523 research outputs found

    On Elementary Methods To Evaluate Values of The Riemann Zeta Function and Another Closely Related Infinite Series At Natural Numbers

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    In this paper, an elementary method to find the values of the Riemann Zeta function at even natural numbers, and to find values of a closely related series at odd natural numbers is presented. Another method, specifically for the evaluation of ζ(2),\zeta(2), is also presented.Comment: 9 page

    On Generating Permutations Under User-Defined Constraints

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    In this paper, a method to generate permutations of a string under a set of constraints decided by the user is presented. The required permutations are generated without generating all the permutations.Comment: 11 page


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    Infrastruktur publik merupakan salah satu sektor utama yang mendukung perkembangan ekonomi masyarakat disuatu daerah tertentu. Di wilayah Kabupaten Aceh Tengah terjadi beberapa kerusakan pada infrastruktur publik, mulai dari perumahan sampai gedung negara yang memiliki fungsi vital dalam kegiatan pelayanan publik termasuk yang paling banyak mengalami dampak dari gempa bumi. Salah satu bangunan gedung milik negara yang mengalami kerusakan adalah bangunan gedung sekolah SMK Negeri 3 Takengon. Rusaknya bangunan tersebut menyebabkan terhambatnya aktivitas belajar mengajar di sekolah tersebut, sehingga pemerintah daerah perlu segera menangani permasalahan tersebut. Rumusan masalah pada kajian ini adalah berapakah estimasi jumlah biaya, estimasi waktu yang dibutuhkan, metode pemilihan penyedia jasa pekerjaan konstruksi, dan jenis kontrak kontruksi untuk pelaksanaan rehabilitasi. Tujuan kajian ini untuk mengetahui estimasi anggaran biaya konstruksi, estimasi durasi waktu yang dibutuhkan, metode pemilihan penyedia jasa pekerjaan konstruksi dan jenis kontrak kontruksi yang digunakan. Ruang lingkup pada penelitian ini, hanya terbatas pada mengidentifikasi secara visual dan kemudian mengestimasi biaya rehabilitasi dan waktu pelaksanaan serta menentukan jenis pelelangan dan kontrak yang digunakan pada proses rehabilitasi bangunan gedung sekolah tersebut. Langkah awal pada penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan survei lapangan untuk mengukur luasan komponen gedung dan tingkat kerusakan gedung, kemudian menghitung volume komponen yang mengalami kerusakan dan melakukan estimasi biaya rehabilitasi dan waktu rehabilitasi yang diperlukan menggunakan Analisa Harga Satuan Pekerjaan PU Bidang Cipta Karya 2013. Hasil dari kajian ini adalah diketahui total estimasi biaya perbaikan kerusakan pada Gedung Sekolah SMK Negeri 3 Takengon sebesar Rp. 451.450.000,00 (empat ratus lima puluh satu juta empat ratus lima puluh ribu rupiah) dengan durasi pekerjaan rehabilitasi selama 2 (dua) bulan dan menggunakan metode pemilihan langsung untuk pemilihan penyedia jasa pekerjaan konstruksi serta menggunakan sistem kontrak lump sum untuk jenis kontrak pada proses rehabilitasi gedung sekolah tersebut

    An audit of caesarean sections performed for suspected fetal distress at Mowbray Maternity Hospital in 2018

