75 research outputs found

    Autonomous control of terminal erythropoiesis via physical interactions among erythroid cells

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    AbstractIn vitro erythropoiesis has been studied extensively for its application in the manufacture of transfusable erythrocytes. Unfortunately, culture conditions have not been as effective as in vivo growth conditions, where bone marrow macrophages are known to be a key regulator of erythropoiesis. This study focused on the fact that some erythroblasts are detached from macrophages and only contact other erythroblasts. We hypothesized that additional factors regulate erythroblasts, likely through either physical contact or secreted factors. To further elucidate these critical factors, human erythroblasts derived from cord blood were cultured at high density to mimic marrow conditions. This growth condition resulted in a significantly increased erythroid enucleation rate and viability. We found several novel contact-related signals in erythroblasts: intercellular adhesion molecule-4 (ICAM-4) and deleted in liver cancer-1 (DLC-1). DLC-1, a Rho-GTPase-activating protein, has not previously been reported in erythroid cells, but its interaction with ICAM-4 was demonstrated here. We further confirmed the presence of a secreted form of human ICAM-4 for the first time. When soluble ICAM-4 was added to media, cell viability and enucleation increased with decreased nuclear dysplasia, suggesting that ICAM-4 is a key factor in contact between cells. These results highlight potential new mechanisms for autonomous control of erythropoiesis. The application of these procedures to erythrocyte manufacturing could enhance in vitro erythrocyte production for clinical use

    How Does the SST Variability over the Western North Atlantic Ocean Control Arctic Warming over the Barents-Kara Seas?

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    Arctic warming over the BarentsKara Seas and its impacts on the mid-latitude circulations have been widely discussed. However, the specific mechanism that brings the warming still remains unclear. In this study, a possible cause of the regional Arctic warming over the BarentsKara Seas during early winter (OctoberDecember) is suggested. We found that warmer sea surface temperature anomalies over the western North Atlantic Ocean (WNAO) modulate the transient eddies overlying the oceanic frontal region. The altered transient eddy vorticity flux acts as a source for the Rossby wave straddling the western North Atlantic and the BarentsKara Seas (Scandinavian pattern), and induces a significant warm advection, increasing surface and lower-level temperature over the Eurasian sector of the Arctic Ocean. The importance of the sea surface temperature anomalies over the WNAO and subsequent transient eddy forcing over the WNAO was also supported by both specially designed simple model experiments and general circulation model experiments

    Successful treatment by exchange transfusion of a young infant with sodium nitroprusside poisoning

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    Although sodium nitroprusside (SNP) is often used in pediatric intensive care units, cyanide toxicity can occur after SNP treatment. To treat SNP-induced cyanide poisoning, antidotes such as amyl nitrite, sodium nitrite, sodium thiosulfate, and hydroxycobalamin should be administered immediately after diagnosis. Here, we report the first case of a very young infant whose SNP-induced cyanide poisoning was successfully treated by exchange transfusion. The success of this alternative method may be related to the fact that exchange transfusion not only removes the cyanide from the blood but also activates detoxification systems by supplying sulfur-rich plasma. Moreover, exchange transfusion replaces cyanide-contaminated erythrocytes with fresh erythrocytes, thereby improving the blood's oxygen carrying capacity more rapidly than antidote therapy. Therefore, we believe that exchange transfusion might be an effective therapeutic modality for critical cases of cyanide poisoning

    Concurrent smoking and alcohol consumers had higher triglyceride glucose indices than either only smokers or alcohol consumers: a cross-sectional study in Korea

