2,933 research outputs found

    Universal behavior of localization of residue fluctuations in globular proteins

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    Localization properties of residue fluctuations in globular proteins are studied theoretically by using the Gaussian network model. Participation ratio for each residue fluctuation mode is calculated. It is found that the relationship between participation ratio and frequency is similar for all globular proteins, indicating a universal behavior in spite of their different size, shape, and architecture.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Pengaruh Pemberian Limbah Air Cucian Beras Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kangkung Darat(ipomoea Reptanspoir)

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    Kale land (Ipomea reptans Poir) is one of the horticultural crops are highly favored by the people of Indonesia because it is tasteful. Kale land are containing 31 cal, 1.0 g protein, 0.3 g fat, 7.3 g carbohydrates, 29 mg calcium, 470 mg of vitamin A, vitamin B1 0:05 mg, 90.9% water. Rice water has many benefits to plants, easily obtained by farmers and environmentally friendly has a low price that can be afforded by farmers, sewage washing rice water is a waste product that comes from a production process both industrial and domestic (household) that has no value more economical. This study is based on a randomized block design by treatment with waste rice water which consists of four levels ie: P0 = without giving rice water, P1 = 0.5 liters of water washing rice, P2 = 1 liter of water washing rice, P3 = 1.5 liter rice water. The experiments were performed on three groups so that there are 12 experimental unit. Variable of this experiment are plant height, leaf number, leaf length, plant fresh weight, weight / plot plants and plant dry weight. Giving the best rice water can improve plant growth kale is a concentration of 1.5 liter rice water which is evident from the high weight of fresh plants, 1:00 g, and fresh weight / plot is 7.83 cm and plant dry weight was 0.83 g

    Fault-tolerance techniques for hybrid CMOS/nanoarchitecture

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    The authors propose two fault-tolerance techniques for hybrid CMOS/nanoarchitecture implementing logic functions as look-up tables. The authors compare the efficiency of the proposed techniques with recently reported methods that use single coding schemes in tolerating high fault rates in nanoscale fabrics. Both proposed techniques are based on error correcting codes to tackle different fault rates. In the first technique, the authors implement a combined two-dimensional coding scheme using Hamming and Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes to address fault rates greater than 5. In the second technique, Hamming coding is complemented with bad line exclusion technique to tolerate fault rates higher than the first proposed technique (up to 20). The authors have also estimated the improvement that can be achieved in the circuit reliability in the presence of Don-t Care Conditions. The area, latency and energy costs of the proposed techniques were also estimated in the CMOS domain

    Three-dimensional fluorescent microscopy via simultaneous illumination and detection at multiple planes.

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    The conventional optical microscope is an inherently two-dimensional (2D) imaging tool. The objective lens, eyepiece and image sensor are all designed to capture light emitted from a 2D 'object plane'. Existing technologies, such as confocal or light sheet fluorescence microscopy have to utilize mechanical scanning, a time-multiplexing process, to capture a 3D image. In this paper, we present a 3D optical microscopy method based upon simultaneously illuminating and detecting multiple focal planes. This is implemented by adding two diffractive optical elements to modify the illumination and detection optics. We demonstrate that the image quality of this technique is comparable to conventional light sheet fluorescent microscopy with the advantage of the simultaneous imaging of multiple axial planes and reduced number of scans required to image the whole sample volume

    The design, evaluation, and reporting on non- pharmacological, cognition- oriented treatments for older adults: Results of a survey of experts

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    IntroductionCognitive decline and dementia significantly affect independence and quality of life in older adults; therefore, it is critical to identify effective cognition- oriented treatments (COTs; eg, cognitive training, rehabilitation) that can help maintain or enhance cognitive functioning in older adults, as well as reduce dementia risk or alleviate symptoms associated with pathological processes.MethodsThe Cognitive Intervention Design Evaluation and Reporting (CIDER), a working group from the Non- Pharmacological Interventions Professional Interest Area (NPI- PIA) of the Alzheimer’s Association conducted as survey in 2017 with experts in COTs worldwide. The survey’s aims were three- fold: (1) determine the common attitudes, beliefs, and practices of experts involved in the COTs research targeting older people; (2) identify areas of relative agreement and disagreement among experts in the field; and (3) offer a critical review of the literature, including recommendations for future research.ResultsThe survey identified several areas of agreements among experts on critical features of COTs, and on study design and outcome measures. Nevertheless, there were some areas with relative disagreement. Critically, expert opinions were not always supported by scientific evidence, suggesting that methodologic improvements are needed regarding design, implementation, and reporting of COTs. There was a clear consensus that COTs provide benefits and should be offered to cognitively unimpaired older adults, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and mild dementia, but opinions differed for moderate and severe dementia. In addition, there is no consensus on the potential role of COTs in dementia prevention, indicating that future research should prioritize this aspect.DiscussionEvidence of COTs in older adults is encouraging, but additional evidence is needed to enhance dementia prevention. Consensus building and guidelines in the field are critical to improve and accelerate the development of high- quality evidence for COTs in cognitively unimpaired older adults, and those with MCI and dementia.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155935/1/trc212024_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155935/2/trc212024.pd

