766 research outputs found

    Agronomic performance of Indian wheat varieties and genetic stocks known for outstanding chapati quality characteristics

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate set of wheat genotypes in one location for their agronomic performance and chapati quality. The cultivars included the tall traditional wheat of the pre-dwarfing era, which were known to excel for chapati quality. This set also included varieties known to have good chapati quality, commercially grown wheats, advanced lines and genetic stocks excelling in one or other quality attribute. All these genotypes developed for different component traits were evaluated along with the recently released high yielding varieties to assess their quality. The mean chapati score of these genotypes revealed that the tall varieties had a distinct edge over others and are the best resource available for this trait. C306 had a high mean chapati score of 8.17 followed by C518, C591 and C273. The released varieties WG357, HD2733 and PBW343 were intermediate in chapati quality whereas the genetic stocks WH1103 and WH712 had lowest score in the group. Among other agronomic traits recorded the traditional varieties were tall and had lower yields than the recently released varieties. The tall varieties had a slightly higher test weight. The environmental conditions and the quantitative nature of the chapati quality did not auger well with the set of genotypes tested however, better and stable performance of the tall traditional varieties. C306 the wheat variety released in 1965 for cultivation has remained the best quality genotype over the years and was also established from this study

    Development of near isogenic lines (NILS) using backcross method of breeding and simultaneous screening against Karnal bunt disease of wheat

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    Karnal bunt of wheat caused by Tilletia indica can be a hindrance to wheat trade as the fungal disease is known to affect the quality of the grain. As a breeding strategy, a set of eight near isogenics lines (NILs) and backcross derived recombinant inbred lines (micro-RILs) were developed in the background of PBW 343 and WH542 for Karnal bunt resistance over a period of time. The donor stocks resistant to Karnal bunt used in the study were ALDAN ‘ S’ / IAS 58, CMH 77.308, H567.7I, HD29, HP1531, W485 and their derived lines KBRL 22 and KBRL 57. Effective method for screening to Karnal bunt was standardized and used for identification of resistant lines across many seasons. Some of the identified lines evaluated for yield were found to be equivalent to the high yielding parents and the commercially grown check varieties. These developed lines will serve as a basic material for production of Karnal bunt free wheat

    Effect of stem reserve mobilization on grain filling under drought stress conditions in recombinant inbred population of wheat

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    Pre-anthesis carbon assimilation of stem reserves is considered as an important source for grain filling during post anthesis drought stresses that inhibit photosynthesis. 175 RILs from cross (C518/2*PBW343) along with check cultivars were evaluated for stem reserve mobilization under irrigated and rainfed conditions. These two cultivars belonging to distinct adaptation mechanism, offer several morpho -physiological and biochemical con-trasts. C 518 is tall and adapted to low input rainfed conditions whereas PBW 343 is semi -dwarf and input re-sponsive. Further C 518 is known for better stem reserves on account of larger peduncle and strong commitment to grain filling due to effective stem reserve mobilization. The parents and the RIL population was tested for stem reserve mobilization by defoliation of flag leaf and second leaf at anthesis under irrigated and rainfed environments. Evaluated entries differed significantly (p<0.001) for reduction in 1000 grain weight under defoliation (TGWL). Percent reduction in 1000 grain weight ranged from 4.4 % to 39.6 % under irrigated environment and 3.2 % to 35.0 under rainfed condition. A significant positive correlation (r = +0.357) between stem reserve mobilization and peduncle length was observed under rainfed condition. Tested RILs vary individually for stem reserve mobilization when subjected to removal of flag leaf and second leaf inhibiting the photosynthesis. The genotypes with better stem reserve mobilization based on 1000 grain weight in the absence of photosynthesis may also provide relative tolerance to drought

    Analysis of MAGSAT data of the Indian region

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    Progress in the development of software for reading MAGSAT data tapes and for the reduction of anomaly data, and in the preparation of data for magnetic anomaly maps is reported

