211 research outputs found

    Towards a unified management of the cultural and natural space of Médulas: Theoretical longing and urgent needs

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    The Roman Empire extracted, two thousand years ago, from the zone of "Las Médulas" gold mineral through complex systems of exploitation whose vestiges, together with the geological characteristics of the land and at the same time, have conformed a unique place that today, Two millennia later and it has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 199, is visited by thousands of people every year with notable consequences in areas such as heritage, territorial, socio-political or economic. Managing this patrimonial resource adequately represents a challenge that has been faced, from the referred International Declaration, public and private institutions, reaching a situation that recommends moving towards the unification of existing assets around a management model that, from the quality , reconcile the interests of all existing actors in the territory included in the already Cultural and Natural Space of Las Medulas, incorporating criteria not only economic but of integral dimension from the patrimonial point of viewEl Imperio romano extrajo, hace dos mil años, de la zona de “Las Médulas” mineral de oro mediante complejos sistemas de explotación cuyos vestigios, unidos a las características geológicas del terreno y al propio paso del tiempo han conformado un paraje único que hoy, dos milenios después y declarado Patrimonio Mundial por la UNESCO en 1997, es visitado por miles de personas al año con consecuencias notables en ámbitos como el patrimonial, el territorial, el socio-político o el económico. Gestionar adecuadamente este recurso patrimonial supone un reto al que se han enfrentado, desde la Declaración internacional referida, instituciones públicas y privadas llegando a una situación que recomienda avanzar hacia la unificación de los activos existentes en torno a un modelo de gestión que, desde la calidad, concilie los intereses de todos los actores existentes en el territorio incluido en el ya Espacio Cultural y Natural de Las Médulas, incorporando criterios no sólo económicos sino de dimensión integral desde el punto de vista patrimonial

    The Mining Path or How To Connect History, Heritage and Rural Development

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    A atividade mineira capitalizou a imagem histórica de Bierzo e Laciana durante o século passado. Foi o motor de expansão e desenvolvimento econômico que forjou sua realidade social durante décadas e condicionou a atual. Os vestígios que hoje existem desta actividade mineira e industrial apresentam-se como uma das referências históricas contemporâneas de Bierzo e Laciana, talvez a mais importante e, sem dúvida, deve ser considerada como um dos elementos essenciais da sua identidade colectiva e, na Conseqüentemente, patrimônio coletivo passível de ser preservado e valorizado. Este património apresenta-se como um valor integrante do território, um nexo entre as diferentes paisagens originadas que, unindo o industrial e o natural, se identificam em El Bierzo e Laciana, podendo estabelecer pontos de contacto que possam constituir um discurso coerente com uma base sólida histórico, cultural e, sobretudo, em termos atuais, integrando do ponto de vista social e econômico, todo o espaço delimitado pela atividade mineira na área./nEntre as linhas de ação que podem ser desenvolvidas a partir da combinação dos elementos citados, está a construção de um roteiro que une todos os municípios mineiros dessas regiões, identificando seus recursos patrimoniais individuais, destacando suas singularidades para que se forme uma rede que conectar todos os pólos, complementares uns aos outros. Desta forma, todos os recursos, sem sobreposição, poderiam ser incorporados em La Senda Minera, um projeto que inclui duas ideias-chave: a de avanço e progresso (rota, caminho, caminho) e a de uma mineração, a de carvão e a de ferro, que nos faz lembrar a história recente e se projeta, patrimonialmente, no futuro como base para o desenvolvimento de territórios particularmente desfavorecidos e atacados pela crise e pelo despovoamento.Mining activity has capitalized on the historical image of Bierzo and Laciana during the last century. It was the engine of its expansion and economic development that has forged its social reality for decades and conditioned the current one./nThe vestiges that exist today of this mining and industrial activity are presented as one of the contemporary historical references of the Bierzo and Laciana, perhaps the most important and, without a doubt, should be considered as one of the essential elements of their collective identity and, in Consequently, collective heritage capable of being preserved and valued./nThis heritage is presented as an integral value of the territory, a nexus between the different originated landscapes that, uniting the industrial and the natural, are identified in El Bierzo and Laciana, being able to establish points of contact that can form a coherent discourse with a solid base historical, cultural and, above all, in current terms, integrating from a social and economic perspective, of all the space delimited by the mining activity in the area./nAmong the lines of action that can be developed by combining the elements mentioned, is to build a route that unites all the mining municipalities of these regions, identifying their individual heritage resources, highlighting their singularities so that a network can be formed that connect all the poles, complementary to each other. In this way, all the resources, without overlapping, could be incorporated into La Senda Minera, a project that includes two key ideas: that of advancement and progress (route, path, path) and that of a mining, that of coal and that of iron, which reminds us of recent history and is projected, patrimonially, into the future as the basis for the development of especially disadvantaged territories and attacked by crisis and depopulation.La actividad minera ha capitalizado la imagen histórica de El Bierzo y Laciana durante el último siglo. Fue el motor de su expansión y del devenir económico que ha forjado su realidad social durante décadas y condicionado la actual./nLos vestigios que existen hoy de esa actividad minera e industrial se presentan como una de las referencias históricas contemporáneas del Bierzo y Laciana, quizás la más importante y, sin duda, deben ser considerados como uno de los elementos esenciales de su identidad colectiva y, en consecuencia, patrimonio colectivo susceptible de ser preservado y puesto en valor./nEste patrimonio se presenta como un valor integral del territorio, un nexo entre los diferentes paisajes originados que, uniendo lo industrial y lo natural, se identifican en El Bierzo y Laciana, pudiendo establecerse puntos de contacto que pueden conformar un discurso coherente con una sólida base histórica, cultural y, sobre todo, en términos actuales, integradora desde una perspectiva social y económica, de todo el espacio delimitado por la actividad minera de la zona./nDentro de las líneas de actuación que se pueden desarrollar combinando los elementos apuntados, está la de construir una ruta que una todos los municipios mineros de estas comarcas, identificando sus recursos patrimoniales individuales, subrayando sus singularidades de modo que se pueda ir formando una red que conecte todos los polos, complementariamente entre sí. De esta manera, todos los recursos, sin solaparse, se podrían incorporar a La Senda Minera, proyecto que recoge dos ideas clave: la de avance y progreso (ruta, camino, senda) y la de una minería, la de carbón y la de hierro, que nos recuerda la historia reciente y se proyecta, patrimonialmente, hacia el futuro como base del desarrollo de territorios especialmente desfavorecidos y atacados por la crisis y la despoblación

