272 research outputs found

    Motivasi Kerja Karyawan di Dinas Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti

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    One of the important assets owned by the organization can not be separated from the performance of employees. To obtain good performance, it is necessary to improve employee motivation. In developing the organization, people often focus on how to develop the business while the development of human resources is still less attention. A good leader will certainly create a comfortable environment and motivate employees with the aim to work morale to work and provide maximum performance. Work motivation is an important factor to obtain good performance.This study was conducted with the aim to determine what factors affect employee motivation and what factors are dominant influence employee motivation in Tourism Office of Youth and Sports District of Meranti IslandsThe method used in this study is a quantitative method using statistical formula to help analyze data obtained from the field. The data in this study was obtained by spreading questionnaires on 29 respondents who became samples and then processed to get the results. The results of this study concluded that: 1) factors that affect the motivation of work is the factor of satisfaction and maintenance factor. 2) the most dominant factor affecting the work motivation of employees at the Department of Tourism Youth and Sports District of Meranti Islands is a maintenance factor

    Fleksibilitas Nilai Tukar dan Penyesuaian Transaksi Berjalan di Indonesia: Analisis Threshold Var

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    Estimation study about the relationship between exchange rate flexibility and current account adjustment has been through three stages, the first stage was analysis of correlation among exchange rates variability (proxied by REER and NEER) and exchange rate regimes classification. The second step was estimating the relationship that the former was mentioned with VAR as benchmark model. The third step was applying the nonlinear estimation with Threshold VAR. The results of analysis showed that exchange rate regime classification may not capture actual exchange rate variability and flexibility exchange rate can accelerate current account adjustment in Indonesia if the changes of Indonesia exchange rate less than 27.7059 (low regime) whereas in high regime exchange rate is persistent increasing so that the system between exchange rate and current account become unstable. Bank Indonesia as monetary authorities must keep the changes of exchange rate less than 27.7059, due to exchange rate can affect current account adjustment, so can anticipate if there is current account deficit in Indonesia economy


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh komitmen dan turnover intention terhadap kinerja karyawan yang ada diperusahaan lampung. Methode yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan uji kuesioner yang disebarkan melalui media online. Sample dari penelitian ini berjumlah 81 responden. Uji statistic dilakukan dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling berbasis SmartPLS 3. Uji validitas dengan menggunakan nilai faktor loading. Sedangkan uji reliabilitas menggunakan nilai Cronbach’s alpha, reliabilitas komposit dan Average Varianvce Extracted (AVE). dari hasil uji hipotesis komitmen terhadap kinerja karyawan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan. Sedangkan Turnover Intention berpengaruh negatif terhadap kinerja karyawan dan tidak signifikan

    Customised structural, optical and antibacterial characteristics of cinnamon nanoclusters produced inside organic solvent using 532 nm q-switched nd:yag-pulse laser ablation

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    Biomedical values of organic natural cinnamon that are buried in their bulk counterpart can be exposed and customised via nanosizing. Based on this factor, a new type of spherical cinnamon nanoclusters (Cin-NCs) were synthesised using eco-friendly nanosecond pulse laser ablation in liquid (PLAL) approach. As-grown nontoxic Cin-NCs suspended in the citric acid of pH 4.5 (acted as organic solvent) were characterised thoroughly to evaluate their structural, optical and bactericidal properties. The effects of various laser fluences (LF) at the fixed wavelength (532 nm) on the physiochemical properties of these Cin-NCs were determined. The FTIR spectra of the Cin-NCs displayed the symmetric-asymmetric stretching of the functional groups attached to the heterocyclic/cinnamaldehyde compounds. The HR-TEM image of the optimum sample revealed the nucleation of the crystalline spherical Cin-NCs with a mean diameter of approximately 10 ± 0.3 nm and lattice fringe spacing around 0.14 nm. In addition, the inhibition zone diameter (IZD) and optical density (OD600) of the proposed Cin-NCs were measured to assess their antibacterial potency against the Staphylococcus aureus (IZD ≈ 24 mm) and Escherichia coli (IZD ≈ 25 mm) bacterial strains. The strong UV absorption (in the range of 269 and 310 nm) shown by these NCs was established to be useful for the antibacterial drug development and food treatment

    Production and evaluation of doubled haploid lines of barley via detached-tiller culture method

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    This research was conducted to compare the classic (C) and detached-tiller methods (a: sterile by clip and scissors D1; b: sterile by hot water D2) for producing haploids in barley. The parental materials used in this research were F1 four genotypes of Hordeum vulgare: B1: Reihane × Legia; B2: Reihan × Igri; B3: Kavir × Igri; B4: Kavir × Legia, and the Hordeum bulbosum was PB1 genotype (Plant Breeding Institute). The traits such as seed set percentage, embryo development, haploid seedling development and produced doubled haploid lines were analyzed statically using χ2 test. The comparison was made among arable barley B1, B2, B3, B4 crossing wild barley of H. bulbosum. In C approach, there was no significant difference concerning the percent of forming seed, embryo and haploid production. While in D1 approach, there was a significant difference in embryo forming percent but no significant difference was observed for haploid plant and seed set percent. Moreover, in D2 approach, there was a significant difference for seed set percent. However, for haploid production and embryo development percent, the approach D1 in regards with the percent of forming embryo and production of haploids was superior to the other two approaches, C and D2.Key words: Detached-tiller culture, haploid, doubled haploid, Hordeum bulbosum, Hordeum vulgare


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    This study aims to examine the effect of commitment and intention to turnover on the performance of existing employees in Lampung. The method used is to use a test questionnaire distributed through online media. The sample of this study may be 81 respondents. The statistical test was carried out using Structural Equation Modeling based on SmartPLS 3. The validity test used the loading factor value. While the reliability test used Cronbach's alpha value, composite reliability and Average Variance Extracted (AVE). From the results of hypothesis testing, commitment to employee performance has a positive and significant effect. Meanwhile, Turnover Intention has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance). &nbsp

    Histologic tissue response to furcation perforation repair using mineral trioxide aggregate or dental pulp stem cells loaded onto treated dentin matrix or tricalcium phosphate

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    Objectives The aim of this study is to compare the effect of treated dentine matrix (TDM) and tricalcium phosphate (TCP) scaffolds on odontogenic differentiation and mineralization of dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) in furcation perforations created in the pulp chamber floor of premolar teeth in dogs. Material and methods DPSCs were isolated and cultured from the dental pulp of the maxillary left second and third premolars of dogs. The DPSCs were loaded on TCP (SC+TCP) and TDM (SC+TDM) scaffolds and inserted into intentionally perforated pulp chamber floors of premolars in dogs; six teeth were used for each group. Three more groups of six specimens were created, and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), TDM, and TCP were inserted into the perforations to act as controls. An intact premolar and no treatment in the perforation site were used as positive and negative controls respectively. After 3 months, the animals were sacrificed and the type of inflammation, presence of dentine, continuation and type of cementum, type of connective tissue, and presence of foreign body reaction were evaluated, and significant differences were between groups determined using the Fisher’s exact test. The evaluation of the amount of inflammation and the percentage of new bone formation was evaluated using the Mann-Whitney U test. Results The negative control group was associated with severe inflammation and granulation tissue formation. In the positive control group, intact periodontal tissues and no inflammation were observed. Dentine bridge formation was not seen in specimens of any group. The specimens in the SC+TDM group were associated with significantly more bone formation than other groups (P < 0.001). The amount of inflammation was less than 10 % in specimens of all groups with the exception of three specimens in the TCP group that were categorized as 10–30 %. Chronic inflammation without foreign body reactions was the major pattern of inflammation in groups. Formation of cementum with a cellular and continuous appearance was seen in all specimens. Conclusions SC+TDM was associated with significantly more bone formation when used to repair uninfected furcation perforations in the premolar teeth of dogs. Clinical relevance Application of TDM as a biological scaffold in combination with DPSCs may offer an advantage during the repair of root perforation defects