231 research outputs found

    Analisis Bibliometrik Efikasi Diri Peserta Didik dalam Pembelajaran Kimia Daring

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    Pembelajaran daring dalam beberapa tahun terakhir mengalami perkembangan pesat dengan berbagai macam platform yang ditawarkan. Pembelajaran daring merupakan sebuah metode pengajaran yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan internet dan perangkat digital seperti komputer dan smartphone. Pembelajaran daring bukanlah sesuatu yang baru dalam sistem pendidikan, beberapa lembaga pendidikan khususnya di Indonesia telah lama menawarkan pembelajaran daring dengan berbagai macam media yang digunakan untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran. Meskipun pembelajaran daring belum bisa sepenuhnya menggantikan metode pembelajaran secara tatap muka, namun saat pandemi Covid-19 seperti saat ini semua lembaga-lembaga pendidikan menerapkan sistem pembelajaran secara daring. Berdasarkan hasil analisis penulis yang paling banyak melakukan publikasi artikel terkait self efficacy atas nama ushel dan parera. kata kunci yang memiliki korelasi dengan self efficacy learning dan teaching self efficacy. Sementara kutipan penelitian yang paling banyak dilakukan citation atas nama Marjolein Zee pada tahun 2016. Dan hasil analisis PageRank yang tinggi yaitu Marjolein Zee sebanyak 19

    Penerapan Metode Klustering Fuzzy C-Means Untuk Penentuan Peminatan Pemilihan Jurusan Pada Sekolah Menengah Tingkat Atas

