289 research outputs found

    From the octagon to the SFT vertex - gluing and multiple wrapping

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    We compare various ways of decomposing and decompactifying the string field theory vertex and analyze the relations between them. We formulate axioms for the octagon and show how it can be glued to reproduce the decompactified pp-wave SFT vertex which in turn can be glued to recover the exact finite volume pp-wave Neumann coefficients. The gluing is performed by resumming multiple wrapping corrections. We observe important nontrivial contributions at the multiple wrapping level which are crucial for obtaining the exact results.Comment: 25 pages, many small figure

    The kinematical AdS5xS5 Neumann coefficient

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    For the case of two particles a solution of the string field theory vertex axioms can be factorized into a standard form factor and a kinematical piece which includes the dependence on the size of the third string. In this paper we construct an exact solution of the kinematical axioms for AdS5xS5 which includes all order wrapping corrections w.r.t. the size of the third string. This solution is expressed in terms of elliptic Gamma functions and ordinary elliptic functions. The solution is valid at any coupling and we analyze its weak coupling, pp-wave and large L limit.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    String field theory vertex from integrability

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    We propose a framework for computing the (light cone) string field theory vertex in the case when the string worldsheet QFT is a generic integrable theory. The prime example and ultimate goal would be the AdS5Ă—S5AdS_5 \times S^5 superstring theory cubic string vertex and the chief application will be to use this framework as a formulation for N=4{ \cal N}=4 SYM theory OPE coefficients valid at any coupling up to wrapping corrections. In this paper we propose integrability axioms for the vertex, illustrate them on the example of the pp-wave string field theory and also uncover similar structures in weak coupling computations of OPE coefficients.Comment: pdflatex, 52 pages, 20 figures,v2: references added, typos correcte

    HHL correlators, orbit averaging and form factors

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    We argue that the conventional method to calculate the OPE coefficients in the strong coupling limit for heavy-heavy-light operators in the N=4 Super-Yang-Mills theory has to be modified by integrating the light vertex operator not only over a single string worldsheet but also over the moduli space of classical solutions corresponding to the heavy states. This reflects the fact that we are primarily interested in energy eigenstates and not coherent states. We tested our prescription for the BMN vacuum correlator, for folded strings on S5S^5 and for two-particle states. Our prescription for two-particle states with the dilaton leads to a volume dependence which matches exactly to the structure of finite volume diagonal formfactors. As the volume depence does not rely on the particular light operator we conjecture that symmetric OPE coefficients can be described for any coupling by finite volume diagonal form factors.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure; v2: small corrections including signs, references adde

    Six and seven loop Konishi from Luscher corrections

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    In the present paper we derive six and seven loop formulas for the anomalous dimension of the Konishi operator in N=4 SYM from string theory using the technique of Luscher corrections. We derive analytically the integrand using the worldsheet S-matrix and evaluate the resulting integral and infinite sum using a combination of high precision numerical integration and asymptotic expansion. We use this high precision numerical result to fit the integer coefficients of zeta values in the final analytical answer. The presented six and seven loop results can be used as a cross-check with FiNLIE on the string theory side, or with direct gauge theory computations. The seven loop level is the theoretical limit of this Luscher approach as at eight loops double-wrapping corrections will appear.Comment: 18 pages, typos correcte

    Geometry of W-algebras from the affine Lie algebra point of view

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    To classify the classical field theories with W-symmetry one has to classify the symplectic leaves of the corresponding W-algebra, which are the intersection of the defining constraint and the coadjoint orbit of the affine Lie algebra if the W-algebra in question is obtained by reducing a WZNW model. The fields that survive the reduction will obey non-linear Poisson bracket (or commutator) relations in general. For example the Toda models are well-known theories which possess such a non-linear W-symmetry and many features of these models can only be understood if one investigates the reduction procedure. In this paper we analyze the SL(n,R) case from which the so-called W_n-algebras can be obtained. One advantage of the reduction viewpoint is that it gives a constructive way to classify the symplectic leaves of the W-algebra which we had done in the n=2 case which will correspond to the coadjoint orbits of the Virasoro algebra and for n=3 which case gives rise to the Zamolodchikov algebra. Our method in principle is capable of constructing explicit representatives on each leaf. Another attractive feature of this approach is the fact that the global nature of the W-transformations can be explicitly described. The reduction method also enables one to determine the ``classical highest weight (h. w.) states'' which are the stable minima of the energy on a W-leaf. These are important as only to those leaves can a highest weight representation space of the W-algebra be associated which contains a ``classical h. w. state''.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, revised 1. and 7. chapter

