303 research outputs found

    Performance Audit through LibQUAL+ Technique: The Experience of Burdwan University and Visva-Bharati Library Users

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    Introduction-This paper discussed the need of performance audit through LibQUAL+ technique in University Library users in West Bengal, India. LibQUAL+ Technique is developed by Association of Research Libraries (ARL) in the year 2000. It is a suite of services that libraries use to solicit, track, understand, and act upon users\u27 opinions of service quality. In this paper, an attempt has been made to measure the performance of Burdwan University Library and Visva-Bharati Library Users through LibQUAL+ technique. Comparative study of each dimension that is Library as a Place (LP), Information Control (IC) and Affect of Service (AS), Adequacy Gap (AG), Superiority Gap (SG) and Zone of Tolerance has been determined. This technique has been applied to know what library users saying about the performance of the library. Methods-To conduct of this study a large variety of data-gathering and analysis techniques have been adopted such as surveys, interviews, observations, etc. of the users of both the libraries. Findings- Visva-Bharati Library (VBL) performs better in all respect than Burdwan University Library (BUL) specially overall library performance of VBL (3.20 mean score) where as BUL (3.34 mean score) in West Bengal, India. Suggestions- Library authority should concentrate whether minimum service levels are available to users, what their desired service levels are but what they are getting (perceived) at this moment. Faculty, scholars and students opinion (feedback & suggestions) regarding library services have to take regular interval i.e. quarterly, half-yearly or yearly. Besides that, authority of university library should always promote introduction of new services to the academic community through notification as well as put it library website or university website. Keywords-Performance Audit, University Libraries, Library as a Place, Information Control, Affect of Service, Adequacy Gap, Superiority Gap, Zone of Tolerance

    The Beginning of a 'Smart Development Era' in Azerbaijan: Smart Technologies and/vs Smart Decision-Making

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    The past few years in Azerbaijan have been marked by growing government interest in using 'smart' solutions in urban and rural planning. The results of the Karabakh conflict pushed these aspirations even further, with ‘smart’ technologies being seen as the key instruments in the redevelopment of the de-occupied territories. Since cities are vital mechanisms for economic growth, it is generally believed that applying modern technologies in urban and regional planning can increase the economic performance of a nation while ensuring sustainability. This article will discuss Azerbaijan's existing experience in 'smart' development and examine the extent to which the wider public participates (or will have an opportunity to participate) in the ongoing and future reforms

    Performance Audit through LibQUAL+ Technique: The Experience of Burdwan University and Visva-Bharati Library Users

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    Introduction-This paper discussed the need of performance audit through LibQUAL+ technique in University Library users in West Bengal, India. LibQUAL+ Technique is developed by Association of Research Libraries (ARL) in the year 2000. It is a suite of services that libraries use to solicit, track, understand, and act upon users\u27 opinions of service quality. In this paper, an attempt has been made to measure the performance of Burdwan University Library and Visva-Bharati Library Users through LibQUAL+ technique. Comparative study of each dimension that is Library as a Place (LP), Information Control (IC) and Affect of Service (AS), Adequacy Gap (AG), Superiority Gap (SG) and Zone of Tolerance has been determined. This technique has been applied to know what library users saying about the performance of the library. Methods-To conduct of this study a large variety of data-gathering and analysis techniques have been adopted such as surveys, interviews, observations, etc. of the users of both the libraries. Findings- Visva-Bharati Library (VBL) performs better in all respect than Burdwan University Library (BUL) specially overall library performance of VBL (3.20 mean score) where as BUL (3.34 mean score) in West Bengal, India. Suggestions- Library authority should concentrate whether minimum service levels are available to users, what their desired service levels are but what they are getting (perceived) at this moment. Faculty, scholars and students opinion (feedback & suggestions) regarding library services have to take regular interval i.e. quarterly, half-yearly or yearly. Besides that, authority of university library should always promote introduction of new services to the academic community through notification as well as put it library website or university website. Keywords-Performance Audit, University Libraries, Library as a Place, Information Control, Affect of Service, Adequacy Gap, Superiority Gap, Zone of Tolerance

    The Incentive Effects of Tournaments: The PGA Australasian Tour 1991

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    This paper examines the relationship betlveen the structure of tournament incentives and individual performance. Although it follows recent research on Professional Golf Association tournaments in the United States and Europe, it concentrates on the PGA Australasian Tour in 1991 for which financial incentives on average are much less attractive than for tourna1nents in the northern hemisphere. The results strongly confirm that tournan1ents do have an incentive effect. The incentive effects that such tournament-type reward structures are clearly shown to have may be applicable not only to professional sport hut also to industrial wage structures. Tournament models can offer a different perspective on the extent to which pay influences performance at the firm level