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    Background The cardiotocograph (CTG) is used for fetal monitoring antenatally and in labour, to detect potential fetal hypoxia and thus prevent perinatal morbidity and mortality. An abnormal CTG influences decisions clinicians make in terms of timing and mode of delivery, as the type of abnormality may warrant immediate delivery by caesarean section (CS). However caesarean section rates are increasing worldwide and in South Africa, and ‘fetal distress' is one of the common indications. The increased CS rate also increases the risk of maternal morbidity and mortality. At Mowbray Maternity Hospital, weekly review meetings show that ‘pathological CTG' and ‘non reassuring CTG' accounted for the majority of emergency CS. Therefore, this study was undertaken to see if ‘fetal distress' is being over-diagnosed leading to unnecessary CS, or to affirm that the CS are correctly indicated for this diagnosis. Hence an investigation of caesarean sections done for ‘fetal distress in 2018 was performed in order to audit emergency CS performed at MMH for abnormal CTG tracings. Methods A retrospective observational study with a comparative component was performed. The PASS 2022 software was used to calculate the sample size. The calculation was made for proportions of agreement using a kappa statistic which was calculated to be 114 cases. The study population was derived from the institutional theatre register, in which patients, who had an emergency CS for an abnormal CTG or ‘fetal distress', between 01 January 2018 and 31 March 2018 were included. The CTGs were interpreted by the two obstetric specialistts (experts) and this was compared with the original interpretation made by the attending doctor. In addition, the independent experts assessed the appropriateness of the decision for CS. Data was also obtained on co-existing obstetric conditions, and perinatal and maternal outcomes. Ethics approval for the study was attained from the University of Cape Town Human Research Ethics Committee (UCT HREC) and facility approval from MMH. Results Ninety cases were identified from the study period and analysed. The attending doctor assessed 22 (24.4%) CTGs as suspicious and 68 (75.6%) as pathological, whereas the experts assessed 7 (7.8%) as normal, 22 (24.4%) as suspicious and 61 (67.8%) as pathological. There was overall agreement in CTG interpretation between the experts and the attendant doctor for 61 cases (67.8%). The reliability of this agreement was measured using Cohen's Kappa and was 0.247 (CI 0.153-0.341). This is a ‘fair' level of agreement. A further analysis showed that there was a higher proportion of agreement with pathological CTGs and a lower proportion of agreement for suspicious CTGs which accounted for 52 (57.8%) and 9 (10%) cases, respectively. A review of the medical records showed that 69 (77%) of patients had one or more co-existing obstetric condition such as prolonged pregnancy, hypertensive disorders, prolonged rupture of membranes and meconium-stained liquor etc. When considering these obstetric factors as well as the CTG, the experts assessed 16 women (17.8%) to have had unnecessary caesarean sections. In terms of neonatal outcomes, the mean five-minute APGAR was 8, and only 3 babies had a five-minute APGAR which was less than 7. Twelve babies (13.3%) babies were admitted to the neonatal unit and of those, 4 (4.4%) were admitted for low Apgar scores. The commonest maternal complication was PPH which affected 8.9% of the patients. Conclusion The inter-observer agreement in CTG interpretation at MMH was fair, which is comparable to other studies done in the world, with agreement on the indication for CS of 82.2%. The agreement in CTG interpretation was high with pathological CTGs and poor with suspicious CTGs. A second opinion for CS for abnormal CTG may reduce the number of unnecessary CS especially for suspicious CTGs. A normal CTG tends to affirm good fetal wellbeing, however an abnormal CTG does not always mean that there is fetal compromise, therefore the clinical condition must be evaluated together with the CTG to make an appropriate decision with regards to timing and mode of delivery

    Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam melalui Pembelajaran di Ma’had Darul Qur’an wal Hadits Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    The Ma'had Darul Qur'an wal Hadith Education System and Its Contribution to the Development of Islamic Education in West Nusa Tenggara. Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Thesis. Master of Islamic Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. 2017. The religious condition of the people of West Nusa Tenggara, especially the island of Lombok before Maulana al-Syekh returned from Mecca, was very worrying. There are many deviations in religious practices because they are based on teachings derived from their ancestors, not based on sharia. The presence of Maulana al-Syekh is a moon in the midst of darkness, with the wealth and breadth of knowledge he has, he is able to change the religious order of the people of West Nusa Tenggara, especially on the island of Lombok. Starting from establishing the al-Mujahidin Islamic boarding school during the Dutch colonial period, Ma'had was born in the midst of the people of Lombok as a tafaqquh fi al-ddin institution so that the Lombok people know the true teachings of Shari'ah. This study aims to identify and describe matters related to: 1) The education system applied in Ma'had and, 2) Ma'had's contribution to the development of Islamic education in West Nusa Tenggara. This research is a field research with a qualitative-descriptive approach (analytical descriptive)-with a phenomenological approach. To obtain the necessary data using data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study are as follows: (1) The education system applied in Ma'had is the concept of Maulana al-Syekh's spiritual education system related to the components of education about; a) curriculum, b) students, c) teachers (mursyid), d) allegiance and diplomas and e) learning methods; 1) lectures, 2) modeling (al-qudwah) and 3) berhizib and berrekat. With the aim that the thullab-thalibat Ma'had scientific pipeline connects to Maulana al-Shaykh and his teachers in Mecca to the Prophet Muhammad. (2) The contributions that Ma'had made to the development of Islamic education in West Nusa Tenggara are: a) By establishing educational institutions such as madrasas and schools, b) creating a cadre of teachers who are rich in religious knowledge. c) print cadres of Ulama' or Tuan Guru with Mutakharrijin Ma'had to continue studying religion at Madrasah as-Sholatiyyah Makkah or other religious education in the Middle East. d) to produce Muballig and Muballigah cadres by establishing taklim majlis and conducting Ramadan safaris

    Coal Quality Management Model for a Dome Storage (DS-CQMM)

