517 research outputs found

    Relative Odds of Neck Pain to Helmet Use Among Motorcyclists: a Case-Control Study

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    Background: Neck pain is a widespread problem among motorcyclists, which is often neglected. There is limited research on the motorcycle's ergonomics, particularly in the context of the interaction between the riders and motorcycle. Motorcycle helmets have proven to increase the weight on the neck, thus causing more burdens which can lead to neck pain. Methodology: Case-Control study design was opted to measure the relative odds of neck pain in relation to the helmet use as an exposure. A total of 260 (mean age of 22.58 ± S.D. 1.95 years) undergraduate students were selected using purposive sampling. The case to control ratio was 1:4 (54 Cases and 206 Controls) where cases were defined as the motorcyclists having neck pain with a riding experience of more than one year. The neck pain and disability scale were obtained using a self-administered questionnaire. Chi-square and binary logistic regression were used to calculate the significant relationship and odds of neck pain amongst motorcyclists with and without helmet use. Results: The study results showed that out of 260 motorcyclists, 190 (73.1%) were helmet users, and 54 (20.8%) had neck pain, 70 (27.9%) helmet users had a neck pain prevalence of 11 (4.2%). The relative odd to have neck pain was 2.13 times more amongst the motorcyclists using the helmet as compared to that of non-helmet users. The logistic regression results showed significant results (P < 0.05) with regards to the BMI, helmet weight and duration of helmet use but did not show a significant relation with average motorcycle use per day unless it exceeded 70 kilometres. Conclusion: Use of helmet can be a potential cause of neck pain amongst motorcyclist users but the odds to have neck pain enhance with the increase in motorcycle use per day. The protective benefits are multi-fold for helmet use which outreaches the negative impact, including neck pain amongst motorcyclists

    Konsep Integrasi antara Islam dan Ilmu Telaah Pemikiran Kuntowijoyo

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    Kuntowijoyo adalah seorang cendekiawan muslim yang mempunyai gagasan tentang integrasi anatara Islam dan Ilmu. Terdapat permasalahan antara Islam dan Ilmu yang tidak bisa berjalan beiringan karna pemisah yang disebut dengan sekularisme, budaya sekularisme ini lah yang mencoba memisahkan antara Islam dan Ilmu sehingga ilmu hanya berjalan sendiri tanpa adanya agama atau Islam, disinilah letak permasalahan yang di hadapi oleh umat muslim sehingga Kuntowijoyo mencoba menyelesaikan permasalahaan ini dengan gagasan pengilmuan Islamnya. Gagasan Kuntowijoyo perihal Islamisasi ilmu Pengetahuan memiliki keterkaitan yang kuat dengan ijtihad dari para intelektual muslim sebelumnya yang berangkat dari keprihatinannya atas sifat reaktif dari gagasan “Islamisasi Pengetahuan”. Kuntowijoyo menawarkan suatu penyikapan yang baru dalam melihat hubungan antara agama (Islam) dan ilmu yaitu dengan Pengilmuan Islam. Bagaimana konsep Pengilmuan Islam ini mengcounter budaya sekularisme yang masuk pada Ilmu pengetahuan?. Konsep integrasi antara Islam dan Ilmu yang di maksud Kuntowijoyo adalah gerakan intelektual Islam yang bergerak dari teks menuju konteks, pengilmuan Islam sebagai proses keilmuan yang bergerak dari teks Al-Qur’an menuju konteks sosial dan ekologis manusia. Pengilmuan Islam mengakui ilmu pengetahuan yang bersifat objektif , konsep pengilmuan Islam ini mempunyai metodologi yaitu dengan integralisasi dan Objektifikasi. konsep ini mempunyai misi atau tujuan yaitu mengakrabkan antara Islam dan ilmu selain agar tidak terkontaminasi oleh budaya sekularisme

    Seed Physiology of some Pulses and Cereals under the Influence of Acacia arabica Gum

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    Present paper deals with the study of impact of Acacia arabica gum solution on seed germination, root and shoot length of some pulses like cowpea, gram and some cereals like wheat and maize. It was found that Acacia arabica gum induces the seed germination, root and shoot length


