23 research outputs found

    Enflasyon ve Stagflasyon Olgularına Yönelik Çözüm Politikaları ve Türkiye Örneği

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    Makro ekonominin konularından biri olan enflasyon ekonomistler tarafından ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiş ancak, en son geliştirilen bir kavram olan stagflasyon üzerinde çalışmalar sınırlı sayıda kalmıştır.  Ekonomilerde üretimin artması, fiyatlar ve ücretlerin yüksek olması işsizliğin azalması gibi etkinliklerin yüksek olduğu dönemlerden sonra, durgunluk dönemi yaşanmaktadır. Fiyat ve talep şoklarıyla fiyatların yüksek olmasına eşanlı olarak yüksek işsizliğin ve yüksek enflasyonun olduğu stagflasyon dönemine girilir.  Bu aşamada Klasikler ve Monetarist teori kayıpların ve kazanımların konjonktürel olduğunu, bunalımın ekonominin doğal akışı içerisinde düzeleceğini iddia ederken, Keynesçiler müdahaleciliği önerir. Bu makale; enflasyon ve stagflasyonu betimleyici bir yaklaşımla ele almıştır.   Makalenin amacı; enflasyon ve stagflasyon olgularını tanımlamak ve nedenlerini sunmaktır. Makalede kullanılan yöntem; tümdengelim ve betimleyici veri analizi yöntemleridir

    Effect of rosuvastatin on arginase enzyme activity and polyamine production in experimental breast cancer

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    Background: Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumour of women around the world. As a key enzyme of the urea cycle, arginase leads to the formation of urea and ornithine from L-arginine. In the patients with several different cancers, arginase has been found to be higher and reported to be a useful biological marker. Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of rosuvastatin on serum and cancer tissue arginase enzyme activity, and ornithine and polyamine (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) levels. Study Design: Animal experiment. Methods: In this study, 50 male Balb/c mice were used. Erchlich acid tumour cells were injected into the subcutaneous part of their left foot. The mice were divided into five groups: healthy control group, healthy treatment, tumour control, treatment 1 and treatment 2. Then, 1 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg doses of rosuvastatin were given intraperitoneally. Serum and tissue arginase enzyme activities and tissue ornithine levels were determined spectrophotometrically. HPLC measurement of polyamines were applied. Results: Increased serum arginase activity and polyamine levels were significantly decreased with rosuv- astatin treatment. In the tumour tissue, arginase activity and ornithine levels were significantly decreased in treatment groups compared to the tumour group. Tissue polyamine levels also decreased with rosuvastatin treatment. Conclusion: We suggest that rosuvastatin may have some protective effects on breast cancer development as it inhibits arginase enzyme activity and ornithine levels, precursors of polyamines, and also polyamine levels. This protective effect may be through the induction of nitric oxide (NO) production via nitric oxide synthase (NOS). As a promising anticancer agent, the net effects of rosuvastatin in this mechanism should be supported with more advanced studies and new parameters

    In a real-life setting, direct-acting antivirals to people who inject drugs with chronic hepatitis c in Turkey

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    Background: People who inject drugs (PWID) should be treated in order to eliminate hepatitis C virus in the world. The aim of this study was to compare direct-acting antivirals treatment of hepatitis C virus for PWID and non-PWID in a real-life setting. Methods: We performed a prospective, non-randomized, observational multicenter cohort study in 37 centers. All patients treated with direct-acting antivirals between April 1, 2017, and February 28, 2019, were included. In total, 2713 patients were included in the study among which 250 were PWID and 2463 were non-PWID. Besides patient characteristics, treatment response, follow-up, and side effects of treatment were also analyzed. Results: Genotype 1a and 3 were more prevalent in PWID-infected patients (20.4% vs 9.9% and 46.8% vs 5.3%). The number of naïve patients was higher in PWID (90.7% vs 60.0%), while the number of patients with cirrhosis was higher in non-PWID (14.1% vs 3.7%). The loss of follow-up was higher in PWID (29.6% vs 13.6%). There was no difference in the sustained virologic response at 12 weeks after treatment (98.3% vs 98.4%), but the end of treatment response was lower in PWID (96.2% vs 99.0%). In addition, the rate of treatment completion was lower in PWID (74% vs 94.4%). Conclusion: Direct-acting antivirals were safe and effective in PWID. Primary measures should be taken to prevent the loss of follow-up and poor adherence in PWID patients in order to achieve World Health Organization’s objective of eliminating viral hepatitis

