45 research outputs found

    First record of Sclerocactus papyracanthus (Cactaceae) in Mexico

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    Antecedentes y Objetivos: Sclerocactus (Cactaceae) es un género que comprende 27 taxones principalmente distribuidos en el sur de los Estados Unidos de América y el norte de México. Sclerocactus papyracanthus es una especie muy distintiva debido a sus espinas centrales papiráceas y aplanadas, y a su forma de crecimiento similar a la de algunos pastos. Su distribución actual conocida es en los estados de Arizona, Nuevo México y Texas en el sur de los Estados Unidos de América, cerca de la frontera con México. Sin embargo, detectamos una posible observación de esta especie en Chihuahua en la plataforma Naturalista. Derivado de esto, nuestros objetivos fueron encontrar individuos de S. papyracanthus en México, describir su morfología, sus preferencias ecológicas y documentar la ocurrencia de la especie en México con ejemplares de herbario, fotografías e ilustraciones.Métodos: Usando la ubicación reportada en la observación de Naturalista, se realizaron dos exploraciones en el estado de Chihuahua a principios de 2023 para buscar la especie. Se encontró una población de cactus similares a S. papyracanthus. Se tomaron fotografías, mediciones morfológicas y datos del hábitat y se prepararon ejemplares de herbario. Los datos ecológicos y morfológicos obtenidos fueron comparados con aquellos reportados en literatura científica y en otros ejemplares de herbario disponibles.Resultados clave: Las comparaciones morfológicas corroboraron que la población de Sclerocactus encontrada corresponde a S. papyracanthus y la presencia de la especie en México fue confirmada. Se encontraron un total de 38 plantas de varios tamaños. Además, se documentaron dos individuos juveniles floreciendo.Conclusiones: Actualmente en México, S. papyracanthus se conoce solo de una localidad de pastizales en el municipio de Ascensión, Chihuahua. Se necesitan más exploración e investigación para complementar el conocimiento de las preferencias ecológicas y la distribución de la especie en México.Background and Aims: Sclerocactus (Cactaceae) is a genus that comprises 27 taxa mainly distributed in the southern United States of America and northern Mexico. Sclerocactus papyracanthus is a very distinctive species due to its flattened papyraceous central spines and its growth form, which is similar to that of some grasses. Its currently known distribution is in the states of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas in the southern USA close to the border with Mexico. However, we detected an observation of a putative individual of this species in Chihuahua on the Naturalista platform. Therefore, we set out to find individuals of S. papyracanthus in Mexico, describe their morphology, its ecological preferences, and document their occurrence in this country with herbarium specimens, photographs, and illustrations.Methods: Using the location indicated in the Naturalista observation, we carried out two explorations in early 2023 to the state of Chihuahua in search of the species. A cactus population that resembled S. papyracanthus was found. We took photographs, measured and described the morphological characters of the found individuals, and prepared herbarium specimens. The obtained morphological and ecological data were compared with those reported in the scientific literature and with other available herbarium vouchers.Key results: The morphological comparisons corroborated that the Sclerocactus population found corresponded to S. papyracanthus and the presence of the species in Mexico was confirmed. A total of 38 plants of different sizes were found. Also, two young individuals flowering were documented. Conclusions: In Mexico, S. papyracanthus is now known from a single grassland locality in the municipality of Ascensión, Chihuahua. Further exploration and investigation are needed to understand its ecological preferences and its distribution in Mexico

    Influence of Dry and Rainy Seasons on Physicochemical Parameters and Water Quality Index, Zahuapan River, Mexico