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    Kеtеrsеdiааn sumbеr еnеrgi di mаsа dеpаn mеrupаkаn pеrmаsаlаhаn glоbаl yаng tеrus mеnjаdi pеrhаtiаn sеmuа nеgаrа di duniа. Pеnggunааn еnеrgi аltеrnаtif sаngаtlаh bеrmаnfааt untuk mеmеnuhi kеbutuhаnаkаnеnеrgilistrikditеmpаt-tеmpаt yаng sulittеr jаngkаuоlеh PLN. Tеrdаpаt bаnyаk mаcаm еnеrgi аltеrnаtif yаng bisа dimаnfааtkаn. Еnеrgi mаtаhаri misаlnyа, mеrupаkаn sаlаh sаtu sumbеr еnеrgi utаmа yаng bisа digunаkаn untuk mеngurаngi kеtеrgаntungаn tеrhаdаp еnеrgi minyаk bumi. Turbin аngin jеnis 3 sudu  mеrupаkаn tipе turbin аngin sumbu hоrizоntаl yаng bаnyаk digunаkаn sеbаgаi sistеm kоnvеrsi еnеrgi аngin kе listrik. Аpаbilа аngin bеrtiup sаngаt kеncаng mаkа bаling-bаling bеrputаr kеncаng dаn gеnеrаtоr аkаn mеnghаsilkаn dаyа yаng sаngаt bеsаr untuk disаlurkаn kе bаtrаi lаlu kе cоntrоlеr dаn аlirаn listrik yаng аkаn di pаkаi. Dаri pеngujiаn yаng tеlаh dilаkukаn, mаkа didаpаtkаn kеsimpulаn sеbаgаi bеrikut. Pеmbаngkit Litrik Tеnаgа Аngin dеngаn gеnеrаtоr mаgnеt pеrmаnеn dаpаt mеnghаsilkаn еnеrgi listrik dеngаn dаyа rаtа-rаtа yаng dihаsilkаn sеbеsаr 132,57 Wаtt, sеhinggа dаpаt dimаnfааtkаn untuk pеngisiаn bаtеrаi yаng digunаkаn untuk kеbutuhаn listriksеhаri-hаri. Pеmbаngkit Listrik Tеnаgа Аngin mеnghаsilkаn tеgаngаn mаksimаl sеbеsаr 24,37 Vоlt, аrus sеbеsаr 4,55 Аmpеrе sеrtа dаyа  mаksimаl sеbеsаr 116,78 Wаtt pаdа pеngujiаn disааt siаnghаri.Kаtа Kunci : Sumbеr Еnеrgi, Turbin, Pеmbаngkit Listrik Tеnаgа Аngi

    Decision Support System for Single Tuition Scholarship Awardees in Higher Education Using Mamdani Fuzzy Inference

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    Universitas Madura implements the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) scholarship program in the Informatics department. The current UKT scholarship selection system uses a traditional model that is still not effective, causing obstacles such as inflexibility in registration time. The print-out documents are vulnerable to damage or loss and difficulty searching when it required. The criteria in the current system consisted of a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3, a letter of family condition, and also student status in semesters 3 to 7. The three criteria are not enough to determine a scholarship candidate. The recruitment process involves only the Head of the Study Program (Kaprodi). The Informatics study program still has many candidates applying for scholarships reaching around 280%. This research proposes a Decision Support System (DSS) using Fuzzy Mamdani with six criteria, including GPA, Achievement, Parents' Income, Parents' Dependents, Semester, and History of not receiving scholarships with the aim of overcoming these problems. The results show that the performance of the proposed SPK is very good, it is shown by the MAPE value of less than 10% and more efficient time than the current system. This system has also been in accordance with the required functions through the black test