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    Background The triglyceride glucose (TyG) index is a noninsulin-based marker for insulin resistance (IR) in general practice. Although smoking and heavy drinking have been regarded as major risk factors for various chronic diseases, there is limited evidence regarding the combined effects of smoking and alcohol consumption on IR. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the TyG index and smoking and alcohol consumption using two Korean population-based datasets. Methods This study included 10,568 adults in the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) and 9586 adults in the Korean Initiatives on Coronary Artery Calcification (KOICA) registry datasets. Multivariate logistic analysis was conducted to explore the relationship between smoking and alcohol consumption and the TyG index. To assess the predictive value of smoking and alcohol consumption on high TyG index, the area under the curve (AUC) were compared and net reclassification improvement (NRI) and integrated discrimination improvement (IDI) analyses were derived. Results The combined effect of smoking and alcohol consumption was an independent risk factor of a higher TyG index in the KNHANES (adjusted odds ratio: 4.33, P < .001) and KOICA (adjusted odds ratio: 1.94, P < .001) datasets. Adding smoking and alcohol consumption to the multivariate logistic models improved the model performance for the TyG index in the KNHANES (AUC: from 0.817 to 0.829, P < .001; NRI: 0.040, P < .001; IDI: 0.017, P < .001) and KOICA (AUC: from 0.822 to 0.826, P < .001; NRI: 0.025, P = .006; IDI: 0.005, P < .001) datasets. Conclusions Smoking and alcohol consumption were independently associated with the TyG index. Concurrent smokers and alcohol consumers were more likely to have a TyG index that was ≥8.8 and higher than the TyG indices of non-users and those who exclusively consumed alcohol or smoking tobacco.This work was supported by the Technology Innovation Program (20002781, A Platform for Prediction and Management of Health Risk Based on Personal Big Data and Lifelogging) funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE, South Korea) to JW Lee, and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MEST) Baek et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2021) 20:49 Page 9 of 11 (NRF-2019R1A2C1010043) to H Lee. Additionally, this work was supported by Institute for Information and Communications Technology Promotion (IITP) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (2019-31-1293), for autonomous digital companion framework and application to HJ Chan

    Fatal Rhabdomyolysis in a Patient with Liver Cirrhosis after Switching from Simvastatin to Fluvastatin

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    HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) are widely used to treat hypercholesterolemia. Among the adverse effects associated with these drugs are statin-associated myopathies, ranging from asymptomatic elevation of serum creatine kinase to fatal rhabdomyolysis. Fluvastatin-induced fatal rhabdomyolysis has not been previously reported. We describe here a patient with liver cirrhosis who experienced fluvastatin-induced fatal rhabdomyolysis. This patient had been treated with simvastatin (20 mg/day) for coronary artery disease and was switched to fluvastatin (20 mg/day) 10 days before admission. He was also taking aspirin, betaxolol, candesartan, lactulose, and entecavir. Rhabdomyolysis was complicated and continued to progress. He was treated with massive hydration, urine alkalization, intravenous furosemide, and continuous renal replacement therapy for acute renal failure, but eventually died due to rhabdomyolysis complicated by hepatic failure. In conclusion, fluvastatin should be used with caution in patients with liver cirrhosis, especially with other medications metabolized with CYP2C9

    Gold Nanoparticle-Enhanced and Roll-to-Roll Nanoimprinted LSPR Platform for Detecting Interleukin-10

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    Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) is a powerful platform for detecting biomolecules including proteins, nucleotides, and vesicles. Here, we report a colloidal gold (Au) nanoparticle-based assay that enhances the LSPR signal of nanoimprinted Au strips. The binding of the colloidal Au nanoparticle on the Au strip causes a red-shift of the LSPR extinction peak, enabling the detection of interleukin-10 (IL-10) cytokine. For LSPR sensor fabrication, we employed a roll-to-roll nanoimprinting process to create nanograting structures on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film. By the angled deposition of Au on the PET film, we demonstrated a double-bent Au structure with a strong LSPR extinction peak at ~760 nm. Using the Au LSPR sensor, we developed an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) protocol by forming a sandwich structure of IL-10 capture antibody/IL-10/IL-10 detection antibody. To enhance the LSPR signal, we introduced colloidal Au nanocube (AuNC) to be cross-linked with IL-10 detection antibody for immunogold assay. Using IL-10 as a model protein, we successfully achieved nanomolar sensitivity. We confirmed that the shift of the extinction peak was improved by 450% due to plasmon coupling between AuNC and Au strip. We expect that the AuNC-assisted LSPR sensor platform can be utilized as a diagnostic tool by providing convenient and fast detection of the LSPR signal. © Copyright © 2020 Baek, Song, Lee, Kim, Kim, Wi, Ok, Park, Hong, Kwak, Lee and Nam.1

