Journal of Education and Learning Mathematics Research
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    81 research outputs found

    The Structure Of Algebraic Argumentation Of High School Students With The Toulmin Model

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    Mathematical argumentation is an important skill that must be owned in the 21st century. The purpose of the research is to analyze the structure of high school students' algebraic argumentation using the Toulmin model which consists of claim, data, warrant, and backing. This study involved 35 students in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year at Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang High School. The students were asked to provide algebraic argumentation in mathematical proofs related to the quadratic function theorem. The algebraic argumentation was then analyzed using the Toulmin model. The results showed that 20% of students' mathematical argumentation skills were at level 5; 57.14% of students' mathematical argumentation skills were at level 4; 20% of students' mathematical argumentation skills were at level 3; 2.86% of students' mathematical argumentation skills were at level 2; and no students were at level 1

    Proof -Based Learning Design Using APOS Theory on Triangle Inequality Theorem Material

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    This research aims to produce a series of activities that can support evidence-based learning on the material of the Triangle Inequality Theorem. The research method used was design research type validation study and involved 22 4th semester students of the Mathematics Education study program at PGRI University Palembang. The research was conducted through 3 stages, namely preliminary design, design experiment and restropective analysis. Data collection was carried out using observation techniques, documentation and activity sheets. The research data were analyzed qualitatively, namely comparing the results of observations during the learning process with the HLT that had been designed. The results showed that the designed activities can support evidence-based learning for Triangle Inequality Theorem material

    Awareness About Mathematical Patterns in MI Muhammadiyah 3 Jogoroto Jombang Students

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    Awareness of patterns in this study is closely related to generalization. This awareness is the condition of someone who can know there is an order in the pattern, can mention the structure of the given pattern and can determine the next pattern. One of the basic skills in learning mathematics is generalization. This research is a descriptive quantitative research that aims to describe awareness of mathematical patterns in grades 4, 5 and 6 of MI Muhammadiyah 3 Jogoroto Jombang. The sample of this research was 89 students in grades 4, 5 and 6 of MI Muhammadiyah 3 Jogoroto Jombang. All students were given questions about number patterns and figure patterns and then conducted interviews. The results showed that students' awareness of number patterns was 80,65% for 4th grade , 95,83% for 5th grade  and 97,06% for 6th grade . Meanwhile, students' awareness of figure patterns was 87,09% for 4th grade, 95,83% for 5th grade and 100% for 6th grade. Based on the results of this study, it can be seen that students in grades 4, 5 and 6 of MI Muhammadiyah 3 Jogoroto Jombang are already able to recognize pattern regularity, can mention the pattern structure and can determine the next pattern, which is limited in number. Students have not been able to determine the number of elements (structures) in the n-th pattern

    Analysis of The Ability Student of SMA Al Islam Krian to Understanding Mathematical Concepts in Terms of Learning Styles

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    This research aims to analyze and describe the ability of students of SMA Al Islam Krian to Understanding Mathematical Concepts in Terms of Student Learning Styles for the 2022/2023academic year on the material of circle equations in terms of learning stylesusing include auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning styles with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection techniques used were tests and interviews, with research instruments in the form of learning-style questionnaires, test questions, and interviews. The results of the study, it was found that from the visual learning style students with high abilities were able to understand mathematical concepts, whereas students with low abilities were not yet able to understand mathematical concepts. Meanwhile, from the auditory learning style, students with high and low abilities are less able to understand mathematical concepts. If from the kinesthetic learning style students with high abilities are less able to understand mathematical concepts, while students with low abilities are not yet able to understand mathematical concepts

    Implementation of Project Based Learning Integrated TPACK in Improve Creative Thinking Skills Through Lesson Study

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    Facing 21st century learning, lecturers need to carry out student-centered learning that is able to improve creative thinking skills. This research aims to improve students' creative thinking skills by applying  Project Based learning integrated TPAC through lesson study. This study used classroom action research through study lessons with three open classes with subjects totaling 32 students of the Hamzanwadi University, mathematics education study program. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Student activity scores during the learning process from the first, second and third open classes were 73.34%, 77% and 87% there was an increase in average activity of 6.83%. Data on the percentage of students who scored the ability to think above 75 in the first open class was 78.13%, the second open class was 81.25% and the third open class was 93.75%, there was an average increase of 7.81%. The conclusion of this study is that the application of Project Based learning integrated TPACK through lesson study can improve students' creative thinking skill. Researchers hope that lecturers can apply TPACK integrated project-based learning to the courses taught

    Analysis of Student Learning Difficulties in Solving Calculus II Course Case Studies

