesiveness begins to be dominated by physical strength and composition rather than by gravity. The best fit slopes of the cumulative size distributions (CSDs) in both filters tend towards lower values for smaller asteroids, consistent with the results of previous studies. In addition to this trend, the size distributions seen in the two filters are distinctly different, with steeper slopes in r' than in g'. Breaking our sample up according to semimajor axis, the difference between the filters in the inner belt is found to be somewhat less pronounced than in the middle and outer belt, but the CSD of those asteroids seen in the r' filter is consistently and significantly steeper than in g' throughout. The CSD slopes also show variations with semimajor axis within a given filter, particularly in r'. We conclude that the size distribution of main belt asteroids is likely to be colour dependent at kilometer sizes and that this dependence may vary across the belt.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    SiFTO: An Empirical Method for Fitting SNe Ia Light Curves

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    We present SiFTO, a new empirical method for modeling type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) light curves by manipulating a spectral template. We make use of high-redshift SN observations when training the model, allowing us to extend it bluer than rest frame U. This increases the utility of our high-redshift SN observations by allowing us to use more of the available data. We find that when the shape of the light curve is described using a stretch prescription, applying the same stretch at all wavelengths is not an adequate description. SiFTO therefore uses a generalization of stretch which applies different stretch factors as a function of both the wavelength of the observed filter and the stretch in the rest-frame B band. We compare SiFTO to other published light-curve models by applying them to the same set of SN photometry, and demonstrate that SiFTO and SALT2 perform better than the alternatives when judged by the scatter around the best fit luminosity distance relationship. We further demonstrate that when SiFTO and SALT2 are trained on the same data set the cosmological results agree.Comment: Modified to better match published version in Ap

    Supernova Shock Breakout from a Red Supergiant

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    Massive stars undergo a violent death when the supply of nuclear fuel in their cores is exhausted, resulting in a catastrophic "core-collapse" supernova. Such events are usually only detected at least a few days after the star has exploded. Observations of the supernova SNLS-04D2dc with the Galaxy Evolution Explorer space telescope reveal a radiative precursor from the supernova shock before the shock reached the surface of the star and show the initial expansion of the star at the beginning of the explosion. Theoretical models of the ultraviolet light curve confirm that the progenitor was a red supergiant, as expected for this type of supernova. These observations provide a way to probe the physics of core-collapse supernovae and the internal structures of their progenitor starsComment: Science, in press. 32 pages, 7 figure

    Photometric selection of high-redshift type Ia supernovae

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    We present a method for selecting high-redshift type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) located via rolling SN searches. The technique, using both color and magnitude information of events from only 2-3 epochs of multi-band real-time photometry, is able to discriminate between SNe Ia and core collapse SNe. Furthermore, for the SNe Ia, the method accurately predicts the redshift, phase and light-curve parameterization of these events based only on pre-maximum-light data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique on a simulated survey of SNe Ia and core-collapse SNe, where the selection method effectively rejects most core-collapse SNe while retaining SNe Ia. We also apply the selection code to real-time data acquired as part of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS). During the period May 2004 to January 2005 in the SNLS, 440 SN candidates were discovered of which 70 were confirmed spectroscopically as SNe Ia and 15 as core-collapse events. For this test dataset, the selection technique correctly identifies 100% of the identified SNe II as non-SNe Ia with only a 1-2% false rejection rate. The predicted parameterization of the SNe Ia has a precision of |delta_z|/(1+z_spec)<0.09 in redshift, and +/- 2-3 rest-frame days in phase, providing invaluable information for planning spectroscopic follow-up observations. We also investigate any bias introduced by this selection method on the ability of surveys such as SNLS to measure cosmological parameters (e.g., w and omega matter), and find any effect to be negligible.Comment: Accepted for publication in A