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    Determination of majors for students in accordance with the weight of knowledge conditions or commonly referred to as determining student majors in the high school environment is determined by the understanding of learning in understanding knowledge which is supported by elements of specialization, because the scientific character is proportional to the same properties of the object pursuing the science. With this assumption, someone who studies a science will be able to deepen it if he has pleasure in what he is studying. Pleasure with something being learned can affect the quality of student learning outcomes in certain scientific fields of study. It can be said that the focus on a material being studied, students will learn more comfortably and achieve a better understanding so that the weight of the knowledge learned will be achieved [1]. The process of determining the majors is held to select and classify the same students' abilities in one education department according to the field taken. This is done so that there is an adjustment to the students' interests and abilities in the desired field of majors, so that it is expected to provide comfort in learning and affect the achievement of understanding and student learning achievement. The formation of data grouping is one of the methods or methods used in parsing uniform patterns in data. Grouping analysis is the process of sorting data in a group into several groups whose data similarity in one group is greater than the similarity of the data to data in other groups [4]. A method that is often used in data set grouping is the use of the clustering algorithm [5]. There are many data clustering algorithms, one of which is frequently used, namely Fuzzy C-Means. The K-Means clustering method is not appropriate to use to classify students based on the similarity of academic abilities in the process of determining majors according to the provisions of the Ministry of National Education. Of the 42 examples, some of the data are 10 Banjarmasin Public Senior High Schools 13 which will be grouped into 3 groups based on the similarity in the value of 10 core majors. The difference between the results of clustering student data manually (based on the provisions used in SMA 13 Banjarmasin) with the results of the K-Means algorithm clustering is due to (a) the K-Means algorithm performs student data clustering based on similar data patterns (scores) in groups that are which has been set, and is not tied to a certain rule or variable values. (b) The student clustering method used in SMA 13 Banjarmasin in determining majors is grouping students based on the similarity of values ​​in predetermined groups, but tied to a certain rule or variable value, namely the minimum standard value (minimum completeness criteria value / KKM). ) to belong to a certain group.Penentuan jurusan untuk siswa sesuai dengan kondisi bobot pengetahuan atau biasa disebut dengan penentuan jurusan siswa di lingkungan SMA ditentukan oleh pemahaman pembelajaran dalam memahami pengetahuan yang didukung oleh unsur-unsur peminatan, karena karakter keilmuan sebanding dengan sifat yang sama dari obyek yang menekuni keilmuan tersebut. Dengan asumsi tersebut seseorang yang mendalami suatu keilmuan akan dapat mendalaminya apabila mempunyai kesenangan terhadap apa yang sedang dipelajarinya. Rasa senang akan sesuatu yang dipelajari dapat mempengaruhi mutu capaian hasil belajar siswa dalam keilmuan bidang studi tertentu.  Hal ini dapat dikatakan bahwa fokus terhadap suatu materi yang dipelajari, siswa akan belajar lebih nyaman dan mencapai pemahaman yang lebih baik sehingga akan tercapai bobot keilmuan yang dipelajari [1]. Proses penentuan jurusan diadakan untuk memilih dan mengklasifikasikan kemampuan siswa yang sama dalam satu jurusan Pendidikan sesuai bidang yang ditempuh. Hal ini dilakukan agar adanya penyesuaian terhadap peminatan dan kemampuan siswa dalam bidang jurusan yang diinginkan, sehingga diharapkan dapat memberikan kenyamanan dalam belajar dan berpengaruh dalam pencapaian pemahaman dan prestasi siswa belajar. Pembentukan pengelompokan data merupakan salah satu metode atau cara yang dipakai dalam mengurai pola yang seragam dalam suatu data. Analisa pengelompokan merupakan proses memilah-milah data dalam suatu kelompok ke dalam beberapa kelompok yang kemiripan datanya dalam suatu kelompok lebih besar daripada kemiripan data tersebut dengan data dalam kelompok lain[4]. Suatu cara yang sering dipakai dalam pengelompokan data set yaitu dengan pemakaian algoritma Clustering [5].  Terdapat banyak algoritma klastering data, salah satu yang sering dipakai yaitu Fuzzy C-Means. Metode klastering K-Means kurang tepat digunakan untuk mengelompokkan siswa berdasarkan kesamaan kemampuan akademisi dalam proses penentuan jurusan menurut ketentuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Dari 42 contoh sebagian data 10 Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 13 Banjarmasin yang  akan dikelompokkan dalam 3 kelompok  berdasarkan kesamaan nilai 10 mata pelajaran inti penjurusan. Perbedaan hasil pengklasteran data siswa secara manual (berdasarkan ketentuan yang di gunakan di SMA 13 Banjarmasin) dengan hasil pengklasteran algoritma K-Means disebabkan karena (a) Algoritma K-Means melakukan pengklasteran data siswa berdasarkan kemiripan pola data (nilai) dalam kelompok-kelompok yang yang telah ditetapkan, dan tidak terikat pada suatu aturan atau nilai-nilai variabel tertentu. (b) Metode pengklasteran siswa yang digunakan di SMA 13 Banjarmasin dalam penentuan jurusan yaitu mengelompokkan siswa berdasarkan kesamaan nilai dalam kelompok-kelompok yang telah ditetapkan, tetapi terikat pada suatu aturan atau nilai variabel tertentu, yaitu nilai standar minimum (nilai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum / KKM) untuk masuk pada kelompok tertentu

    The Effectiveness Of The Descriptive Statistics Module In Online Learning In Computerized Accounting Study Program, Banjarmasin State Polytechnic

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    Module is considered important in distance learning as a self-study guide for students. The importance of module in the learning process because modules can facilitate students in learning independently or face to face. Based on several explanations regarding the importance of modules in distance learning, the authors are interested in examine the effectiveness of using the descriptive Statistics Module in Online Learning in the Computerized Accounting Study Program, Banjarmasin State Polytechnic. The variables observed by the authors in this study were the learning outcomes of groups of students who were given a module and those who were not given a module in descriptive statistics courses. The two variables were carried out a Normality Test with the purpose of assessing the distribution of data in groups of data or variables, whether the data distribution was normally distributed. From the results of the data normality test, a test of the assumption of homogeneity of variance was then carried out to determine the variance of several populations was the same or not. Then a difference test was carried out to test the differences in the group of students who were given the module and the group of students who were not given the module in learning descriptive statistics courses. The data normality test was carried out using the SPSS Kolmogorov Smirnov Test application on the learning outcomes data for descriptive statistics courses for students who were given a module and those who were not given a module yielded a significance value of 0.101. The significance value of 0.101 was greater than 0.05 so it can be concluded that the research data met the assumption of normality. The homogeneity of variance test was carried out by analyzing the significance value of Levene's Test for Equality of Variance where the significance result was 0.466 so it can be concluded that the data had a homogeneous variance. The final stage of this analysis is to test the difference between the learning outcomes data of student groups who were given modules and not given modules by using the Independent Sample t Test. The test results showed a significance value of 0.021 where the significance value was less than 0.05. Thus it can be concluded that the alternative hypothesis (H1) that states that "There is a significant difference between the learning outcomes of groups of students who are given a module and not given a module" can be accepted and verified statistically