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    Abstract: Classroom management can be divided into two kinds of physical management and student management. Harmonious relationships of student and teacher have an effect on classroom management. Teacher who are apathetic to student make the students away. Many students reject the presence of teachers. Envy is ingrained in students that cause unacceptable learning materials by students. The tendencies of students’ negative attitudes are more dominant. This hypocritical attitude created a gap between teachers and students. As with the teachers who always pay attention to students is always open, always responsive to student complaints, always listen to students' learning difficulties, always willing to listen to suggestions and criticism from students are the teachers who is liked by student. Students will miss his presence and advice was given. The classroom management strategies to improve students' learning ability is creating an atmosphere or condition of the optimal class, trying to stop the deviant behavior of students, creating a classroom discipline, creating harmony between teachers and students. Therefore, the task manager as a classroom teacher to always strive for dynamic conditioning class that supports the process of educational interaction achieving learning objectives


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    Islamic Education has an important task, namely how to develop quality human resources (HR) for Muslims to take an active role and still survive in the era of globalization. Hasan Langgulung provide educational strategies to improve the quality of human resources education strategies at the macro and micro as well as giving priority actions to be given by those in charge of education in the Islamic world, especially the government. Macro strategy consists of three main components: first, the purpose of Islamic education that includes the formation of the pious man and the pious society. Second, the basic foundation upon which Islamic education curriculum consists of eight aspects: integrity, unity, continuity, originality, scientific, practical nature, solidarity, and openness. Third, the priorities in the action which includes the absorption of all children who reach school age, the diversity of development paths, review the materials and methods of education, strengthening of religious education, administration and planning, and regional cooperation between countries in the Moslem world. Whereas strategy the micro consists of only one component only, namely tazkiyah al-nafs (soul cleansing). Islamic education should have the orientation to develop human resources. In this case presents three orientations Hasan Langgulung for Islamic education in building motivation/work ethic, discipline building work, and the internalization of values


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    This journal presents a qualitative descriptive case study investigating the management of educational assessment at MAS Darussalam. Specific objectives include examining the assessment policies, exploring the challenges faced by educators and administrators, and proposing recommendations for improvement. The research adopts a qualitative approach, emphasizing in-depth exploration and understanding of the educational assessment management at MAS Darussalam. Data is collected through methods semi-structured interviews, document analysis, and participant observations. This approach allows for a nuanced exploration of the experiences, perspectives, and practices related to educational assessment. Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Meanwhile, the data validity test used triangulation technique. The research findings offer insights into the current state of educational assessment management at MAS Darussalam. This includes an overview of existing assessment policies, identification of challenges faced by educators and administrators, and recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of educational assessment practices. The case study contributes to the broader discourse on educational assessment management, offering valuable lessons and considerations for similar educational institutions

    Aspek positif di kampus merdeka: perspektif mahasiswa keguruan

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    This study aims to identify the positive experiences of education students related to learning in the Kampus Merdeka program. The research employs a qualitative method, involving 12 participants who are students from the teacher education program. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. The findings reveal three main themes identified by the students as positive aspects of learning in the Kampus Merdeka program. First, the flexibility of the curriculum, which allows students to select courses based on their interests and career needs. Second, the innovative quality of instruction, encompassing the use of creative teaching methods and advanced educational technology. Third, the availability of career guidance, which assists students in preparing for their future careers. These findings indicate that the implementation of Kampus Merdeka has a significantly positive impact on the learning experiences of education students.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek positif yang dialami oleh mahasiswa keguruan terkait pembelajaran di Kampus Merdeka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan melibatkan 12 partisipan yang merupakan mahasiswa dari program studi keguruan di Yogyakarta. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis tematik. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan tiga tema utama yang diidentifikasi oleh para mahasiswa sebagai aspek positif dari pembelajaran di Kampus Merdeka. Pertama, fleksibilitas kurikulum yang memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk memilih mata kuliah sesuai dengan minat dan kebutuhan karir mereka. Kedua, kualitas pembelajaran yang inovatif, yang mencakup penggunaan metode pengajaran yang kreatif dan teknologi pendidikan yang canggih. Ketiga, adanya bimbingan karir yang membantu mahasiswa mempersiapkan diri untuk memasuki dunia kerja. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi Kampus Merdeka memiliki potensi untuk berdampak positif yang signifikan terhadap pengalaman belajar mahasiswa keguruan