378 research outputs found

    Sosialisasi Anak dalam Masyarakat di Kelurahan Airtiris Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar

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    This thesis put forward in order to achieve a degree qualified strata 1 (S1) Sociology.By title SOCIALIZATION OF CHILDREN IN VILLGE COMUNITIES AIRTIRIS DISTRICTS KAMPAR DISTRICT KAMPAR . Kelurahan Airtiris have a tradition that still survive, namely Tradition nujuh Monthly, Aqikah, Down Bath and Khitanan. But over the development period of this tradition began less done or made in whole the like where appropriate. Issues raised in this issue is 1. What are the values inherited in the child socialization patterns during pregnancy after givibirth and adolescence, 2. How do rite performed in the process of socialization of children in the community pattern Airtiris Kampar Kampar Regency. pattern Airtiris Kampar Kampar Regency. The method used is qualitative research methods. The research location in the village Airtiris Kampar Kampar District. That is the subject of this research is the community of parents who have children. The method used is qualitative research methods. The research location in the village Airtiris Kampar Kampar District. That is the subject of this research is the community of parents who have children. Keywords: Tradition Society Airtiris, children in villge, Airtiris Keywords: Tradition Society Airtiris, children in villge, Airtiri

    Using Online Reference in Poetry Analysis (a Cultural Studies Approach to Teaching Poetry)

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    Menerapkan pendekatan studi budaya (cultural studies) dalam mengajar Sastra adalah menggabungkan text sastra dengan text lainnya yang memiliki hubungan budaya. Tulisan ini membahas penelahaan puisi dengan menggunakan referensi online sebagai text pendamping. Strategi membaca intertext ini dapat menjadi alternatif baru untuk pengajaran puisi yang selama ini terjebak pada aspek bahasa dan stilistika saja.Pengayaan text dengan memakai text pendamping mempertajam penggalian makna dan analisa tema. Dalam tulisan ini Puisi Immigrant yang ditulis oleh penyair Amerika Pat Mora dianalisa dengan menggunakan referensi online yang diupload dari Washington Post web sebagai text pendamping. Isu dibawa dalam dua text ini membawa isu budaya yang sama yaitu Konflik budaya dalam proses assimilasi Immigrant di Amerika. Dengan menggandeng Referensi online serta mengaplikasikan strategi pembelajaran studi budaya, pembelajaran puisi dapat dilakukan dalam konteks yang lebih variatif dan interdisipliner

    Kenakalan Remaja di Desa Muara Dilam Kecamatan Kunto Darussalam Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Teenagers are the future generation who have an important role in the future in which they are also expected to perform and able to face the challenges that exist in the present and the future. The purpose of this study aims to determine the type of juvenile delinquency estuary village dilam Kunto Darus Salam subdistrict Rokan Hulu and to determine the factors causing juvenile delinquency in the village of Muara Dilam Kunto Darus Salam subdistrict Rokan Hulu. The theory used is the theory of aberration. Deviations are all actions that are not in accordance with the norms in force. Juvenile delinquency is the behavior or actions of children who violate the norms of good social norms, legal and security groups and disturb other people (society) so that security measures need to be taken by the other party.Keywords: Adolescents, Irregularities, Juvenile Delinquenc

    Analisa Resistivitas Batuan dengan Menggunakan Parameter Dar Zarrouk dan Konsep Anisotropi

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    Telah dilakukan analisa resistivitas batuan dengan menggunakan parameter Dar Zarrouk dan konsep anisotropi pada data Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) konfigurasi schlumberger lapangan FINAL#. Parameter Dar Zarrouk digunakan untuk menghitung resistivitas transversal maupun longitudinal untuk kemudian didapatkan nilai resistivitas media dan koefisien anisotropi lapangan. Digunakan dua data VES saling tegak lurus dan satu data sumur sebagai referensi yang letaknya paling dekat dengan kedua line tersebut. Data hasil pengolahan kemudian dikorelasikan dengan data sumur sebagai data insitu untuk mengetahui kecocokan antara keduanya. Dari hasil korelasi didapat bahwa data pengolahan berdasarkan parameter Dar Zarrouk nilainya mampu mendekati data sumur yang ada dengan range 1 - 10 Ωm. Zonasi lapangan berdasarkan nilai resistivitas mengindikasikan bahwa lapangan FINAL# memiliki litologi shale dan batuan karbonat berpori yang terisi oleh fluida

    Studi Pengetahuan Tentang Menstruasi Dengan Upaya Penanganan Dismenore Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi

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    . Dysmenorrhea is a condition of pain during menstruation experienced by women. There are heavy and light of menstruation pain, knowledge of menstruation disorder will determine of the dysmenorrhea holding efforts. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge about menstruation and dysmenorrhea holding efforts. The population of this study was all students of Biology Education 6th semester who are taking the course of Human Anatomy and Physiology, while samples were taken by purposive sampling, with the criteria of female students who experience dysmenorrhea. Data of knowledge about menstruation collected by a multiple choice test, whereas the holding of dysmenorrhea collected using questionnaires. Furthermore, the relationship of knowledge of menstruation and the holding of dysmenorrhea was analyzed by Product Moment. The results showed that the students with good knowledge of menstruation were 72.7%, insufficient knowledge were 27.3% and less knowledge were 0%. Dysmenorrhea treatment efforts are chosen by the students are varied, students who choose to pharmacological and non-pharmacological simultaneously is 2 ( 6.06% ) , non-pharmacological means only 31 people ( 93.94 % ) . Product moment correlation test results obtained rcount = 0.014 < rtable 0.05: 33 = 0.344, meaning there is no relationship between student knowledge about menstruation and preventing dysmenorrhea . The conclusion of this study are : a) the student\u27s knowledge about menstruation mostly categorized as good , b ) The handling of dysmenorrhea by students mostly by way of non-pharmacological; c ). Student knowledge about menstruation does not specify the handling of dysmenorrhe

    Perkembangan Desain dan Kinerja Aerator Tipe Kincir

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    Paddle wheel aerator widely used in aquaculture because it has the function of aeration and circulation as well as their construction is simple. However, its efficiency is not maximized so it is still expensive inoperation because of the large power consumption. Aerator performance is an important factor in the selection and use of the aerator as it relates to investment and operating cost, so the paddle wheel aeratordesign development and improvement of the performance of the operation is still possible to do. Developing of three-dimensional blade with the optimum geomerty and blade development that can move is a solution that can be done. The study aims to review the principle of aeration, performance test, evaluation criteria, and performance comparison aerator design development that have been made so as to provide an alternative to the developing of performance improvement paddle wheel aerator. This article is a summary of the ''state of the art'' design and performance of a paddle wheel aerator development

    Des modèles biologiques à l'amélioration des plantes

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    FPGAs in Industrial Control Applications

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    The aim of this paper is to review the state-of-the-art of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technologies and their contribution to industrial control applications. Authors start by addressing various research fields which can exploit the advantages of FPGAs. The features of these devices are then presented, followed by their corresponding design tools. To illustrate the benefits of using FPGAs in the case of complex control applications, a sensorless motor controller has been treated. This controller is based on the Extended Kalman Filter. Its development has been made according to a dedicated design methodology, which is also discussed. The use of FPGAs to implement artificial intelligence-based industrial controllers is then briefly reviewed. The final section presents two short case studies of Neural Network control systems designs targeting FPGAs
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