33 research outputs found

    Gestión de la Evolución de Familias de producto software en escenarios complejos

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    En los últimos años, la dinámica de mercado de productos y servicios ha cambiado sustancialmente: los clientes demandan cada vez productos y servicios más personalizados a sus necesidades específicas. Esta dinámica también ha llegado a la industria de producción de software. Para dar respuesta a esta demanda, se utilizan técnicas para, a partir de un producto común, generar variantes del mismo y cubrir las diferentes exigencias de los clientes. Estas técnicas se agrupan bajo la disciplina de líneas de producto software. Sin embargo, incluso con este paradigma, el número de artefactos a gestionar puede ser elevado. Ante esta situación se plantea un proyecto de investigación acerca de metodologías, técnicas y tecnologías de gestión para ofrecer soluciones eficientes. Este proyecto se apoya en diversos escenarios de proyectos software de una empresa concreta para estudiar las dificultades que revelan y a partir de ellas definir una estrategia. Asimismo, se presenta una herramienta que implementa esa estrategia y facilita su uso a los usuarios

    Enkarterriko gazteek drogen inguruan dituzten ezagutzak eta kontsumo ohiturak

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    [EU] Droga kontsumoaren larritasunaren inguruko kontzientzia hedatzen ari den arren, arlo horretan Enkarterriko eskualdean, oraindik ere, aurrera pauso asko gelditzen dira. Izan ere, bertako biztanleriak daukan kontsumoa ezagutzeko eta horren aurrean esku-hartze bat egiteko ikerketa gutxi burutu dira. Lan honen helburua hutsune hori betetzea da, hau da, Bizkaiko Enkarterriko populazioaren substantzia psikoaktiboen kontsumoaren errealitatera heltzea. Horretarako, ikerketa kuantitatiboa egin da eta erabili den tresna galdetegia izan da. Lortutako emaitzek droga legalen kontsumoa legez kanpokoa baino altuagoa dela agerian utzi dute. Gainera, gizonen droga kontsumoa emakumezkoena baino altuagoa dela eta esku-hartze sozio-hezitzailea beharrezko dela ondorioztatu da.[ES] Pese a que la concienciación entorno al uso de drogas cada vez es más extensa, en el territorio de las Encartaciones todavía queda mucho en lo que avanzar. Pocas han sido las investigaciones que se han llevado a cabo para conocer el consumo de la población encartada y, en consecuencia, realizar una intervención que de respuesta a sus necesidades. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es llenar ese vacío conociendo la realidad del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en la población de las Encartaciones. Para ello, se ha realizado una investigación cuantitativa y una encuesta. Los resultados obtenidos dejan claro que el consumo de drogas legales es mucho mayor que es la de las ilegales. Además, se ha concluido que en general los hombres tienen un consumo mayor que las mujeres y que es necesaria una intervención socioeducativa.[EN] Although the awareness about the use of drugs is increasing, there is still a los to do in Encartaciones. The research to know the consumption of the population has been scarce and, consequently, there are few interventions done to reply the necessity of the residents. Therefore, the aim of this work is to fill the scarcity of knowledge about the consumption of psychoactive substances in the Encartaciones territory. In order to achieve this goal, a quantitative research and a survey have been done. The results reveal that the use of legal drugs is bigger than the illegal consumption. Moreover, it has been concluded that men have bigger drug consumption compared to women. Taking all these facts into account, a social-educative intervention is completely necessary

    Enkarterriko gazteek drogen inguruan dituzten ezagutzak eta kontsumo ohiturak

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    [EU] Droga kontsumoaren larritasunaren inguruko kontzientzia hedatzen ari den arren, arlo horretan Enkarterriko eskualdean, oraindik ere, aurrera pauso asko gelditzen dira. Izan ere, bertako biztanleriak daukan kontsumoa ezagutzeko eta horren aurrean esku-hartze bat egiteko ikerketa gutxi burutu dira. Lan honen helburua hutsune hori betetzea da, hau da, Bizkaiko Enkarterriko populazioaren substantzia psikoaktiboen kontsumoaren errealitatera heltzea. Horretarako, ikerketa kuantitatiboa egin da eta erabili den tresna galdetegia izan da. Lortutako emaitzek droga legalen kontsumoa legez kanpokoa baino altuagoa dela agerian utzi dute. Gainera, gizonen droga kontsumoa emakumezkoena baino altuagoa dela eta esku-hartze sozio-hezitzailea beharrezko dela ondorioztatu da.[ES] Pese a que la concienciación entorno al uso de drogas cada vez es más extensa, en el territorio de las Encartaciones todavía queda mucho en lo que avanzar. Pocas han sido las investigaciones que se han llevado a cabo para conocer el consumo de la población encartada y, en consecuencia, realizar una intervención que de respuesta a sus necesidades. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es llenar ese vacío conociendo la realidad del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en la población de las Encartaciones. Para ello, se ha realizado una investigación cuantitativa y una encuesta. Los resultados obtenidos dejan claro que el consumo de drogas legales es mucho mayor que es la de las ilegales. Además, se ha concluido que en general los hombres tienen un consumo mayor que las mujeres y que es necesaria una intervención socioeducativa.[EN] Although the awareness about the use of drugs is increasing, there is still a los to do in Encartaciones. The research to know the consumption of the population has been scarce and, consequently, there are few interventions done to reply the necessity of the residents. Therefore, the aim of this work is to fill the scarcity of knowledge about the consumption of psychoactive substances in the Encartaciones territory. In order to achieve this goal, a quantitative research and a survey have been done. The results reveal that the use of legal drugs is bigger than the illegal consumption. Moreover, it has been concluded that men have bigger drug consumption compared to women. Taking all these facts into account, a social-educative intervention is completely necessary