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    Coal quality (ash, sulfur, moisture and BTU) is one of the key aspects for both coal mines and power plants. Mines invest time as well as economic and technological resources in order to manage coal quality for final use in power plants. In order to deliver uniform coal quality to the power plant, there is a need for a real-time monitoring of coal quality from the mine to the coal stockpiles. The specific problem represents the process of stacking the coal inside the enclosed facility such as a dome. The process of stacking coal inside a dome generates the unique geometry of the stockpile due to the physical constraints caused by the circular shape and walls of dome, and height and length of stacker. The reclaiming process also creates a particular shape of the stockpile. The specific challenge to the mine is to know spatial distribution of coal quality parameters, volume and tonnage in such formed stockpile.;The objective of this research was to develop a custom-made and integrated Coal Quality Management Model for a Dome Storage (DS-CQMM). The DS-CQMM merges existing technology in surface mines, such as coal analyzers, along with automation technologies, information technologies (IT), mathematical models, and different programming languages.;The DS-CQMM is organized into four major sections: Delay Time Application, Stacker Application, Reclaimer Application, and Live Stockpile Application. A sub-process called Volume Calculation is embedded in Stacker Application, while an additional feature called Forecast Tool is included in the Reclaimer Application. The Delay Time Application calculates the time that a batch of coal takes to reach the boom of the stacker from the coal analyzer through the belt conveyor system. The Stacker Application retrieves the information provided by the Delay Time Application and Distributed Control System (DCS) database using a mathematical model. This model is specifically designed for this purpose in order to assign a unique location to coal that is being stacked into the mathematically-discretized dome storage. The volume of the stacked coal is calculated by using the mathematical model and dome discretization. Finally, tonnage is determined and assigned along with coal quality tags. Once the coal is stacked into the dome, the Reclaimer Application displays the ranges of every quality tag within the stockpile. For more accurate representation, coal quality is shown in numerical values in the Forecast Tool using different tables. The Forecast Tool has the capability of calculating the average of each quality tag and the total summation of the tonnage of the coal that will be reclaimed by selecting the desired cells and showing the values in a display window. After reclaiming the coal, the Reclaimer Application retrieves required data from the DCS database and builds the shape of the remaining stockpile. The Reclaimer Application shows the distribution of the coal quality of the remaining stockpile. The Live Stockpile Application is developed for a special part of the dome that was originally designed to serve as an emergency reclaimer in case of failure or maintenance of the mobile reclaimer. The Live Stockpile Application has two parts: stacking and reclaiming. Using the same concept and mathematical model of the Stacker Application, the stacking part of the Live Stockpile Application is developed, while new concepts and mathematical models are developed for the reclaiming part. Both parts show the same graphical outputs as the Stacker and Reclaiming Applications. The DS-CQMM model was developed for a surface coal mine in the southern United States

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pembelajaran Biologi untuk Sistem Pernafasan pada Hewan Berbasis Multimedia

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    Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mempermudah proses sistem belajar mengajar. Adapun permasalahan pada saat belajar adalah sulitnya menerima materi pelajaran, kurangnya minat anak didik dalam penyampaian materi bahan ajar yang memerlukan simulasi dan tidak adanya media pembelajaran yang mendukung proses belajar mengajar tersebut. Aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis multimedia nantinya diharapkan mampu untuk menyampaikan informasi yang lebih cepat dan akurat. Dalam permasalahan ini penulis menggunakan metode RUP dan merancang sebuah aplikasi pembelajaran dan nilai berbasis multimedia. Aplikasi pembelajaran multimedia ini diharapkan dapat diterapkan dan diimplentasikan guna membantu dalam mempermudah proses belajar mengajar


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    Pandu Roga was well known to Indian people science since Vedic Period. It is described in full length by all the Acharyas of Ayurveda as a specific disease with its own Pathogenesis and treatment. In Panduroga change the color of the body like pallor of skin, sclera, nail, tongue etc. due to Rakta-alpata means Hemoglobin level decrease than the normal level. It is related with both important Dhatu Rasa and Rakta. We can correlate this disease to Anaemia in modern science. Anaemia is the world’s second leading cause of disability and is responsible for about 1 million deaths a year. It is therefore important for Ayurvedic scholar to search scientific reason behind the disease. With this research interest the present study has been undertaken thoroughly review of Panduroga. Three general principles of treatment have been mentioned in Charaka Samhita. They are Daivavyapashraya, Yuktivyapashraya and Satvawajya. Here only Yuktivyapashraya Chikitsa has been mentioned. Single drugs which have been used in Pandu are - Lauha Bhasma, Mandura Bhasma, Pure Kaseesa, Shilajita, Vardhamana Pippali etc. Compound drugs which are of vegetable origin e.g. Triphala, Phalatrikadi Kwatha, Punarnavashtaka Kwatha, Vidangavaleha etc. Here also made some efforts to discuss every aspect of Panduroga in Ayurvedic point of view

    Coal Quality Management Model For Dome Storage (DS-CQMM)

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    Coal quality (ash, sulphur, moisture, and heating value) is one of the fundamental concerns for both coal mines and power plants. In order to deliver uniform coal quality to the power plant, there is a need for realtime monitoring of coal quality from the mine to the coal stockpiles. The specific problem represents the process of stacking the coal inside an enclosed facility such as a dome. The objective of this research was to develop a custom-made and integrated coal quality management model for dome storage (DS-CQMM). The DS-CQMM merges existing technology in surface mines, such as coal analysers, together with automation technologies, information technologies (IT), and mathematical models. The DS-CQMM is organized into four major sections: Delay Time application, Stacker application, Reclaimer application, and Live Stockpile application. A sub-process called Volume Calculation is embedded in Stacker application, while an additional feature called Forecast tool is included in the Reclaimer application. The DS-CQMM model was developed for a surface coal mine in the southern USA
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