510 research outputs found

    The Dreams of Vernon Lloyd

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    Genealogijos ir vietos istorijos tyrimų galimybės Panevėžio krašte (metrikų knygų duomenimis)

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    The article explores the surviving genealogical information resources of Panevėžys churches – christening, marriages, deaths, and population censuses. On the basis of the data provided in these books, repeating common names in different areas of the Panevėžys are overviewed. The origin of family names and their territorial linkage are suggested. Published ethnographic books are featured to reflect the availability of the genealogical research in Panevėžys vicinity. Relevant name correlations are drawn using Lithuanian State documents, such as the archives of the nobility. A new study of genetic genealogy is introduced, its value to research, and a spectrum of open possibilities it offers for solving otherwise complex kin puzzles. With good judgement and analysis, the reader may find the approach taken here encouraging to further explore the expatriates and peoples with relation of Lithuanian ancestry of the 19th–20th c.Straipsnyje nagrinėjami Panevėžio krašto bažnyčiose išlikę genealoginės informacijos ištekliai – krikštų, santuokų, mirčių, gyventojų surašymų knygos. Remiantis šių knygų duomenimis apžvelgiamos dažniausiai pasikartojančios pavardės skirtingose Panevėžio krašto teritorijose. Pateikiamos galimos pavardžių kilmės versijos, ieškoma jų sąsajų su vietovių pavadinimais. Pristatomos išleistos kraštotyrinės knygos, atspindinčios genealoginių paieškų pagal pavardes tyrimų galimybes Panevėžio krašte. Supažindinama su nauja genealoginių tyrimų kryptimi – genetine genealogija, jos tyrimų reikšme ir galimybėmis

    Practical and Academic Aspects of Social Work Development in Lithuania

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    The main objective of the article is to present the development of social work in Lithuania. The conception of social work and the social work definition problems are discussed in the first part. The absence of general social work theory and multfifunctionality of social work practice are obstacles for the unified conception of social work. The development of social work profession is discussed in the second part of the article. The roots of social work are the pseudoaltruistic behavior of animals and the proper altruistic behavior of hominids. There are eight stages of social work development in Lithuania according to author: GDL and the Union with Poland, period of Tsarist occupation, interwar independence, Models of Soviet social security, Formal acceptance of the notion of social work, professionalisation of social work, professional social work, social euro-integration. The contextual factors of social work in Lithuania are discussed in the third part of the article. The main contextual factors of social work are: socio-economical situation, legislative basis, international context, social service givers. The research in social work and the future development of social work discipline in Lithuania is discussed in the last part

    My Grandfather\u27s Box

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    NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence

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    NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (ENSEC COE) is located in Vilnius, Lithuania. It was established on July 10, 2012 and later accredited by the North Atlantic Council on October 12, 2012. The NATO ENSEC COE was established by Lithuania as a Framework Nation and by five other sponsoring NATO Nations: Estonia, France, Italy, Latvia and Turkey

    Psichologijos institucionalizacija Lietuvoje: žvilgsnis iš valstybės 100-mečio perspektyvos

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    Different sides of the development of psychology as a science, a teaching subject and a professional activity in Lithuania during the 100-year period are analyzed and discussed. This analysis is performed in the context of the institutionalization of the modern Lithuania. The three main premises of the development of psychology in Lithuania are revealed: the sociopolitical and economical context of state, the influence of the global field of psychology and the activities of the enthusiasts of profession. The extent of development of psychology in Lituania during the different periods of Lithuanian history of last 100 years of its existance is evaluated according to 10 criteria of recognizing the profession: 1) Social need; 2) State regulation of the profession; 3) Legislative basis of the profession; 4) Trust by society and authority; 5) Control of professional competence; 6) Being included in a classification of scienes and a scientific studies system; 7) Education (teaching and training) of the profession; 8) Professional and scientiffic communication (journals, conferences); 9) Values and professional ethics; 10) Professional self-regulation (professional NGO). The development of psychology in Lithuania can be divided in stages according to the context of the modern state’s development events: 1) Before the year 1918 (the period of arousal and enlightenment in psychological culture); 2) The years 1918–1940 (start of the institutionalization of psychology in the First Republic of Lithuania); 3) The years 1940–1944 (an empty, topsyturvy-esque or confused of social and economical life stage during the Second World War); 4) The years 1945–1988 (an unsettled stage of training and researches in psychology with stabilization after when psychologists were begun to be educated at Vilnius University in 1969); 5) The years 1989–2018 (a dissociation from the Russian academic field of psychology and an independent development with the rising ifluence of Western academic psychological influences). The names of the main enthusiasts of the institutionalization of psychology in Lithuania during the five listed stages are presented. The main persons from this list were Alfonsas Gučas (1907–1988), Jonas Vabalas-Gudaitis (1881–1955), Vladas Lazersonas (1889–1945) and Juvencijus Lapė (1925–1911). The main conclusion of paper is that psychology in Lithuania, during the 100-year period, was developed according to all 10 criteria; it was reasonably adapted to the national state culture and infrastructure. In other words, at the present time, we can speak and write not only about the development of psychology in Lithuania but about a Lithuanian psychology – a nationally indigenized profession. Eleven features of indeginized psychology are also listed.Straipsnyje analizuojama psichologijos institucionalizacijos – jos diegimo ir virtimo tiek visateisiu mokslu, tiek reglamentuojama profesija – raida Lietuvos Respublikos pastarųjų 100 metų istorijos kontekste. Psichologijos institucionalizacijos procesas analizuojamas pagal 10 profesijai (ir mokslui) svarbiausių kriterijų: 1) socialinis užsakymas (profesijos poreikis); 2) profesijos reglamentavimas; 3) profesinės veiklos teisinis pagrindas ir psichologo teisės bei pareigos; 4) visuomenės pasitikėjimas ir autoritetas; 5) profesinės kompetencijos kontrolė; 6) tyrimai ir vieta mokslo bei praktikos klasifikacijose; 7) profesijos mokymas; 8) profesinė ir mokslinė komunikacija; 9) vertybės ir etika; 10) profesinis susireguliavimas (asociacijos). Bendra išvada tokia: nors psichologijos, kaip ir daugelio kitų mokslų, raidos pradžia Lietuvoje vėlavo, pastarųjų trijų dešimtmečių psichologijos institucionalizacijos procesas buvo toks spartus, kad atsilikimo nebeliko faktiškai pagal visus profesijos kriterijus. Psichologija tapo indigenizuota profesija – susieta su šalies kultūra profesionalų moksline ir praktine veikla. Šio mokslo raida glaudžiai susijusi su Lietuvos modernios tautinės valstybės raida. Lietuvos pastarojo šimtmečio raidos etapai – tai ir psichologijos institucionalizacijos etapai. Straipsnio pabaigoje aptariami svarbesni Lietuvos psichologijos bruožai


