534 research outputs found

    Cancer registry in Iran: A brief overview

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    Cancer registry is an important tool for any successful cancer control program. The first formal cancer related data from Iran were published in 1956. In 1969, observations documenting a high incidence of esophageal cancer in the Caspian Littoral, urged researchers to set up the first population-based cancer registry in this region. This cancer registry was established jointly by University of Tehran and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). In 1976, another cancer registry started its activities in Fars Province. In 1984, the Parliament passed a bill mandating the report of all tissues "diagnosed or suspected as cancer tissue" to the Ministry of Health. While only 18% of all estimated cancer cases were reported in first reports, this rate increased to 81% in 2005 In 1998, Tehran Population-Based Cancer Registry started to collect data from cases of cancer referred to the treatment and diagnostic facilities throughout the Tehran metropolis. Digestive Disease Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, established four new population-based cancer registries in Northern Iran and another in Kerman Province in the south. These five provinces have a total population of about 9.5 million, and constitute about 16% of the total population of Iran. While the pathology-based cancer registration is in place, we hope that the addition of the population-based cancer registries, and establishment of new registries in poorly-covered areas, will improve cancer reporting in the country

    Anisotropy in Sand–Fibre Composites and Undrained Stress–Strain Implications

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    Among the plethora of studies on anisotropy in fibre-reinforced sands, there exist conflicting views on effects on the steady-state deformations of initial packing. These conflicting views are further confused by strictly limited experimental evidence on flow in complex loading environments where the principal stresses rotate whereby shearing and torsional stresses combine, and when extension in soil relieves the compressive stresses. In the heuristic of intrinsically anisotropic nature of the soil and in recognition of the inability of placement methods to overcome such anisotropy, this paper aims to use the orientation of principal stress and soil initial packing state combined as proxy parameters to further the knowledge of plastic behaviour in fibre-reinforced sands. This study furthers the knowledge of the dependency of steady states on anisotropy in composite geomaterials. In doing so, the direction of principal stress orientation is varied from 15° to 60° (from vertical axis), taking an intermediate principal stress ratio of 0.5 and 1.0 and two initial confining pressures. Twenty-four undrained torsional shear tests are conducted using a hollow cylindrical torsional shear apparatus. Under compression and plain strain conditions, torsional stresses limit the improvements in soils’ undrained shear strength upon fibre reinforcement. Extension in soil remarkably increases fibres’ contribution to betterment of undrained strength. Fibres are least effective under low isotropic confining pressures and also for certain ranges of torsional stresses

    Smartphone apps for total hip replacement and total knee replacement surgery patients: a systematic review

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to critically examine the content of smartphone apps produced for patients undergoing total hip replacement and total knee replacement surgery.Materials and methods: A systematic search was conducted across the five most popular smartphone app stores: iTunes; Google Play; Windows Mobile; Blackberry App World; and Nokia Ovi. Apps were identified for screening if they: targeted total hip replacement or total knee replacement patients; were free of charge; and were in English. App quality assessment was conducted independently by three reviewers using the Mobile App Rating Scale.Results: 15 apps met the inclusion criteria. On the 5-point Mobile App Rating Scale, the mean overall app quality score was 3.1. Within the Mobile App Rating Scale, the "Aesthetics" subscale had the most inconsistency across all apps, generating the highest and lowest mean scores (4.7 and 1, respectively). The "functionality" subscale had the highest mean score (3.8) among the four subscales, and the "information" subscale had the lowest mean score (2.7).Conclusion: This study highlights that despite a wide range of apps currently available to total hip replacement and total knee replacement patients, there is significant variability in their quality. Future efforts should be made to develop apps in partnership with patients, to improve the content, interactivity and relevance of apps.Implications for RehabilitationClinicians and rehabilitation professionals should consider that patients are using Smartphone apps to supplement their rehabilitation and be aware of currently available apps.Although some apps show promise, at present there is no one openly available app which is clinically recommended for rehabilitation use following total hip replacement and total knee replacement.Rehabilitation professionals tailor recovery programmes to individual patient needs following total hip replacement and total knee replacement, and future apps should also consider personal needs.We recommend that patients are involved in all stages of designing and testing future total hip replacement and total knee replacement rehabilitation apps

