26 research outputs found

    Study of Core 92AR-P25 from the Northwind Ridge, Central Arctic Ocean

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    The Arctic Ocean is presently the least understood ocean in the world. The perennial sea ice that covers most of the Arctic has hindered exploration and interpretation of this last remaining portion of the Earth’s surface. The geologic history of this ocean is not fully understood and needs to be studied in greater detail. The stratigraphic record in the Arctic is a topic of much debate, specifically when discussing ages and sedimentation rates. Various ways of age dating has shed new light on ages and sedimentation rates of the established stratigraphy. Proxies such as microfossils and isotope evidence are giving us new insights to the paleoceanography of the Arctic Ocean basin. Core 92AR-P25 from the Northwind Ridge shows correlation with the paleomagnetic time scale and agreement with the manganese color cycles proposed by Jakobsson et al, (2000). The correlation of the core, shows that many cores throughout the Central Arctic Ocean can be similarly correlated, allowing us to form a paleoceanography history of the Arctic Ocean

    A Modeling Experiment on the Grounding of an Ice Shelf in the Central Arctic Ocean During MIS 6

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    High-resolution chirp sonar subbottom profiles from the Lomonosov Ridge in the central Arctic Ocean, acquired from the Swedish icebreaker Oden in 1996, revealed large-scale erosion of the ridge crest down to depths of 1000 m below present sea level [Jakobsson, 1999]. Subsequent acoustic mapping during the SCICEX nuclear submarine expedition in 1999 showed glacial fluting at the deepest eroded areas and subparallel ice scours from 950 m water depth to the shallowest parts of the ridge crest [Polyak et al., 2001]. The directions of the mapped glaciogenic bed-forms and the redeposition of eroded material on the Amerasian side of the ridge indicate ice flow from the Barents-Kara Sea area. Core studies revealed that sediment drape the eroded areas from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5.5 and, thus, it was proposed that the major erosional event took place during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 [Jakobsson et al., 2001]. Glacial geological evidence suggests strongly that the Late Saalian (MIS 6) ice sheet margin reached the shelf break of the Barents-Kara Sea [Svendsen et al. in press] and this gives us two possible ways to explain the ice erosional features on the Lomonosov Ridge. One is the grounding of a floating ice shelf and the other is the scouring from large deep tabular iceberg. Here we apply numerical ice sheet modeling to test the hypothesis that an ice shelf emanating from the Barents/Kara seas grounded across part of the Lomonsov Ridge and caused the extensive erosion down to a depth of around 1000 m below present sea level. A series of model experiments was undertaken in which the ice shelf mass balance (surface accumulation and basal melting) and ice shelf strain rates were adjusted. Grounding of the Lomonosov Ridge was not achieved when the ice shelf strain rate was 0.005 yr-1 (i.e. a free flowing ice shelf). However this model produced two interesting findings. First, with basal melt rates of up to 50 cm yr-1 an ice shelf grew from the St. Anna Trough ice stream across the section of the ridge where there is evidence for grounding. Second, even with ultra low rates of basal melting, the ice shelf thickness was always less than 200 m over the ridge. We conclude that grounding of the Lomonosov Ridge by a free-flowing ice shelf is not possible. When the strain rate was reduced to zero, however, the shelf thickness increased substantially. Such conditions are likely only to have occurred during periods of large-scale glaciation across the Eurasian Arctic such as in the Saalian, and if a substantial stagnant thickened sea ice was present in the ocean, buttressing the shelf flowing from the Barents Sea. Our results are interpreted using new techniques for dynamic 3Dvisualization

    Clay Mineral Cycles Identified by Diffuse Spectral Reflectance in Quaternary Sediments From the Northwind Ridge: Implications for Glacial-Interglacial Sedimentation Patterns in the Arctic Ocean

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    A Quaternary record of fine-grained sediment composition is used to investigate Arctic Ocean climate variability on glacial-interglacial time scales. Diffuse spectral reflectance data from sediment core P1-92AR-P25 from the Northwind Ridge, north of Alaska, demonstrates cyclic variations in mineralogy. Varimax-rotated R-mode factor analysis of down-core data revealed three major mineralogical assemblages, which were then compared with the content of manganese, a proxy for basin ventilation, and thus glacial-interglacial cycles. Results indicate that factor 1, a smectite + chlorite clay assemblage, was delivered to the core site during interglacials, either by fluvial discharge or sea-ice drift from Siberian rivers or inflow from the Bering Sea. Factor 2, an illite + goethite assemblage, is related to glacial periods, and was probably transported from the Laurentide Ice Sheet by icebergs or meltwater. Factor 3, glauconite, might have been sourced from the North Slope region of Alaska during deglacial intervals, or from dolomites associated with Laurentide iceberg-discharge pulses. The observed variations in sediment source and transport mechanisms arise from glacial-interglacial changes in sea level, the size of the terrestrial ice sheets surrounding the Arctic Ocean, the extent of sea-ice cover and altered atmospheric circulation. The reconstructed glacial-interglacial circulation patterns from the Late Quaternary show some similarity with modern circulation changes presumably related to the monthly- to decadally-fluctuating Arctic Oscillation. However, because the Arctic Oscillation operates on much shorter time scales, further research is necessary to better understand the driving mechanism for the changes observed over glacial-interglacial cycles, and the potential role of ocean-atmospheric interaction

