724 research outputs found
Ekonomi Media: Perlukah?
Rapid development of communication technology has shaped a new cultural landscape. In effect, the nature of mass media industry also changed a lot. To anticipate this new development, communication discipline needs a new study focused on media economy. Media economy is combination of two perspectives in media studies: business-economy perspective and media communication perspectives. The dimension of media in media economy emphasized three areas: production, content, and audiences. The dimension of economy in media economy studies focused on structure, conduct/policy, and performance. Meanwhile, the management of media corporation are consisted of revenue, cost and profit dimensions
Soft Bottom Molluscan Assemblages of the Bathyal Zone of the Sea of Marmara
The present study deals with the soft bottom molluscan species collected from the bathyal zone of the Sea of Marmara in 2013. Replicated samples were taken by a Box Core, sampling an area of 0.1 m2 at 31 stations at the two depth transects, 500 and 1000 m. A total of 1229 individuals belonging to 4 classes and 28 species were collected. Two species (Akritogyra conspicua and Liostomia hansgei) are new records for the marine molluscan fauna of Turkey and four species (Benthonella tenella, Odostomia silesui, Syrnola minuta and Crenilabium exile) are new records for the molluscan fauna of the Sea of Marmara. A relatively richer fauna was determined in 500 m (25 species) than in 1000 m (17 species). The most dominant species at 500 m and 1000 m depths were Crenilabium exile and Parthenina flexuosa, respectively. Number of species and number of individuals varied significantly only between depths while number of individuals changed significantly among basins (ANOVA test). A significant difference in species assemblages between the Tekirdağ and the Central Basins was detected (ANOSIM test). The multivariate analysis showed that the depth was the main factor influencing the molluscan assemblages in the area
Multivariate Regression with Stiefel Constraints
We introduce a new framework for regression between multi-dimensional spaces. Standard methods for solving this problem typically reduce the problem to one-dimensional regression by choosing features in the input and/or output spaces. These methods, which include PLS (partial least squares), KDE (kernel dependency estimation), and PCR (principal component regression), select features based on different a-priori judgments as to their relevance. Moreover, loss function and constraints are chosen not primarily on statistical grounds, but to simplify the resulting optimisation. By contrast, in our approach the feature construction and the regression estimation are performed jointly, directly minimizing a loss function that we specify, subject to a rank constraint. A major advantage of this approach is that the loss is no longer chosen according to the algorithmic requirements, but can be tailored to the characteristics of the task at hand; the features will then be optimal with respect to this objective. Our approach also allows for the possibility of using a regularizer in the optimization. Finally, by processing the observations sequentially, our algorithm is able to work on large scale problems
Corrosion behaviour of Al 2009 reinforced with silicon carbide whiskers.
Objective of this research project is to study the corrosion behaviour of aluminium 2009 matrix composite reinforced with silicon carbide whiskers.The composite is produced by powder metallurgy process
Beberapa Sifat Kayu Mangium (Acacia Mangium Willd.) Pada Beberapa Tingkat Umur
Kualitas dolok, kadar air kayu segar dan berat jenis dari kayu mangium (Acacia mangium Willd.) berasal dari tanaman berumur 10 tahun, 9 tahun (5A), 9 tahun (5C), 7 tahun, 5 tahun, dan 4 tahun di Benakat , Sumatera Selatan, telah dilakukan penelitiannya. Diameter dolok rata- rata pada panjang 200 cm, untuk umur 10 tahun, 9 tahun (5C), 9 (5A), 7, 5 dan 4 tahun berturut-turut 19,0 cm; 19,9 cm; 18,8 cm; 15,0 cm; 10,8 cm, dan 11,6 cm; mutu kebundaran > 0.80, dan kesilindrisannya < 3,0%.Kadar air kayu segar rata-rata untuk umur tersebut, berturut-turut 125,4%; 112,0%; 112,9%; 98,6%; 111,1%; dan 99,9%. Berat jenis basah (berat dan volume kayu basah) untuk umur tersebut berturut-turut rata-rata 0,95 (berat basah = 950 kg/m3); 0,85 (berat basah =850 kg/m3); 0,90 (berat basah = 900 kg/m3); 0,84 (berat basah = 840 kg/m3); 0,86 (berat basah = 860 kg/m3); dan 0,79 (berat basah = 790 kg/m3). Berat jenis kering udara (berat dan volume kayu kering udara) rata-rata untuk umur tersebut berturut-turut 0,53; 0,49; 0,51; 0,50 ;0.49 dan 0,47 (kadar air pengujian rata-rata 18%); sedangkan berat jenis kering oven (berat kering oven dan volume kayu basah) berturut-turut rata-rata 0,42; 0,40; 0,42; 0,41; 0,41 dan 0,38.Berat jenis basah maupun berat jenis kering udara, antara umur dan dolok di dalam umur yang sama, tidak memeperlihatkan perbedaan yang nyata pada P = 0,05. Sebaliknya, menurut posisi horisontal dari empulur ke arah luar, menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang sangat nyata (P = 0,01) dalam nilai berat jenis basah maupun berat jenis kering udara; yakni Iebih tinggi pada posisi/jarak dua pertiga jari-jari dari empulur sampai bagian kayu paling luar. Persamaan regresi linier positif yang sangat erat hubungannya untuk meramal berat jenis basah maupun berat jenis kering udara berdasarkan tiga posisi horisontal di dalam dolok kayu mangium pada umur 10 tahun 9 tahun 7 tahun dan 5 tahun.Keteguhan lentur patah dan tekanan maksimum sejajar arah serat berdasarkan contoh uji ukuran kecil bebas cacat dilakukan pada kayu kering udara (kadar air pengujian rata-rata 15%), dari tanaman umur 10 tahun, 9 tahun (5C), dan 9 tahun (5A), berturut-turut rata-rata lentur patah (M. O.R.) = 942,23kg/cm2, dan tekanan maksimum sejajar arah serat = 435,85kg/m2; lentur patah = 725,37 kg/cm2, dan tekanan maksimum sejajar arah serat = 416,48 kg/cm2; serta untuk 9 tahun (5A) lentur patah = 780, 13 kg/cm2, dan tekan sejajar arah serat maksimum 441,29 kg/cm2. Kelas kuat kayu ini umumnya tergolong kelas kuat III, dengan kisaran III - II.Sifat pemesinan yang meliputi penyerutan, pembentukan, pembubutan dan pengampelasan tergolong sangat baik (kelas mutu I) untuk kayu yang berasal dari tanaman 10 tahun dan 9 tahun, sedangkan yang berasal dari umur 7 taahun tergolong baik (kelas mutu II), kecuali sifat pembentukan tergolong sangat baik (kelas I)
Fouling and boring organisms that deteriorate various European and tropical woods at Turkish seas
This study aims to investigate the diversity of fouling and boring organisms damaging wood material at Turkish coasts. Trials were carried out at six harbour sites throughout the seas surrounding Turkey.Various Euopean and tropical wood samples were hanged down at a depth of six meters in the sea for a period of one year. Identification of the organisms obtained from wood panels revealed the presence offive wood borer and 26 fouling species. skenderun harbour had the highest boring organism diversity (five species) and it was followed by Trabzon and Finike harbours (three species) and Bandirma, Eregli and Alacati harbours (two species). The two molluscan boring species, Teredo navalis and Lyrodus pedicellatus were observed at all harbour sites, but Nototeredo norvegica was at Trabzon and skenderun harbours only. Bankia carinata was obtained only at skenderun harbour and the crustacean wood borer Limnoria tripunctata was found at Finike and skenderun harbours. All native tree species, except for the olive, were significantly damaged by fouling and boring organisms
The left anterior right temporal (LART) placement for electroconvulsive therapy: A computational modelling study
Electrode placement in electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has a major impact on treatment efficacy and cognitive side effects. Left Anterior Right Temporal (LART) is a lesser utilised bilateral montage which may produce more optimal clinical outcomes relative to standard bitemporal ECT. In this study we used computational modelling to explore how stimulation effects from LART and two novel variants (LART – F3 and LART – Frontal) compared to the more common bilateral placements of bitemporal and bifrontal ECT. High resolution finite element human head models were generated from MRI scans of three subjects with Major Depressive Disorder. Differences in regional stimulation were examined through parametric tests for regions of interest and subtraction maps. Compared to bitemporal ECT, LART – Original resulted in significantly greater stimulation of the left cingulate gyrus (hypothesised to be associated with treatment efficacy), and relatively reduced stimulation of the bilateral hippocampi (potentially associated with cognitive side effects). No additional clinical benefit was suggested with the novel LART placements compared to the original LART. The original LART placement is a promising montage for further clinical investigation
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