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    Rivers pollution is an environmental problem in Mexico. Zahuapan River shows an important level of contamination due to raw wastewater discharges and runoff. The goal of this study was to evaluate the influence of dry and rainy seasons on physicochemical parameters and water quality index in the Zahuapan River. The physicochemical parameters were registered in situ using a portable multiparametric device. The data analysis was taking into account the dry and rainy seasons. Physicochemical parameters among seasons were compared by the Mann-Whitney and t tests. The analysis of physicochemical, temperature and rainfall relationships were carried out through the multiple regression and correlation matrix. Zahuapan River water quality index was estimated by CCME WQI method. Mann-Whitney and t tests evidenced that the physicochemical parameters were significantly different (p<0.05) in dry and rainy seasons. Coefficients of determination indicated that the multiple regression model was a good descriptor of variables. The pH was the best response variable in the rainy season and the EC was the best response variable in dry season.  More correlated pair variables were present in the rainy season than in the dry season. Water quality index got slightly better in the rainy season but due to the given condition of the river, it remained ranked in poorly quality category. The results revealed that the contamination has affected the Zahuapan River sensitivity, that no longer it responds to seasonal changes. The methodology used in this study may be useful in the evaluation of Zahuapan River restoration, and others rivers as well. Keywords: River pollution, river sensitivity, lineal multiple regression, correlatio

    Arteria Lusoria, reporte de un caso clínico

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    Introduction. Vascular rings are a rare congenital malformation of the aortic arch that surrounds the trachea or the esophagus. The aberrant right subclavian artery makes part of this kind of malformations. It has a u-shape that makes it to be asymptomatic for the patient. Up until now, predisposing or risk factors that might alarm the health care provider, have not been discovered. This malformation diagnosis is based on imaging that highlights artery’s abnormal course. Depending on the patient, Treatment procedures for aberrant right subclavian artery can either be surgical or conservative. Objective. To present a clinical case and a literature review so to open a discussion regarding the importance of aberrant right subclavian artery diagnosis. This discussion must be created according to each patient case and its objective is to avoid misdiagnosis and treatment delays. Case presentation. A three-month-old female patient whose starting symptoms are postprandial vomit episodes caused by dry cough, choking and dysphagia to liquids. Initial diagnosis indicated that the patient suffered from gastroesophageal reflux disease. However, after eleven months of treatment, patient’s clinical progress was still being unfavorable. Thus, complementary studies were required in order to discover and diagnose the aberrant right subclavian artery condition in the patient. Conclusions. So far, there are no relevant studies that evaluate the efficiency of diagnostic tests for this pathology. Nevertheless, computed tomography angiography or magnetic resonance angiography of the thorax have been the most common diagnostic methods used by health care providers. Knowledge about this pathology can be the key to avoid misdiagnosis and possible health  complications associated with either this pathology and/ or with previously deployed treatments. [Suárez-Mantilla S, Rey-Ayala M, Rodríguez-Restrepo L, Lubinus-Badillo FG. Lusory Artery, a clinical case report. MedUNAB. 2018;21(1):122-129. doi: 10.29375/01237047.2611].Introducción. Los anillos vasculares son una rara malformación congénita del arco aórtico que se configura alrededor de la tráquea o del esófago. La arteria subclavia derecha aberrante hace parte de estas malformaciones y se presenta en forma de anillo incompleto, por lo que cursa de manera asintomática. Hasta el momento, no se han descrito factores predisponentes o de riesgo que puedan poner en alarma al profesional de la salud sobre esta patología. El diagnóstico se basa, principalmente, en imágenes que evidencian los trayectos anómalos de la arteria. El tratamiento puede ser quirúrgico o conservador, dependiendo de cada paciente. Objetivo. Presentación de un caso clínico y revisión de la literatura, para plantear una discusión sobre la importancia del diagnóstico de arteria subclavia derecha aberrante según sea el caso y evitar diagnósticos equívocos y demoras en el tratamiento. Presentación de caso. Paciente de sexo femenino de tres meses de edad, quien empieza con episodios de vómito postprandial asociado a tos seca, atoramiento y disfagia para líquidos. El diagnóstico inicial fue de enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico; sin embargo, después de once meses de evolución clínica desfavorable y de realización de estudios complementarios, se pudo llegar a diagnosticar arteria subclavia derecha aberrante. Conclusiones. No existen, hasta el momento, estudios que evalúen el rendimiento de las pruebas diagnósticas para esta patología; sin embargo, la angiotomografía o la angioresonancia magnética de tórax son los métodos diagnósticos más utilizados. El conocimiento de esta patología es clave para evitar diagnósticos errados y posibles complicaciones asociadas a la patología y/o los tratamientos instaurados. [Suárez-Mantilla S, Rey-Ayala M, Rodríguez-Restrepo L, Lubinus-Badillo FG. Arteria Lusoria, reporte de un caso clínico. MedUNAB. 2018;21(1):122-129. doi: 10.29375/01237047.2611]