    Effects of rosuvastatin on arginase enzyme activity, ornithine and polyamine levels in the experimental breast cancer

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    Tıpta Uzmanlık TeziMeme kanseri, dünyada kadınlar arasında en sık görülen malign tümördür. Üre döngüsünün anahtar enzimi olan arginaz, L-argininden üre ve ornitin oluşturmaktadır. Kanserli hastalarda arginaz enzim aktivitesinin arttığı ve arginazın kanserde biyolojik bir belirteç olarak kullanılabileceği bildirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada meme kanseri oluşturulmuş farelerde serumda arginaz enzim aktivitesi, ornitin ve poliamin (putresin, spermidin, spermin) düzeylerine, dokuda ise arginaz enzim aktivitesi, ornitin ve poliamin (putresin, spermidin, spermin) düzeylerine, rosuvastatin'in etkisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada 50 tane erkek Balb/c cinsi fare kullanıldı. Farelerin sol ayak iç bölgesine 0.2 mL erhlich asit tümör hücresi enjekte edildi. Fareler sağlıklı kontrol, sağlıklı tedavi, tümör kontrol, tedavi 1 ve tedavi 2 grupları olmak üzere 5 gruba ayrıldı ve kontrol grupları hariç diğer gruplara 1 mg/kg ve ikinci tedavi grubuna 20 mg/kg rosuvastatin 15 gün boyunca intraperitonel olarak verildi. Tümörlü hayvanların serumunda artmış bulunan arginaz enzim aktivitesinin rosuvastatin tedavisi ile birlikte istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde azaldığı gözlendi (p=0.001). Serum poliamin (putresin, spermidin, spermin) düzeylerinin, rosuvastatin tedavisi ile azaldığı saptandı. Doku arginaz enzim aktivitesi ve ornitin düzeyleri tedavi gruplarında tümör grubuna göre anlamlı olarak düşük bulundu (p=0.002). Doku poliamin (putresin, spermidin, spermin) düzeylerinin ise yine rosuvastatin tedavisi ile birlikte azaldığı gözlendi. Sonuç olarak, rosuvastatin?in arginaz enzim aktivitesini inhibe ederek yolağı nitrik oksit sentaz üzerinden nitrik oksit oluşumuna kaydırdığı, bu sayede poliaminlerin öncü maddesi olan ornitin sentezini azalttığı ve nitrik oksit üretimini teşvik ederek kansere karşı koruyucu bir rol oynayabileceği söylenebilir. Kanser tedavisinde umut verici bir ajan olan rosuvastatin'in bu alandaki etkileri daha ileri çalışmalar ve yeni parametreler ile desteklenmelidir.AbstractBreast cancer is the most common malignant tumour of women around the world. As a key enzyme of the urea cycle, arginase leads to formation of urea and ornithine from L-arginine. In the patients with several different cancer, arginase has been found to be higher and reported to be a useful biological marker. The aim of this study was to investigate effect of rosuvastatin on serum and cancer tissue arginase enzyme activity, ornithine and polyamine (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) levels. In this study, 50 male Balb/c mice were used. 0.2 ml Erchlich acid tumor cell was injected into the subcutan part of their left foot. The mice were divided into five groups as healty control group, healty treatment, tumour control, treatment 1, treatment 2 groups. 1 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg dose of rosuvastatin were given intraperitonealy. ncreased serum arginase activity was significantly decreased with rosuvastatin treatment (p=0,001). In the tumour tissue, arginase activity and ornithine levels were significantly decreased in treatment groups than tumour group (p=0.002). Tissue polyamine (putresine, spermidine, spermine) levels also decreased with rosuvastatin treatment. As a conclusion, we may suggest that rosuvastatin may have some protective effects on breast cancer development as inhibits arginase enzyme activity and ornithine levels, precursor of polyamines, and therefore inducing NO production via NOS. As a promising anticancer agent, the net effects of rosuvastatin in this mechanism should be supported with more advanced studies and new parameters

