121 research outputs found

    Cu NMR evidence for enhanced antiferromagnetic correlations around Zn impurities in YBa2Cu3O6.7

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    Doping the high-Tc superconductor YBa2Cu3O6.7 with 1.5 % of non-magnetic Zn impurities in CuO2 planes is shown to produce a considerable broadening of 63Cu NMR spectra, as well as an increase of low-energy magnetic fluctuations detected in 63Cu spin-lattice relaxation measurements. A model-independent analysis demonstrates that these effects are due to the development of staggered magnetic moments on many Cu sites around each Zn and that the Zn-induced moment in the bulk susceptibility might be explained by this staggered magnetization. Several implications of these enhanced antiferromagnetic correlations are discussed.Comment: 4 pages including 2 figure

    63Cu NMR Evidence for Enhanced Antiferromagnetic Correlations around Zn Impurities in YBa2Cu3O6.7

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    Doping the high-Tc, superconductor YBa2Cu3O6.7- with 1.5% of nonmagnetic Zn impurities in CuO2 planes is shown to produce a considerable broadening of 63Cu NMR spectra, as well as an increase of low-energy magnetic fluctuations detected in 63Cu spin-lattice relaxation measurements. A modelindependent analysis demonstrates that these effects are due to the development of staggered magnetic moments on many Cu sites around each Zn and that the Zn-induced moment in the bulk susceptibility might be explained by this staggered magnetization. Several implications of these enhanced antiferromagnetic correlations are discussed

    Spin dynamics and ordering of a cuprate stripe-antiferromagnet

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    In La1.48Nd0.4Sr0.12CuO4 the 139La and 63Cu NQR relaxation rates and signal wipe-out upon lowering temperature are shown to be due to purely magnetic fluctuations. They follow the same renormalized classical behavior as seen in neutron data, when the electronic spins order in stripes, with a small spread in spin stiffness (15% spread in activation energy). The La signal, which reappears at low temperatures, is magnetically broadened and experiences additional wipe-out due to slowing down of the Nd fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figures - ref. 16 adde

    First time determination of the microscopic structure of a stripe phase: Low temperature NMR in La2NiO4.17

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    The experimental observations of stripes in superconducting cuprates and insulating nickelates clearly show the modulation in charge and spin density. However, these have proven to be rather insensitive to the harmonic structure and (site or bond) ordering. Using 139La NMR in La2NiO4.17, we show that in the 1/3 hole doped nickelate below the freezing temperature the stripes are strongly solitonic and site ordered with Ni3+ ions carrying S=1/2 in the domain walls and Ni2+ ions with S=1 in the domains.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figure

    Mortality of the Orthodox Adult Population in Ekaterinburg during the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries

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    Поступила в редакцию: 15.08.2021. Принята к печати: 29.10.2021.Submitted: 15.08.2021. Accepted: 29.10.2021.Традиционно исследования исторической смертности фокусировались на изучении национальной, региональной либо локальной специфики. Создание баз индивидуальных данных позволило изучать смертность на уровне индивидов, отдельных семей и поколений. При этом роль ближайшего окружения, не состоявшего в кровном родстве, учитывалась редко. Между тем, стремительная урбанизация разрушила семейные связи и каналы трансляции традиционных моделей демографического поведения. Одновременно возрастала роль внесемейных факторов, главным из которых был церковный приход, с конца XIX в. постепенно трансформировавшийся в соседское сообщество — прообраз городского микрорайона. Предлагаемая работа нацелена на исследование смертности взрослого населения Екатеринбурга конца XIX — начала XX в. и ее дифференциации между приходами Русской православной церкви. Источниковую базу составили официальная статистика и база данных «Регистр населения Урала», созданная на основе метрических книг за 1880–1919 гг. пяти православных приходов Екатеринбурга. В ходе исследования была выполнена реконструкция динамики смертности по каждому приходу и городу в целом; восстановлена структура смертности; вычислен средний возраст смертности; проведен анализ причин, ее вызвавших; проанализирована сезонность. В итоге можно заключить, что каждый из пяти православных приходов имел определенную демографическую специфику. На смертность влиял экономический профиль района и направление городской застройки, большое значение имело расположение крупных социальных объектов на территории прихода. Проведенное исследование позволило выявить определенную стабильность и респектабельность Богоявленского и отчасти Вознесенского прихода; «мигрантскую» специфику Александро-Невского и Свято-Духовского; и некий средний, близкий общегородскому, характер района, соответствовавшего приходу Екатерининского собора.Traditionally, studies of historical mortality have focused on the national, regional, or local levels. Currently, the creation of individual level databases has made it possible to study mortality at the individual and family levels, also following people over generations. However, this research rarely considered non-family relations; at the same time, rapid urbanisation during the late nineteenth century severed many family ties and hindered the transmission of traditional models for demographic behaviour. Thus, the role of non-family factors increased, the main of which was the church parish, which since the end of the nineteenth century gradually transformed into a neighborhood community — the prototype of the urban microdistrict. This research aims to study the mortality of the adult population of Ekaterinburg during the decades around 1900, differentiating between the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church. The sources consist of official statistics and the Ural Population Project database, which was created based on the metric (church) books. The authors reconstruct the full development of mortality for each parish and for Ekaterinburg as a whole; map the structure of mortality, calculate the average age at death, as well as analyse the causes of death and its seasonality. As a result, it may be concluded that each of the five Orthodox parishes indeed had a certain demographic specificity. Mortality was influenced by the economic profile of the area and the trend of urban development, where the location of social facilities on the territory of each parish was of great importance.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ и Правительства Свердловской области, грант № 20-49-660013 «Городские элиты Екатеринбурга конца XVIII — начала XX века: 250 лет социальной и демографической эволюции».The research is sponsored by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Government of Sverdlovsk Region, project 20-49-660013 “Urban Elites of Ekaterinburg at the End of the 18th — Beginning of the 20th Centuries: 250 Years of Social and Demographic Evolution”

