20 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) To Decreased Depression in Woman Patients with Cancer included cervical cancer and breast cancer

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    The highest cancers in Indonesia in women are breast cancer and cervical cancer. Both are the most common cancers in women and the highest cause of death in women. Some woman patients with newly diagnosed of breast cancer or cervical cancer will experience depression. most patients newly diagnosed with cancer, less than 6 months reported a feeling of depression of 91.4%. An effective intervention to reduce the level of depression is to provide cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) interventions. CBT is a psychotherapy recommended for treating depression in patients with breast cancer and cervical cancer. The objective of this study to review the effects of CBT on decreasing depression in woman patients with cancer including cervical cancer and breast cancer. This study is a systematic review. We search articles from EBSCOhost, Google Scholar, Pubmed, and Science Direct database which published from 2008 till 2018. RCTs are included in this review. Four RCTs included in this study. CBT interventions are carried out differently for each article, in general, each session is given for 60-90 minutes with a different number of sessions. Outcome measured in 3 articles was more than one variable (not only depression) and one article only measured the level of depression. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be used for woman patients with breast cancer and cervical cancer who are depressed. Future research to the effectiveness of CBT in reducing depression in woman patients specifically in newly diagnosed with cervical cancer is needed to confirm the evidenc

    Pilot Study Efektifitas Media Video Animasi Terhadap Tingkat Depresi Pasien Kanker Serviks Diagnosa Awal

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    Cervical cancer is the cancer that most often attacks women after breastcancer throughout the world. Around the world every two minutes or everyhour a woman dies from cervical cancer. Every patient newly diagnosed withcervical cancer needs to know information about cervical cancer that canaffect the patient's psychological changes in the form of depression. Thepurpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of education withanimation media to reduce the depression level of cervical cancer patientswith early diagnosis. The method of this research is a pilot study(preliminary study) or testing the feasibility of animation video media on thelevel of depression. Respondent samples in the animated video media trialincluded 10 intervention samples and 10 control samples. The results of theanimation video media research are feasible to be used in subsequent studiesin cervical cancer patients with an initial diagnosis of depression. Dataanalysis using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test showed that there was asignificant difference in the level of depression before and after being giveneducation using the animation video media in the intervention group with avalue of p = 0.005 while in the control group with a value p = 0.102. Theconclusion of this study is that the animation video media is feasible to beused in subsequent studies and can effectively be given to cervical cancerpatients with an initial diagnosis of depression

    Pilot Study Efektifitas Media Video Animasi Terhadap Tingkat Depresi Pasien Kanker Serviks Diagnosa Awal

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    Cervical cancer is the cancer that most often attacks women after breastcancer throughout the world. Around the world every two minutes or everyhour a woman dies from cervical cancer. Every patient newly diagnosed withcervical cancer needs to know information about cervical cancer that canaffect the patient's psychological changes in the form of depression. Thepurpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of education withanimation media to reduce the depression level of cervical cancer patientswith early diagnosis. The method of this research is a pilot study(preliminary study) or testing the feasibility of animation video media on thelevel of depression. Respondent samples in the animated video media trialincluded 10 intervention samples and 10 control samples. The results of theanimation video media research are feasible to be used in subsequent studiesin cervical cancer patients with an initial diagnosis of depression. Dataanalysis using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test showed that there was asignificant difference in the level of depression before and after being giveneducation using the animation video media in the intervention group with avalue of p = 0.005 while in the control group with a value p = 0.102. Theconclusion of this study is that the animation video media is feasible to beused in subsequent studies and can effectively be given to cervical cancerpatients with an initial diagnosis of depression


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    Background : Sepsis and septic shock are complex and multifactorial syndrome, which incidence, morbidity, and mortality remains high around the world. There are factors that considered to be responsible in sepsis severity, such as : age, sex, infection site, APACHE II score, qSOFA score, leukocyte count, hemoglobin level, hematocrit level, platelet count, glucose level, albumin level, creatinine level, systolic, heart rate, respiratory rate, PaO2/FiO2, and comorbidities. Objective : To determine predictors of mortality in sepsis and septic shock. Methods : The study was an observational analytic study with case-control method, which was conducted from April-May 2016. Cases were patients with sepsis and septic shock who died after undergone treatment in the ICU at RSUP Dr. Kariadi, while controls were sepsis and septic shock patients who survive after undergone treatment in the ICU or hospital ward at RSUP Dr. Kariadi. The data were taken from patients’ medical record and then were analyzed using univariate and bivariate with SPSS 21. Results : Forty patients as cases and 7 patients as controls were included. Fisher’s exact test had been done to determine the significance correlation between each variable with mortality and the result was : age (p = 0.553 [OR = 1.346]), gender (p = 0.623 [OR = 1.091]), infection site (p = 0.285 [OR = 2.2220]), APACHE II score(p = 0.488 [OR = 2.056]), qSOFA score (p = 0.501 [OR = 0.667]), leukocyte count (p = 0.291 [OR = 2.250]), hemoglobin and hematocrit level (p = 0.473 [OR = 0.5]), platelet count (p = 0.574 [OR = 1.206]), glucose level (p = 0.394 [OR = 1.750]), albumin level (p = 0.357), serum creatinine level (p = 0.606 [OR = 0.831]), systolic (p = 0.190 [OR = 3.056]), heart rate (p = 0.525 [OR = 0.75]), respiratory rate (p = 0.499 [OR = 1.393]), PaO2/FiO2 (p = 0.426 [OR = 1.630]), and comorbidities (p = 0.660 [OR = 0.786]). Conclusion : There were no significantly correlation among variables with mortality in sepsis and septic shock patients. This result had weakness as there were not enough samples so it couldn’t represent the whole population. In addition, there were other variables that were expected to be potential as mortality predictors of sepsis and septic shock yet were not studied because limitation of data. Keywords : sepsis, septic shock, predictor factor of mortalit


