52,073 research outputs found

    Fast-neutron spectrometer developments

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    Li6 sandwich-type neutron spectrometer is equipped with proportional counter for particle identification. System uses current-sensitive preamplifiers to minimize pile-up of gamma-ray and particle pulses

    Structural analysis of stratocumulus convection

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    The 1 and 20 Hz data are examined from the Electra flights made on July 5, 1987. The flight legs consisted of seven horizontal turbulent legs at the inversion, midcloud, and below clouds, plus 4 soundings made within the same period. The Rosemont temperature sensor and the top and bottom dewpoint sensors were used to measure temperature and humidity at 1 Hz. Inversion structure and entrainment; local dynamics and large scale forcing; convective elements; and decoupling of cloud and subcloud are discussed in relationship to the results of the Electra flight

    Simulations and observations of cloudtop processes

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    Turbulent entrainment at zero mean shear stratified interfaces has been studied extensively in the laboratory and theoretically for the classical situation in which density is a passive tracer of the mixing and the turbulent motions producing the entrainment are directed toward the interface. It is the purpose of the numerical simulations and data analysis to investigate these processes and, specifically, to focus on the following questions: (1) Can local cooling below cloudtop play an important role in setting up convective circulations within the cloud, and bringing about entrainment; (2) Can Cloudtop Entrainment Instability (CEI) alone lead to runaway entrainment under geophysically realistic conditions; and (3) What are the important mechanisms of entrainment at cloudtop under zero or low mean shear conditions

    Study of strain-hardening near crack tips

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    Elastic-plastic analysis of stresses and strains near crack tip

    Elliptic Flow, Initial Eccentricity and Elliptic Flow fluctuations in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC

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    We present measurements of elliptic flow and event-by-event fluctuations established by the PHOBOS experiment. Elliptic flow scaled by participant eccentricity is found to be similar for both systems when collisions with the same number of participants or the same particle area density are compared. The agreement of elliptic flow between Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions provides evidence that the matter is created in the initial stage of relativistic heavy ion collisions with transverse granularity similar to that of the participant nucleons. The event-by-event fluctuation results reveal that the initial collision geometry is translated into the final state azimuthal particle distribution, leading to an event-by-event proportionality between the observed elliptic flow and initial eccentricity.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Lake Louise Winter Institute 2007. The proceedings of the institute will be published by World Scientifi

    Huygens-Fresnel-Kirchhoff construction for quantum propagators with application to diffraction in space and time

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    We address the phenomenon of diffraction of non-relativistic matter waves on openings in absorbing screens. To this end, we expand the full quantum propagator, connecting two points on the opposite sides of the screen, in terms of the free particle propagator and spatio-temporal properties of the opening. Our construction, based on the Huygens-Fresnel principle, describes the quantum phenomena of diffraction in space and diffraction in time, as well as the interplay between the two. We illustrate the method by calculating diffraction patterns for localized wave packets passing through various time-dependent openings in one and two spatial dimensions

    Coronal mass ejections, magnetic clouds, and relativistic magnetospheric electron events: ISTP

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    The role of high-speed solar wind streams in driving relativistic electron acceleration within the Earth\u27s magnetosphere during solar activity minimum conditions has been well documented. The rising phase of the new solar activity cycle (cycle 23) commenced in 1996, and there have recently been a number of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and related “magnetic clouds” at 1 AU. As these CME/cloud systems interact with the Earth\u27s magnetosphere, some events produce substantial enhancements in the magnetospheric energetic particle population while others do not. This paper compares and contrasts relativistic electron signatures observed by the POLAR, SAMPEX, Highly Elliptical Orbit, and geostationary orbit spacecraft during two magnetic cloud events: May 27–29, 1996, and January 10–11, 1997. Sequences were observed in each case in which the interplanetary magnetic field was first strongly southward and then rotated northward. In both cases, there were large solar wind density enhancements toward the end of the cloud passage at 1 AU. Strong energetic electron acceleration was observed in the January event, but not in the May event. The relative geoeffectiveness for these two cases is assessed, and it is concluded that large induced electric fields (∂B/∂t) caused in situ acceleration of electrons throughout the outer radiation zone during the January 1997 event

    Remodeling of Fibrous Extracellular Matrices by Contractile Cells: Predictions from Discrete Fiber Network Simulations

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    Contractile forces exerted on the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM) lead to the alignment and stretching of constituent fibers within the vicinity of cells. As a consequence, the matrix reorganizes to form thick bundles of aligned fibers that enable force transmission over distances larger than the size of the cells. Contractile force-mediated remodeling of ECM fibers has bearing on a number of physiologic and pathophysiologic phenomena. In this work, we present a computational model to capture cell-mediated remodeling within fibrous matrices using finite element based discrete fiber network simulations. The model is shown to accurately capture collagen alignment, heterogeneous deformations, and long-range force transmission observed experimentally. The zone of mechanical influence surrounding a single contractile cell and the interaction between two cells are predicted from the strain-induced alignment of fibers. Through parametric studies, the effect of cell contractility and cell shape anisotropy on matrix remodeling and force transmission are quantified and summarized in a phase diagram. For highly contractile and elongated cells, we find a sensing distance that is ten times the cell size, in agreement with experimental observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Biophysical Journa

    Plunge waveforms from inspiralling binary black holes

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    We study the coalescence of non-spinning binary black holes from near the innermost stable circular orbit down to the final single rotating black hole. We use a technique that combines the full numerical approach to solve Einstein equations, applied in the truly non-linear regime, and linearized perturbation theory around the final distorted single black hole at later times. We compute the plunge waveforms which present a non negligible signal lasting for t100Mt\sim 100M showing early non-linear ringing, and we obtain estimates for the total gravitational energy and angular momentum radiated.Comment: Corrected typos in the radiated ang momentum and frequenc

    Quasi-equilibrium binary black hole sequences for puncture data derived from helical Killing vector conditions

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    We construct a sequence of binary black hole puncture data derived under the assumptions (i) that the ADM mass of each puncture as measured in the asymptotically flat space at the puncture stays constant along the sequence, and (ii) that the orbits along the sequence are quasi-circular in the sense that several necessary conditions for the existence of a helical Killing vector are satisfied. These conditions are equality of ADM and Komar mass at infinity and equality of the ADM and a rescaled Komar mass at each puncture. In this paper we explicitly give results for the case of an equal mass black hole binary without spin, but our approach can also be applied in the general case. We find that up to numerical accuracy the apparent horizon mass also remains constant along the sequence and that the prediction for the innermost stable circular orbit is similar to what has been found with the effective potential method.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl