1,210 research outputs found

    Supervisi Akademik Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru

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    Abtrak Supervisi akademik dirasa cukup urgen dalam menemukan titik terang kelemahan lembaga pendidikan. Temuan yang didapat menjadi tanggungjawab pengelola pendidikan untuk terus memperbaiki demi tercipta budaya pendidikan baik. Pada penelitian ini didapat kesimpulan bahwa supervisi akademik yang dilakukan di dilakukan pada SD Negeri 5 Sumbermulyo sebagai berikut; pertama Rapat dewan guru, rapat ini dilakukan untuk menyusun langkah-langkah strategis dan persiapan pelaksanaan supervise. Workshop / lokakarya dilakukan sebagai upaya peningkatan kompetensi dewan guru dan tenaga administrasi, Bacaan terpimpin, yaitu menfasilitasi agar bacaan dapat berjalan terpadu sehingga lebih efektif, Buletin Board dengan mengumpulkan karya tulis yang berkaitan sekolah, dan Karyawisata melalui normalisasi lingkungan yang berpotensi menjadi tempat-tempat wisata

    Al-Insijām bayna al-‘Urf wa al-Sharī‘ah al-Islāmiyyah fī Taqlīd Ngarunghal bi Majalengka, Indūnisiyā

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    The harmonization of shari’a and tradition becomes an important issue, especially in a country with legal pluralism such as Indonesia. This paper discusses the harmonization of Islamic law and tradition in Majalengka, Indonesia. Using a qualitative approach, this paper focuses on ngarunghal tradition, including the pelangkah present. The differences between tradition and shari’a can be a new configuration that can continue to be preserved in Indonesia. The data was obtained from interviews with local figures. The research shows that shari’a accepts the richness of indigenous entities. At the same time, the tradition accepts the principle of Islamic law as an effort to reconstruct the traditions to be in line with shari’a. Abstrak:Harmonisasi hukum Islam dan  adat yang merupakan dua entitas hukum berbeda sangat dinantikan, terutama di Indonesia sebagai negara hukum plural yang memiliki keberagaman suku bangsan, adat,  dan budaya. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan harmonisasi hukum Islam  dan adat  yang terjadi di wilayah Majalengka, Jawa Barat. Dengan  menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan  pendekatan kajian hukum Islam, penelitian ini mengungkapkan rangkaian adat ngarunghal, termasuk di dalamnya pemberian pelangkah. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan penelitian-penelitian terdahulu. Hasil  penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hukum Islam menerima kekayaan entitas adat, dan adat juga menerima prinsip Islam sebagai upaya rekonstruksi adat sejalan dengan ajaran Islam. Hasil harmonisasi dari perbedaan kedua entitas dalam permasalahan tersebut dapat menjadi bentuk kekayaan Islam Indonesia yang dapat terus dilestarikan. 

    The Association Between Sanitation, Hygiene, and Stunting in Children Under Two-Years (an Analysis of Indonesia's Basic Health Research, 2013)

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    Background: This study aims to identify the relationship between sanitation, hygiene, and stunting in children under two-years in Indonesia. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study that examined 9,688 children under the age of two. We obtained data from Indonesia's Basic Health Research paper that was released in 2013 and applied multiple logistic regression analysis. The prevalence of stunting amongst children under two-years in 2013 was 33.3%. Results: Our analysis showed that stunting is closely related to low birth weight, age, gender, exclusive breastfeeding, socioeconomic status, garbage removal, and waste management. Appropriate sanitation and hygiene had a significant impact on stunting amongst children under two-years in Indonesia, with waste management and low birth weight being the most important indicators. Conclusions: Nutrition, socioeconomic status, and a healthy environment are key to ensure children under two-years meet the recommended growth standards