    Two novel mutations associated with ataxia-telangiectasia identified using an ion ampliSeq inherited disease panel

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    © 2017 Kuznetsova, Trofimov, Shubina, Kochetkova, Karetnikova, Barkov, Bakharev, Gusev and Sukhikh. Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T), or Louis-Bar syndrome, is a rare neurodegenerative disorder associated with immunodeficiency. For families with at least one affected child, timely A-T genotyping during any subsequent pregnancy allows the parents to make an informed decision about whether to continue to term when the fetus is affected. Mutations in the ATM gene, which is 150 kb long, give rise to A-T; more than 600 pathogenic variants in ATM have been characterized since 1990 and new mutations continue to be discovered annually. Therefore, limiting genetic screening to previously known SNPs by PCR or hybridization with microarrays may not identify the specific pathog enic genotype in ATM for a given A-T family. However, recent developments in next-generation sequencing technology offer prompt high-throughput full-length sequencing of genomic fragments of interest. This allows the identification of the whole spectrum of mutations in a gene, including any novel ones. We report two A-T families with affected children and current pregnancies. Both families are consanguineous and originate from Caucasian regions of Russia and Azerbaijan. Before our study, no ATM mutations had been identified in the older children of these families. We used ion semiconductor sequencing and an Ion AmpliSeq ™ Inherited Disease Panel to perform complete ATM gene sequencing in a single member of each family. Then we compared the experimentally determined genotype with the affected/normal phenotype distribution in the whole family to provide unambiguous evidence of pathogenic mutations responsible for A-T. A single novel SNP was allocated to each family. In the first case, we found a mononucleotide deletion, and in the second, a mononucleotide insertion. Both mutations lead to truncation of the ATM protein product. Identification of the pathogenic mutation in each family was performed in a timely fashion, allowing the fetuses to be tested and diagnosed. The parents chose to continue with both pregnancies as both fetuses had a healthy genotype and thus were not at risk of A-T

    Correlations Between Charge Ordering and Local Magnetic Fields in Overdoped YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x}

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    Zero-field muon spin relaxation (ZF-μ\muSR) measurements were undertaken on under- and overdoped samples of superconducting YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x} to determine the origin of the weak static magnetism recently reported in this system. The temperature dependence of the muon spin relaxation rate in overdoped crystals displays an unusual behavior in the superconducting state. A comparison to the results of NQR and lattice structure experiments on highly doped samples provides compelling evidence for strong coupling of charge, spin and structural inhomogeneities.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, new data, new figures and modified tex

    Estudo comparativo da análise de ciclo de vida de concretos geopoliméricos e de concretos à base de cimento Portland composto (CP II)

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    A Análise de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) é um método que inclui a compilação e avaliação das entradas, saídas e dos impactos de um produto ao longo do seu ciclo de vida. Os resultados desta análise são utilizados para escolher alternativas favoráveis para uma aplicação específica. Este artigo utilizou as ferramentas de ACV, apoiada pelo software Umberto, para comparar o processo de obtenção de concretos de cimento Portland com o de concretos geopoliméricos, obtidos da ativação alcalina de aluminossilicatos. O impacto ambiental foi avaliado considerando 1 m³ de cada concreto, sendo (i) as emissões de CO2 (kg CO2/ m³) e (ii) a demanda energética (MJ/m³) as variáveis para determinar o potencial sustentável de ambos materiais. O objetivo principal foi avaliar se os concretos geopoliméricos são mais sustentáveis do que os concretos tradicionais. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o consumo energético é reduzido em 45,8% na produção do concreto geopolimérico, quando comparado à produção do concreto de cimento Portland de desempenho mecânico equivalente. Com relação às emissões de CO2, o concreto geopolimérico reduz as emissões em 72,4%, em comparação ao concreto tradicional de cimento Portland CPII. Assim, o primeiro se mostra uma alternativa a ser considerada, na produção de materiais de construção de menor impacto ambiental

    Examination of alkali-activated material nanostructure during thermal treatment

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    The key nanostructural changes occurring in a series of alkali-activated materials (AAM) based on blends of slag and fly ash precursors during exposure to temperatures up to 1000 °C are investigated. The main reaction product in each AAM is a crosslinked sodium- and aluminium-substituted calcium silicate hydrate (C-(N)-A-S-H)-type gel. Increased alkali content promotes the formation of an additional sodium aluminosilicate hydrate (N-A-S-(H)) gel reaction product due to the structural limitations on Al substitution within the C-(N)-A-S-H gel. Heating each AAM to 1000 °C results in the crystallisation of the disordered gels and formation of sodalite, nepheline and wollastonite. Increased formation of N-A-S-(H) reduces binder structural water content after thermal treatment and correlates closely with previous observations of improved strength retention and reduced microcracking in these AAM after heating to 1000 °C. This provides new insight into thermally induced changes to gel atomic structure and thermal durability of C-(N)-A-S-H/N-A-S-H gel blends which are fundamental for the development of new fire-resistant construction materials