8 research outputs found


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    In principle, the responsibility of caring for children is the burden of both parents, whether they are still living in harmony or a divorce has occurred. Hadanah itself is an act that must be carried out against their parents, because without Hadanah it will result in the child being neglected and his life is wasted, because if the child is still small or not yet mumayyiz, it is very well nurtured and educated, and will have a negative impact on their future. , can even challenge the existence of their soul. Child care, in the view of KHI, includes all the needs that can support the development of the child's life both in the scope of primary and secondary needs, such as the need for education, living expenses, peace of life, welfare, especially in health.In Shafi'i's view regarding child custody (hadanah), children who are seven years old are allowed to choose for themselves if both parents are equally worthy to take care of their hadhanah, be it in matters of religion, property or affection. so the child is invited to choose it, on the grounds that the child is considered to be able to distinguish which one is good and what is bad for himself, therefore the child is given the freedom to choose what he thinks the child is able to make his own choice whether to follow his mother or follow his father

    Aplikasi Android Untuk Siswa SMP Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar

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    The rapid improvement of science and generation today has caused many innovations in the use of technological consequences that may facilitate people in learning sports. The splendor of the physical appearance significantly impacts the gaining knowledge of method, the more attractive the media show, the greater prompted college students are to learn it impacts pupil learning effects. The pandemic length demands that pupil learning be done remotely. This studies technique makes use of a qualitative descriptive approach. The statistics collection method consisted of a questionnaire used to discover understanding abilties. topics who meet the criteria in this examine are junior high college students (SMP) in grade 9 with a total of 10 college students. The sampling approach on this studies used purposive sampling. The results confirmed that "Android application development as a arithmetic mastering Media for Flat Sided space building substances for Junior high faculty college students" acquired very feasible criteria due to the fact the effects of scholar responses to spatial packages that got the percentage of quiz achievement were 88%, the consequences for the evaluation questionnaire had been 92 % and had 90 % average


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    Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui uji efektivitas berpikir kritis mahasiswa melalui penerapan model collaborative learning dengan media blog pada mata kuliah kalkulus II. Penelitian ini menggunakan quasi eksperimental dengan jenis rancangan the nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group. Sedangkan teknik analisis data penelitian yang digunakan adalah Uji t berpasangan  (paired  t-test), melalui program SPSS 16.0 for Windows dengan Independent Sample T-Test, dengan terlebih dahulu melakukan prasyarat, yaitu uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas, yaitu uji Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) normality test dan uji Levene’s (uji homogenitas). Sampel mahasiswa semester II Unidha dan Unisma berjumlah 118 mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian untuk data postes, berdasarkan hasil uji t melalui program SPSS 16.0 for Windows, dengan menggunakan Independent Sample T-Test (t-test for equality of means) untuk data postes (kemampuan berpikir kritis) di Unisma dan Unidha Malang, diperoleh nilai signifikansi (sig.2-tailed) adalah 0,049 dan 0,045, karena lebih kecil dari 0,05, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan berpikir kritis mata kuliah kalkulus II mahasiswa Unisma dan unidha Malang antara kelompok eksperimen (model collaborative learning) dan kelompok kontrol (model konvensional) berbeda secara signifikan. Berdasarkan nilai rata-rata nilai postes di Unisma pada kelompok eksperimen sebesar 63.67, dan nilai rata-rata kelompok kontrol sebesar 53.43, demikian juga nilai rata-rata nilai rata untuk data postes di Unisma Malang pada kelompok eksperimen sebesar 65.83, dan nilai rata-rata kelompok kontrol sebesar 60.04, dikarenakan nilai rata-rata kelompok ekespeerimen lebih besar dari pada nilai rata kelompok kontrok pada niai postes kedua sampel di Unisma dan Unidha, maka dapat disimpulkan kemampuan berpikir kritis mata kuliah kalkulus II mahasiswa di Unisma dan Unidha antara kelompok eksperimen lebih baik dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Kata Kunci: Kemamapuan Berpikir Kritis, Collaborative Learning, Media Blog, Kalkulus II   Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness test of students' critical thinking through the application of collaborative learning models with media blogs on the second calculus course. This study uses a quasi-experimental design with the nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. While the research data analysis technique used is paired t-test, through the SPSS 16.0 for Windows program with Independent Sample T-Test, by first conducting the prerequisites, namely the normality test and homogeneity test, namely the Lilliefors test (Kolmogorov- Smirnov) normality test and Levene's test (homogeneity test). Samples of Unidha and Unisma second semester students totaled 118 students. The results of the study for posttest data, based on the results of the t test through the SPSS 16.0 for Windows program, using the Independent Sample T-Test (t-test for equality of means) for posttest data (critical thinking skills) at Unisma and Unidha Malang, obtained significance values (sig.2-tailed) is 0.049 and 0.045, because it is smaller than 0.05, it can be concluded that the critical thinking ability of calculus II students of Unisma and Unidha Malang students between the experimental group (collaborative learning model) and the control group (conventional model ) significantly different. Based on the average value of posttest at Unisma in the experimental group of 63.67, and the average value of the control group at 53.43, as well as the average value of the posttest data at Unisma Malang in the experimental group at 65.83, and the average value control group of 60.04, because the average value of the experimental group was greater than the average value of the control group in the post-test scores of both samples at Unisma and Unidha, it can be concluded the critical thinking skills of calculus II students at Unisma and Unidha between the experimental groups were better compared to the control group. Keywords: critical thinking ability, collaborative learning, blog media, calculus I