    Geografi budaya daerah Kalimantan Tengah

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    Penduduk Kalimantan Tengah masih banyak yang belum mengenal akan alam lingkungan hidupnya dengan baik. Penelitian yang menyangkut geografi budaya masih perlu diadakan guna menunjang perencanaan, pembi naan, dan pengembangan pembangunan khususnya yang menyangkut alam dan manusia yang menghuni Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Supaya dapat memberikan sumbangan kepada perencanaan pembangunan nasional sehingga alam lingkungan dan penduduk dapat lebih dilibatkan dalam proses pembangunan yang menyeluruh, menyebar dan merata. Membina kelangsungan dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia dan sumber-sumber daya alam serta sistem, kebidupan sosial-budaya daerah. Menyusun aspek geografi budaya dari Daerah Kalimantan Tengah sebagai bagian dari Wawasan Nusantara

    Geografi budaya daerah Kalimantan Tengah

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    Buku ini berisikan informasi mengenai geografi budaya daerah Kalimantan Timur yang membahas mengenai sumber daya alam meliputi lokasi, geologi, iklim, topografi, keadaan tanah, vegetasi dan dunia hewan, sungai, danau, dan rawa. Selain itu, diuraikan juga mengenai sistem kebudayaan, sosial-budaya, serta wilayah-wilayah pembangunan di Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah

    The first one hundred days of El Español : analysis of the structure and contents of an online newspaper during its beginnings

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    "El Español" es el último lanzamiento de medio periodístico en España, un diario digital cuyo proceso de crowdfunding superó todas las iniciativas periodísticas anteriores. La consecución de sus intenciones y planteamientos, de apuesta periodística y tecnológica, seguramente están por llegar. En este trabajo analizamos los primeros cien días. Describimos cómo fue su nacimiento y su estructura, analizamos de manera cuantitativa y cualitativa tanto lo que aporta al negocio periodístico como sus carencias, debidas probablemente a su juventud. Incluso apuntamos el desarrollo y cambios adoptados en estos primeros tres meses de vida. Las primeras conclusiones nos hablan de un estilo, básicamente interpretativo, de periodismo de servicio, y una puesta en escena algo alejada de lo que se podía esperar de un medio nativo digital gestado en plena efervescencia tecnológica, con utilización masiva de ordenadores y dispositivos móviles en una comunidad totalmente permeabilizada a las redes sociales.El Español is the latest digital newspaper to be launched in Spain, thanks to crowdfunding campaign that surpassed all the past attempts made by other news media companies. The achievement of its goals and the success of its journalistic and technological proposals are yet to be seen. This article analyses the first one hundred days of this news website. The analysis involves the description of its origins and its underlying structure, its quantitative and qualitative impacts on the journalistic world, as well as its main deficiencies derived from its short existence. In addition, the article evaluates the changes the online newspaper has experienced during its first three months of life. The article concludes that El Español has adopted an interpretative style based on service journalism, and a layout that is not typical of the born-digital news media that have emerged in the context of technological effervescence, which involves the massive use of computers, smartphones and social networks

    Sejarah pendidikan daerah Jawa Tengah

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    Buku ini memuat uraian tentang pertumbuhan pendidikan di Jawa Tengah, mulai dari pendidikan tradisional, pendidikan Barat abad ke-19, pendidikan fonnal abad ke-20 sampai pendidikan zaman Jepang dan Indonesia pada masa kemerdekaan

    Contribution of cardio-vascular risk factors to depressive status in the PREDIMED-PLUS Trial. A cross-sectional and a 2-year longitudinal study