    Multi-Criteria GIS for Sponge City Planning with Open Data Sources in Vigo (Spain)

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    Sponge cities are renowned for their efficacy against extreme weather events, reducing surface runoff, managing stormwater, and mitigating flood risks. Moreover, they present multifaceted advantages by integrating blue-green infrastructure, enhancing urban sustainability, and improving water quality. The trend of their expansion beyond China marks a significant development in climate-resilient urban planning. This study pioneers the use of open data to locate suitable sites for sponge Low Impact Development (LID) solutions, showcasing Vigo (Spain) as a viable case for mid-sized cities. Input data is obtained from administrative cartography (DTM, hydrogeology, land cover, river courses, and demographic census) and satellite imagery (impervious coverage, vegetation, and surface temperature) from Landsat 8 and MODIS calculating three spectral indices (NISI, NDVI, NDIH). A robust Geographical Information System (GIS) method is proposed weighting the multi-criteria with AHP matrix. Three main potential sites are identified for deploying specific sponge LID strategies, as green roofs, green parking, or rain gardens. Nevertheless, while the method swiftly identifies intervention sites on a municipal scale, conclusive decisions necessitate terrain insights, public sentiments, urban regulations, and funding considerations

    Digital, memory and mixed-signal test engineering education: five centres of competence in Europe

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    The launching of the EuNICE-Test project was announced two years ago at the first DELTA Conference. This project is now completed and the present paper describes the project actions and outcomes. The original idea was to build a long-lasting European Network for test engineering education using both test resource mutualisation and remote experiments. This objective is fully fulfilled and we have now, in Europe, five centres of competence able to deliver high-level and high-specialized training courses in the field of test engineering using a high-performing industrial ATE. All the centres propose training courses on digital testing, three of them propose mixed-signal trainings and three of them propose memory trainings. Taking into account the demand in test engineering, the network is planned to continue in a stand alone mode after project end. Nevertheless a new European proposal with several new partners and new test lessons is under construction


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    The building footprint is crucial for a volumetric 3D representation of a building that is applied in urban planning, 3D city modeling, cadastral and topographic map generation. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) has been recognized as the most suitable means of large-scale 3D point cloud data (PCD) acquisition. PCD can produce geometric detail of a scanned surface. However, it is almost impossible to get point clouds without noise and outliers. Besides, data incompleteness and occlusions are two common phenomena for PCD. Most of the existing methods for building footprint extraction employ classification, segmentation, voting techniques (e.g., Hough-Transform or RANSAC), or Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based methods. It is known that classical PCA is highly sensitive to outliers, even RANSAC which is known as a robust technique for shape detection is not free from outlier effects. This paper presents a novel algorithm that employs MCMD (maximum consistency within minimum distance), MSAC (a robust variant of RANSAC) and a robust regression to extract reliable building footprints in the presence of outliers, missing points and irregular data distributions. The algorithm is successfully demonstrated through two sets of ALS PCD