    A feasibility study to evaluate a purposeful walk intervention with a distance goal using a commercially available activity monitor in elderly people post total hip replacement surgery

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    INTRODUCTION: Total hip replacement (THR) is performed in an increasing number of individuals around the world and while improvements in pain reduction and long-term enhancement of muscle strength are well documented, the improvement in daily activity does not follow the same trend. This study aimed to determine the feasibility of a 5-week intervention where a personalised outdoor walking distance is monitored using a commercial activity monitor (Fitbit Charge 4). METHOD: Data was collected on gait and activities of daily living using patient reported outcome measures. Following the completion of the intervention period, participants took part in a semi-structured interview to voice their opinion on the use of the activity monitor, their experiences, and any challenges in order to assess the feasibility of the intervention. All quantitative data were presented descriptively, using appropriate summary statistics. Interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: Five participants who had undergone total hip replacement surgery within the postoperative period of 3 to 6 months were recruited from the local community. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that the intervention was feasible and that it encouraged all participants to increase their daily activity. Therefore, it can be concluded that a follow-up effectiveness trial is warranted

    Liquefaction resistance of fibre-reinforced silty sands under cyclic loading

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    Whether the so-called double porosity in soils with a loose and natural packing state is a concept with real-world implications is a fundamental yet controversial question in the study of cyclic undrained shear behaviour of fibre-reinforced silty sands. An attempt is made here to clarify the question by means of particle-level modelling combined with 41 undrained cyclic triaxial shear tests. The study shows that the initial Random Loose Packing changes to Random Close Packing and then Close Packing with silt content increments. The transition from random to close packing occurs at a threshold silt content which is relatively lower in coarser sands. For sands with 40% silt content. Irrespective of fine content, fibres tend to sit deep into the silt pellets and encrust the macro-pore spaces. Generally, increasing fibre content leads to an increase in the average number of contacts per particle, dilation and easier dissipation of excess pore water pressure, a decrease in contact forces and improved liquefaction resistance. For sands with >40% silt content, effectiveness of fibre reinforcement diminishes with increasing sand median size

    All-optical switching using a new photonic crystal directional coupler

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    In this paper all-optical switching in a new photonic crystal directional coupler is performed.  The structure of the switch consists of a directional coupler and a separate path for a control signal called “control waveguide”. In contrast to the former reported structures in which the directional couplers are made by removing a row of rods entirely, the directional coupler in our optical switch is constructed by two reduced-radius line-defect waveguides separated by the control waveguide. Furthermore, in our case the background material has the nonlinear Kerr property. Therefore, in the structure of this work, no frequency overlap occurs between the control waveguide mode and the directional coupler modes. It is shown that such a condition provides a very good isolation between the control and the probe signals at the output ports. In the control waveguide, nonlinear Kerr effect causes the required refractive index change by the presence of a high power control (pump) signal. Even and odd modes of the coupler are investigated by applying the distribution of the refractive index change in the nonlinear region of a super-cell so that a switching length of about 94 µm is obtained at the wavelength of 1.55 µm. Finally, all-optical switching of the 1.55 µm probe signal using a control signal at the wavelength of 1.3 µm, is simulated through the finite-difference time-domain method, where both signals are desirable in optical communication systems. A very high extinction ratio of 67 dB is achieved and the temporal characteristics of the switch are demonstrated

    Intensified array camera imaging of solid surface combustion aboard the NASA Learjet