    Efektivitas Bahan Ajar Terintegrasi PPK, Literasi Dan Learning and Innovation Skills (4C’s) pada Mata Kuliah Kalkulus I

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas bahan ajar terintegrasi PPK, literasi dan, learning and innovation skills (4C’s) pada mata kuliah kalkulus I. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan quasi eksperimental research. Dengan desain nonequivalent control group design. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Prodi Pendidikan Matematika FKIP Unisma tahun akademik 2019/2020. Sampel ditentukan dengan teknik convenience sampling terpilih 2 kelas berjumlah 57 mahasiswa. Perlakuan kelompok eksperimen dalam pembelajaran menggunakan bahan ajar kalkulus I terintegrasi PPK, literasi dan, learning and innovation skills (4C’s), sedangkan kelompok kontrol menggunakan hand out kalkulus I dari dosen. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah soal tes berpikir tingkat tinggi (berpikir kritis dan kreatif). Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji independent sample t test dua pihak untuk menguji perbedaan rerata dan uji independent sample t test satu pihak untuk uji efektivitas bahan ajar. Hasil penelitian dengan uji t dua pihak diperoleh terdapat perbedaan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (berpikir kritis dan berpikir kreatif) mahasiswa yang dalam pembelajaran menggunakan bahan ajar terintegrasi PPK, literasi dan, learning and innovation skills (4C’s) dibanding dengan yang menggunakan hand out dosen pada mata kuliah kalkulus I. Demikian juga berdasarkan uji independent sample t test satu pihak dihasilkan bahwa bahan ajar terintegrasi PPK, literasi dan, learning and innovation skills (4C’s) lebih efektif dibanding hand out dosen pada mata kuliah kalkulus I untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi mahasiswa


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    Tujuan dari pengembangan produk batik podhek ini yaitu, 1) meminimalisir limbah dengan prinsip penyulingan air limbah pelorotan batik. 2) meningkatkan produksi dan efisiensi produksi batik podhek, 3) pembentukan pengurus kelompok usaha bersama, 4) melakukan studi banding untuk menambah wawasan dalam strategi produksi, pemasaran, dan pengelolaan limbah, 5) memperkuat kerjasama dengan mitra yang sudah terjalin. Metode pelaksanaan dari pengembangan produk ekspor batik podhek ini dengan metode pendampingan. Pengembangan yang sudah dilakukan yaitu, 1) koordinasi pada setiap pelaksanaan program, 2) sosialisasi peleksanaan pengembangan produk ekspor batik podhek, 3) penataan tempat produksi batik, 4) pembentukan pengurus dan program kerja kelompok usaha bersama, 5) penyewaan tempat pemasaran batik, 6) pameran batik di tunjungan plaza Surabaya, 7) Studi banding mengenai produksi dan manajeman pemasaran di produsen batik puri putri pacitan dan batik tengah sawah pacitan. 8) pameran batik bekerjasama dengan MIN 1 Malang, 9) memperkuat kerjasama dengan mitra yang sudah terjalin. Pengembangan pada program berikutnya membuat sentra kampung batik podhek

    Pengembangan LKS Berbentuk Komik Materi Program Linear Berbasis Penemuan Terbimbing Siswa Kelas XI SMK Wisnuwardhana Malang

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    Learning tools are one important aspect to determine the success of a learning design. Student worksheet is one of the learning tools. The purpose of this study is as follows. 1) to find out how to develop a mathematics learning worksheet in the form of comics based on guided discovery on linear program material, 2) to find out the validity and practicality of a mathematics learning worksheet in the form of comics based on guided discovery on linear program material. In this research the method used is the development method. So the research explained that what was developed was a comic-based worksheet based on guided findings on linear program metrics. The subjects in this study were students of class XI Vocational School Wisnuwardhana Malang. Based on the LKS development research results that have been obtained that the validity results assessed by three validator experts are 1) material expert validator, 2) media expert validator, and 3) linguist validator reaches a percentage of 72.20%. In this criterion, the worksheets that were developed were good (valid) and the results of practicality were obtained from the student questionnaire responses and obtained an average value of 3.3 which in this criterion was declared good (practical). From the development of LKS in the form of comics based on guided discoveries on linear program material, it was concluded that the development of LKS is valid and practical so that it is suitable to be used in mathematics learning