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    Problem of the research: what reflective technic strategies do the teachers use in their work in order to achieve a quality of teaching and which of them they recommend to their students for learning; what reflections do the students use? Aim of the research: to find out how the students use the reflective methods in the learning process, when improving their learning and what approach to the learning in the long-life perspective is. Objectives of the research: to reason the importance of reflection in the education process. To determine the students’ and teachers’ approach to the usage of reflection in the education process. Methods of research: analysis of documents and scientific literature, content analysis, written survey. The research has shown: The teachers and students positively evaluate the usage of the reflection method in their activity. Reflection is a good device for seeking of education quality. During this process the students overtake the teachers’ experience, develop their competences by getting the consultations. During the consultations the teachers give relevant information about the usage of the most effective learning methods in the study process. The students actively use some of the reflection types, most of which are rarely used. This indicates that in the study process not all the possibilities that could improve the learning process are used

    Leveraging glycomics data in glycoprotein 3D structure validation with Privateer

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    The heterogeneity, mobility and complexity of glycans in glycoproteins have been, and currently remain, significant challenges in structural biology. These aspects present unique problems to the two most prolific techniques: X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy. At the same time, advances in mass spectrometry have made it possible to get deeper insights on precisely the information that is most difficult to recover by structure solution methods: the full-length glycan composition, including linkage details for the glycosidic bonds. The developments have given rise to glycomics. Thankfully, several large scale glycomics initiatives have stored results in publicly available databases, some of which can be accessed through API interfaces. In the present work, we will describe how the Privateer carbohydrate structure validation software has been extended to harness results from glycomics projects, and its use to greatly improve the validation of 3D glycoprotein structures

    Socialinis darbas Lietuvoje: raidos, praktikos ir akademinis aspektai

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    [full article and abstract in Lithuanian; abstract in English] Several years ago the reaction of an ordinary Lithuanian citizen, politician or even a professional (teacher, medical doctor, psychologist) to such word combinations a social work or social worker was not only awkward but often negative: What a strange word combination! Is it necessary to make references to work when naming a profession?  Maybe such notions of recent past as party work, party worker or trade union worker accounted for the negative attitude towards the said word combinations. Almost 10 years passed, and the concepts, such as social work or social worker became common. They no longer jar on nobody’s ears. However the following questions are still topical: What is social work? What do social workers do? Is it science or art? The majority of sciences have developed from philosophy. They have scientific names, usually of Latin or Greek origin. The beginning of social work is associated with charity or philanthropic activities.[straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Straipsnio tikslas yra apžvelgti svarbesnius socialinio darbo raidos Lietuvoje aspektus. Pirmiausia pateikiama socialinio darbo sampratas, jo apibrėžimas. Aptariamos problemos, kurios trukdo pateikti bendrą socialinio darbo kaip mokslo apibrėžimą. Tai bendros socialinio darbo teorijos nebuvimas ir socialinio darbo multifunkcionalumas. Toliau yra aptariamas socialinio darbo profesijos tapsmas ir kismas, išskiriant atsiradimo aplinkybes ir sąlygas bei pristatant profesijos raidą ir kismą Lietuvoje. Socialinio darbo atsiradimo aplinkybėmis yra įvardinamos gyvūnų pseudoaltruistinė elgsena ir tikroji hominidų altruistinė elgsena. Kalbant apie socialinio darbo raidą Lietuvoje išskiriami aštuoni etapai: LDK ir unija su Lenkija, Carinės okupacijos laikotarpis, tarpukario nepriklausomybė, tarybinis socialinio aprūpinimo modelis, Socialinio darbo sąvokos formalus priėmimas, socialinio darbo profesionalizacija, profesionalus socialinis darbas, socialinė eurointegracija. Toliau yra kalbama apie socialinio darbo aplinkybes – socialinė drama vyksta ne tuščioje erdvėje, o kupinoje visokių veiksnių aplinkoje – tam tikromis aplinkybėmis. Aptariamos šios socialinio darbo aplinkybės: socioekonominė situacija, kuri tuo pačiu metu yra pagrindinis problemų šaltinis ir kartu teikia išteklius sėkmingam socialiniam darbui, teisinis pagrindas, tarptautinis kontekstas, socialinių paslaugų teikėjai. Galiausiai yra aptarimai socialinio darbo kaip akademinės disciplinos ir tyrimų krypties aspektai. Šioje dalyje kalbama apie socialinių darbuotojų rengimą, kuris yra neadekvatus šalies poreikiams ir tuo pačiu egzistuoja profesijos pavadinimų įvairovė, bei tyrimus socialiniame darbe, kuriuos siūloma vadinti socialiniais tyrimais