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    Latar Belakang: Kualitas tidur malam dapat berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan kognitif dan konsentrasi dalam melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari. Kualitas tidur yang kurang mengakibatkan menurunnya kesehatan fisiologis dan psikologis. Olahraga yang rutin dapat mengurangi masalah tidur dan memperbaiki kualitas tidur. Olahraga dapat dilakukan didalam ruangan (indoor) maupun diluar ruangan (outdoor). Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi perbandingan efek olahraga indoor dan olahraga outdoor terhadap kualitas tidur. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan bentuk penelitian kuasi-eksperimental dengan desain pre- and post-test quasi non-equivalent group. Sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro berusia 18-22 tahun (n=40). Sampel dibagi menjadi kelompok olahraga indoor (n=20) dengan perlakuan olahraga di dalam gedung olahraga dan kelompok olahraga outdoor (n=20) dengan perlakuan olahraga di lapangan. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama 6 minggu. Skor kualitas tidur diukur sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan menggunakan kuesioner Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Hasil penelitian dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan uji t-tidak berpasangan dan uji min rerata. Hasil: Terjadi penurunan rerata skor global PSQI sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan pada kelompok olahraga indoor secara bermakna dari 7,3 menjadi 6,1 (p=0,005). Terjadi penurunan rerata skor global PSQI sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan pada kelompok olahraga outdoor secara bermakna dari 6,9 menjadi 4,2 (p=0,001). Selisih penurunan rerata skor global PSQI antara kedua kelompok secara statistik dianggap bermakna (p=0,014) dengan kelompok perlakuan olahraga outdoor didapatkan selisih skor global PSQI yang lebih tinggi (2,7) dibanding kelompok perlakuan olahraga indoor (1,2). Simpulan: Perbaikan kualitas tidur pada kelompok perlakuan olahraga outdoor lebih baik secara bermakna dibanding kelompok perlakuan olahraga indoor. Kata Kunci: Kualitas tidur, olahraga outdoor, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)


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    Latar Belakang: Kurangnya melakukan olahraga masih menjadi masalah kesehatan yang cukup penting di masyarakat karena menjadi salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya penyakit kronik. Salah satu alasan yang membuat masyarakat kurang melakukan olahraga adalah kurangnya motivasi. Mendengarkan musik adalah salah satu alternatif yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi berolahraga. Olahraga lari terbukti dapat meningkatkan mood yang merupakan faktor penting dalam menunjang pembelajaran. Mahasiswa kedokteran merupakan golongan yang rentan mengalami penurunan mood dikarenakan tekanan yang dialami, yang akan berdampak pada performa terutama pada bidang akademik. Pembahasan mengenai mendengarkan musik saat lari dan kaitannya dengan mood pada mahasiswa kedokteran belum pernah diteliti sebelumnya. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh mendengarkan musik saat lari terhadap mood mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro. Metode: Telah dilakukan penelitian pada 39 mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro yang dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok dengan jumlah 13 orang perkelompok. Skor Total Mood Disturbance diukur menggunakan kuesioner Profile of Mood States. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji t berpasangan, uji One-Way ANOVA dan uji Post Hoc. Hasil: Terdapat peningkatan mood yang bermakna (p= 0,000) pada kelompok perlakuan lari dengan mendengarkan musik dan kontrol serta peningkatan mood yang tidak bermakna pada kelompok perlakuan lari (p= 0,059). Rerata dan simpangan baku selisih pretest dan posttest skor Total Mood Disturbance pada kelompok perlakuan lari dengan mendengarkan musik adalah 30.08±7.23, lari 7.38±4.53 dan kontrol 11.62±4.11. Kesimpulan: Lari intensitas sedang selama 30 menit dengan mendengarkan musik meningkatkan mood mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro. Kata Kunci: olahraga, lari, musik, Total Mood Disturbance, Profile of Mood State