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    Abstract This research was conducted to find out whether or not The Use of Contextual Teaching and Learning Method was Improve Students’ Understanding on The use of Relative Clause at Sorong Muhammadiyah University. The research method employed was quasi experimental groups. The population of this research was conducted at fifth semesters on English Education Department at Sorong Muhammadiyah University. The sample was chosen by applying stratified sampling technique. This research assigned two groups namely control and experimental groups. Each group consisted of 20 students.. Instrument of this research was test. The research gets the result that Contextual Teaching and Learning Method was effective to improve students’ understanding on the use of Relative Clause. The result of test showed that there was significant progress in students. The results of the research showed that mean score posttest of the experimental group was 84 and the control group was 80. It means that the result of the mean score posttest of experimental group is higher than control group. By using the degree of significance 5% or 0.05 in the t-table it was gotten 2.021. So that t-test value was more than of t-table value (H1: 5,31 > 2.021), So that alternative hypothesis is accepted, while Null hypothesis is rejected (Ho: 5,31 < 2.021). It can be proved that there was a significant on Contextual teaching and Learning method to improve students’ understanding on the use of relative clause. Key words: Relative Clause, Contextual Teaching and Learning.Â


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    Pengembangan Electronic Chemistry Pocket Book (E-CPB) terintegrasi mind mapping pada materi koloid berbasis lahan basah bertujuan untuk mengetahui validitas, praktikalitas dan efektifitas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah PPE yang terdiri dari (planning) (production), dan (evaluation). Subjek penelitian ini yaitu 32 orang peserta didik kelas XI MIPA 2 SMA Negeri 2 Banjarmasin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa e-book yang dikembangkan dinyatakan valid dari aspek kelayakan  isi 94,54%, penyajian 87,27%, bahasa 86,81% dan media 93,75% dengan kategori masing-masing sangat valid. E-book yang telah memenuhi memenuhi aspek praktikalitas dilihat dari angket keterbacaan e-book pada uji perorangan memperoleh rata-rata 3,44 dan kelompok kecil memperoleh rata-rata 3,4 dengan  kategori sangat baik. Angket respon guru dan peserta didik memperoleh skor masing-masing 3,4 dengan ketegori sangat baik. Lembar praktikalitas menggunakan e-book rata rata 3,42 hari pertama, 3,60 hari kedua, 3,67 hari ketiga kategori sangat baik serta lembar praktikalitas guru mengelola kelas rata-rata 3,31 hari pertama, 3,64 hari kedua, 3,71 hari ketiga dengan ketegori sangat baik. E-book juga telah memenuhi aspek efektifitas yang dilihat berdasarkan N-gain 0,86 termasuk dalam kategori tinggi

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Tiket Online Pada Traveloka

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    This study aims to determine what factors influence the decision to purchase tickets online at Traveloka. The public's need for transportation is so high, especially in the era of the covid 19 pandemic. The limited space for people to carry out activities requires people to carry out activities online. In marketing activities, brand image and price become a reference for people to make purchases. For this reason, the company is expected to be able to improve public services and convenience in transacting through brand image and pricing. This study uses quantitative methods with a population of 78 consumers. The distribution of questionnaires is done by using google forms to make it easier to get consumer data. The results of the F test are known that the calculated F value is 191.704 > F table 3.15, which means that there is a significant influence between brand image and price on purchasing decisions. Multiple linear regression value obtained Y = 3.440 + 0.171 X1 + 1.442 X2 where the most influential variable on purchasing decisions is the price variable

    The Activities of Pumelo Fruit Juice (Citrus maxima var nambangan), Vitamin C and Lycopene against Hepatotoxicity Ochratoxin Exposure Prevention on Induced Mice (Mus musculus)