    Performance Audit of Some Selected University Libraries in West Bengal: A Framework for Evaluation

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    Introduction-This paper discussed the need of performance audit of some selected University Libraries in West Bengal, India and how the libraries have achieved their day to day operations & activities economically, efficiently and effectively. For the purpose of this study, four selected university libraries in West Bengal established during the same time have been considered and 41 performance indicators have been applied that is based on ISO 11620 (2008)  and IFLA-Measuring Quality: Performance Measurement in Libraries (2007).Methods-To conduct of this study a large variety of data-gathering and analysis techniques have been  adopted such as surveys, interviews, observations, documentary analysis as well as the analysis of financial, service, output statistics i.e. performance data of four university libraries in West Bengal.Findings- After applying the performance indicators for different activities & operations performed by the studied university libraries, it shows that NBUL has overall performed well achieved 1st position followed by BUL (2nd), RBUL (3rd) & KUL (4th).Suggestions- It will be possible to measure the strengths and weakness of performance of the university libraries in different angels compared to the other universities of the state. It will help to prepare a framework for evaluation as well as to monitor the proper guidelines and utilization of financial, human, technical and other resources with minimum economy will be achieved efficiently and effectively within the university library systems

    Tutorial for Making a Game in Unreal Engine 4

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    Selles bakalaureusetöös valmis õppematerjal mängumootori Unreal Engine 4 jaoks, mille\n\rläbimisel valmib õpilasel lihtne kolmanda isiku vaates arvutimäng.Purpose of this thesis is to develop a tutorial which teaches how to create games with Unreal\n\rEngine 4. After completing the tutorial, one will end up with simple third person computer game

    Analisis Risiko Proses Pengawasan Barang dan Jasa pada Direktorat Pengawasan Barang Beredar dan Jasa Kementerian Perdagangan

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    Analisis Risiko Proses Pengawasan Barang dan Jasa Pada Direktorat Pengawasan Barang Beredar dan Jasa, Kementerian Perdagangan, latar belakang penelitian Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen yang mengamanatkan jaminan peredaran produk barang dan jasa. Faktor dari proses pengawasan adalah pelaksanaan pengawasan, kapasitas petugas pengawas, dan kebijakan unit kerja. untuk mengetahui tingkatan risiko dilakukan pengukuran terhadap peluang KTD dan dampak KTD. Metode penelitian adalah metode kualitatif, guna memperoleh data primer melalui wawancara responden yang memiliki peran petugas pengawas, data sekunder berupa data laporan hasil pengawasan dan laporan target kinerja dari unit kerja. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa pertanyaan kepada responden yang ditentukan untuk menelaah informasi proses pengawasan melalui wawancara terstruktur menggunakan kuisioner kualitatif dengan metode purposive sampling dan teknik analisis risiko dengan identifikasi risiko, penilaian risiko, dan mitigasi risiko. Hasil penelitian terdapat 23 (dua puluh tiga) penyataan risiko atau KTD, dengan 7 (tujuh) level risiko besar (unacceptable), 9 (sembilan) level risiko sedang (unacceptable) dan 7 (tujuh) dengan level risiko kecil (acceptable). Maka risiko dengan kategori unacceptable perlu dimitigasi melalui (reduce). Risiko dengan kategori besar adalah temuan barang beredar dan jasa yang tidak sesuai ketentuan beredar di pasaran. Mitigasi peluang Perlu dilakukan tindakan penegakan hukum / pro justisia sebagai upaya memberikan efek jera terhadap pelaku usaha yang masih memperdagangkan barang dan jasa yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan., dan mitigasi dampak adalah dengan penanagan kasus bermotif ekonomi memproduksi dan/atau memperdagangkan barang tidak sesuai ketentuan dengan pemberian sanksi ancaman atau denda sebesar 2 (dua Milyar Rupiah) dan saksi pencabutan ijin berusaha sesuai Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen, diharapkan peredaran barang dan jasa yang tidak sesuai ketentuan dapat menurun, sehingga kategori risiko dari tidak dapat diterima (unacceptable) menjadi dapat diterima (acceptable). Kata Kunci : Proses Pengawasan Barang Beredar dan Jasa. / Risk Analysis of the Process of Supervision of Goods and Services at the Directorate of Supervision of Circulating Goods and Services, Ministry of Trade, research background to Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection which mandates guaranteed circulation of goods and services. The Supervision Process is carried out in the market periodically and specifically in each region in Indonesia, as well as legality checks and standard testing of products that warn of the conformity of the quality of the goods. Factors in the supervision process are the implementation of supervision, the capacity of supervisory officers, and unit work policies. To determine the level of risk, measurement of the chance of an adverse event and the impact of an adverse event is carried out. The research method is a qualitative method, to obtain primary data through interviews with respondents who have the role of supervisory officers, secondary data in the form of monitoring report data and performance target reports from work units. The data collection technique is in the form of questions to respondents who are determined to review information on the supervision process through structured interviews using qualitative questionnaires with a purposive sampling method and risk analysis techniques with risk identification, risk assessment and risk mitigation. The research results showed that there were 23 (twenty-three) risk statements or adverse events, with 7 (seven) major risk levels (unacceptable), 9 (nine) moderate risk levels (unacceptable) and 7 (seven) small risk levels ( acceptable). So risks in the unacceptable category need to be mitigated through (reduce). The risk in the large category is the discovery of circulating goods and services that do not comply with the provisions circulating on the market. Mitigation opportunities that are carried out include intensive supervision in all regions or areas in Indonesia, and the involvement of supervisory officers at provincial and district/city services in the regions, as well as the need for joint policies between the government and business actors to prepare and agree on regulations related to the circulation of goods and services that comply with the provisions, and Impact mitigation means that business actors can provide repairs or compensation if there are complaints from consumers. The hope is that the circulation of goods and services that do not comply with the provisions can decrease so that the unacceptable risk category becomes acceptable. Keywords: Goods and Services Supervision Proces

