41 research outputs found

    A Base Nacional Comum Curricular do Ensino Médio, as definições do Banco Mundial e os desafios da educação pública no Brasil

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    Neste artigo, realizou-se uma análise da Base Nacional Comum Curricular para o Ensino Médio, sua relação com a Lei 13.415 de 2017 que institui a reforma do Ensino Médio e com as diretrizes instituídas pelo Banco Mundial para a educação brasileira - expressas no documento intitulado de “Um ajuste justo: Análise da eficiência e equidade do gasto público no Brasil” publicado em novembro de 2017. Não há como desvincular a BNCC da reforma do ensino médio e das diretrizes instituídas pelo Banco Mundial. Destaca-se que o foco do debate nacional deve estar centrado na revogação da Lei 13.415 de 2017 e da EC 95/2017, e não apenas na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC)

    Encuesta sobre el avance del sector privado en la oferta de educación profesional técnica de nivel medio en el estado de Rio Grande do Sul

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    Este artigo parte do histórico do ensino médio no Brasil e da dualidade estrutural entre trabalho manual e intelectual, situação que se agrava ou ameniza conforme as alterações legislativas no Brasil, de separação ou integração da educação profissional ao ensino médio. Adotando a compreensão de que a oferta de uma educação profissional técnica de nível médio que promova a formação integral do estudante depende de políticas públicas concatenadas e de caráter universal, pesquisamos a participação do Estado na oferta de educação profissional no Rio Grande do Sul, através da análise documental de pareceres emitidos pelo CEED-RS -Conselho Estadual de Educação do Rio Grande do Sul, de autorização para funcionamento de cursos técnicos profissionalizantes, entre 2000 e 2018. A análise se concentra na oferta pelas redes estadual e privada, uma vez que as instituições federais independem de autorização do Conselho Estadual de Educação e os municípios, cuja atribuição é a oferta de educação infantil e ensino fundamental, geralmente não atuam na educação profissional técnica de nível médio. Constatamos que ao longo de todo o período verificado ocorre uma preponderância de autorizações de funcionamento de cursos técnicos de nível médio em instituições privadas. A falta de investimentos no ensino público estadual favorece o avanço do setor privado, especialmente com a nova legislação do ensino médio, que permite a terceirização do itinerário formativo da formação técnica e profissional.This article explores the history of high school in Brazilandspecifically the structural duality between manual and intellectual work and the separation or integration of professional education with high school,a situation that worsens or eases according to legislative changes in Brazil. Adopting the understanding that the offer of technical vocational high school that promotes comprehensive student education depends on concatenated and universal public policies, we researched the State's participation in the provision of professional education in Rio Grande do Sul, through documentary analysis of opinions issued by CEED-RS -State Council of Education of Rio Grande do Sul, for authorization to operate professional technical courses, between 2000 and 2018. The analysis focuses on the offer by the State and private institutions, since federal institutions do not require authorization from the State Education Council and municipalities, whose assignment is the provision of early childhood education and elementary education, generally do not act in technical vocational education middle level. We note that throughout the period verified there is a preponderance of operating authorizations of medium-level technical courses in private institutions. The lack of investment in public education favors the advancement of the private sector, with the risk, with the new high school legislation, that the already fragile public education will suffer interference from the private sector, which in recent years has acted to control policies educational institutions in Brazil.Este artículo parte de la historia de la educación secundaria en Brasil, y de la dualidad estructural entre el trabajo manual e intelectual, situación que se agrava o alivia según los cambios legislativos en Brasil, de la separación o integración de la educación profesional con la educación secundaria. Adoptando el entendimiento de que la oferta de educación secundaria técnica profesional que promueve la educación integral de los estudiantes depende de políticas públicas concatenadas y universales, investigamos la participación del Estado en la provisión de educación profesional en Rio Grande do Sul, a través del análisis documental de las opiniones emitidas por CEED-RS -Consejo Estatal de Educación de Rio Grande do Sul, para autorización para la operación de cursos técnicos profesionales, entre 2000 y 2018. El análisis se centra em la oferta por parte de instituciones estatales y privadas, ya que las instituciones federales son independientes de la autorización del Consejo Estatal de Educación y los, municipios, cuya asignación es la provisión de educación infantil y educación primaria, generalmente no operan em educación técnica vocacional em la escuela secundaria. Observamos que a lo largo del período verificado existe una preponderancia de autorizaciones de operación de cursos técnicos de nivel medio en instituciones privadas. La falta de inversión en educación pública favorece el avance del sector privado, con el riesgo, con la nueva legislación de la educación secundária, que la ya frágil educación pública sufra injerencias del sector privado, que en los últimos años ha actuado para controlar las políticas educativas. instituciones en Brasil