    Internet de las cosas aplicado a la agricultura: estado actual

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    This research presents a current review of different applications of technology framed in Internet of the Things (IoT) on agriculture, through the review of varied documents which involve the interest areas and specific criteria, allowing to answer different questions of this research. The selected information was classified in two dimensions: IoT’s tools applied in agriculture which are divided in perception layer and network layer. In the same way, the research was focused for knowing the current state of IoT applications in Latin America, especially in Colombia, with the purpose of establish the influence of this kind of technologies in the region. Finally, this research pretends to give a general view for future researchers, try to establish the current devices and IoT technologies applied to the agricultureEste artículo presenta una revisión actualizada de las diferentes aplicaciones de tecnologías enmarcadas en el internet de las cosas (IoT) en agricultura, mediante la recopilación de diversos documentos en las áreas de interés, y por medio de criterios de selección puntualizados, respondiendo preguntas específicas de investigación. La información recolectada se dividió en dos factores relevantes: en primer lugar, se identificaron las tecnologías de IoT aplicadas en agricultura divididas en capa de percepción y capa de red; por otra parte, se hizo énfasis en la búsqueda de desarrollos aplicados en América Latina, con especial cuidado en Colombia, para establecer la influencia de este tipo de tecnologías en la región. Finalmente, este trabajo pretende dar un panorama para futuras investigaciones, estableciendo los dispositivos y las tecnologías de IoT más recurrentes aplicadas en agricultura

    Variation in the diagnosis by Doppler ultrasound of venous valve insufficiency of the lower limbs, standing and semi-sitting, using the Valsalva maneuvers and distal compression

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    ResumenObjetivo: Determinar las diferencias en el diagnostico de insuficiencia venosa por ecografÌa doppler color en dos posiciones (semisentado y de pie) utilizando maniobras Valsalva y compresión distal. MetodologÍa: Se estudiaron 98 pacientes con insuÞciencia venosa grado 1 a 3. En todos los pacientes se evaluó la presencia de reßujo estando semisentado más Valsalva, semisentado y compresión distal, de pie más Valsalva, y de pie con compresión distal. Resultados: Hay diferencias en los resultados entre las tÈcnicasevaluadas. Para compromiso proximal hay mayor frecuencia de reßujo en posición semisentado más Valsalva; para compromiso medio las pruebas son similares: para compromiso distal, hay mayor frecuencia de reßujo con el paciente de pie más compresión distal. Conclusión: Dependiendo del grupo venoso a evaluar, es necesario adecuar la técnica de evaluación con ultrasonido doppler color utilizada.[Sáenz WL, Evan JD, Mantilla JC, Lubinus FG, Rey JJ. Variación en el diagnóstico por ecografÍa doppler de insuÞciencia valvular venosa de miembros inferiores, de pie y semisentados utilizando las maniobras de valsalva y compresión distal. MedUNAB 2007; 10:13-18].Palabras clave: Insuficiencia venosa, ecogafÌa doppler color, cirugÍa vascular.Objectives: To determine differences in diagnosis of valvular insuffi ciency by color doppler ultrasonography in standing or semi-Fowler position and Valsalva maneuver or distal compression. Methodology: 98 patients with 1-3 degreee valvular insuffi ciency were studied All of thew were evaluated by doppler ultrasonography in booth positions and maneuvers. Results: There were differences between the different techniques. In upper segments, a higher frequency of refl ux was found with semi-Fowler plus Valsalva´s maneuver; in intermediate segments there were similar refl ux prevalences using both positions; and, in lower segments, there was more refl ux using standing position plus Valsalva´s maneuver. Conclusion. Depending on the venous group to evaluate, it is necessary to adapt the evaluation technique used with Doppler ultrasound color test

    El aprendizaje significativo de la Medicina Interna a través de la evaluación por competencias clínicas. Investigación - Acción.