    The use of remote sensing to evaluate and detect desert regions

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    Die Fernerkundung spielt eine signifikante Rolle bei der Bereitstellung von aktuellen Daten zur Schätzung von empirischen Indizes bei Untersuchungen der Umwelt, insbesondere in Trockengebieten. Spektral- und thermische Kanäle in Satellitenbildern werden auch zur Berechnung von Indizes verwendet, um natürliche Phänomene in Trockengebieten – wie etwa Bodendegradation und Desertifikation – aufzuspüren, zu bestimmen und zu evaluieren. In dieser Arbeit wurden zur Identifikation von Desertifikation in der Kashan-Qom Region im Zentraliran fünf Desertifikationsindikatoren verwendet: Vegetation, Oberflächentemperatur, Erosion, Trockenheit und Überflutungen. Diese Indikatoren wurden dargestellt mit Hilfe von: Vegetationsindex (VCI), Temperaturindex (TCI), Revidierte Universelle Bodenverlustgleichung (RUSLE), standardisierter Niederschlagsindex (SPI) und Abfluss. Multispektrale Bilder des MODIS Satelliten wurden für die Berechnung von VCI und TCI herangezogen. Des Weiteren wurden RUSLE, SPI und Abfluss bestimmt. Schließlich wurden mehrere Desertifikationskarten anhand von zwei Modellen – einem konventionellen Modell und einem unscharfen Modell – erstellt. Die Ergebnisse der Modelle wurden mit Hilfe von Feldproben und der Erstellung einer Fehlermatrix analysiert. Im unscharfen Modell wurde ein regelbasiertes System aufgrund von Expertenwissen und einer induktiven datengetriebenen Methode erstellt. Obwohl das unscharfe Modell weniger genau als die konventionelle Methode ist, zeigt es die Unbestimmtheit in den Desertifikationsklassen der erstellten Karten.Remote sensing plays a significant role in providing up-to-date data for the estimating of empirical indices in studying the environment, especially in drylands. The spectral and thermal bands in satellite images are also applied to calculate the indices to detect, identify, and evaluate the natural phenomena in drylands such as land degradation and desertification. In this project, for the identification of desertification in the Kashan-Qom region in Central Iran, five main indicators of desertification are used as follows: vegetation, land surface temperature, erosion, drought, and flooding; therefore, these indices are selected as Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), Temperature Condition Index (TCI), Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), and Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), and runoff (Q), respectively. The multi-spectral satellite images of MODIS are used for the calculation of remotely sensed indices such as Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) and Temperature Condition Index (TCI). Furthermore, the ancillary data-based indices, Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), and Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), and runoff (Q), are also estimated. Then several desertification maps are produced in two models: conventional method and fuzzy model. The result of each model is also evaluated, that is, the results are assessed by the supplying of field sampling as ground truth references and the defining of error matrix. In the fuzzy modelling, a rule-based system is built by expert knowledge and data-induction method. According to the obtained results, even though the accuracy of the fuzzy model is lower than the conventional method, the fuzzy model represents the uncertainty in the classes of resulted desertification by providing a map for each class