    New Longitudinal Waves in Electron-Positron-Ion Quantum Plasmas

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    A general quantum dispersion equation for electron-positron(hole)-ion quantum plasmas is derived and studied for some interesting cases. In an electron-positron degenerate Fermi gas, with or without the Madelung term, a new type of zero sound waves are found. Whereas in an electron-hole plasmas a new longitudinal quantum waves are revealed, which have no analogies in quantum electron-ion plasmas. The excitation of these quantum waves by a low-density monoenergetic straight electron beam is examined. Furthermore, the KdV equation for novel quantum waves is derived and the contribution of the Madelung term in the formation of the KdV solitons is discussed

    Molecular line mapping of the giant molecular cloud associated with RCW 106 - II. Column density and dynamical state of the clumps

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    We present a fully sampled C^{18}O (1-0) map towards the southern giant molecular cloud (GMC) associated with the HII region RCW 106, and use it in combination with previous ^{13}CO (1-0) mapping to estimate the gas column density as a function of position and velocity. We find localized regions of significant ^{13}CO optical depth in the northern part of the cloud, with several of the high-opacity clouds in this region likely associated with a limb-brightened shell around the HII region G333.6-0.2. Optical depth corrections broaden the distribution of column densities in the cloud, yielding a log-normal distribution as predicted by simulations of turbulence. Decomposing the ^{13}CO and C^{18}O data cubes into clumps, we find relatively weak correlations between size and linewidth, and a more sensitive dependence of luminosity on size than would be predicted by a constant average column density. The clump mass spectrum has a slope near -1.7, consistent with previous studies. The most massive clumps appear to have gravitational binding energies well in excess of virial equilibrium; we discuss possible explanations, which include magnetic support and neglect of time-varying surface terms in the virial theorem. Unlike molecular clouds as a whole, the clumps within the RCW 106 GMC, while elongated, appear to show random orientations with respect to the Galactic plane.Comment: 17 pages, to appear in MNRA

    Effect of additive concentration during copper deposition using EnFACE electrolyte

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    Copper deposition from solutions using high concentration of acid, metal ions and polyethylene glycol (PEG), and bis-(3-sulphopropyl) disulphide (SPS) and chloride ions (Cl-) is well known. A recent maskless micropatterning technology, which has the potential to replace the traditional photolithographic process, called EnFACE, proposed using an acid-free, low metal ion solution which is in direct contrast to those used in standard plating technology. In this work copper has been deposited using both standard electroplating solutions and those used in the EnFACE process. In the standard electrolyte 0.63 M CuSO4 and 2.04 M H2SO4 has been used, along with Gleam additives supplied by Dow Chemicals. For the Enface electrolyte, copper deposition has been carried out without any acid, and with different concentrations of additives between 17%-200% of those recommended by suppliers. 25 μm of metal has been plated on stainless steel coupons as suggested by ASTM, peeled off and subjected to ductility and resistance measurements. Scanning electron microscopy and electron back scatter diffraction have been carried out to determine the deposit morphology. It was found that copper deposits obtained from acid-free solutions containing low concentration of metal ion and additives produced copper deposits with properties which are comparable to those obtained from standard electrolytes. The optimum additive concentration for the EnFACE electrolyte was 50% of the supplier recommended value

    Identification of a novel stripe rust resistance gene from the European winter wheat cultivar 'Acienda':A step towards rust proofing wheat cultivation

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    All stage resistance to stripe rust races prevalent in India was investigated in the European winter wheat cultivar ‘Acienda’. In order to dissect the genetic basis of the resistance, a backcross population was developed between ‘Acienda’ and the stripe rust susceptible Indian spring wheat cultivar ‘HD 2967’. Inheritance studies revealed segregation for a dominant resistant gene. High density SNP genotyping was used to map stripe rust resistance and marker regression analysis located stripe rust resistance to the distal end of wheat chromosome 1A. Interval mapping located this region between the SNP markers AX-95162217 and AX-94540853, at a LOD score of 15.83 with a phenotypic contribution of 60%. This major stripe rust resistance locus from ‘Acienda’ has been temporarily designated as Yraci. A candidate gene search in the 2.76 Mb region carrying Yraci on chromosome 1A identified 18 NBS-LRR genes based on wheat RefSeqv1.0 annotations. Our results indicate that as there is no major gene reported in the Yraci chromosome region, it is likely to be a novel stripe rust resistance locus and offers potential for deployment, using the identified markers, to confer all stage stripe rust resistance
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