185 research outputs found

    Getting to What Is: Poetry as a Genre of Access for Multilingual Learners

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    This paper explores the poetry writing of 15, multilingual ninth graders to construct a practitioner framework for analyzing writing as discourse with multilingual learners (MLs). Grounded in an understanding of poetry as a genre of access for both teachers and students, we asked: How does poetry—read as a specific, situated discourse—reveal linguistic and cultural competence among MLs in an urban, high-school classroom? Using four tools of Critical Discourse Analysis—situated meaning, significance building, connections building, and identity building—we analyzed student poetry produced via an online mentoring platform. Through applying these lenses, three major themes emerged, which structured our framework: language experimentation, ascribing meaning to adversity, and cultural exchange. We illustrate each component of our framework through a close reading of one poem, “Bolsillos.” Poetry itself emerges as a discourse providing practitioners access to students’ lived realities, what we term What is. We argue that broader frameworks for approaching student writing can offer a safe space for students to experiment with language, develop unique voices, and make sense of adversity in their lives, evidencing students’ literary deftness in a way that is not manifest in high-stakes writing assessments or conventional classroom writing tasks. We conclude that this approach also provides teachers with critical insight into students’ culture, experiences, and talents, challenging preconceived notions about MLs’ capacity to become proficient in a variety of literacies and affirming linguistic diversity as an asset

    Anti-lensing: the bright side of voids

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    More than half of the volume of our Universe is occupied by cosmic voids. The lensing magni ca- tion e ect from those under-dense regions is generally thought to give a small dimming contribution: objects on the far side of a void are supposed to be observed as slightly smaller than if the void were not there, which together with conservation of surface brightness implies net reduction in photons received. This is predicted by the usual weak lensing integral of the density contrast along the line of sight. We show that this standard e ect is swamped at low redshifts by a relativistic Doppler term that is typically neglected. Contrary to the usual expectation, objects on the far side of a void are brighter than they would be otherwise. Thus the local dynamics of matter in and near the void is crucial and is only captured by the full relativistic lensing convergence. There are also signi cant nonlinear corrections to the relativistic linear theory, which we show actually under-predicts the e ect. We use exact solutions to estimate that these can be more than 20% for deep voids. This remains an important source of systematic errors for weak lensing density reconstruction in galaxy surveys and for supernovae observations, and may be the cause of the reported extra scatter of eld supernovae located on the edge of voids compared to those in clusters.Web of Scienc

    Single-Cell Analysis Identifies Thymic Maturation Delay in Growth-Restricted Neonatal Mice

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    Fetal growth restriction (FGR) causes a wide variety of defects in the neonate which can lead to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, anxiety and other disorders later in life. However, the effect of FGR on the immune system, is poorly understood. We used a well-characterized mouse model of FGR in which placental Igf-2 production is lost due to deletion of the placental specific Igf-2 P0 promotor. The thymi in such animals were reduced in mass with a ~70% reduction in cellularity. We used single cell RNA sequencing (Drop-Seq) to analyze 7,264 thymus cells collected at postnatal day 6. We identified considerable heterogeneity among the Cd8/Cd4 double positive cells with one subcluster showing marked upregulation of transcripts encoding a sub-set of proteins that contribute to the surface of the ribosome. The cells from the FGR animals were underrepresented in this cluster. Furthermore, the distribution of cells from the FGR animals was skewed with a higher proportion of immature double negative cells and fewer mature T-cells. Cell cycle regulator transcripts also varied across clusters. The T-cell deficit in FGR mice persisted into adulthood, even when body and organ weights approached normal levels due to catch-up growth. This finding complements the altered immunity found in growth restricted human infants. This reduction in T-cellularity may have implications for adult immunity, adding to the list of adult conditions in which the in utero environment is a contributory factor

    Hematopoietic origin of Langerhans cell histiocytosis and Erdheim-Chester disease in adults.

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    Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) and Erdheim-Chester disease (ECD) are rare histiocytic disorders induced by somatic mutation of MAPK pathway genes. BRAFV600E mutation is the most common mutation in both conditions and also occurs in the hematopoietic neoplasm hairy cell leukemia (HCL). It is not known if adult LCH or ECD arises from hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), nor which potential blood borne precursors lead to the formation of histiocytic lesions. In this study, BRAFV600E allele-specific polymerase chain reaction was used to map the neoplastic clone in 20 adults with LCH, ECD, and HCL. BRAFV600E was tracked to classical monocytes, nonclassical monocytes, and CD1c+ myeloid dendritic cells (DCs) in the blood, and mutations were observed in HSCs and myeloid progenitors in the bone marrow of 4 patients. The pattern of involvement of peripheral blood myeloid cells was indistinguishable between LCH and ECD, although the histiocytic disorders were distinct to HCL. As reported in children, detection of BRAFV600E in peripheral blood of adults was a marker of active multisystem LCH. The healthy counterparts of myeloid cells affected by BRAF mutation had a range of differentiation potentials depending on exogenous signals. CD1c+ DCs acquired high langerin and CD1a with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and transforming growth factor ÎČ alone, whereas CD14+ classical monocytes required additional notch ligation. Both classical and nonclassical monocytes, but not CD1c+ DCs, made foamy macrophages easily in vitro with macrophage colony-stimulating factor and human serum. These studies are consistent with a hematopoietic origin and >1 immediate cellular precursor in both LCH and ECD

    Quantum memories at finite temperature

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    To use quantum systems for technological applications one first needs to preserve their coherence for macroscopic time scales, even at finite temperature. Quantum error correction has made it possible to actively correct errors that affect a quantum memory. An attractive scenario is the construction of passive storage of quantum information with minimal active support. Indeed, passive protection is the basis of robust and scalable classical technology, physically realized in the form of the transistor and the ferromagnetic hard disk. The discovery of an analogous quantum system is a challenging open problem, plagued with a variety of no-go theorems. Several approaches have been devised to overcome these theorems by taking advantage of their loopholes. The state-of-the-art developments in this field are reviewed in an informative and pedagogical way. The main principles of self-correcting quantum memories are given and several milestone examples from the literature of two-, three- and higher-dimensional quantum memories are analyzed

    Current understanding and future research priorities in malignancy associated with inborn errors of immunity and DNA repair disorders : the perspective of an interdisciplinary working group

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    Patients with inborn errors of immunity or DNA repair defects are at significant risk of developing malignancy and this complication of their underlying condition represents a substantial cause of morbidity and mortality. Whilst this risk is increasingly well-recognized, our understanding of the causative mechanisms remains incomplete. Diagnosing cancer is challenging in the presence of underlying co-morbidities and frequently other inflammatory and lymphoproliferative processes. We lack a structured approach to management despite recognizing the competing challenges of poor response to therapy and increased risk of toxicity. Finally, clinicians need guidance on how to screen for malignancy in many of these predisposing immunodeficiencies. In order to begin to address these challenges, we brought together representatives of European Immunology and Pediatric Haemato-Oncology to define the current state of our knowledge and identify priorities for clinical and research development. We propose key developmental priorities which our two communities will need to work together to address, collaborating with colleagues around the world

    Biallelic RIPK1 mutations in humans cause severe immunodeficiency, arthritis, and intestinal inflammation.

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    RIPK1 (receptor-interacting serine/threonine kinase 1) is a master regulator of signaling pathways leading to inflammation and cell death and is of medical interest as a drug target. We report four patients from three unrelated families with complete RIPK1 deficiency caused by rare homozygous mutations. The patients suffered from recurrent infections, early-onset inflammatory bowel disease, and progressive polyarthritis. They had immunodeficiency with lymphopenia and altered production of various cytokines revealed by whole-blood assays. In vitro, RIPK1-deficient cells showed impaired mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and cytokine secretion and were prone to necroptosis. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation reversed cytokine production defects and resolved clinical symptoms in one patient. Thus, RIPK1 plays a critical role in the human immune system

    Current Understanding and Future Research Priorities in Malignancy Associated With Inborn Errors of Immunity and DNA Repair Disorders: The Perspective of an Interdisciplinary Working Group

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    Patients with inborn errors of immunity or DNA repair defects are at significant risk of developing malignancy and this complication of their underlying condition represents a substantial cause of morbidity and mortality. Whilst this risk is increasingly well-recognized, our understanding of the causative mechanisms remains incomplete. Diagnosing cancer is challenging in the presence of underlying co-morbidities and frequently other inflammatory and lymphoproliferative processes. We lack a structured approach to management despite recognizing the competing challenges of poor response to therapy and increased risk of toxicity. Finally, clinicians need guidance on how to screen for malignancy in many of these predisposing immunodeficiencies. In order to begin to address these challenges, we brought together representatives of European Immunology and Pediatric Haemato-Oncology to define the current state of our knowledge and identify priorities for clinical and research development. We propose key developmental priorities which our two communities will need to work together to address, collaborating with colleagues around the world
