7 research outputs found

    A prospective study of cervical lesions diagnosed by liquid based cytology in Western Rajasthan, India population

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    Background: Carcinoma cervix is the second most common malignancy of women in India after breast cancer. The present study was conducted to determine the spectrum of cervical lesions by liquid-based cytology in Western Rajasthan population.Methods: It is a Prospective study on 1087 cervical samples carried over a period of 1 year. Cervical samples were taken and processed by SurePathâ„¢ LBC.Results: Of total 1087 cases 959 were negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy (88.22%). 88 cases (8.09%) were reported as unsatisfactory. Among the non- neoplastic cases- bacterial vaginosis was reported in 209 cases (21.8%), Candida in 77 cases (8.02%), both Candida and bacterial vaginosis in 12 cases (1.25%), reactive cellular changes in 193 cases (20.12%), and Trichomonas vaginalis in 01 case. Among pre-malignant and malignant lesions, 40 cases (4.17%) the distribution was as follows-atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance 16(1.67%), atypical squamous cell-cannot rule out high grade 08 cases (0.83%), Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion 04 cases (0.42%), high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion 07 cases (0.73%), Atypical glandular cell favoring neoplastic 01 case (0.15%), and squamous cell carcinoma 04 cases (0.42%). Histopathological co-relation of premalignant and malignant lesions was further studied.Conclusions: Liquid based cytology is an effective screening and diagnostic procedure for cervical abnormalities. Among pre-malignant and malignant lesions, histo-pathological correlation increased with increased grade of severity of lesions. To the best of knowledge, this is the largest study of liquid based cytology in the Western Rajasthan

    A new formula for estimating insertion length of umbilical catheters in neonates: An observational study

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    Objective: Current formulae used by clinicians to estimate the insertion length of umbilical catheters are inaccurate. We aimed to derive a new model that could improve accuracy in estimating the insertion length of umbilical catheters. Study design: This was a multi-centre prospective observational study of neonates admitted to neonatal units and needing umbilical line(s) inserted for clinical reasons. Demographic data, catheter-related measurements and a new external length measurement—sternal notch to the umbilicus, were collected at three tertiary-level neonatal units in South Wales, UK. Generalised linear models were used to estimate the fit of the external length, birthweight, gestation and head circumference with catheter length and to derive a formula. The best fit was estimated by comparing r2 values for each equation. Results: Data from 113 infants for each venous and arterial line were analysed for the new mathematical formulae. For both umbilical arterial catheterisation [ and umbilical venous catheter (UVC) [ ], a quadratic model based on birthweight was found to have the best fit for predicting the insertion length of the catheters. However, the overall fit for UVCs was poorer for all explanatory variables (y = estimated insertion length of the umbilical catheter in cm, x = birthweight in kg). Conclusion: Our prospective multi-centre observational study identified a quadratic model based on birthweight as the best fit for estimating the insertion length of umbilical lines in neonates. This is a new finding and further development on earlier birthweight-based linear models

    Primary presentation of Jeune’s syndrome as gastric motility disorder in an infant: A case report

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    We report a case of a 4-week-old female neonate with Jeune’s asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (JATD) and coexistent situs anomaly, primarily presenting as gastric motility disorder. The child presented with abdominal distension and nonbilious vomiting since birth with failure to thrive. However, skeletal survey revealed JATD. Upper gastrointestinal contrast study showed situs inversus with delayed gastric emptying. Pyloric biopsy and intraoperative antro-duodenal manometry confirmed association of gastric motility disorder. Awareness of the unusual possibility of primary presentation of Jeune syndrome as gastric motility disorder will improve the management approach in such infants

    Socio-behavioural determinants of maternal near miss: a prospective case control study from a tertiary care centre of India

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    Near miss occurs in far greater numbers than maternal deaths and allows a more robust quantification on risk factors and determinants of life-threatening complications. A ‘Three delay model’ has been proposed in identification of causes of near miss and maternal deaths. There may be delay in seeking and obtaining health care: delay in recognising danger signs and deciding to reach source of care, delay in reaching appropriate source of care and delay in obtaining appropriate and adequate treatments. We compared various delays between near miss cases (n = 100) and controls (n = 200). Women who fulfilled criteria of near miss were taken as cases. Women who had obstetrical complications like near miss but were managed successfully and did not reach near miss state were labelled as controls. Near miss were then compared with maternal death. For normally distributed measurable data, outcome was compared using Student’s t-test, for non-normally distributed/ordinal data, outcome was compared using Mann–Whitney’s test. For categorical/classified data, association with outcome was analysed using Chi-Square test/Fisher’s exact test. Delay in all three levels was seen among the groups. Lack of knowledge, non-availability of decision maker, and concern of cost of transport were main contributors of these delays.Impact Statement What is already known on this subject? Nonavailability of healthcare and low socio-economic status strongly correlate with maternal morbidity and mortality. What do the results of this study add? Lack of knowledge, non-availability of the decision maker, and concern of cost of transport were the main contributors of delay in seeking medical care. Majority of the cases of near miss were attributed to poor utilisation of health resources, ignorance and lack of emergency obstetric care at the primary level. What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? Patient and attendant education to ensure follow-up visits, recognise danger signs and report without undue delay, compliance to dietary modifications, medications given needs to be addressed at every visit to reduce the impact of socio-behavioural determinants on maternal near miss and mortality which are preventable in majority of cases