    Osmanlı para sisteminin teorik temelleri

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    İslami Ekonomik Düzen, Kuran'da bulunan bir dizi ilkeye dayanıyor. İçinde İslam ekonomisi, mücadelenin yerini işbirliği yaparak değiştirdi. İşbirliği sadece bir hareket. Aynı zamanda bir motif ve psikoloji. Aynı zamanda bir neden ve bir rehberlik prensibi olan bir mantık ve ruh hali insan girişiminin tüm alanlarına yayılıyor. İslam bir din değildir. Sınırlı bir anlamda kelime ancak insan hayatının her yönünü kapsar ve ister. Geliştirmek istiyor insanda yeni bir ahlaki kişilik, entegre bir toplumsal varoluş ve yeni bir sosyo-ekonomi ve siyasi düzen. Ekonomik-kavramlar, hedefler, yöntemler, yasalar ve araçlar. İslami ekonomik sistem doğrudan ya da kapitalizm ya da sosyalizm ya da komünizmin herhangi bir türü. Temel fark şu: İslami ekonomi ilahi rehberliğe dayanıyor; buna karşın kapitalist ve sosyalist ekonomi dine atıfta bulunmadan belirli bir insani eylem önermektedir. İslamcı Ekonomi kavramı mülkiyeti yöneten temel ilkelerden kaynaklanmaktadır. Var Allah'ın servet ve mülk hakkında koyduğu açık ve kesin yasalar. Endişe ediyorlar edinme, kullanma ve elden çıkarma ve mülkiyetin her biçimi ile ilgili olması özel kullanım, ticaret, tarım, endüstri veya başka herhangi bir amaç için. Hükümet kurallarını Propety'nin edinimi, Helal ifadesinde özetlenmiştir. İslam korur ve korur tüm koşulların hâkimiyeti. İslam, rekabete izin verir, ancak mükemmellik konularında. Sosyal ticarette Rehberlik ilkesi bu işbirliğidir. Bir ortak taahhüt altındaki adamların birleşmesi enterpnse; İstenilen sonuca ulaşmak için farklı beceri, yetenek ve varlıkların kombinasyonu ile mutabık kalınan oranlarda tam sorumluluk, güven ve fayda payı; ve basit bir başkasının ihtiyaçlarına hitap ederek yaşamak isteyen hareket,Ekonomik işbirliği. Bu ekonomik işbirliği, eşitlik doktrinlerine ve adil muamele. İslamiyet öncesi Arapların parasal sistemi yoktu ve paraları yoktu. Prensip olarak Aralarında Fars ve Bizans paraları yasal ihalelerdi. Ve bu madeni paralar nadir ve eşit olmayan ağırlıklar, İslam öncesi Arabistan'da para, bazen de olsa taşır Parasal ödeme ile, gerçekte bir banker anlaşmasıydı. İslam'ın erken dönem ticareti tamamen ekonomik bir hareket olarak değil, aslında bir ahlâki eylemi olarak görülüyordu. Bankacılık yeni olmadığı gerçeği göz ardı edilmemeli; erken dönemlerde bile varoldu Hazreti Ömer, Beyt'l Mal'ı kurdu ve bu da Kard'l Hasna'yı sadece kişisel tüketim için değil aynı zamanda iş için de muhtaçtır. Kâr hem taraflarca paylaşıldı banka ve tüccar. Daha sonra, Abbasiler döneminde bir dizi banka kuruldu hangi lahbaza denir. Bu bankalar sadece mevduat kabul etmekle kalmıyor aynı zamanda işadamları ve verilen ve kabul edilen çekler, taslaklar. Bu nedenle, İslami finansal sistem, Riba, ancak yalnızca İslami sosyal adalet ilkelerini benimseyerek ve kanunları getirerek, uygulamalar, usuller ve adalet, hakkaniyet ve faimess. Bankacılık operasyonlarının nah.rre'u herhangi bir finansal sistemin işleyişinde merkezi. Birçok İslami finans kuruluşu şimdi Müslüman dünyanın çeşitli paru işler durumda. Bu kurumların hedefleri Müslümanlar tarafından istenen tüm finansal operasyonların taahhüdünü, İslam hukukunun ilkeleri ve kuralları; bu fonlardaki yatırımları kapsar İslam bağlamı, Helal kâr nesiller ve konsolidasyon, tanıtım veİslami mali operasyonların uluslararası işbirliği. Günümüzde işlev gören çeşitli İslami finans kuruluşları, bankacılık, finansman ve yatırım perasyonlarının rekabetçi bir temele dayandırılması. -Bankacılık sistem cari hesaplar, hesaplar tasarruf, sistematik tasarruf hesapları, sabit yatırım hesapları ve çağrı yatırım hesapları. Finansman çeşitli alanlarda yapılmaktadır. yolları. Kısa vadede ticaret, kabul * d hir. satın alma. üzerinde ben orta vadede kredi, canlanma gelişme kredileri ve kira finansmanı konularını kapsar. üzerinde Uzun vadeli olarak, mortgage, öz sermaye finansmanı ve proje finansmanına kadar uzanır. bir uluslararası bankacılık işlemleri, para ve emtia alım satımı, para transferi, ihracat finansmanı, akreditifler ve teminat mektupları. Geleneksel bankacılık sisteminde kişisel veya kurumsal krediler yapılır basit bir finansman mekanizması aracılığıyla. Finansal aracı olarak hareket eden bankalar, kamuoyundan depozitler çıkartıp ödünç verenlere ödünç verirler. Borçlular, bireylerdir veya kurumlardır. Bankaların kârı esas olarak depozitlerle harcanan (ödenen) faiz ile kazanılan faiz (alınan) arasındaki fark borçlulardan. İslami bankacılık sistemindeThe Islamic Economic Order is based upon a set of principles found in the Quran. In lslamic economy, struggle wrll be replaced by co-operation. Co-operation is more than just an act. It is also a motive and a psycology. It is at once a cause and a guiding principle , a reason and a mood pervading all spheres ofhuman enterprise. Islam is not a religion in the limited sense of the word but covers all aspects of human life and wants. It seeks to develop a new moral personality in man, an integrated social existence and a new socio- economics and political order. It has its own approach to economic-concepts, objectives, methods, laws and instruments. The Islamic economic system is not directly related to either capitalism or any variants of socialism or communism. The fundamental difference is that the Islamic economy rests upon Divine guidance whereas capitalistic and socialist economics propose particular human action without reference to religion. The Islamic concept of economics originates from the basic principles governing property. There are clear and precise laws laid down by Allah about wealth and property. They concern the acquisition, use and disposal of property and relate to all forms of property whether it is for private use, trade, agriculture, industry or for any other purpose. The rules goveming the acqusition ofpropety are summarised in the expression Halal. Islam protects and safeguards the dignity ofrndivrdual rn all circumstances. Islam allows competition but only in matters of excellence. In social commerce, the guiding principle is that co-operation. Assocation of men in undertaking a common enterpnse; combination of different skills, talents and assets in pursuit ofa desired end, with full responsibility, trust and share in benefit in muhrally agreed proportions; and the simple act of seeking out one's living through catering to another man's needs, are all acts of economic co-operation. This economic co-operation is further by the doctrines of equity and fair dealing. Pre-Islamic Arabs had no monetary system and no coins of their own. Principally Persian and Byzantian coins were legal tenders among them. And since these coins were rare and were of unequal weights, money in Pre-Islamic Arabia, though sometimes carried on by monetary payment, in reality, it was a banker deal. Trade in the early Islamic period was not considered purely economic act, but indeed as an act of morality. The fact should not be ignored that banking is not new; it existed even in the early days of Islam, Hazrat Omar established Beyt'l Mal which advanced Qard'l Hasna to the needy not only for personal consumption but also business. The profit was shared both by the bank and the trader. Later on, during the Abbasid period a number of banks established which called lahbaza . These banks not only receives deposits but also advanced loans to businessmen and issued and accepted cheques, drafts, respectively. The Islamic financial system, therefore cannot be introduced merely by eliminating Riba, but only by adopting the Islamic principles of social justice and introducing laws, practices, procedures and justice,equity and faimess. The nah.rre of banking operaiions is central to the functioning of any financial system. Many Islamic financial institutions are now functioning in various paru of the Muslim world. The objectives of these institutions include the undertakrng of all financial operations required by Muslims in the framework of principles and precepts of Islamic Law; this embraces the investment of funds v/ithin the islamic context, the generations of Halal profit and the consolidation, promotion and cooperation of Islamic financial operations intemationally. The various Islamic financial institutions fonctioning today are carryrng out a variety of banking, financing and investment operations on a competitive basis. -The banking system handles current accounts, saving accounts, systematic saving accounts, fixed investment accounts and call investment accounts. Financing is being d6ne in a variety of ways. on a short -term basis, it is carried out for trade, acceptance *d hir. purchase. on I a medium-term basis, it covers loans, bosiness development credits and lease financtng. On a long term basis, it is extended to mortages, equity financing and project financing . An international banking transactions, purchase and sale of currencies and commodities, taransfer of funds, export financing, letters of credit and letters of guarantee. In the conventional banking system, personal or corporate loans are performed through a simple financing mechanism. The banks, acting as financial intermedianes, accept depozits from the public and lend them to the borrowers, regardless of whether these borrowers are individuals or corporat€ entities. The banks profit are mainly attributed to the difference between interest expended (paid)to depozitors, and interest earned (received) from borrowers. In the Islamic banking system the issue is rather more complicated. Money does not earn money without a collaboration between capital and effort. Therefore depozitors do not eam an automatic fixed return on their depozits as in the conventional system. Islamic instruments take one or more of the following forms: Mudaraba" Musharaka, Murabaha and Ijara wa Iktina. The definitions and mechanism surrounding each type are discussed in this study. Mudaraba (capital trust) was a pre-Islamic custom used to finance a significant portion of the caravan trade of Arabia. Oriantalists beleive that'commenda', as it came to be known in the Medieval West around the tenth century, was adopted from the Islamic commercial practice that was in operation as early as the sixth century. The best known and, probably the most widespread, classical Islamic partnership was the "mudaraba". The "mudaraba" was an arrangement in which an investor entnrsted his capital or merchandise to an agent (mudanb) who trades with it and then returns to the investor the principal and a previously agreed -upon share of profits. As a reward for his enterpreneurship, the "mudarib"receives the remaining share ofthe profits. Any loss resulting from the exigencies of travel or from an unsuccesful business venture was compensated exclusively by the investor. The " mudarib" was in no way liable for a loss of this nahrre, to sign only his expended time and efforts. In this snrdy we have tried to establish