    Single elimination tournament design using dynamic programming algorithm

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    Finding the best single-elimination tournament design is important in scientific inquiry because it can have major financial implications for event organizers and participants. This research aims to create an optimal single-elimination tournament design using binary tree modeling with dummy techniques. Dynamic programming algorithms have been used to compute optimal single-elimination designs to overcome this effectively. This research method uses various implementations of sub-optimal algorithms and then compares their performance in terms of runtime and optimality as a solution to measure the comparison of sub-algorithms. This research shows that the difference in relative costs produced by various sub-algorithms with the same input is quite low. This is expected because quotes are generated as integer values from a small interval 1, ≤ 9, whereas costs tend to reach much higher values. From the comparison of these sub-algorithms, the best results among the sub-optimal algorithms were obtained in the Sub Optimal algorithm 3. We present the experimental findings achieved using the Python implementation of the suggested algorithm, with a focus on the best single-elimination tournament design solution

    Validation of the Haar Cascade Classification Method in Face Detection

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    As technology develops, faces are used as a tool for human interaction with computers for security systems. Face detection technology can also provide convenience to users in various fields, especially security systems. However, there are problems regarding accuracy, complexity in the face recognition process so that many methods have been developed to increase the accuracy and complexity of the face detection process. This study aims to validate the haar cascade classification method in detecting faces from various shooting angles, with a distance of one meter from the camera and the respondent is free to make movements as well as various facial expressions and various lighting conditions that are different for each respondent. The results of this study found that the haar cascade classification method showed that the higher the epoch value, the lower the mean square error (MSE). This study also found that the haar cascade classification method has good accuracy for detecting faces from various angles, different lighting and different facial expressions with a maximum distance of one meter from the camera. This study provides recommendations for making face recognition applications using the haar cascade classification method because it can be used well for lighting effects, facial expressions and a maximum shooting distance of one meter

    Sciences Integration in Language Training Method

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    The article studies the general issues of integrative methodology of language training. The authors attach special attention to methodological changes, taking place in linguodidactics, testifying to the synthesis of methods and principles in different languages trainin


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    The aim of the research is to determine the effect of murabaha, mudharaba, musyarakah and istishna financing on the level of profitability (ROA) of Islamic Banks(IB) in Indonesia. The result shows that score of R2 less then 50% which implied that the model of the research is not sufficient in explaining the ROA level in IBs. It is aligned with the previous study that used similar dependent and independent variables. Murabaha, mudharaba, musyarakah and istishna financing simultanuously and significantly affect the level of profitability in IBs. Mudharaba financing significantly and positively affects the level of profitability while musyaraka financing significantly and negatively affects the level of profitability of IBs. In contrary, istishna and murabaha financing does not significantly affects the level of profitability.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembiayaan murabahah, mudharabah, musyarakah dan istishna’ terhadap tingkat profitabilitas (ROA) pada bank Umum Syariah (BUS) di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai R2 kurang dari 50% menunjukan bahwa model penelitian ini belum cukup representatif untuk menjelaskan variabel yang mempengaruhi ROA pada BUS . Hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian sebelumnya yang menggunakan variabel dependen dan independen serupa. Pembiayaan murabahah, mudharabah, musyarakah dan istihishna’ secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tingkat profitabilitas BUS. Secara parsial pembiayaan mudharabah berpengaruh signifikan dan positif dan pembiayaan musyarakah berpengaruh signifikan negatif terhadap profitabilitas BUS. Selanjutnya pembiayaan isthishna’ dan pembiayaan murabahah tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap profitabilitas BUS

    Pembuatan Kolanm tarpaulin Fish Budidaya Ikan Air Tawar Sistem Resirkulasi Warga Aliran Sungai Kemuning Banjarbaru Kalimantan Selatan