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    Calculus II is a compulsory course in the Mathematics Education Study Programme of PGRI Adi Buana University Surabaya which is programmed by third semester students. This course learns about the basic concepts of integrals and their applications, so students are required to be able to understand and analyse problems appropriately. This study aims to determine the difficulties experienced by students in solving Calculus II problems as well as to find out the causes. The research subjects were five students of Mathematics Education of Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya in the academic year 2022/2023. This research uses a qualitative approach using test and interview methods. The results obtained from this study are in the form of types of student difficulties in solving problems, namely difficulty in determining the final result, difficulty in understanding the concept of function decomposition, difficulty in applying concepts to problems, difficulty in calculating, difficulty in starting the first step of the calculation. Furthermore, for the causes of these difficulties, including, lack of accuracy in understanding the problems given, lack of mastery of concepts, errors in the calculation process, and lack of understanding of the concept of initial identification of integral forms

    Student Gestures when Solving Local Wisdom-Based Mathematics Problems

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    When solving math problems, students make spontaneous movements called gestures. The purpose of this research is to find out the variations of gestures that appear when students solve math problems related to rotational geometry based on local wisdom. The qualitative approach used in this research is a descriptive research type. Test questions, documentation results, observations, and interviews were used as research instruments. The subjects of this study were four students in class XI for the 2022/2023 academic year at SMA Negeri Balung. The results showed that the group of students with high abilities used gestures more than students with low abilities. Students with high ability in solving math problems use 11 iconic gestures, 8 metaphoric gestures, and 24 deictic gestures. Meanwhile, the group of students with low abilities used 7 iconic gestures, 6 metaphoric gestures, and 12 deictic gestures. Based on the distribution of the number of student gestures when solving math problems, the gesture that appears the most is the deictic gesture, and the one that appears the least is the metaphoric gesture

    Identification of HOTS Problem Solving Ability of High School Students Using Two Tier Diagnostic

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    The purpose of this study is to describe HOTS problem solving skills for high school students through the use of the 2nd Tier Diagnostic. The research is conducted using the descriptive qualitative method. SMAN Balung MIPA 4 Research subjects at Jember Regency Data Collection Techniques in the form of Written Test Questions and Semi-Structured Interviews Data on Problem Solving Skills using 5 Stages Krulick & Rudnick Stages Read and Think, Explore and plan, select a strategy, Find and Answer, Reflect and Extend. The Two Tier Diagnosis Method is composed of two stages. First, students write down how they get the answers, and second, they write down the reasons why they choose that method. The study showed that students with high mathematical problems solving skills were able to write mathematical symbols well, even write answers consistently, and write the final solution along with the question. Students with moderate abilities were unable to write the mathematical symbols well, and even wrote the stages of completion incorrectly, resulting in the majority of the final answers being wrong

    Students' Reflective Abstraction in Solving Ethnomathematics-Based Mathematics Problems

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    Reflective abstraction is a process of reflection on previously learned concepts and applied in new situations. The purpose of this study is to describe the reflective abstraction ability of junior high school students in solving math problems in terms of mathematical ability. In this study using qualitative research type. The data sources for this study were 4 students of class VIII, namely 2 students with high ability and 2 students with low ability. The results showed that students who have high ability, recognition level to remember and identify previous activities related to the problem at hand. At the representation level, students can translate information into mathematical models correctly. At the structural abstraction level, students can solve problems correctly, and are able to overcome difficulties in solving problems. At the structural awareness level, students are able to provide arguments about the results of the answers that have been done. While students with low ability, at the recognition level are able to remember previous activities related to the problem at hand. At the representation level, students are able to translate information into mathematical models, but students are less careful and wrong so that at the structural abstraction level students are able to solve problems, but the final results obtained are not correct. At the structural awareness level, students are able to solve and explain the steps in the problem. Based on the results of the study, teachers should guide students by providing problem exercises that can increase reflective abstraction, especially considering student responses and learning outcomes collected from high and low ability students. For this reason, further research needs to be carried out with other student data sources

    Identification of Dyscalculia in Children Special Needs for the Impaired Knowing Numbers

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    This study aims to identify and describe the difficulties in learning mathematics or dyscalculia experienced by children with special needs with disabilities in learning mathematics the subject of knowing numbers. The type of research used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Research instruments include observation, tests, and interviews. The results obtained were that the S1 subject experienced the characteristics of dyscalculia which included difficulties in language and reading, abnormalities in visual perception disorders, perseveration, and disturbances in body perception. While subject S2 experienced the characteristics of dyscalculia, namely language and reading difficulties. This study concludes that S1 and S2 subjects were identified as having dyscalculia


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