    Dampak Bangkitan Lalu-Lintas Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Palu Terhadap Kinerja Perkerasan Jalan (Studi kasus Ruas Jalan Nasional Pantoloan-Tawaeli)

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    Palu City is designated as a Special Economic Zone for the development of the region's economic potential, as an integrated logistics center and mining processing industry in the Sulawesi economic corridor to encourage equity and increase and accelerate the economy. The performance of road pavements will decrease as the road service ages. The impact of the existence of Palu Special Economic zone resulted in the rise/pull of new traffic movements that burdened the National Pantoloan-Tawaeli road section, This research was conducted under the guidance of Pavement Design Manual 2017, where from the results of the research there was traffic loading due to the existence of the Palu Special Economic Zone amounted to 997, 761, 256 CESAL, resulting in a reduction in the life of road services by 10 years

    Pola Asuh Ibu Rumah Tangga dalam Menanamkan Disiplin Belajar Kepada Anaknya di Perumahan Mutiara 2 Rw 003 Desa Tarai Bangun Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar

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    This study aims to find out the most dominant parenting pattern applied by housewife in instilling discipline of learning to her child in Mutiara Housing 2 RW 003 Tarai Bangun Village Tambang Subdistrict Kampar Regency. The formulation of the problem in this research is to know which parenting pattern is the most dominant applied by housewife in instill discipline learn to her child in Mutiara Housing 2 RW 003 Tarai Bangun Village Tambang Sub District Kampar ?. The population in this study were 96 housewives in Mutiara 2 RW 003 Village Tarai Bangun Tambang Sub District Kampar Regency and the sample of this research were 49 housewives in Mutiara Housing 2 RW 003 Tarai Bangun Village Tambang Subdistrict Kampar Regency with critical level 10%, the sample Used is simple random sampling. The instrument of data collection is a questionnaire with 232 statements and after the trial live 222 valid statements to be used as research instruments. Data analysis through Quantitative Descriptive analysis. From the calculation of the percentage of answers obtained by the findings of the research of Household Parenting Patterns in Inculcating Discipline Learning to their Children in Mutiara Housing 2 RW 003 Tarai Bangun Village Tambang Subdistrict Kampar Regency is a style of let slow and safe origins without the pamrih with percentage value (SS + S) 100% This means that the style let me slow home safely and the most selfless style dominantly applied by Housewives in Inculcating Discipline Learning to their Children in Mutiara Housing 2 RW 003 Tarai Bangun Village Tambang District Kampar

    Adsorpcijske izoterme i kinetičko modeliranje uklanjanja fenolnih spojeva pomoću aktivnog ugljena, iz otpadnih voda dobivenih pri proizvodnji maslinovog ulja

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    The adsorption of phenolic compounds from olive oil wastewater by commercial activated carbon was studied as a function of adsorbent quantity and temperature. The sorption kinetics and the equilibrium isotherms were evaluated. Under optimum conditions (8 g of activated carbon per 100 mL), the maximum sorption capacity of activated carbon expressed as mg of caff eic acid equivalent per g of activated carbon was 35.8 at 10 °C, 35.4 at 25 °C and 36.1 at 40 °C. The pseudo-second-order model was considered as the most suitable for kinetic results, and Langmuir isotherm was chosen to bett er describe the sorption system. The results confi rmed the effi ciency of activated carbon to remove almost all phenolic compound fractions from olive mill effl uent. The preliminary results obtained will be used in future studies. The carbohydrate fraction of this upgraded residue could be employed to produce bioethanol, and adsorbed phenolic compounds can be recovered and used in different industries.U radu je ispitana ovisnost adsorpcije fenolnih spojeva iz otpadnih voda, dobivenih pri proizvodnji maslinovog ulja, o količini adsorbensa (komercijalni aktivni ugljen) i temperaturi. Proučene su kinetika sorpcije i ravnotežne izoterme. Pri optimalnim uvjetima (8 g aktivnog ugljena na 100 mL) najveća je sposobnost sorpcije, izražena u mg ekvivalenata kafeinske kiseline po g aktivnog ugljena, iznosila 35,8 pri temperaturi od 10 °C, 35,4 pri 25 °C i 36,1 pri 40 °C. Dobivene kinetičke rezultate najbolje je opisao model pseudo drugog reda, dok je za opisivanje sorpcije odabrana Langmuirova izoterma. Rezultati potvrđuju učinkovitost aktivnog ugljena u uklanjanju gotovo svih fenolnih spojeva iz otpadnih voda. Ovi će se preliminarni rezultati upotrijebiti u daljnjim istraživanjima. Ugljikohidrati preostali nakon uklanjanja fenolnih spojeva iz otpadnih voda mogli bi se upotrijebiti za dobivanje bioetanola, a adsorbirani se fenolni spojevi mogu naknadno koristiti u raznim granama industrije