160 research outputs found

    Jordi Tejel Gorgas: "La Question kurde: Passé et présent."

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    This article reviews Jordi Tejel Gorgas' "La Question kurde: Passé et présent."</span

    Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending

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    In this qualitative sociological and quantitative economic policy paper, we start out from the assumption of a very recent European Commission Background paper on the “Efficiency and effectiveness of social spending”, which says the effectiveness of social spending can be defined by the degree to which the realized allocation approaches the socially desired outcome. The conclusions listed in the Commission paper are found far reaching and not supported by the empirical data. We perform such an analysis, starting from advances in recent literature. A more encompassing sociological perspective on the issue and factor analytical calculations is presented, which supports our general argument about the efficiency of the Scandinavian model. The social quality approach provides an alternative perspective on welfare system analysis, focusing on public policies rather than social policies. The empirical evidence, suggests that in terms of the efficiency of the European social model, the geography of comparative performance include: the direct action against social exclusion, health and family social expenditures, the neo-liberal approach, and the unemployment benefit centred approach. Applying rigorous comparative social science methodology, we also arrive at the conclusion that in terms of the initial ECOFIN definition of efficiency, the data presented in this article suggest that apart from Finland and the Netherlands, three new EU-27 member countries, especially the Czech Republic and Slovenia, provide interesting answers to the question about the efficiency of state expenditures in reducing poverty rates.social spending, European Commission, index numbers and aggregation, cross-sectional models, spatial models, economic integration, regional economic activity, international factor movements, nternational political economy

    Incorporating Outside Sources in Kurdish EFL Students’ Academic Writing

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    In academic writing, students need to incorporate outside sources. Incorporated sources involve summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting. Depending on why the source is being used, one method may be more appropriate than another. All three methods of incorporating sources require citations. Sources can be utilized for various purposes: presenting facts or statistics, serving as evidence to support an argument, lending authority to an argument or idea, i.e., authoritative discourse, providing examples and illustrations, stating an opposing viewpoint, and so on. For every source, students must determine the purpose of that source and how to best incorporate it into their writing. Both aspects are crucial to effectively integrating sources throughout the paper. Effective integrating of the sources in the EFL writing is a demanding task. Therefore, the aim of the study is to find out the difficulties and challenges the students face while using outside sources in academic writing. In achieving the aim of this study, twenty five third-year students were given an assignment to write an essay in which they had to incorporate an outside source. The study was conducted in the first semester in the academic year 2016-2017. Discussion of findings, implications and recommendations were presented after analyzing the students’ works

    A transform approach to polycyclic and serial codes over rings

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    Producción CientíficaIn this paper, a transform approach is used for polycyclic and serial codes over finite local rings in the case that the defining polynomials have no multiple roots. This allows us to study them in terms of linear algebra and invariant subspaces as well as understand the duality in terms of the transform domain. We also make a characterization of when two polycyclic ambient spaces are Hamming-isometric.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades / Agencia Estatal de Investigación / 0.13039/501100011033 (grant PGC2018-096446-B-C21

    On the multivariate analysis of the Lisbon process

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    Starting from Professor Kornai's assertion about the necessity to focus on the long-term perspectives of the transformation process, we analyze in this paper the Lisbon performance of the countries of the European Union from such a long-term, structural perspective. We present in a simple form the mathematical methods used in this essay. Then, we analyze Lisbon indicator performance by factor analytical means. We conclude that only a Schumpeterian vision of capitalism as a process of creative destruction - or rather - destructive creation can explain these contradictions, which we empirically reveal in this analysis, and which beset the Lisbon process from the very beginning. Our factor analysis tells us that a majority of the kernel Lisbon indicators go indeed hand in hand with high comparative price levels; high freight transport; high greenhouse gas emissions; low business investment rates; and low youth educational attainment rates. We conclude that in reality we are facing four underlying and contradictory processes including a Lisbon productivity factor; high eco-social exclusion; the employment performance; and the neo-liberal European model