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    Background Cardio-vascular disease and depression are thought to be closely related, due to shared risk factors. The aim of the study was to determine the association between cardio-vascular risk (CVR) factors and depressive status in a population (55-75 years) with metabolic syndrome (MetS) from the PREDIMED-Plus trial. Methods and findings Participants were classified into three groups of CVR according to the Framingham-based REGICOR function: (1) low (LR), (2) medium (MR) or (3) high/very high (HR). The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) was used to assess depressive symptoms at baseline and after 2 years. The association between CVR and depressive status at baseline (n = 6545), and their changes after 2 years (n = 4566) were evaluated through multivariable regression models (logistic and linear models). HR women showed higher odds of depressive status than LR [OR (95% CI) = 1.78 (1.26, 2.50)]. MR and HR participants with total cholesterol <160 mg/mL showed higher odds of depression than LR [OR (95% CI) = 1.77 (1.13, 2.77) and 2.83 (1.25, 6.42) respectively)] but those with total cholesterol ¿280 mg/mL showed lower odds of depression than LR [OR (95% CI) = 0.26 (0.07, 0.98) and 0.23 (0.05, 0.95), respectively]. All participants decreased their BDI-II score after 2 years, being the decrease smaller in MR and HR diabetic compared to LR [adjusted mean±SE = -0.52±0.20, -0.41 ±0.27 and -1.25±0.31 respectively). MR and HR participants with total cholesterol between 240-279 mg/mL showed greater decreases in the BDI-II score compared to LR (adjusted mean±SE = -0.83±0.37, -0.77±0.64 and 0.97±0.52 respectively). Conclusions Improving cardiovascular health could prevent the onset of depression in the elderly. Diabetes and total cholesterol in individuals at high CVR, may play a specific role in the precise response.The PREDIMED-Plus trial was supported by the European Research Council through a grant to MAM (Advanced Research Grant 2013-2018; 340918). The project was also supported by the official funding agency for biomedical research of the Spanish Government (ISCIII) through the Fondo de Investigación para la Salud (FIS), which is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (four coordinated FIS projects), who awarded grants to JS and JV (PI13/00673, PI13/00492, PI13/00272, PI13/01123, PI13/00462, PI13/00233, PI13/02184, PI13/00728, PI13/01090, PI13/01056, PI14/01722, PI14/00636, PI14/00618, PI14/00696, PI14/01206, PI14/01919, PI14/00853, PI14/01374, PI16/00473, PI16/00662, PI16/01873, PI16/01094, PI16/00501, PI16/00533, PI16/00381, PI16/00366, PI16/01522, PI16/01120, PI17/00764, PI17/01183, PI17/00855, PI17/01347, PI17/00525, PI17/01827, PI17/00532, PI17/00215, PI17/01441, PI17/00508, PI17/01732 and PI17/00926). The International Nut&Dried Fruit Council-FESNAD also provided funding through a grant to MAM (201302), and Recercaixa also awarded a grant to JS (2013ACUP00194). The Department of Health, Generalitat de Cataluña by the calls 'Acció instrumental de programes de recerca orientats en lámbit de la recercaila innovació en salut' and 'Pla estrategic de recerca i innovació en salut (PERIS),' also awarded a grant to FF (SLT006/17/00246). This research was also partially funded by: Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía (PI0458/2013, PS0358/2016, PI0137/2018); Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2017/017); SEMERGEN, CIBEROBN, FEDER and ISCIII (CB06/03); EU-H2020 Grants (Eat2beNICE/h2020-sfs-2016-2, ref.728018; PRIME/h2020-SC1-BHC-2018-2020, ref: 847879)

    Desired weight loss and its association with health, health behaviors and perceptions in an adult population with weight excess: One-year follow-up

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) worsens quality of life and increases mortality. Dissatisfaction with weight in patients with MetS may modify the effect of lifestyle interventions to achieve changes in health-related behaviors. Objective: To assess 1-year changes in cardiovascular risk scores, self-perceived general health and health-related behaviors according to observed changes in desired weight loss during the first year of intervention in a large cardiovascular prevention trial. Design: Prospective analysis of the PREDIMED-PLUS trial, including 5,499 adults (55-75 years old) with overweight or obesity at baseline. Methods: The desired weight loss was the difference between ideal and measured weight. Tertiles of change in desired weight loss (1 year vs. baseline) were defined by the following cut-off points: >= 0.0 kg (T1, n = 1,638); 0.0 to -4.0 kg (T2, n = 1,903); <=-4.0 kg (T3, n = 1,958). A food frequency questionnaire assessed diet and the Minnesota-REGICOR questionnaire assessed physical activity. The Framingham equation assessed cardiovascular risks. The changes in the severity of MetS were also assessed. The Beck Depression Inventory assessed depressive symptoms and the SF-36 assessed health-related quality of life. Data were analyzed using general linear models. Results: BMI decreased at T2 and T3 (T1: 0.3, T2: -0.7, T3: -1.9). The most significant improvement in diet quality was observed at T3. Cardiovascular risk decreased at T2 and T3. Mean reductions in MetS severity score were: -0.02 at T1, -0.39 at T2 and -0.78 at T3. The perception of physical health increases in successive tertiles. Conclusions: In older adults with MetS, more ambitious desired weight loss goals were associated with improvements in diet, cardiovascular health and perceived physical health during the first year of a healthy lifestyle intervention programme. Weight dissatisfaction needs to be considered by health professionals