46 research outputs found

    Oltre la scrittura

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    Oltre la scritturaUna conversazione con Riccardo Badinidi Laura Scarabell

    El ahayu watan y la transmigración de las intenciones. Carta a Antonio Melis

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    Naciones otras, colonialismi americani e palestinesi

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    The article presents the monograph entitled Naciones Otras, which collects some of the results of the project Alter-native Epistemologies. Workshops of self-representation in Amazonia, Andes and Palestine, funded by the law of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia in support of basic research (LR 7/7/2007). The germinal versions of the contributions were presented at the International Conference Naciones Otras, held in Cagliari on 28 and 29 May 2018.L’articolo presenta il monografico intitolato Naciones Otras, che raccoglie alcuni dei risultati del progetto Epistemologie alter-native. Laboratori di autorappresentazione in Amazonia, Ande e Palestina, finanziato con la legge della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna a sostegno della ricerca base (LR 7/7/2007).Le versioni germinali dei contributi vennero presentate in occasione del Convegno Internazionale Naciones Otras, tenutosi a Cagliari il 28 e 29 maggio del 2018

    A European Project for Safer and Energy Efficient Buildings: Pro-GET-onE (Proactive Synergy of inteGrated Efficient Technologies on Buildings\u2019 Envelopes)

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    The paper describes the progress of the four-year European project Pro-GET-onE currently under implementation. This research and innovation project is based on the assumption that greater efficiency, attractiveness, and marketable renovation can only be achieved through an integrated set of technologies where all the different requirements (energy, structural, functional) are optimally managed. Thus, the project focuses on the unprecedented integration of different technologies to achieve a multi-benefit approach that is provided by a closer integration between energy and non-energy related benefits. The project aims to combine different pre-fabricated elements in a unified and integrated system resulting in a higher performance in terms of energy requirements, structural safety, and social sustainability. The project attempts to achieve this goal through the introduction of innovative solutions for building envelopes to optimally combine the climatic, structural, and functional aspects through a significant architectural transformation and a substantial increase of the real estate value of the buildings. This augmented value obtained through the application of the inteGrated Efficient Technologies (GETs) is extremely important when considering the necessity of creating an innovative and attractive market in the energy renovation of existing buildings towards the target of nearly zero energy buildings (nZEBs)

    Transnational American Studies e nuovo nazionalismo: uno sguardo retrospettivo

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    Los relatos “Donaldson Park” y “Hacia la ciudad eléctrica”, reunidos en el volumen de cuentos Modo linterna, del argentino Sergio Chejfec (Buenos Aires, 1956), pueden verse como textos paradigmáticos para comprender las dinámicas de yuxtaposición que se dan entre espacios e identidades en la experiencia urbana del individuo contemporáneo. Con la intención de evaluar lo anterior, quiero proponer con este artículo una lectura de la identidad y el espacio como procesos articulados a través de las configuraciones múltiples del espacio trialéctico (Lefebvre [1974] 2013) y la trialéctica del ser (Soja 1996). La finalidad es analizar cómo la espacialidad en estos relatos propone una comprensión del individuo contemporáneo como un ser espacial, histórico y social, al mismo tiempo que formula una lectura del espacio como un punto de partida para llevar a cabo una interpretación de las configuraciones de la experiencia sensible que dan lugar a nuevos modos del sentir e inducen nuevas formas de interpretar el ser en el espacio.Modo linterna’s short-stories “Donaldson Park”and “Hacia la ciudad eléctrica”, by Argentinian author Sergio Chejfec (Buenos Aires, 1956), can be taken as paradigmatic texts to understand the juxtaposed dynamics between spaces and identities in the contemporary individual’s urban experience. In order to evaluate the latter, my aim in this paper is to propose a reading of identity and space as processes articulated through the multiple configurations of the trialectics of space (Lefebvre 2013 [1974]) and the trialectics of being (Soja 1996). The purpose of this article is to analyze how the spatiality depicted in Chejfec’s short-stories proposes an understanding of the contemporary individual as a spatial, historical and social being, while at the same it formulates a reading of space as a starting-point to carry out an interpretation of the configurations of the sensitive experience that gives rise to new modes of feeling and induces new forms to interpret the self in space

    An Integrated System for Fa\ue7ade Additions Combining Safe, Energy Efficient and User-Orientated Solutions

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    This research work, as part of the Horizon H2020 project, Pro-GET-onE (Horizon 2020 GA No. 723747), aims to demonstrate the attractiveness of a renovation strategy based on new fa\ue7ade additions that combine integrated technologies (GET) to achieve high standards in terms of socio-economic, energy and seismic performance. This document investigates, in particular, the possible transformation of the existing building envelope with external reinforcement structures, which generate energy-efficient buffer zones and at the same time increase the volume of the building

    5 metros de poemas

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    Traduzione e postfazione dell'opera poetica completa dell'autore avanguardista peruviano Carlos Oquendo de Ama

    Las dos mitades de Rafael Chanchari Pizuri

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    Saggio critico e testimonianza di un professore bilingue e medico tradizionale amazzonico, sui temi dell'interculturalità. Nel testo viene affrontato il confronto tra testimonianza e letteratura in un contesto epistemoligicamente diverso da quello occidentale. La testimonianza segue l'andamento di un raconto orale che segna le tappe della vita del protagonista indigeno, il suo rapporto con il mondo occidentale, con la scuola, con la religione e con l'educazione bilingue interculturale nonché la sua formazione come medico tradizionale amazzonico

    Mabel Moraña. 2015. Churata postcolonial

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    Book review of Mabel Moraña, Churata postcolonial. Lima: CELACP, 2015, pp. 262.Recensione di Mabel Moraña, Churata postcolonial. Lima: CELACP, 2015, pp. 262