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    Latar Belakang : Sebagai negara agraris, angka penggunaan pestisida di Indonesia cenderung tinggi. Paparan kronik pestisida organosfosfat dapat menyebabkan gangguan fungsi memori, salah satu mekanismenya melalui inhibisi enzim asetilkolinesterase. Dari penelitian sebelumnya, fungsi memori yang terganggu dapat berupa memori spasial, memori visual, maupun memori jangka pendek Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan antara aktivitas asetilkolinesterase darah dengan fungsi memori, khususnya fungsi recall, pada petani yang terpapar kronik pestisida organofosfat Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan belah lintang. Sampel adalah 33 petani kentang dengan paparan kronik pestisida organofosfat di Desa Kepakisan, Kecamatan Batur, Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Pengambilan data berupa data karakteristik, data aktivitas asetilkolinesterase darah, dan data fungsi memori mengguakan Memory Impairment Screen. Uji statistik menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil : Dari 33 sampel , ditemukan 15 (45,5%) sampel mengalami keracunan ringan dan 18 (54,5%) sampel dalam kadar normal. Hasil pemeriksaan memori didapatkan 11 (33,3%) sampel dengan gangguan memori. Prevalensi kejadian gangguan memori lebih tinggi pada sampel yang mengalami keracunan ringan dengan rasio prevalensi 3,18 (p=0.026) Simpulan : Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara aktivitas asetilkolinesterase darah dengan fungsi memori. Prevalensi kejadian gangguan memori lebih tinggi pada petani yang mengalami keracunan organofosfat. Kata Kunci : Organofosfat, keracunan, kronik, Memori, Memory Impairment Screen, asetilkolinesterase


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    Epilepsi sering dihubungkan dengan disabilitas fisik, disabilitas mental, dan konsekuensi psikososial yang berat bagi penyandangnya. Penyakit epilepsi yang tidak ditangani segera dapat merusak otak. EEG digunakan untuk merekam otak dan membedakan pola sinyal EEG epilepsi dan normal diperlukan suatu ciri untuk masing masing pola. Ciri yang akan dipakai untuk mewakili sinyal EEG berasal dari 4 ciri statistik yaitu rata-rata, standar deviasi, minimal, kurtosis dengan 11 elektroda FP1, FP2, F7, F3, T7,T8 , Pz, O1, O2, P3, P4. Hasil menunjukkan nilai standar deviasi pada penyandang epilepsi lebih tinggi dari pada ciri rata- rata, minimal  dan kurtosi

    The Effect of Circuit Training on Concentration of Medical Students in Diponegoro University

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    Background. Concentration has an important role that influences the success of the learning process. The higher the concentration of students in learning, the more effective learning and teaching processes are carried out. One of the benefits of exercise is the improvement of concentration. Lack of time and motivation to do physical exercise are some reasons why people do less exercise. Circuit Training is an exercise that does not require a lot of time and is becoming a trend now.Objective: To find out the effect of the Circuit Training on the concentration level of students at Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University.Method. This research was a quasi-experimental study with pre and post-test design, where research subjects were divided into two groups, there are the control group and the treatment group. The research subjects were 28 male students at Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University. The treatment group had given Circuit Training for 6 weeks. In one week there were 3 meetings where each training session was done in 3 circuits/cycle and each circuit consisted of 8 movements. The indicator assessed in this study was the level of concentration measured using the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST) before and after Circuit Training for 6 weeks. The results were analyzed using SPSS.Results. The score of concentration in the treatment group increased with a pre-test score  64,93 ± 6,38 and post-test score 76,29 ± 5,74. Significant results (p = 0.001) were obtained in the pre and post-test treatment groups.Conclusion. Circuit training for 6 weeks can increase the concentration score of students at Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University


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    Latar Belakang: Stres merupakan salah satu reaksi atau respons psikologis manusia saat dihadapkan pada hal-hal yang telah melampaui batas untuk dihadapi. Olahraga yang teratur dapat menurunkan insiden dan keparahan gangguan suasana hati yang berkaitan dengan stres. Aktivitas olahraga dapat dilakukan di indoor (dalam ruangan) dan outdoor (luar ruangan). Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi perbedaan antara tingkat stres olahraga indoor ataupun olahraga outdoor. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuasi-eksperimental dengan desain pre-test and post-test sample group design. Sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro berusia 18-22 tahun (n=40). Dikelompokkan menjadi: kelompok perlakuan olahraga indoor (n=20) yang melakukan olahraga di dalam gedung olahraga dan kelompok perlakuan olahraga outdoor (n=20). Penelitian dilaksanakan selama 6 minggu. Skor tingkat stres diukur sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan menggunakan kuesioner Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-42). Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah uji t-tidak berpasangan dan uji min rerata. Hasil: Rerata tingkat stres (skor DASS) sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan olahraga indoor mengalami penurunan secara tidak bermakna dari rerata 17,5 menjadi 14,8 (p=0,214). Rerata tingkat stres (skor DASS) sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan olahraga outdoor mengalami penurunan secara bermakna dari rerata 20,2 menjadi 11,2 (p=0,000). Selisih penurunan tingkat stres (skor DASS) sebelum dan sesudah antara kedua kelompok secara statistik tidak bermakna (p=0,095) walaupun kelompok olahraga outdoor didapatkan selisih skor yang lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok olahraga indoor (2,7 vs 9,0). Simpulan: Penurunan skor tingkat stres pada kelompok olahraga outdoor lebih baik dibanding kelompok olahraga indoor tapi tidak bermakna . Kata Kunci: Tingkat stres, olahraga indoor, olahraga outdoor, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale