39 research outputs found

    The problem of recontextualization in the didactic transposition

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    En este trabajo los autores hacen un análisis fundado en la historia social y en la historia de cada una de las ciencias de la naturaleza, de la transposición didáctica de los modelos científicos que los transforma en modelos didácticos y por tanto en ciencia escolar. Esa transposición didáctica se suele expresar en los contenidos de los textos de enseñanza que los respectivos autores organizan y que los profesores recomiendan a los estudiantes. Es en este proceso en el que emerge para los investigadores el problema de la recontextualización histórico-epistemológica, social y cultural al que en este artículo se trabaja.In this paper, the authors present an analysis of the didactic transposition of scientific models to didactic based on the social history of each one of the natural sciences. The didactic transposition is often expressed in the contents organized by different authors in the textbooks for teaching and in the suggestions that teachers make to their students. This article refers to the process in which the problem of historical epistemological social and cultural recontextualization arises.peerReviewe

    Matematización de los procesos químicos. Segunda parte

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    En esta segunda parte –ya anunciada en la primera– se analizará histórica y epistemológicamente la creación de la fisicoquímica como disciplina, ya que es en sus formulaciones donde se introduce una matemática superior al álgebra, que fue el fundamento de la construcción de la química estructural o química orgánica, en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Se resaltarán, igualmente, los personajes que participaron y desarrollaron esta disciplina en el periodo mencionado. A manera de conclusión, se presentarán también las reflexiones didácticas indispensables

    The Contribution of Cement Companies to the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and its Effect in Building Trust in their Communities

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    Companies have reoriented their actions in contributing towards the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs enhances the reputation of enterprises and builds confidence in their stakeholders. People's confidence toward the company generates favorable attitudes and behaviors. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to identify the level of contribution of cement companies to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and its effect on the trust of its local communities. In achieving the purpose of this work, we study the perception of people about the actions that the company makes in favor of sustainable development. The study variables correspond to 9 of 17 SDGs classified into two categories (people and environment). The nine variables are compared with confidence. Data are also analyzed with statistical standardization and chi-square tools. The results show that only 40% of the actions carried out by the company contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. However, there is no significant relationship between the population's confidence in the company and the actions that the firm makes in favor of sustainable development

    Historia social de la educación en ciencias en Colombia: la segunda mitad del siglo XX

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    Con esta ponencia se presentan los fundamentos, desarrollo y resultados parciales de un proyecto de investigación sobre la historia social de la educación en ciencias en Colombia durante la segunda mitas del siglo XX, proyecto patrocinado por COLCIENCIAS y bajo la responsabilidad de los grupos de investigación, IREC, de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, de Bogotá, D. C., Colombia, y GECIT de la Universidad del Atlántico, de Barranquilla, Colombia

    Detener el cambio climático. Una labor de los profesores de ciencias

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    La civilización actual se halla amenazada por el problema del cambio climático. Este problema es consecuencia del incremento incontrolado de la concentración de los gases de invernadero en la atmósfera, principalmente del CO2. Hay que detener el incremento de esa concentración. En esta “cruzada” han de tomar partido todos los profesores en general, y los profesores de ciencias en particular, lo que implica convertir el modelo científico que explica las causas y consecuencias de ese cambio, en objeto de enseñanza en los programas académicos de formación inicial y continua de profesores

    Incorporación De La Sustentabilidad En El Modelo De Negocio De Las Empresas Más Grandes De La Industria Del Cemento En México A Través De La Gestión Estratégica

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    In order to operationalize the concept of sustainability in the business world, organizations have to transform their mission, align the design of the complete business system and innovate their business model (Markevich, 2009). In this sense, the purpose of the work is to study the way in which two companies in the cement industry in Mexico incorporate sustainability in the strategic management of their business model. The study was carried out through the content analysis of the sustainability reports of the companies between 2015 and 2017. The results show that sustainability is incorporated through the elements included in the four stages of the business model and in all the hierarchical levels of the companies. However, there is no balanced orientation towards the three dimensions of sustainability in both companies

    MiR-543 regulates the epigenetic landscape of myelofibrosis by targeting TET1 and TET2

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    Myelofibros is (MF) is a myeloproliferative neoplasm characterized by cytopenia and extramedullary hematopoiesis, resulting in splenomegaly. Multiple pathological mechanisms (e.g., circulating cytokines and genetic alterations, such as JAK(V617F) mutation) have been implicated in the etiology of MF, but the molecular mechanism causing resistance to JAK(V617F) inhibitor therapy remains unknown. Among MF patients who were treated with the JAK inhibitor ruxolitinib, we compared noncoding RNA profiles of ruxolitinib therapy responders versus nonresponders and found miR-S43 was significantly upregulated in non responders. We validated these findings by reverse transcription-quantitative PCR. in this same cohort, in 2 additional independent MF patient cohorts from the United States and Romania, and in a JAK2(V617F) mouse model of MF. Both in vitro and in vivo models were used to determine the underlying molecular mechanism of miR-543 in MF. Here, we demonstrate that miR-543 targets the dioxygenases ten-eleven translocation 1 (TET1) and 2 (TET2) in patients and in vitro, causing increased levels of global 5-methylcytosine, while decreasing the acetylation of histone 3, STAT3, and tumor protein p53. Mechanistically, we found that activation of STAT3 by JAKs epigenetically controls miR-543 expression via binding the promoter region of miR-543. Furthermore, miR-543 upregulation promotes the expression of genes related to drug metabolism, including CYP3A4, which is involved in ruxolitinib metabolism. Our findings suggest miR-543 as a potentially novel biomarker for the prognosis of MF patients with a high risk of treatment resistance and as a potentially new target for the development of new treatment options

    La institucionalización de la actividad científica en Colombia. Estudio de un caso fallido: Study of a Failed Case A institucionalização da atividade científica na Colômbia. Estudo de um caso frustrado The Institutionalization of Scientific Activity in Colombia

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    En este artículo se examinan de manera crítica los intentos que hizo el país de socializar las ciencias de la naturaleza con la creación de la Escuela Normal Superior de Colombia (ENSC) durante el gobierno liberal de Alfonso López Pumarejo, conocido como el de la "Revolución en marcha". Se sostiene que este proceso fue abortado con la desaparición de esta escuela, considerada por muchos historiadores como un hito para la modernización del país.Neste artigo se analisa criticamente as tentativas feitas pelo país para socializar as ciências naturais com a criação da Escola Normal Superior de Colômbia (ENSC) durante o governo liberal de Alfonso López Pumarejo, conhecido como a Revolução em Andamento. Argumenta-se que o processo foi abortado com o desaparecimento desta escola, considerada por muitos historiadores um marco para a modernização do país.This article examines the country's attempts to socialize the natural sciences by creating the Escuela Normal Superior de Colombia (Colombian Teachers' College) during the liberal administration of President Alfonso López Pumarejo, which was known as the "Revolution in Progress". It argues the process was aborted with the disappearance of the school, an institution regarded by many historians as a milestone in the country's modernization