    Pn –Ideal of Commutative Ring

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    مقدمة: في هذا البحث نعطي تعميما جديدا ل مثالي العليا تسمي PN – المثالي. اذا كان كل &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; مع &nbsp; و &nbsp;ثم &nbsp; , فان P &nbsp;المثالي المناسب ل &nbsp;يعرف باسم Pn المثالي. وندرس بعض خصائص مثالي العليا Pn المماثلة ل n –I &nbsp;و PI . وكذالك نعطي بعض التوصيفات لمثل هذا التعميم ونثبت ان كل عنصر فيPn مثالي عديم القوة , عندما يكون مثاليا ل Pn. أخيرا, نقدم بعض النظريات و الاقتراحات جديدة عن Pn مثالي. طرق العمل: في هذا البحث استخدمنا n – الثالي و r – المثالي لتعريف Pn - المثالي الاستنتاجات: اعطيا تعريفا جديدا ل Pn &nbsp;المثالي &nbsp;وكذالك&nbsp; نعطي بعض التوصيفات لمثل هذا التعميم ونثبت ان كل عنصر فيPn مثالي عديم القوة, عندما يكون مثاليا ل Pn. أخيرا, نقدم بعض النظريات و الاقتراحات جديدة عن Pn مثالي. مثلأ , كل n &nbsp;مثالي يكون Pn &nbsp;مثالي&nbsp; تحت شرط.Background: This study gives a new generalization to Ids called -Id. If for all &nbsp;with &nbsp;and &nbsp;then &nbsp;and a proper Id P of &nbsp;is known as a Id. It investigates some properties for example every element in &nbsp;is nilpotent if &nbsp;is an &nbsp;of , of Pn-Ids analogous to n-Ids and PI. Some characterizations such as If &nbsp;is a Id of&nbsp; &nbsp;then &nbsp;is also Id for generalization and it is proved that every element in - Ids is nilpotent. Accordingly, New versions of some theorems and proposition about Pn-Ids are given. Materials and Methods: In this paper we used the &nbsp;ideal and &nbsp;ideal to define ideal. Results: This strategy is continued in the second half of the study, when piecemeals are introduced as a generalization of &nbsp;Id. A PI &nbsp;of &nbsp;is said to be a Id if the condition &nbsp;with &nbsp;implies &nbsp;for all &nbsp;The notion of &nbsp;Id is given and some properties of Ids are investigated like to Ids. In Lemma 2.2, obtain every Id is Id. Also, if is a &nbsp;iff&nbsp; &nbsp;is an . It is proved (Proposition 2.5) that If &nbsp;is a &nbsp;Id in , then is a Id in &nbsp; Conclusion: This study provides a new generalization to Ids called -Id. If for all &nbsp;with &nbsp;and &nbsp;then &nbsp;then a proper Id P of &nbsp;is known as a Id. Some properties of Pn-Ids analogous to n-Ids and PI are investigated. Giving characterizations for such generalization proved that every element in &nbsp;is nilpotent, when &nbsp;is a Pn-Id. Consequently, new versions of some theorems and proposition about Pn-Ids are given

    Efficiency and effectiveness of social spending

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    In this qualitative sociological and quantitative economic policy paper, we start out from the assumption of a very recent European Commission Background paper on the Efficiency and effectiveness of social spending, which says the effectiveness of social spending can be defined by the degree to which the realized allocation approaches the socially desired outcome. The conclusions listed in the Commission paper are found far reaching and not supported by the empirical data. We perform such an analysis, starting from advances in recent literature. A more encompassing sociological perspective on the issue and factor analytical calculations is presented, which supports our general argument about the efficiency of the Scandinavian model. The social quality approach provides an alternative perspective on welfare system analysis, focusing on public policies rather than social policies. The empirical evidence, suggests that in terms of the efficiency of the European social model, the geography of comparative performance include: the direct action against social exclusion, health and family social expenditures, the neo-liberal approach, and the unemployment benefit centred approach. Applying rigorous comparative social science methodology, we also arrive at the conclusion that in terms of the initial ECOFIN definition of efficiency, the data presented in this article suggest that apart from Finland and the Netherlands, three new EU-27 member countries, especially the Czech Republic and Slovenia, provide interesting answers to the question about the efficiency of state expenditures in reducing poverty rates

    Machining of steels with ceramic tools

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    Five different types of ceramic tools of varying chemical compositions, KO60 (oxide based ceramic), KO90 (mixed ceramic), KYON2500 (SiC whisker reinforced) and KYON2000 and KYON3000 (nitride based ceramics) were used to machine three different grades of steel, namely EN8 (plain carbon steel), D2 tool steel (hardened steel) and EN24 (alloy steel) under various cutting conditions. Throughout the experiments various cutting speeds were used (50 - 700 m/min) for each of the cutting tools and work materials under investigation. The feed rate and depth of cut were kept fixed. The objective of these tests was to assess the optimum cutting conditions of each grade of ceramic tools used when machining steels. In all cases, the worn tools were examined to identify wear mechanisms and to determine how the wear was affected by the nature of the different workpiece, tool materials and variables such as cutting speeds. Furthermore, in order to understand the condition at the tool/chip interface cutting forces and surface finish were also measured. The results showed that the tools failed mainly by flank face wear. The wear mechanism analyses suggested that attrition, diffusion and plastic deformation controlled the tool life. At slower speeds, attrition has been the dominant wear mode, where as at higher speeds, evidence of diffusion and plastic deformation was the dominant wear mechanism. From study of the microstructure of ceramic tools, it was found that materials having smaller grain sizes gave the best tool life. It was also found that the large glass islands of nitride based ceramics enhanced attrition and diffusion wear resulting in a shorter tool life

    Galois LCD codes over mixed alphabets

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    Producción CientíficaIn this work we give a characterization of Galois Linear Complementary Dual codes and Galois-invariant codes over mixed alphabets of finite chain rings, which leads to the study of the Gray image of FpFp[θ]-linear codes, where p ∈ {2; 3} and θ = θ2 = 0 that provides LCD codes over Fp.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigación - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project PGC2018-096446-B-C21