    From Defects to Boundaries

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    In this paper we describe how relativistic field theories containing defects are equivalent to a class of boundary field theories. As a consequence previously derived results for boundaries can be directly applied to defects, these results include reduction formulas, the Coleman-Thun mechanism and Cutcosky rules. For integrable theories the defect crossing unitarity equation can be derived and defect operator found. For a generic purely transmitting impurity we use the boundary bootstrap method to obtain solutions of the defect Yang-Baxter equation. The groundstate energy on the strip with defects is also calculated.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures. V2 Removed comparison to RT algebras and added paragraph on the usefulness of transmitting defects in the study of boundary systems. References added. V3 Extended to include application to defect TB

    Finite-Volume Spectra of the Lee-Yang Model

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    We consider the non-unitary Lee-Yang minimal model M(2,5){\cal M}(2,5) in three different finite geometries: (i) on the interval with integrable boundary conditions labelled by the Kac labels (r,s)=(1,1),(1,2)(r,s)=(1,1),(1,2), (ii) on the circle with periodic boundary conditions and (iii) on the periodic circle including an integrable purely transmitting defect. We apply φ1,3\varphi_{1,3} integrable perturbations on the boundary and on the defect and describe the flow of the spectrum. Adding a Φ1,3\Phi_{1,3} integrable perturbation to move off-criticality in the bulk, we determine the finite size spectrum of the massive scattering theory in the three geometries via Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz (TBA) equations. We derive these integral equations for all excitations by solving, in the continuum scaling limit, the TBA functional equations satisfied by the transfer matrices of the associated A4A_{4} RSOS lattice model of Forrester and Baxter in Regime III. The excitations are classified in terms of (m,n)(m,n) systems. The excited state TBA equations agree with the previously conjectured equations in the boundary and periodic cases. In the defect case, new TBA equations confirm previously conjectured transmission factors.Comment: LateX, 42 pages with 22 eps figure

    Five loop Konishi from AdS/CFT

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    We derive the perturbative five loop anomalous dimension of the Konishi operator in N = 4 SYM theory from the integrable string sigma model by evaluating finite size effects using Luscher formulas adapted to multimagnon states at weak coupling. In addition, we derive the five loop wrapping contribution for the L = 2 single impurity state in the beta deformed theory, which may be within reach of a direct perturbative computation. The Konishi expression exhibits two new features - a modification of Asymptotic Bethe Ansatz quantization and sensitiveness to an infinite set of coefficients of the BES/BHL dressing phase. The result satisfies nontrivial self-consistency conditions - simple transcendentality structure and cancellation of mu-term poles. It may be a testing ground for the proposed AdS/CIFT TBA systems. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Exactly solvable model of the 2D electrical double layer

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    We consider equilibrium statistical mechanics of a simplified model for the ideal conductor electrode in an interface contact with a classical semi-infinite electrolyte, modeled by the two-dimensional Coulomb gas of pointlike ±\pm unit charges in the stability-against-collapse regime of reduced inverse temperatures 0≤β<20\le \beta<2. If there is a potential difference between the bulk interior of the electrolyte and the grounded interface, the electrolyte region close to the interface (known as the electrical double layer) carries some nonzero surface charge density. The model is mappable onto an integrable semi-infinite sine-Gordon theory with Dirichlet boundary conditions. The exact form-factor and boundary state information gained from the mapping provide asymptotic forms of the charge and number density profiles of electrolyte particles at large distances from the interface. The result for the asymptotic behavior of the induced electric potential, related to the charge density via the Poisson equation, confirms the validity of the concept of renormalized charge and the corresponding saturation hypothesis. It is documented on the non-perturbative result for the asymptotic density profile at a strictly nonzero β\beta that the Debye-H\"uckel β→0\beta\to 0 limit is a delicate issue.Comment: 14 page
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