that mudaraba (simple profit -sharing) is a way of corporation among different factors of productions firmly rooted in the eur'an and Sunnah . it has been in practice throughout Islamic history. We have seen that profitsharing can be applied in all sectors of economy: trade, industry, services and agriculture. In terms of fairness, sharing ranks higher than hiring. We have also noted that when interest is abolished, it is a must to allow profit-sharing in its vanous forms in all sectors of economy. we have concluded that profit-sharing is especially suited to financial sector and that a financial system based on profit -shanng is superior to one based on interest. In jurisprudence terms, Mudaraba is a contract in profit sharing, with one party providing funds and the other the work. In other words, Mudaraba (or eirad) is a contract between two parties: an Islamic bank as an investor (Rab al-Mal) that provides a second party, the entrepreneur (Mudareb)with financial resource to finance a particular project. Mudaraba is best adopted in project and trade financing. The contrachral relaiionihip between the Islamic bank and depositors or between the bank and entrepreneur varies with respect to source of funds utilised. The application of Mudaraba in financing current Islamic banking operations is very limited owing to the restrictions. Trying to assing labels to new financial instnrments serves only to confuse the issue and may not be ap,licable given the new realities ofbusiness finance and its complexities. Musharaka financing is a well established partnership cotract in Islamic Law and was operativ€ in the early Islamic period. it is also one of the most popular means of financing, outside banking system, among commercial or small industrial secton in Arabic and Islamic cities. It is in the area of profit-sharing and the other classical Islamic partnership form. In II "musharaka", the " musharik"(entrepreneur)seeks a greater profit share than it is possible in "mudaraba"because he takes greater risk in musharaka.. Partnership and is capital input, in addition to his entrepreneurial input which qualifies "musharaka" bears the same characteristics as that ofthe "mudaraba". In the context of Islamic banking, Musharaka is described as a joint venture between an Islamic bank and a costumer or business entity geared for certain operations and may terminate within a specified period of time, or when certain conditions are met. Contrary to Mudaraba, the two partners in Musharaka padcipate in the capital of the venture. If losses occur, they are borne by the partners in proportion to their contribution to the capital. The Islamic bank may finance industry, trade and real estate and contract with almost all legal enterprises through equity or direct participation. Musharaka is well suited for financing private or public companies and particularly in project financing for shortmedium- and long term penods. In the Islamic system, borrowing at a fixed interest rate from a commercial bank is forbidden. Clearly circumstances may arise when Musharaka financing may be set alongside with fixed interest borrowing; should this happen, the Islamic bank may be prepared to take steps to renew the interest borrowing. Murabaha(mark-up sale) is available for financing the purchase or import of capital goods, consumption goods or raw materials. Under the agreement, the customer informs the bank with the specifications and quotations of the goods to be purchased. The Islamic bank studies on the documents with reference to the price,specification and conditions for payment . In many instances the bank may be able to obtain the same goods from a different supplier at more favourable conditions than those obtained by customer. When the bank and its customer have agreed on the terms ofthe deal, the former purchases the goods or commodities and passes the title to the customer at a later date. The profit occuring to the bank is mutually agreed as mark-up on the cost of purchase. There are certain fundamental principles attached to Mudaraba which are overlooked in the existing literature. Ijara(lease financing); the exact meaning ofthe term Ijara is reward or recompence. Its use had started before Islam and was regularised during the early expansion of Islam and has now been adapted to modem needs. Ijara financing is based upon valuing the financial position ofthe client and the expected direct cash flow ofthe lease contract wrthout taking the interest into consideration Generally the Islamic banks are currently involved in spot cash markets. Future contracts are permissible within boundaries: ( l)Future (BayaJi Ajal) sales require the transfer of the goods to the possesion of the buyer while payment will be due in the future and would be higher than in cash sales. (2)A1-Salam(forward buying) requires cash payment in considerations for goods, that will be delivered in the future. Salam contract stipulates the specific identification and determinafion of the commodities in terms of weight, measurement index, and duration of the contract. Bay' mu'ajjal and bay' salam are permiued in Islam. In this contract of sale, price of a commodity is allowed to be different from spot price, if time element is involved in the process of exchange. This can be considered as sort of a recognition of time value of money. Rents and wages also include a fixed reward for the time element. Rent of a house, for example, includes a part which is