    Cine–Picc: Satisfaction and Knowledge Following a Video and Hands-on Training on Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Care

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    Objective: This study evaluated the knowledge and satisfaction of a nursing staff regarding the care of PICC before and after a combined training strategy consisting of video watching followed by hands-on practice; Methods: A cross-sectional and prospective study with data collection held at a public University Hospital from March to May 2018 and March 2019. The participants answered a pre-test about PICC, watched a video on PICC care and maintenance, watched a hands-on sessions and answered a pos-test. Results: A total of 520 professionals participated, in which 87.4% were from the nursing staff. A pre-test was answered by 211 and 203 answered the post-test questions. The satisfaction research covered a total of 97% satisfied respondents. Conclusions: Results indicate that the change from the traditional training model to an active educational approach reached a larger number of participants, showing up an innovative pedagogical tool in the training of critical and reflexive professionals.Objective: This study assessed the knowledge and satisfaction of a nursing staff regarding peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) care before and after a combined training strategy consisting of a video and hands-on practice. Methods: A cross-sectional and prospective study with data collection held at a public university hospital from March 2018 to May 2018 and in March 2019. Participants answered a pre-test about PICC lines, watched a video on PICC care and maintenance, attended hands-on sessions, and answered a post-test. Results: A total of 520 professionals participated in the study, of which 87.4% were from the nursing staff. The pre-test was answered by 211 individuals and the post-test questions were answered by 203 people. The satisfaction research showed 97% of satisfied respondents. Conclusions: Our results indicate that a change from the traditional training model to an active educational approach reached more participants, representing an innovative pedagogical tool in the training of critical and reflexive professionals

    Extravasamiento de doxorubicina em punto de mano y tratamiento – Relato de caso

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    Breast cancer is one of the main causes of mortality in the Brazilian female population and doxorubicin is one of the drugs used to prevent the replication of tumor cells. Our report describes a patient with malignant neoplasm of breast that suffered the extravasation of this drug during the infusion procedure. The evolution of the lesion in the patient’s hand, the treatment and prognosis were evaluated in this caseEl cáncer de mama es una de las principales causas de mortalidad en la población femenina brasileña y la doxorubicina es uno de los medicamentos utilizados para evitar la replicación de células tumorales. Nuestro relato describe una paciente con neoplasia maligna de mama que sufrió el extravase de este fármaco durante el procedimiento de infusión. La evolución de la lesión en la mano de la paciente, el tratamiento y el pronóstico se evaluaron en este caso

    Cine–PICC : satisfaction and knowledge following a video and hands-on training on peripherally inserted central catheter

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    Introduction: This study assessed the knowledge and satisfaction of a nursing staff regarding peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) care before and after a combined training strategy consisting of a video and hands-on practice. Methods: A cross-sectional and prospective study with data collection held at a public university hospital from March 2018 to May 2018 and in March 2019. Participants answered a pre-test about PICC lines, watched a video on PICC care and maintenance, attended hands-on sessions, and answered a post-test. Results: A total of 520 professionals participated in the study, of which 87.4% were from the nursing staff. The pre-test was answered by 211 individuals and the post-test questions were answered by 203 people. The satisfaction research showed 97% of satisfied respondents. Conclusions: Our results indicate that a change from the traditional training model to an active educational approach reached more participants, representing an innovative pedagogical tool in the training of critical and reflexive professionals