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    RESUMEN Después de identificar los problemas en la evaluación de estudiantes de pregrado y postgrado de Medicina Interna de la Universidad Industrial de Santander, se implementó una propuesta de evaluación por competencias, que apoyara el aprendizaje significativo de la Medicina Interna. Se propuso determinar las competencias clínicas y los indicadores de las mismas; conocer las concepciones previas de los estudiantes; desarrollar estrategias didácticas que permitieran la construcción de significados conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales; y, evaluar los niveles alcanzados de estas competencias clínicas. La población que participó en este proyecto la conformaron estudiantes de pregrado y postgrado, que rotaron durante el 2003 por el departamento de Medicina Interna. El proyecto permitió seleccionar las competencias y los indicadores de logro de las mismas; conocer las concepciones previas con que llegaban los estudiantes a las distintas rotaciones; producir conocimiento sobre las competencias que los estudiantes de pre y postgrado, han construido; e implementar nuevas estrategias didácticas y metacognitivas, para apoyar el aprendizaje significativo en las áreas clínicas. A partir del análisis de la información aportada, fue posible detectar algunas debilidades y reflexionar sobre cómo mejorar el quehacer docente y los programas académicos, para conseguir los mejores resultados posibles en los semestres subsiguientes; vigorizar la evaluación formativa; generar aportes a los procesos curriculares de formación en medicina basados en competencias; aportar a la construcción de una comunidad académica en reflexión permanente sobre su acción docente y posicionar el tema de la educación médica en la región y el país. Palabras Claves: Evaluación, competencias clínicas, educación ABSTRACT Identifying the problems in the evaluation of students of Internal Medicine of the University Industrial of Santander, a proposal of evaluation by competences was implemented, that supported the significant learning of the Internal Medicine. It was proposed to determine the clinical competences and the indicators of the same; to know the prior conceptions of the students; to develop didactic strategies that permit the construction of conceptual meanings, and attitudinal; and, to evaluate the levels reached of these clinical competences. The population that participated in this project was conformed for students that rotated during the 2003, for the department. The project permitted to select the competences and the indicators of achievement of the same; to know the prior conceptions with which arrived the students to the different rotations; to produce knowledge on the competences that the students, they have built; and to implement new didactic strategies to support the significant learning in the clinical areas. From the analysis of the information contributed, was possible to detect some weaknesses and to reflect on how improve the educational task and the academic programs, to obtain the better possible results in the subsequent semesters; to energize the formative evaluation; to generate contribute to the curriculum processes of formation in medicine based on competences; to contribute to the construction of an academic community in permanent reflection on its educational action and to position the medical education in the region and the country. Key Words: Evaluation, clinical competences, educatio

    El aprendizaje significativo de la Medicina Interna a través de la evaluación por competencias clínicas. Investigación - Acción.

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    RESUMEN Después de identificar los problemas en la evaluación de estudiantes de pregrado y postgrado de Medicina Interna de la Universidad Industrial de Santander, se implementó una propuesta de evaluación por competencias, que apoyara el aprendizaje significativo de la Medicina Interna. Se propuso determinar las competencias clínicas y los indicadores de las mismas; conocer las concepciones previas de los estudiantes; desarrollar estrategias didácticas que permitieran la construcción de significados conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales; y, evaluar los niveles alcanzados de estas competencias clínicas. La población que participó en este proyecto la conformaron estudiantes de pregrado y postgrado, que rotaron durante el 2003 por el departamento de Medicina Interna. El proyecto permitió seleccionar las competencias y los indicadores de logro de las mismas; conocer las concepciones previas con que llegaban los estudiantes a las distintas rotaciones; producir conocimiento sobre las competencias que los estudiantes de pre y postgrado, han construido; e implementar nuevas estrategias didácticas y metacognitivas, para apoyar el aprendizaje significativo en las áreas clínicas. A partir del análisis de la información aportada, fue posible detectar algunas debilidades y reflexionar sobre cómo mejorar el quehacer docente y los programas académicos, para conseguir los mejores resultados posibles en los semestres subsiguientes; vigorizar la evaluación formativa; generar aportes a los procesos curriculares de formación en medicina basados en competencias; aportar a la construcción de una comunidad académica en reflexión permanente sobre su acción docente y posicionar el tema de la educación médica en la región y el país. Palabras Claves: Evaluación, competencias clínicas, educación ABSTRACT Identifying the problems in the evaluation of students of Internal Medicine of the University Industrial of Santander, a proposal of evaluation by competences was implemented, that supported the significant learning of the Internal Medicine. It was proposed to determine the clinical competences and the indicators of the same; to know the prior conceptions of the students; to develop didactic strategies that permit the construction of conceptual meanings, and attitudinal; and, to evaluate the levels reached of these clinical competences. The population that participated in this project was conformed for students that rotated during the 2003, for the department. The project permitted to select the competences and the indicators of achievement of the same; to know the prior conceptions with which arrived the students to the different rotations; to produce knowledge on the competences that the students, they have built; and to implement new didactic strategies to support the significant learning in the clinical areas. From the analysis of the information contributed, was possible to detect some weaknesses and to reflect on how improve the educational task and the academic programs, to obtain the better possible results in the subsequent semesters; to energize the formative evaluation; to generate contribute to the curriculum processes of formation in medicine based on competences; to contribute to the construction of an academic community in permanent reflection on its educational action and to position the medical education in the region and the country. Key Words: Evaluation, clinical competences, educatio

