87 research outputs found

    Climate adaptation of pre-Viking societies

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    Understanding how the Viking societies were impacted by past climate variability and how they adapted to it has hardly been investigated. Here, we have carried out a new multi-proxy investigation of lake sediments, including geochemical and palynological analyses, to reconstruct past changes in temperature and agricultural practices of pre-Viking and Viking societies in Southeastern Norway during the period between 200 and 1300 CE. The periods 200–300 and 800–1300 CE were warmer than the 300–800 CE period, which is known as the “Dark Ages Cold Period”. This cold period was punctuated by century-scale more temperate intervals, which were dominated by the cultivation of cereals and hemp (before 280 CE, 420–480 CE, 580–700 CE, and after 800 CE). In between, cold intervals were dominated by livestock farming. Our results demonstrate that the pre-Viking societies changed their agricultural strategy in response to climate variability during the Late Antiquity.publishedVersio

    Evolution of the alpine Critical Zone since the Last Glacial Period using Li isotopes from lake sediments

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    Comprehending and predicting the way humans affect the Earth's Critical Zone remains a challenge. An understanding of the past changes resulting from human and non-human influences in the dynamics of the Critical Zone is crucial. Here, we use a retrospective approach to address this question based on a new lithium (Li) isotope record from the Late Glacial Period to the present from a pre-Alpine lake sediment sequence (Lake La Thuile, France). Coupled with the lake sediment archive, the investigation of present-day soils in the lake catchment suggests that lake sediments are not necessarily recording the erosoin of topsoil in the catchment. Our findings indicate that soil particles can be sorted during transportation to the lake, with finer particles being preferentially mobilized, highlighting the influence of fine particle transport on the Li isotope signature of soils and lake sediments. Characterized by low Li isotope signatures, changes in weathering signatures in lake sediments can be amplified by the combined effect of soil development and selective transport. In the La Thuile catchment, soil development was limited during the Late Glacial Period, whereas it became a dominant process during the Holocene climatic optimum together with enhanced selective transport of fine particles. Human activities since 3,000–4,000 yr cal BP induced a strong perturbation hindering both soil formation and selective transport by reinforcing erosion rates. After a period of topsoil destruction caused by intense deforestation and agriculture, lake Li isotopes record the evolution of soil profiles associated with changes in agricultural practices

    New insights on lake sediment DNA from the catchment: importance of taphonomic and analytical issues on the record quality

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    Over the last decade, an increasing number of studies have used lake sediment DNA to trace past landscape changes, agricultural activities or human presence. However, the processes responsible for lake sediment formation might affect DNA records via taphonomic and analytical processes. It is crucial to understand these processes to ensure reliable interpretations for “palaeo” studies. Here, we combined plant and mammal DNA metabarcoding analyses with sedimentological and geochemical analyses from three lake-catchment systems that are characterised by different erosion dynamics. The new insights derived from this approach elucidate and assess issues relating to DNA sources and transfer processes. The sources of eroded materials strongly affect the “catchment-DNA” concentration in the sediments. For instance, erosion of upper organic and organo-mineral soil horizons provides a higher amount of plant DNA in lake sediments than deep horizons, bare soils or glacial flours. Moreover, high erosion rates, along with a well-developed hydrographic network, are proposed as factors positively affecting the representation of the catchment flora. The development of open and agricultural landscapes, which favour the erosion, could thus bias the reconstructed landscape trajectory but help the record of these human activities. Regarding domestic animals, pastoral practices and animal behaviour might affect their DNA record because they control the type of source of DNA (“point” vs. “diffuse”)

    La Grande Histoire des Alpages : une histoire d’avenir. Partage des connaissances sur l'histoire des alpages

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    La Grande Histoire des Alpages est une plateforme de partage des connaissances sur l’histoire des Alpages. Ces ressources sont libres d’accès pour tous lecteurs curieux et sont publiés sous la licence Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0 FR) afin de permettre une diffusion cela veut dire que vous êtes autorisés à partager ces ressources sous réserve de citer la source et partager l’Oeuvre originale ou modifiée sous la même licence.La Grande Histoire des Alpages est une plateforme de partage des connaissances sur l’histoire des Alpages. Ces ressources sont libres d’accès pour tous lecteurs curieux et sont publiés sous la licence Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0 FR) afin de permettre une diffusion cela veut dire que vous êtes autorisés à partager ces ressources sous réserve de citer la source et partager l’Oeuvre originale ou modifiée sous la même licence
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