    Les actinides dans les sédiments quaternaires de l'océan Arctique

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    Le rôle de l'océan Arctique dans le climat global est important. Les apports d'eau douce sont essentiels au maintien de la couche de faible salinité à la surface de l'océan qui permet la formation de la glace de mer. Les variations du budget d'eau douce influencent donc l'étendue du couvert de glace. Les variations du couvert de glace modifient l'albédo, le budget énergétique et les conditions de salinité et de température des masses d'eaux superficielles qui, à leur tour, influencent le climat global. Dans le contexte des changements climatiques actuels, il est indispensable de reconstituer l'histoire climatique de l'océan Arctique, en particulier au cours des cycles glaciaires-interglaciaires récents, afin de comprendre sa variabilité naturelle. L'étude paléoclimatique de l'océan Arctique a été entreprise dès les années 60 sur la base d'analyses des enregistrements sédimentaires livrés par des carottes de forage. Les sédiments situés sur les plateaux continentaux (30% de la surface de l'océan Arctique) sont caractérisés par des hauts taux de sédimentation qui permettent des études paléoclimatiques de haute résolution. Les bassins profonds et les rides connaissent des taux de sédimentation beaucoup plus faibles autorisant des études sur une plus grande échelle de temps. Ce sont de tels enregistrements qui ont été utilisés dans la présente thèse dont l'objectif principal consistait à établir des éléments de chronologie de la sédimentation grâce à l'étude des actinides. Le premier chapitre concerne le comportement des isotopes à courte période dans les sédiments de sub-surface de l'océan Arctique en relation avec les larges gradients de vitesse de sédimentation. L'étude a été focalisée sur le 210Pb, analysé dans neuf carottages courts (multicores) représentant des environnements différents (plateau, ride, etc.) afin de déterminer les conditions de son utilisation éventuelle aux fins de détermination des vitesses de sédimentation récentes. Deux multicores provenant de la ride de Mendeleiv ont été étudiés en détail et ont permis de mettre en évidence les particularités du comportement des actinides ascendants dans les environnements caractérisés par de très faibles taux de sédimentation. On a pu démontrer que sous de telles conditions, le profil de 210Pb était rapidement contrôlé par son ascendant, le 226Ra, lui même contrôlé par le 230Th ascendant. De plus, les budgets de 210Pb estimés dans ces deux mu1ticores indiquent que le 210Pb du sédiment correspond à la somme des sources atmosphériques et de la colonne d'eau, à une profondeur de ~1600 m. Par contre, un déficit s'observe dans la colonne sédimentaire, plus bas, à ~2500 m de profondeur. Il permet de conclure à un transport latéral du 210Pb ou à une capacité limitée d'adsorption particulaire, au delà de 1600 m de profondeur. Le deuxième chapitre présente une étude sédimentologique, minéralogique et géochimique détaillée des deux multicores utilisés dans le chapitre I. Les outils stratigraphiques courants (14C, 18O) s'avèrent peu concluants dans un tel contexte sédimentologique. Nous avons donc utilisé le 230Th et le 231Pa pour établir des éléments de chronostratigraphie. Deux régimes distincts ont été observés, l'un correspondant aux périodes glaciaires où la sédimentation est caractérisée exclusivement par les apports sédimentaires des glaces flottantes (Ice Rafted Debris, IRD), l'autre correspondant aux périodes interglaciaires et déglaciations, marquées par des flux sédimentaires plus élevés et des apports plus fins issus de l'archipel de l'Arctique Canadien, et un contenu micro-faunistique (foraminifères) peu abondant. En se basant sur les caractéristiques géochimiques et sédimentaires des deux régimes et les éléments de chronologie issus des données 230Th et 231Pa, on a mis en évidence la présence d'un transport latéral en 230Th et 231Pa dans les sédiments glaciaires. Le troisième chapitre présente des données géochimiques et sédimentologiques provenant de la ride Lomonossov. Cette ride, au centre de l'océan Arctique, est marquée par des vitesses de sédimentation plus élevées. La séquence sédimentaire examinée correspond ainsi aux derniers 25 000 ans. Un événement sédimentaire ponctuel, daté à ~12 000 ans (chronologie 14C calibrée), rend compte d'une source sédimentaire de l'Arctique Canadien. Cet événement correspondrait au Dryas récent (Younger Dryas-YD). Cette observation est l'une des premières observations d'origine marine de la débâcle du Lac Agassiz vers le nord, proposée par divers auteurs. \ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Océan Arctique, Paléocéanographie, Quaternaire, Actinide