    Breast Milk Cytokines and Early Growth in Gambian Infants

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    Background: Breast milk provides nutrition for infants but also delivers other bioactive factors that have key protective and developmental benefits. In particular, cytokines are thought to play a role in immunomodulation, although little is known about their impact on health outcomes in early life. Objective: The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate the relationship between cytokines in breast milk and infant growth outcomes in a low-income setting. Methods: 100 mother-infant pairs were followed up to 2–3 months postpartum as part of a prospective longitudinal cohort study in urban Gambia, West Africa. The concentrations of 9 pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, IFN-γ, TNFα), IGF-1 and TGFβ2 were measured in colostrum within 12 h of birth and in breast milk at the final visit, scheduled between day 60 and 89 postpartum. Infant weight was recorded and converted to weight-for-age Z-scores (WAZ) at the same time points. Growth outcomes were defined in our study as (a) change in WAZ between birth and final visit (b) WAZ at final visit. Linear regression analysis was used to determine the ability of colostrum and breast milk cytokine concentrations to predict growth outcomes up to 2–3 months postpartum. Results: Gambian infants demonstrated growth faltering across the first 2–3 months postpartum. There was no significant relationship between cytokines in colostrum and subsequent change in WAZ between birth and the final visit, in either unadjusted or adjusted models. However, cytokines in mature breast milk, TNFα, IFNγ, IL1β, IL2, IL4, and IL6, were weak negative predictors of WAZ scores at the final visit, in unadjusted models (p < 0.05). When adjusted for maternal anemia (as a proxy for maternal nutrition), TNFα and IL6 remained significant predictors (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Variations in breast milk cytokine levels do not play a substantial role in the growth faltering observed across early infancy. The potential contribution of other factors, such as micronutrients, hormones or human milk oligosaccharides, must be elucidated. Cytokine levels in mature breast milk were weakly predictive of poor infant growth, possibly reflecting a “read-out” of suboptimal maternal health and nutrition

    On the sensitivity of the HAWC observatory to gamma-ray bursts

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    We present the sensitivity of HAWC to Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). HAWC is a very high-energy gamma-ray observatory currently under construction in Mexico at an altitude of 4100 m. It will observe atmospheric air showers via the water Cherenkov method. HAWC will consist of 300 large water tanks instrumented with 4 photomultipliers each. HAWC has two data acquisition (DAQ) systems. The main DAQ system reads out coincident signals in the tanks and reconstructs the direction and energy of individual atmospheric showers. The scaler DAQ counts the hits in each photomultiplier tube (PMT) in the detector and searches for a statistical excess over the noise of all PMTs. We show that HAWC has a realistic opportunity to observe the high-energy power law components of GRBs that extend at least up to 30 GeV, as it has been observed by Fermi LAT. The two DAQ systems have an energy threshold that is low enough to observe events similar to GRB 090510 and GRB 090902b with the characteristics observed by Fermi LAT. HAWC will provide information about the high-energy spectra of GRBs which in turn could help to understanding about e-pair attenuation in GRB jets, extragalactic background light absorption, as well as establishing the highest energy to which GRBs accelerate particles