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    The aim of this study was to know the potency of pumelo fruit juice (Citrus maxima var nambangan), vitamin C, lycopene, and combination of vitamin C and lycopene, as antioxydant compound on hepatotoxicity of ochratoxin A (OTA) on induced mice (Mus musculus). Thirty-five male mice (Mus musculus) strain of balb/c, with age between two and three months were divided randomly into seven groups of treatments (n=5), including K0, Kl, K2, P1, P2, P3, P4. Each from respectively group for control group was feed only with Olive Oil adjuvant (KO), CMCNa (K1), ochratoxin A (K2), pumelo fruit juice (citrus maxima var nambangan) dose of 0,5 ml/30 gram BW/day (PI), vitamin C dose of 5,85 µg (P2), lycopene dose of 0,1025 µg (P3), and the combination of vitamin C dose of 5,85 µg /30 g BW mice and lycopene dose of 0,1025 µg/30 g BW (P4). The experiment was conducted for three weeks periode, which is K0, Kl, K2 groups were subjected with compound of treatment for a week period started at second week, whereas P1, P2, P3, and P4 groups were subjected with compound of antioxidant treatment for two weeks period started on second week, and subjected with ochratoxin A dose 1 mg/kg BW/day for a week in the beginning of the third week. All the experimentation mice were sacrifice for data collection on the 21st of days. The statistical analisis result was analyzed with Kruskal Wallis test which continued with Mann-White showed there was a significant different (p<0.05) between groups of treatment. It has been proved that all groups subjected to antioxidant (PI, P2, P3, dan P4) significantly (p<0,05) were able to prevent the damage of liver cell after the ochratoxin A exposure, which was indicate on the descending of necrotic liver cell. This research also proved there was no significant different (p>0.05) the biologic potency of Pummelo fruit juice compare with vitamin C, lycopene and the combination of lycopene and vitamin C on inhibited free radical reactivity due to OTA exposure on mice’ liver.   Keywords: Pumelo Fruit (Citrus maxima var nambangan), Ochratoxin, Hepatotoxicit


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    Saat ini muncul beragam situs dan aplikasi bertema edukasi untuk menunjang pembelajaran yang termasuk ke dalam media interaktif, salah satunya Duolingo. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini pembelajar dapat mempelajari kosakata bahasa Perancis dengan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan validitas dan reliabilitas butir soal latihan kosakata bahasa Perancis dalam multimedia interaktif Duolingo; (2) mendeskripsikan tingkat kesukaran item dan daya pembeda butir soal latihan kosakata bahasa Perancis dalam multimedia interaktif Duolingo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar dokumentasi berupa soal latihan kosakata bahasa Perancis tingkat 1 dan 2 pada aplikasi Duolingo, lembar jawaban, dan kunci jawaban soal latihan kosakata. Sampel pada penelitian ini yaitu soal latihan kosakata bahasa Perancis pada tingkat ke-1 dan ke-2 dalam multimedia interaktif Duolingo serta karakteristik kemampuan delapan orang mahasiswa semester 1 Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Perancis Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data tingkat validitas butir soal yaitu 15,44%, seluruh butir soal masuk ke dalam kategori reliabel dengan kriteria reliabilitas yang sangat tinggi, 85,23% merupakan soal dengan kategori mudah, dan 55,7% butir soal memiliki daya pembeda butir kategori jelek (poor).;---Nowadays there are so many mobile application to support learning which is included in interactive multimedia, one of which is Duolingo. This mobile application can be used by language learner to learn foreign language vocabulary such as French. The purpose of this research are: (1) to describe the item validity and the item reliability of French vocabulary learning test on the interactive multimedia of Duolingo; (2) to describe the item difficulty index and the item discrimination index on the interactive multimedia of Duolingo. This research used quantitative descriptive method. The instruments were the test items in the level of Basic 1 and 2 on the interactive multimedia of Duolingo, the answer sheets, and the answer keys. The sample consisted of the test items in the Basic level and the competence of 8 students in the first semester of the French Language Education Department UPI. Based on the data analysis, the level of validity is 15.44%, all of the items are reliable with very high reliability criteria, 85.23% items fit in the easy categories of the difficulty index, and 55.7% items fit in the poor category of discrimination index