beyond depreciation . This part of rent can be regarded as time value of money. Thus, while Bay' mu,aiial, rent and wages include a fixJd and predetermined element as compensation for time, prohibition of interest specifically denies any recognition for time value money. The commissioning of a craftman to perform a given task is the prototype of all sale conracts based on immediate payment for an object Io be provided in the future; such conracts, known x salam, are recognired by custom. There is connection between the hadith prohibiting the sale ofyet nonexistent goods and the salam III contract. In parallel rvith islisru' and salam, immediate delivery of goods or services is against payment. The following types of sale are also allowed. (3) Tawliya(break-even sale), to sell at cost ( ) Wadi'a; to sell at a discount. These articles mentioned above are in order to finance projects, trade, industry and agriculture etc. A set ofbasic types of Islamic contracts are based upon Murabaha(cost plus financing), Musharaka(trust financing), Ijara(Lease), Ijara wa Iktina (lease purchase) and Qard Hassan (interest-free loans). It has been proved through expenence that these Islamic forms of contracts can be adapted to new economic situations. The Islamic banking system depends upon participation in profit and loss. The Islamic banks can be developed only if such payments of profit participations are granted fiscal equality with the payments of interest. Thus, changes in legislation need to take place where necessary, to ensure that profit participations and similar payments made by a person or corporation to an Islamic bank are deductible in computing the taxable income of the payer under local law as a busrness expense. This study named "Theoretical Fundamentals of Ottoman Monetary System" consisted of six sections. Fundamentals of Ottoman Monetary System had been based on Islamic Economics. This foundation is explained one by one under main sections of"Bay', Qard, Salam". The study has been begun with legal spesific frame that includes the concept of'contract" . In the first section legal frame is determined. The concept of contract is examined. It is explained that the exchange is a contract. The fiqh principles of Ottoman Monetary System is determined examining its conditions, element, classes and formations one by one. In the second section, some means of exchange such as money and quru;y money are explained. The principles rest on monetary system are stated. Monetary systems, its kinds and standards are examined using modern analysis and Ottoman Monetary System based on Islamic Monetary System . In addition, views of scholars about functions of money, its value, inflation and deflation are explained . The subject is discussed by using different fiqh books. Views of independent scholars are compared among themselves in the footnotes. In the third section, foreign exchange system was explained. The tem foreign exchange is explained together with its both nzurow and large means. Foreign exchange, its rate, arbitrage, determination ofthe rate, its system and their effectg policies, devaluation and its conclusions, exchange rate control, its markets and evalution of international monetary institutions were explained under the frame of contemporary economic theories. After these, foreign exchange in Islamic Economy on which Ottoman economy is based was explained in historical process. This process had continued from early Islamic hstory to the middle of the nineteenth century. The principles offiqh had been current in those times every where in Ottoman countries. The term "foreign exchange,' is synonym of "sarf'. Under the Islamic foreign exchange system, methods of finance , principles of profitJoss partnership and credit finance are summarized one by one. The term "sarf in Islamic Economy and the terms related with it are explained. It is processed that transaction of sarf, its conditions, methods of selling, its legality, kinds of sarf, transactions between foreign exchanges, etc.. are under the frame of muslim scholars. Different views are demonstrated like in the footnotes offirst and second sections. one of the fundamentals of ftoman Monetary System is examined under the title of credit in the fourth section. This subject had been examined under the title of ..eard,,in the fiqh books. The systematic of credit system is explained as in the pre,rious sections. Philosophy of credit in the Islamic thought is summurized after its definition, kinds and markets are stated. The subjects are examined as "wakala", "Hawale" and "insurance" explaining principles of Islamic Economy. The term of "Qard" in the Islamic Ekonomy is discussed both by means of dictionary and of tecnical term and relations between the means are determined. For readers, subject's legality was acquainted and proved by its documentary. The views of scholars about formation of contract and place, time and methods of payment, are explained comperatively. The subject was finished with judgements about contract of "qard". All ofthe fiqh books and views were shown in the footnotes. The Salam was examined in the fifth section explaining the utility both for macro and micro economics . Salam is one of the kinds of credit and it is applicated from Prophet's time to today. If the necessary precautions were taken, documents organized by sides fulfill the functions of money. In this way, money supply, one of the causes of inflation, perhap

    Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Open Channel Flow in Various Cross-Section

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    In this study, the flow that interacts with the trapezoidal head structure, which constitutes the narrowing and expansion section in the open channel, has been investigated experimentally and numerically. In experimental studies, the velocity field and flow profiles are measured using Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) and limnimeter, respectively. In numerical modeling, different turbulence closure models have been tested for their success in estimating the velocity field and free surface profile. In the evaluation of the model performance to predict experimental results, Mean Square Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Relative Error (MARE) parameters are used. Grid Convergence Index (GCI) method is used to determine the mesh density and the Volume of Fluids (VOF) method is used to determine the free surface profile. As a result of the study, it is determined that DES model is more successful than used other models in determining velocity field and flow profile according to MSE and MARE

    Phoretic uropodid mites (Acarina: Uropodidae) on the red palm weevil [rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Oliver, 1790) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)]

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    Adana ilinden 2008 yılında, feromon tuzaklarıyla ve yalancı hurma (Phoneix canariensis Hort.) ağaçları üzerinden toplanan Kırmızı palmiyeböceği (KPB), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Oliver, 1790) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) foretik akar türleri bakımından incelenmiştir Bu çalışmayla Türkiye’de ilk kez KPB üzerinde foretik akar türleri, Uropoda orbicularis (Müller 1776) ve Uroobovella marginata (Koch 1839) (Acarina: Uropodidae) saptanmıştır. Uropodidae türleri esas olarak ergin böceklerin elytrasının altında bulunmuştur. Bu akar türleri KPB’nin ölmüş olan son dönem larvaları ve pupalarında da kaydedilmiştir. Mayıs-haziran döneminde tuzaklarda ve şubat ayında KPB zararı nedeniyle kesilen yalancı hurma ağaçlarında ergin böceklerin çoğunun yüksek sayılarda uropodid akarlarla ile bulaşık oldukları saptanmıştır. Mayıs-haziran döneminde tuzaklardaki dişilerde ortalama uropodid akar sayısı 213.02 (maksimum 698); erkeklerde ise 188.85 (maksimum 653) olmuştur. Şubat ayında kesilen ağaçlardaki ergin dişilerde ortalama akar sayısı 346.70 (maksimum 668) olurken, ergin erkeklerde 283.10 (maksimum 644) olarak kaydedilmiştir. Kokon içerisindeki ergin dişi ve erkek böceklerin çoğunluğunun yüksek yoğunluklarda (400-500 adet) uropodid akar ile bulaşık olduğu bulunmuştur. KPB’nin larva ve pupalarında uropodid akar sayısı çoğunlukla 0-50 adet akar arasında değişmiştir. Ergin erkek ve dişi böcekler örnekleme dönemi boyunca genelde benzer yoğunluklarda akar taşımışlardır. Bu çalışmada saptanan akarların tipik foretik davranış göstermelerine karşın, bunların özellikle bahar aylarında KPB erginlerinin uçuş aktivitelerini kısmen de olsa olumsuz yönde etkileyebilecekleri kanaatine varılmıştır.Phoretic mites (Acarina: Mesostigmata: Uropodidae) were identified on the red palm weevil (RPW), [(Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Oliver, 1790) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)] collected from the aggregation pheromone traps and the dead Canary Island date palms, Phoenix canariensis Hort. in Adana province, Turkey in 2008. Two phoretic uropodid species, Uropoda orbicularis (Müller, 1776) and Uroobovella marginata (Koch, 1839) (Acarina: Uropodidae) were recorded for the first time on the RPW in Turkey. The uropodid mites were found mainly beneath the first wings of the adult weevils. They were also observed on dead larval and pupa stages of the RPW. The majority of the adult weevils, collected from the traps in the period may-june and date palm trees in february, carried the high numbers of uropodid mites. Mean total numbers of the total mites on the pheromone traps for the period of may-june were 213.02 (max. 698) on per adult female and 188.85 (max. 653) per adult male. Mean total numbers of mites in the date palm trees in february were 346.70 (max. 668) per adult female and 283.10 (max. 644) per adult male in date palms. RPW, found inside the cocoons in the date palms, were infested with the great numbers (400-600) of the mites. Total numbers of the total uropodid mites on the larval and pupal stage of RPW varied from 0 to 50. Densities of the phoretic mites attached to the adult females and males collected from the trap and palm tree samplings were usually similar throughout the sampling periods. The uropodids exhibited typically phoretic behavior on the RPW individuals. They may have hampered partly the flight behaviors of the weevils, particularly in the spring in Adana province

