83 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Computerized Instructional Packages on Concept Acquisition and Improving Academic Achievement among Female Deaf Students in KSA

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    The current study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of computerized instructional packages on concept acquisition and improving academic achievement among deaf students in Saudi Arabia. The sample consisted of (16) third-grade female deaf students in prep stage for the first semester of the academic year 2013/2014, randomly selected from schools in the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and distributed evenly to two groups: control group (n = 8) and experimental group (n = 8). Quasi-experimental method used to achieve the objective of the study. Computerized instructional packages, test of concept acquisition and academic achievement test were utilized to collect data. The results showed statistically significant differences between the performances’ mean of the control group and experimental group in the concept acquisition posttest and academic achievement posttest and differences were in favor of the experimental group. The study recommended the need to provide computerized instructional packages in all institutes and programs for people with special needs, especially the deaf, and with concern for the provision of modern methods that take into account the easiness and performance effectiveness. The study also recommended the need to train teachers of students with special needs, specifically the deaf, on the use of computerized instructional packages, in addition to the need for an education technology specialist for the deaf in each institute. Keywords: computerized instructional packages, concept acquisition, academic achievement, female deaf students

    The effectiveness of colored overlays on reading achievement and attitudes toward reading for students with Scotopic Sensitive Syndrome

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    This study investigated the effects on students identified with Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (SSS) or Irlen Syndrome (IS) when using colored overlays as an intervention (immediately and over time) to assess reading performance (rate, accuracy, and comprehension); to measure visual-motor integration; and to assess attitude toward reading. SSS/IS is a visual perceptual problem related to a collection of symptoms that affects an individual\u27s performance when reading. Three participants, all males (one 3rd -grade student, one 4th -grade student, and one 5th -grade student), were identified as having SSS/IS and other learning disabilities. The study involved five test instruments (Irlen Reading Perceptual Scale, Qualitative Reading Inventory-4, Running Records, Visual Motor Integration, and Elementary Reading Attitude Survey), using pre- and post tests combined with a single-subject Alternating Treatment Design (ATD). Data were analyzed qualitatively through visual analysis of tables, line graphs, and bar graphs. While this study showed inconsistent and mixed results for the use of colored overlays, there were some interesting positive effects in the area of attitude toward reading and in immediate effects on rate and accuracy. Results were inconclusive on the long term effects of the use of colored overlays over time. The lack of consistent results in this study suggests that there is not a clear clinical significance for the use of colored overlays

    Room-temperature synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles in different media and their application in cyanide photodegradation

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    Cyanide is an extreme hazard and extensively found in the wastes of refinery, coke plant, and metal plating industries. A simple, fast, cost-effective, room-temperature wet chemical route, based on cyclohexylamine, for synthesizing zinc oxide nanoparticles in aqueous and enthanolic media was established and tested for the photodegradation of cyanide ions. Particles of polyhedra morphology were obtained for zinc oxide, prepared in ethanol (ZnO(E)), while spherical and some chunky particles were observed for zinc oxide, prepared in water (ZnO(W)). The morphology was crucial in enhancing the cyanide ion photocatalytic degradation efficiency of ZnO(E) by a factor of 1.5 in comparison to the efficiency of ZnO(W) at an equivalent concentration of 0.02 wt.% ZnO. Increasing the concentration wt.% of ZnO(E) from 0.01 to 0.09 led to an increase in the photocatalytic degradation efficiency from 85% to almost 100% after 180 min and a doubling of the first-order rate constant (k)

    Low temperature precursors for metal oxide catalysts

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    Scope and Method of Study: The purpose of the investigation conducted in this project was to establish a simple, cost-effective, environmentally benign method, utilizing the distinctive thermal instability of the metal complexes of pyruvic acid oxime (PAO) ligand, for the synthesis of high surface area, porous, nanocrystalline metal oxide ceramics and testing them as heterogeneous catalyst systems and adsorbents for the remediation of arsenate in aqueous medium. The metal complexes of PAO were readily prepared in aqueous medium via ligand exchange strategy. Structural characterization of these complexes was to verify their formation on the basis of their infrared (IR) and solid-state 13c nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), single crystal X-ray diffraction, and thermal gravimetric and differential thermal analyses (TGA and DTA). IR and XRD analyses were used to confirm the formation of metal oxides as the final products of the pyrolysis of the metal complexes of PAO. The crystallite size, the surface properties (acidity, basicity and BET surface area), and the morphology of the metal oxides were to be determined by XRD, the adsorption of base and acid probe molecules, and by scanning and transmission electron microscopes (SEM and TEM), respectively. Some of the metal oxides were to have their catalytic activity examined with either Friedel-Crafts alkylation or Claisen-Schmidt condensation in Teflon bomb reactors at 150 oC. The analyses of the products were to be executed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry technique. The adsorption ability of some of the metal oxides for arsenate in aqueous solution was to be performed in the natural pH range of water (6.8-7.1) at room temperature. The equilibrium concentration of arsenic was to be determined using a water analysis test kit (EM Science, Gibbstown, NJ, USA).Findings and Conclusions: Zinc oxide was very good catalyst for the coupling reaction between benzaldehyde and acetophenone. It was the first time that zinc oxide was used for this kind of reactions. Nickel zinc ferrite was an excellent catalyst for the selective N-methylation of aniline using either methanol or dimethyl carbonate as a methylating agent. Tricobalt tetraoxide was the first oxide used for the allylation of benzene. Allybenzene was obtained in very high yield along with a small amount of diallyl ether. Iron, cobalt, and zinc oxides were excellent adsorbent for arsenate in aqueous medium. The cobalt oxide was also used for the first time in such an application. The adsorption capacity of the oxide was found to depend on its surface properties. It appeared that surface acidity played a key role in determining the capacity of the oxide

