415 research outputs found

    Design and development of TP ACK template: planning effective blended courses

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    The need for a quality planning of online learning is crucial. When planning for face to face environment and online environment, it is required to clarifY when learning will take place online and which pedagogy and technology will be used. Thus, in this paper, we introduce TPACK lesson plan template. This template is designed to facilitate and accelerate the process of planning blended online courses in social science's field. It includes a list of learning activities, types of activities and mode of activities. Choosing the most suitable activity is left up to the instructors' point of view after examining the nature of behavioral objectives and the learning context. Using such a template may contribute to understanding the relation between pedagogy, technology and content as well as reducing the planning time to teach online

    Manusia Sejati Dalam Falsafah Mbah Maridjan Dan Abdul Karim Al-jilli (Studi Konsepsi Manunggaling Kawula Gusti Dan Insan Kamil)

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    The theory of spiritual journey between Mbah Maridjan and Abdul Karim al-Jilli departed from the same starting point, which is a question of how human beings to be perfect? This paper up- raise the figure and ideas of Mbah Maridjan that appears in the middle of situation about an identity crisis and existential crises, which tend to be materialists. Through a comparative study based on the philosophy, the authors found that Mbah Maridjan, the Javanese and Islamic wisdom, was capable of providing answers that humans can be perfect if they have the will to continue to find identity though exploring the spiritual sense (sabawa rasa) that in the terminology of Abdul-Karim al Jilli-called spiritual potential (ru>h}iyyah-rabba>ninyyah), and constancy against human desires. Therefore, the final goal that a man will go is unity with the Almighty God (Manunggaling Kawula Gusti). These level can only be achieved by the perfect man (Insa>n Ka>mil)

    Analisis Kedudukan Hukum Islam dalam Sistem Hukum di Indonesia

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    The legal status of Islam in Indonesia is equivalent to the Dutch East Indies heritage law and customary law. Indonesia\u27s population are Muslim, Islamic law is the source of the development of national law. Islamic law will be determined at the discretion of the national law as the legal government policy. Politicians, Muslim intellectuals and practitioners of Islamic law so to have a role in the enforcement of Islamic law into national law

    Problem Sertifikasi Halal Produk Pangan Hewani

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    Modernisasi industri pengolahan pangan takayal mendatangkan efek domino, disamping mendatangkan berbagi kemudahan, disisi lain juga melahirkan problem tersendiri khususnya bagi umat Islam, yakni dalam hal belum adanya jaminan dan kepastian hukum tentang produk pangan halal. Kehalalan produk hewani tidaklah sederhana ketika ia diolah melalui proses manajemen produksi. Artinya, kehalalannya tidak hanya tergantung pada zat bendanya itu sendiri, melainkan terkait pula dengan proses pengolahan, penyimpanan, distribusi dan penyajiannya. Justru karena itulah diperlukan adanya sertifikasi dan labelisasi produk hewani yang halal, baik impor maupun lokal, dari lembaga yang berkompeten, setelah melalui pengkajian dan penelitian yang cermat dan mendalam dari pakarnya masing-masing

    Structural Elucidation of Secondary Metabolites in Sponge (Callyspongia pseudoreticulata) with N-Hexane Extract

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    Sponge is one of the marine species that has a high bioactivity and contains secondary metabobolite compound which can be used as antibiotic and medicine. Terpenoid compound derivatives have been successfully isolated from sponge Callyspongia pseudoretilulata by a method in which the n-hexane extract weighing 11.28 g was fractionated using vacuum column chromatography with a non-polar eluent, n-hexane. The polarity of this eluent was improved by ethyl acetic resulting in fairly polar eluent, methanol. A total of 27 fractions were obtained and one of the compounds from n-hexane extract was structurally elucidated by NMR spectroscopy and two dimensions of homonuclear and heteronuclear (1H, 13C, DEPT, H-H COSY, HMQC, and HMBC). The identified compound was a hydrocarbon (1-ethyl cyclo hex cosana-1-amin) that indicated LC50 of 60.58 against A. salina and has a great potential as antitumor or anticancer

    Analisis Performa Mesin Menggunakan Bahan Bakar Hybrid Hydrogen – Solar pada Mesin Diesel Ford Escort 1.8

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    Krisis energi mendorong peneliti dan akademisi untuk berinovasi menemukan sumber energi alternatif pengganti yang relativ lebih murah tanpa mencemari lingkungan disekitarnya dan menigkatkan performa mesin. Salah bahan bakar alternatif yang berhasil ditumkan adalah gas brown, diberi nama seprerti penemunya Yull Brown pada tahun 1974. Dengan memasukkan gas HHO ke dalam mesin, maka akan mempengaruhi rasio campuran bahan bakan dan udara (AFR) mesin yang kemudian mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan pada performa mesin. Dengan menggunakan sensor flowmeter untuk mengukur jumlah gas HHO, udara, dan bahan bakar yang masuk kedalam mesin, untuk mengetahui komposis AFR diruang bakar, dan menggunakan load cell dan weight censor untuk mengukur torsi dan break horse power yang dihasilkan mesin dengan bahan bakar hybrid solar-HHO. Setelah dilakukan penelitan dengan penambahan gas HHO ke dalam mesin, gas HHO diproduksi menggunakan generator HHO yang dialiri arus bertegangan 0 A, 5 A, 10 A, 15 A, 20 A, 25 A dan 30 A dimana semakin besar arus generator maka semakin banyak gas HHO yang diproduksi yang masukkan ke dalam mesin. Maka pada putaran 1000 rpm sampai 2000 rpm mesin, menghasilkan maka nilai fuel consumption semakin menurun dengan semakin besarnya jumlah gas HHO yang diproduksi, nilai torsi semakin besar, nilai break horse power meningkat, dan nilai specific fuel consumption mengalami penurunan, Hal ini membuktikan bahwa dengan menggunakan arus sebesar 30 pada generator gas HHO menghasilkan performa mesin yang paling maksimal selama penelitian dilihat dari peningkatkan terosi dan break horse power terbesar, serta penurunan fuel consumption dan specific fuel consumption