    Classification of Metastatic versus Non-Metastatic Axillary Nodes in Breast Cancer Patients: Value of Cortex-Hilum Area Ratio with Ultrasound

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    Purpose: To investigate the significance of the cortex-hilum (CH) area ratio and longitudinal-transverse (LT) axis ratio and the blood flow pattern for diagnosis of metastatic axillary lymph nodes by ultrasound in breast cancer patients. Methods: From October 2005 to July 2006, we prospectively evaluated axillary nodes with ultrasound in 205 consecutive patients who had category 4B, 4C or 5 breast lesions according to the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System-Ultrasound (BI-RADS-Ultrasound ®). Among the 205, there were 24 patients who had pathologic verification of breast cancer and axillary lymph node status. For a total of 80 axillary nodes we measured the areas of the cortex and hilum of lymph nodes and calculated the area ratio. We also measured the length of the longitudinal and transverse axis of the lymph nodes and calculated the length ratio. We evaluated the blood flow pattern on power Doppler imaging and classified each lymp

    Porcine sapovirus Cowden strain enters LLC-PK cells via clathrin- and cholesterol-dependent endocytosis with the requirement of dynamin II.

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    Caliciviruses in the genus Sapovirus are a significant cause of viral gastroenteritis in humans and animals. However, the mechanism of their entry into cells is not well characterized. Here, we determined the entry mechanism of porcine sapovirus (PSaV) strain Cowden into permissive LLC-PK cells. The inhibition of clathrin-mediated endocytosis using chlorpromazine, siRNAs, and a dominant negative (DN) mutant blocked entry and infection of PSaV Cowden strain, confirming a role for clathrin-mediated internalization. Entry and infection were also inhibited by the cholesterol-sequestering drug methyl-β-cyclodextrin and was restored by the addition of soluble cholesterol, indicating that cholesterol also contributes to entry and infection of this strain. Furthermore, the inhibition of dynamin GTPase activity by dynasore, siRNA depletion of dynamin II, or overexpression of a DN mutant of dynamin II reduced the entry and infection, suggesting that dynamin mediates the fission and detachment of clathrin- and cholesterol-pits for entry of this strain. In contrast, the inhibition of caveolae-mediated endocytosis using nystatin, siRNAs, or a DN mutant had no inhibitory effect on entry and infection of this strain. It was further determined that cell entry of PSaV Cowden strain required actin rearrangements for vesicle internalization, endosomal trafficking from early to late endosomes through microtubules, and late endosomal acidification for uncoating. We conclude that PSaV strain Cowden is internalized into LLC-PK cells by clathrin- and cholesterol-mediated endocytosis that requires dynamin II and actin rearrangement, and that the uncoating occurs in the acidified late endosomes after trafficking from the early endosomes through microtubules

    Pre-Engraftment Syndrome after Unrelated Cord Blood Transplantation: A Predictor of Engraftment and Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease

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    AbstractPre-engraftment syndrome (PES) is poorly characterized, and its clinical significance and the prognostic impact after unrelated cord blood transplantation (CBT) are unclear. To address these issues, we retrospectively analyzed the incidence, risk factors, and clinical outcomes of PES in unrelated CBT recipients. Data of 381 patients who received unrelated CBT from 18 medical centers in Korea were reviewed. PES was defined as unexplained fever >38.3°C not associated with infection, and/or unexplained skin rash with or without evidence of fluid retention before neutrophil recovery. PES developed in 102 patients (26.8%) at a median of 7 days after CBT. Of these patients, 74 patients (72.5%) received intravenous corticosteroid at a median dose of 1 mg/kg/day, and of these, 95% showed clinical improvement. Risk factors for developing PES included low risk disease, myeloablative conditioning, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) prophylaxis without methotrexate or corticosteroid, and >5.43 x 107/kg infused nucleated cells. Absence of PES was one of the risk factors for graft failure in multivariate analysis. The cumulative incidence of grade II to grade IV acute GVHD by 100 days after CBT was higher in patients with PES than in those without PES (56.0% versus 34.4%, P < .01). PES was not associated with chronic GVHD, treatment-related mortality, relapse, or overall survival. PES seems to be common after CBT and may be associated with enhanced engraftment without significant morbidity