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    Dalam budidaya ikan air tawar hal yang harus diperhatikan yaitu kualitas air budidaya karena kualitas air sangat berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan budidaya. Agar kualitas air budidaya ikan air tawar selalu stabil maka diperlukan pergantian air secara teratur. Penggunaan sistem filter biologi dengan sistem resirkulasi didalam budidaya merupakan alternatif yang dapat digunakan agar kualitas air tetap optimum sehingga meminimalisir pergantian air. Filter biologi dapat diharapkan mampu menjaga kualitas air sehingga dapat mendukung kelulushidupan dan laju pertumbuhan ikan air tawar. Perlakuan terhadap proses budidaya ikan Air tawar memerlukan sistem media air yang mengalir untuk itu diperlukan beberapa alat untuk menjaga kualitas air kolam, yaitu filter dan pompa air sebagai pengatur sirkulasi air. Pada kegiatan pengabdian ini akan dibuat kolam ikan sistem resirkulasi dan pemasangan alat filter air Biofilter sebagai penyaring air kolam, sehingga air yang difilter adalah air kolam tersebut sebagai teknik penghematan air.  Pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini, untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada, dibuat kolam ikan terpal sistem resirkulasi dan pemasangan alat filter air kolam Biofilter.  Namun yang lebih utama adalah menghasilkan kualitas media budidaya ikan air tawar yang dapat meningkatkan hasil produksi ikan air tawar yaitu ikan nil

    Age, sex, and setting in the etiology of stroke study (ASSESS): Study design and protocol

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    RATIONALE: Stroke etiology and risk factors vary by age, sex, setting (hospital or community-based) and by region. Identifying these differences would improve our understanding of stroke etiology, diagnosis, and treatment. AIM: The Age, Sex and Setting in the Etiology of Stroke Study (ASSESS) is a multicenter cohort study to assess differences in stroke etiology. METHODS AND DESIGN: Data from all centers will be categorized according to age, sex, setting, stroke subtypes. Centers with extensive hospital- or community-based data regarding stroke from Argentina, Australia, Canada, India, Iran, Italy, Ghana, Nigeria, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States have agreed to participate so far. STUDY OUTCOMES: The primary outcome includes differences in stroke etiology in study centers. The secondary outcomes include stroke incidence, risk factors, preventive strategies, and short- and long-term outcomes. CONCLUSION: ASSESS will enable comparisons of data from different regions to determine the age and sex distribution of the most common causes of stroke in each setting. This will help clinicians to tailor the assessment and treatment of stroke patients on the basis of their specific local characteristics. It will also empower stroke epidemiologists to design preventive measures by targeting the specific characteristics of each population

    Vericiguat in patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction:insights from the VICTORIA trial

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    Aims We evaluated the relation between baseline and new-onset atrial fibrillation (AF) and outcomes, and assessed whether vericiguat modified the likelihood of new-onset AF in patients with worsening heart failure (HF) with reduced ejection fraction in VICTORIA. Methods and results Of 5050 patients randomized, 5010 with recorded AF status at baseline were analysed. Patients were classified into three groups: no known AF (n = 2661, 53%), history of AF alone (n = 992, 20%), and AF on randomization electrocardiogram (n = 1357, 27%). Compared with those with no AF, those with history of AF alone had a higher risk of cardiovascular death [adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 1.21, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01-1.47] without excess myocardial infarction or stroke; neither type of AF was associated with a higher risk of the primary composite outcome (time to cardiovascular death or first HF hospitalization), HF hospitalizations, or all cause-death. The beneficial effect of vericiguat on the primary composite outcome and its components was evident irrespective of AF status at baseline. Over a median follow-up of 10.8 months, new-onset AF occurred in 6.1% of those with no AF and 18.3% with history of AF alone (P < 0.0001). These events were not influenced by vericiguat treatment (adjusted HR 0.93, 95% CI 0.75-1.16; P = 0.51), but were associated with an increase in the hazard of both primary and secondary outcomes. Conclusions Atrial fibrillation was present in nearly half of this high-risk population with worsening HF. A history of AF alone at baseline portends an increased risk of cardiovascular death. Neither type of AF affected the beneficial effect of vericiguat. Development of AF post-randomization was associated with an increase in both cardiovascular death and HF hospitalization which was not influenced by vericiguat
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