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    An intensified array camera was used to image weakly luminous flames spreading over thermally thin paper samples in a low gravity environment aboard the NASA-Lewis Learjet. The aircraft offers 10 to 20 sec of reduced gravity during execution of a Keplerian trajectory and allows the use of instrumentation that is delicate or requires higher electrical power than is available in drop towers. The intensified array camera is a charge intensified device type that responds to light between 400 and 900 nm and has a minimum sensitivity of 10(exp 6) footcandles. The paper sample, either ashless filter paper or a lab wiper, burns inside a sealed chamber which is filled with 21, 18, or 15 pct. oxygen in nitrogen at one atmosphere. The camera views the edge of the paper and its output is recorded on videotape. Flame positions are measured every 0.1 sec to calculate flame spread rates. Comparisons with drop tower data indicate that the flame shapes and spread rates are affected by the residual g level in the aircraft

    A systematic review of the use of commercial wearable activity trackers for monitoring recovery in individuals undergoing total hip replacement surgery

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    The innovation of wearable devices is advancing rapidly. Activity monitors can be used to improve the total hip replacement (THR) patients' recovery process and reduce costs. This systematic review assessed the body-worn accelerometers used in studies to enhance the rehabilitation process and monitor THR patients. Electronic databases such as Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews library, CINAHL CompleteVR, Science Citation Index, and MedlineVR from January 2000 to January 2022 were searched. Due to inclusion criteria, fourteen eligible studies that utilised commercial wearable technology to monitor physical activity both before and after THR were identified. Their evidence quality was assessed with RoB 2.0 and ROBINS-I. This study demonstrates that wearable device technology might be feasible to predict, monitor, and detect physical activity following THR. They could be used as a motivational tool to increase patients' mobility and enhance the recovery process. Also, wearable activity monitors could provide a better insight into the individual's activity level in contrast to subjective self-reported questionnaires. However, they have some limitations, and further evidence is needed to establish this technology as the primary device in THR rehabilitation

    Why Do People Undergo THR and What Do They Expect to Gain—A Comparison of the Views of Patients and Health Care Professionals

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    Little concerted effort has been made to understand why individuals undergo total hip replacement (THR) surgery and their rehabilitation goals. Similarly, insight of views and perspective of health care professionals’ (HCPs) regarding surgery and what objective measures help them with decision-making is lacking. This patient and public involvement report aimed to explore both patients’ and HCPs’ perspectives of THR surgery. Twenty patients, 10 pre-THR, 10 post-THR, 9 physiotherapists, and 6 surgeons took part. Results suggest a consensus among patients and HCPs on pain reduction being the main reason for undergoing THR. The inability to carry out simple daily activities such as dog walking and sleep deprivation had a significant effect on patients’ mental and physical well-being. This article is the first to explore the views of THR patients and HCPs on reasons behind THR surgery amalgamated into a single report. As walking is important, wearable activity monitors are suggested as a possible motivator to enhance patient compliance to self-care rehabilitation and increase quality of life. A future research project on the use of such wearable activity monitors in enhancing mobility post-THR is therefore planned

    Psychometric properties and measurement invariance across gender of the Compulsive Online Shopping Scale (COSS) among Iranians.

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    The present study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Compulsive Online Shopping Scale (COSS) in an Iranian population. The total sample of 802 participants (257 females; Mean age = 22.27, SD = 2.83) were selected via convenience sampling from Tehran, Iran. Confirmatory Factor Analysis supported the 7-factor structure of the COSS as proposed in the original study. The measurement invariance found in this study suggests that the COSS provides sufficiently unbiased use among males and females. The current findings also support the concurrent validity of the Persian COSS, which exhibited positive and significant associations with loneliness, impulsivity, obsession, internalized symptoms, and Internet use. Furthermore, results confirm the convergent validity of the Persian COSS and showcased acceptable internal consistency for all factors, and the total score. The findings of the present study indicate that compulsive online shopping could be assessed adequately in Iranian samples using the COSS. [Abstract copyright: Crown Copyright © 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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