471 research outputs found

    Peculiar double-periodic pulsation in RR Lyrae stars of the OGLE collection. I. Long-period stars with dominant radial fundamental mode

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    We present the discovery of a new, peculiar form of double-periodic pulsation in RR Lyrae stars. In four, long-period (P>0.6P>0.6 d) stars observed by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment, and classified as fundamental mode pulsators (RRab), we detect additional, low-amplitude variability, with period shorter than fundamental mode period. The period ratios fall in a range similar to double-mode fundamental and first overtone RR Lyrae stars (RRd), with the exception of one star, in which the period ratio is significantly lower and nearly exactly equals 0.7. Although period ratios are fairly different for the four stars, the light curve shapes corresponding to the dominant, fundamental mode are very similar. The peak-to-peak amplitudes and amplitude ratios (Fourier parameters R21R_{21} and R31R_{31}) are among the highest observed in RRab stars of similar period, while Fourier phases (φ21\varphi_{21} and φ31\varphi_{31}) are among the lowest observed in RRab stars. If the additional variability is interpreted as due to radial first overtone, then, the four stars are the most extreme RRd variables of the longest pulsation periods known. Indeed, the observed period ratios can be well modelled with high metallicity pulsation models. However, at such long pulsation periods, first overtone is typically damped. Five other candidates, with weak signature of additional variability, sharing the same characteristics, were also detected and are briefly discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    IX Draconis - a curious ER UMa-type dwarf nova

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    We report results of an extensive world-wide observing campaign devoted to a very active dwarf nova star - IX Draconis. We investigated photometric behaviour of the system to derive its basic outburst properties and understand peculiarities of IX Dra as well as other active cataclysmic variables, in particular dwarf novae of the ER Uma-type. In order to measure fundamental parameters of the system, we carried out analyses of the light curve, O-C diagram, and power spectra. During over two months of observations we detected two superoutbursts and several normal outbursts. The V magnitude of the star varied in the range 14.6 - 18.2 mag. Superoutbursts occur regularly with the supercycle length of 58.5+/-0.5 d. When analysing data over the past 20 years, we found that the supercycle length is increasing at a rate of P_dot = 1.8 * 10^{-3}. Normal outbursts appear to be irregular, with typical occurrence times in the range 3.1 - 4.1 d. We detected a double-peaked structure of superhumps during superoutburst, with the secondary maximum becoming dominant near the end of the superoutburst. The mean superhump period observed during superoutbursts equals 0.066982(36) d, which is constant over the last two decades of observations. Based on the power spectrum analysis, the evaluation of the orbital period was problematic. We found two possible values: the first one, 0.06641(3) d, which is in agreement with previous studies and our O-C analysis (0.06646(2) d), and the second one, 0.06482(3) d, which is less likely. The evolutionary status of the object depends dramatically on the choice between these two values. A spectroscopic determination of the orbital period is needed. We updated available information on ER UMa-type stars and present a new set of their basic statistics. Thereby, we provide evidence that this class of stars is not uniform.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 15 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables; typo correcte

    HT Cas - eclipsing dwarf nova during its superoutburst in 2010

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    We present results of a world-wide observing campaign of the eclipsing dwarf nova - HT Cas during its superoutburst in November 2010. Using collected data we were able to conduct analysis of the light curves and we calculated OCO-C diagrams. The CCD photometric observations enabled us to derive the superhump period and with the timings of eclipses the orbital period was calculated. Based on superhump and orbital period estimations the period excess and mass ratio of the system were obtained

    Revealing stable processing products from ribosome-associated small RNAs by deep-sequencing data analysis

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    The exploration of the non-protein-coding RNA (ncRNA) transcriptome is currently focused on profiling of microRNA expression and detection of novel ncRNA transcription units. However, recent studies suggest that RNA processing can be a multi-layer process leading to the generation of ncRNAs of diverse functions from a single primary transcript. Up to date no methodology has been presented to distinguish stable functional RNA species from rapidly degraded side products of nucleases. Thus the correct assessment of widespread RNA processing events is one of the major obstacles in transcriptome research. Here, we present a novel automated computational pipeline, named APART, providing a complete workflow for the reliable detection of RNA processing products from next-generation-sequencing data. The major features include efficient handling of non-unique reads, detection of novel stable ncRNA transcripts and processing products and annotation of known transcripts based on multiple sources of information. To disclose the potential of APART, we have analyzed a cDNA library derived from small ribosome-associated RNAs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. By employing the APART pipeline, we were able to detect and confirm by independent experimental methods multiple novel stable RNA molecules differentially processed from well known ncRNAs, like rRNAs, tRNAs or snoRNAs, in a stress-dependent manne

    SPG20 protein spartin is recruited to midbodies by ESCRT-III protein Ist1 and participates in cytokinesis.

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    Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSPs, SPG1-46) are inherited neurological disorders characterized by lower extremity spastic weakness. Loss-of-function SPG20 gene mutations cause an autosomal recessive HSP known as Troyer syndrome. The SPG20 protein spartin localizes to lipid droplets and endosomes, and it interacts with tail interacting protein 47 (TIP47) as well as the ubiquitin E3 ligases atrophin-1-interacting protein (AIP)4 and AIP5. Spartin harbors a domain contained within microtubule-interacting and trafficking molecules (MIT) at its N-terminus, and most proteins with MIT domains interact with specific ESCRT-III proteins. Using yeast two-hybrid and in vitro surface plasmon resonance assays, we demonstrate that the spartin MIT domain binds with micromolar affinity to the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT)-III protein increased sodium tolerance (Ist)1 but not to ESCRT-III proteins charged multivesicular body proteins 1-7. Spartin colocalizes with Ist1 at the midbody, and depletion of Ist1 in cells by small interfering RNA significantly decreases the number of cells where spartin is present at midbodies. Depletion of spartin does not affect Ist1 localization to midbodies but markedly impairs cytokinesis. A structure-based amino acid substitution in the spartin MIT domain (F24D) blocks the spartin-Ist1 interaction. Spartin F24D does not localize to the midbody and acts in a dominant-negative manner to impair cytokinesis. These data suggest that Ist1 interaction is important for spartin recruitment to the midbody and that spartin participates in cytokinesis