    Agroecological Management of Degrading Coastal Dunes in Southern Anatolia

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    The determination of the present and ideal land use planning of the Mediterranean coastal sand dunes in Adana, S. Turkey has been undertaken by an interdisciplinary group with a holistic approach with the designation of a land management unit (LMU). Recent trends stress the importance of LMUs based on intrinsic qualities, and relative responses of land resources along with resilience characteristics being the scientific basis for managing land.There have been a few attempts to determine the technical and scientific criteria for a holistic interdisciplinary optimal plan for the coastal dunes. Thus, the study aims to reveal present land cover types and also the ideal land use planning within LMU concepts considering the existing properties of the sand dunes and the surrounding areas. This LMU is expected to indicate the intricate relations and mandatory simultaneous existence of misuse with appropriate use in coastal sand dunes along with the betterment of the former

    Impact of genetic abnormalities on outcome of fertilization after ICSI in azoospermia and severe oligozoospermia patients

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    Bu çalı manın amacı; azoospermili ve oligozoospermili erkek hastalarda hem kromozom anomalilerinin hem de Y mikrodelesyonlarının sıklı ını ve tiplerini belirlemek; saptanan genetik anomaliler ile infertil erkeklerdeki klinik veriler arasındaki ili kiyi incelenmi tir. Genetik anomali saptanan azoospermik ve oligozoospermik erkeklerde, genetik anomali varlı ının intrasitoplazmik sperm injeksiyonu (ICSI) sonrası fertilizasyon ba arısı oranları üzerine etkisini ara tırmaktır. Bu çalı mada 97 infertil ve 10 fertil erkek incelenmi tir. Bu çalı mada 97 infertil erkek hasta arasında azoospermik olan 73 hastanın 2'sinde Y kromozom delesyonu saptanmı tır. Azoospermik 73 hastanın 13'ünde ve oligozoospermili 24 hastanın ise 3'ünde toplam 16 infertil hastada kromozom anomalisi saptanmı tır. Genetik anomalili hastaların ICSI sonrası gebelik sonuçları ile non-genetik hastaların ICSI sonrası gebelik sonuçları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştırWe determined the incidence and types of microdeletion and chromosomal abnormalities in azoospermia and oligozoospermia male patients; correlation between clinical data of infertile patients and genetic abnormalities. We investigated the impact of genetic abnormalities which present in azoospermia and oligozoospermia male patients' fertilisation success rate after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). We performed 97 infertile and 10 fertile males in this study. Among the studied of 97 infertile male patients, 73 were azoospermic and 24 were oligozoospermic. total of 16 patients detected with Yazışma Adresi: chromosome microdeletions; 13 out of 73 azoospermic patients and out of 24 oligozoospermic patients detected With chromosomal abnormalities. We invastigated the incidence of chromosome microdeletions and chromosomal abnormalities and total genetic abnormalities in those patients. Among patients who had pregnancy after ICSI, there was not any statistical correlation between patients those has genetic abnormalities and pregnancy. We detected neither chromosome deletions nor chromosomal abnormalities in the fertile control group of 10 people