    Pemanfaatan Serbuk Kayu Jati (Tectona Grandis L.) Yang Direndam Dalam Air Dingin Sebagai Media Tumbuh Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus Comunicipae)

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    The growth responds of Pleurotus comunicipae to the use of cold water-soaked teakwood sawdust as a growth medium was investigated. Teakwood sawdust was soaked in cold water during the time periods of 1, 3, 5 and 7 days) with ten replications. Unsoaked teakwood sawdust was also prepared and used as a control. Measurement variabels consisted of time required for a completely covering mycelial growth, number of fruitbody, and fungal mass (green and dry weight). Results showed that P. comunicipae placed on soaked teakwood sawdust medium had a better growth than control (without soaking) medium. The medium with increased soaking period produced a good growth ability of P.comunicipae. At teakwood sawdust soaked for 7 days, the average of mycelial growth to cover teakwood sawdust medium, number of fruiting bodies, green weight and dry weight at the first harvesting were 52.6 days, 8.6 units, 100.5 grams and 13.4 grams, respectively. Keywords: teakwoods sawdust, Pleurotus comunicipae, cold water soaking, growth abilit


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    Kerupuk ikan adalah jenis jajanan yang populer di Indonesia khususnya Kalimantan Selatan. Bahan kerupuk ikan gabus yang dicampur dengan ekstrak daun kelor adalah inovasi baru dalam mengolah bahan makanan dan menambah sumber protein hewani. Komponen utama pada protein adalah asam amino. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui kadar air dan kandungan asam amino pada kerupuk ikan gabus dengan penambahan ekstrak daun kelor. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah RAL dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 kali ulangan yaitu perlakuan O (tanpa penambahan ekstrak dun kelor), A (10 ml), B (20 ml), dan C (30 ml). Hasil dari keempat perlakuan menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak daun kelor pada kerupuk ikan gabus pada penerimaan panelis tidak mempengaruhi terhadap kenampakan aroma juga rasanya tetapi penambahan ekstrak 30 ml lebih disukai panalis untuk kenampakan dan rasanya, tekstur kerupuk ikan gabus jika ditambahkan di atas 20 ml menurunkan nilai penerimaan panelis. Pemberian ekstrak daun kelor berpengaruh terhadap pola asam aminonya dimana untuk Asam Amino esensial yang tertinggi adalah lisin dan yang non esenseal adalah asam glutamat.   Fish crackers are one of the most popular types of snacks in Indonesia, especially in South Kalimantan. Cork fish cracker material mixed with Moringa leaf extract is the latest innovation in the manufacture of food ingredients and can add sources of animal protein. The main components of protein are amino acids. This study aims to determine the water content and amino acid content in snakehead fish crackers with the addition of Moringa leaf extract. The method used in this study was RAL with 4 treatments and 4 repetitions, namely design O (without the addition of dun Moringa extract), A (10 ml), B (20 ml), and C (30 ml). The results of the four treatments showedthat the addition of Moringa leaf extract to snakehead fish crackers at the reception of the panelists did not affect the appearance of the aroma as well as the taste but the addition of an extract of 30 ml was preferred panalis for the appearance and taste, the texture of snakehead fish crackers if added above 20 ml lowered the value of the panelist's acceptance.  The administration of Moringa leaf extract affects the amino acid pattern where for the highest essential amino acid is lysine and the non-esenseal one is glutamic acid

    Simulation of sub-drains performance using visual MODFLOW for slope water seepage Problem

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    Numerical simulation technique was used for investigating water seepage problem at the Botanic Park Kuala Lumpur. A proposed sub-drains installation in problematic site location was simulated using Modular Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Groundwater Flow (MODFLOW) software. The results of simulation heads during transient condition showed that heads in between 43 m (water seepage occurred at level 2) until 45 m (water seepage occurred at level 4) which heads measurement are referred to mean sea level. However, elevations measurements for level 2 showed the values between 41 to 42 m from mean sea level and elevations for level 4 between 42 to 45 m from mean sea level. These results indicated an increase in heads for level 2 and level 4 between 1 to 2 m when compared to elevations slope at the level 2 and level 4. The head increases surpass the elevation level of the slope area that causing water seepage at level 2 and level 4. In order to overcome this problems, the heads level need to be decrease to 1 until 2 m by using two options of sub-drain dimension size. Sub-drain with the dimension of 0.0750 m (diameter), 0.10 m (length) and using 4.90 m spacing was the best method to use as it was able to decrease the heads to the required levels of 1 to 2 m

    Modelling Maintenance System of a Fishing Vessel Using Markov Process Method

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    Reliability analysis on a ship system have developed as the increasing demand on the level of safety and reliability of the ship design. There are some significantly important of ship systems which support the ship operationalization. Failure on one system component can influence the functionality of the respective system and even can damage the whole ship function. If this is happen, the safety of the passengers and cargoes on the ship will be threatened. A comprehensive evaluation on the ship systems must be conducted so that the failure level of the system can be predicted. For the safety of the maintenance action on a system, model of the ship system maintenance must be designed. One common approach to be used on a maintenance modelling of a system is markov approach or markov modelling. The final result of the appoach is an availability index of a system as a consequences of the ship system maintenance. Output from this approach will become input for designing ship system maintenance strategy. This paper discusses the use of markov process approach in modelling maintenance of a ship system. In the final part of the paper, a maintenance modelling case for a ship fresh water cooling system is presented