    Dependence of ZnO Morphology on Zn2+ Concentration

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    We have succeeded in controlling the morphology of Wulfingite Zn(OH)2 and Wurtzite ZnO at room temperature without using any template or surface ligand through the alteration of zinc ion molarity and the use of the moderately strong cylcohexylamine Brønsted base as a precipitating agent. The morphology was examined by SEM technique while XRD technique was used to identify the precipitated materials. We observed octahedral particles when the [Zn2+] was in the range of 0.09-0.02 Molar, flake-like particles when applying 0.19 Molar of [Zn2+], and mixture of chuncky and spherical particles when using 0.38 Molar of [Zn2+]

    Knowledge about anesthesia and the role of anesthesiologists among Jeddah citizens

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    Background: The anesthesiologist has a vital role in the operating theatres. Awareness of the role of the anesthesiologist and the types of anesthesia is essential for every person. This study was made to estimate how much information the general population have about the anesthesiologist and the different types of anesthesia.Methods: This research was a cross sectional non-interventional study. The research team conducted a questionnaire in which each participant in the study was interviewed by the research team. The sample size was 159 participants.Results: From the participants,99 (62.2%) recognized the anesthesiologist as a specialized doctor who administers the anesthetics,62 (38.9%) know that the anesthesiologist has a role in resuscitating the patient with the team if crises occurred. However, 85 (53.4%) believe that the surgeon has the responsibility of postoperative pain management. Physicians were the source of knowledge for most participant’s information.Conclusions: A reasonable percentage of people appreciated the role of the anesthesiologist in administrating the anesthesia, however there is a lack of information about the role of the anesthesiologist intra and postoperatively. The need for more education for people about anesthesia is essential as the amount of information about anesthesia in general is rather low

    A Review of Heterogeneous Photocatalysis for Water and Surface Disinfection

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    Photo-excitation of certain semiconductors can lead to the production of reactive oxygen species that can inactivate microorganisms. The mechanisms involved are reviewed, along with two important applications. The first is the use of photocatalysis to enhance the solar disinfection of water. It is estimated that 750 million people do not have accessed to an improved source for drinking and many more rely on sources that are not safe. If one can utilize photocatalysis to enhance the solar disinfection of water and provide an inexpensive, simple method of water disinfection, then it could help reduce the risk of waterborne disease. The second application is the use of photocatalytic coatings to combat healthcare associated infections. Two challenges are considered, i.e., the use of photocatalytic coatings to give “self-disinfecting” surfaces to reduce the risk of transmission of infection via environmental surfaces, and the use of photocatalytic coatings for the decontamination and disinfection of medical devices. In the final section, the development of novel photocatalytic materials for use in disinfection applications is reviewed, taking account of materials, developed for other photocatalytic applications, but which may be transferable for disinfection purposes

    Radially oriented mesoporous TiO2 microspheres with single-crystal–like anatase walls for high-efficiency optoelectronic devices

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    Highly crystalline mesoporous materials with oriented configurations are in demand for high-performance energy conversion devices. We report a simple evaporation-driven oriented assembly method to synthesize three-dimensional open mesoporous TiO2 microspheres with a diameter of ~800 nm, well-controlled radially oriented hexagonal mesochannels, and crystalline anatase walls. The mesoporous TiO2 spheres have a large accessible surface area (112 m2/g), a large pore volume (0.164 cm3/g), and highly single-crystal–like anatase walls with dominant (101) exposed facets, making them ideal for conducting mesoscopic photoanode films. Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) based on the mesoporous TiO2 microspheres and commercial dye N719 have a photoelectric conversion efficiency of up to 12.1%. This evaporation-driven approach can create opportunities for tailoring the orientation of inorganic building blocks in the assembly of various mesoporous materials.State Key Basic Research Program of China (2013CB934104 and 2012CB224805), the National Science Foundation (21210004), the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (08DZ2270500), the Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project (B108), King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (project no. 29-280), and Deanship of Scientific Research, King Saud University–The International Highly Cited Research Group Program (IHCRG#14-102). Y.L. also acknowledges the Interdisciplinary Outstanding Doctoral Research Funding of Fudan University (EZH2203302/001)

    Cyclohexylammonium nitrate

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    In the title salt, C6H14N+.NO3_, the cyclohexyl ring adopts a chair conformation. The ammonium group occupies an equatorial position and the crystal struture is stabilized by intermolecular N—H� � �O hydrogen-bonding interactions, resulting in a three-dimensional network