    Expedition 302 summary

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    The first scientific drilling expedition to the central Arctic Ocean was completed in September 2004. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 302, Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), recovered sediment cores to 428 meters below seafloor (mbsf) in water depths of ~1300 m, 250 km from the North Pole.Expedition 302's destination was the Lomonosov Ridge, hypothesized to be a sliver of continental crust that broke away from the Eurasian plate at ~56 Ma. As the ridge moved northward and subsided, marine sedimentation occurred and continues to the present, resulting in what was anticipated from seismic data to be a continuous paleoceanographic record. The elevation of the ridge above the surrounding abyssal plains (~3 km) ensured that sediments atop the ridge were free of turbidites. The primary scientific objective of Expedition 302 was to continuously recover this sediment record and to sample the underlying sedimentary bedrock by drilling and coring from a stationary drillship.The biggest challenge during Expedition 302 was maintaining the drillship's location while drilling and coring in 2–4 m thick sea ice that moved at speeds approaching 0.5 kt. Sea-ice cover over the Lomonosov Ridge moves with one of the two major Arctic sea-ice circulation systems, the Transpolar Drift, and responds locally to wind, tides, and currents. Until now, the high Arctic Ocean Basin, known as "mare incognitum" within the scientific community, had never before been deeply cored because of these challenging sea-ice conditions.Initial results reveal that biogenic carbonate is present only in the Holocene–Pleistocene interval. The upper 198 mbsf represents a relatively high sedimentation rate record of the past 18 m.y. and is composed of sediment with ice-rafted debris and dropstones, suggesting that ice-covered conditions extended at least this far back in time. Details of the ice type (e.g., iceberg versus sea ice), timing, and characteristics (e.g., perennial versus seasonal) await further study. A hiatus occurs at 193.13 mbsf, spanning a 25 m.y. interval from the early Miocene to the middle Eocene between ~18 Ma and 43 Ma. The sediment record during the middle Eocene is of dark, organic-rich biosiliceous composition. Isolated pebbles, interpreted as ice-rafted dropstones, are present down to 239 mbsf, well into this middle Eocene interval. Around the lower/middle Eocene boundary an abundance of Azolla spp. occurs, suggesting that a fresh and/or low-salinity surface water setting dominated the region during this time period. Although predrilling predictions based on geophysical data had placed the base of the sediment column at 50 Ma, drilling revealed that the uppermost Paleocene to lowermost Eocene boundary interval, well known as the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), was recovered. During the PETM, the temperature of the Arctic Ocean surface waters exceeded 20°C.Drilling during Expedition 302 also penetrated into the underlying sedimentary bedrock, revealing a shallow-water depositional environment of Late Cretaceous age

    Expedition 302 summary

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    The first scientific drilling expedition to the central Arctic Ocean was completed in September 2004. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 302, Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), recovered sediment cores to 428 meters below seafloor (mbsf) in water depths of ~1300 m, 250 km from the North Pole. Expedition 302’s destination was the Lomonosov Ridge, hypothesized to be a sliver of continental crust that broke away from the Eurasian plate at ~56 Ma. As the ridge moved northward and subsided, marine sedimentation occurred and continues to the present, resulting in what was anticipated from seismic data to be a continuous paleoceanographic record. The elevation of the ridge above the surrounding abyssal plains (~3 km) ensured that sediments atop the ridge were free of turbidites. The primary scientific objective of Expedition 302 was to continuously recover this sediment record and to sample the underlying sedimentary bedrock by drilling and coring from a stationary drillship. The biggest challenge during Expedition 302 was maintaining the drillship’s location while drilling and coring in 2–4 m thick sea ice that moved at speeds approaching 0.5 kt. Sea-ice cover over the Lomonosov Ridge moves with one of the two major Arctic sea-ice circulation systems, the Transpolar Drift, and responds locally to wind, tides, and currents. Until now, the high Arctic Ocean Basin, known as “mare incognitum” within the scientific community, had never before been deeply cored because of these challenging sea-ice conditions. Initial results reveal that biogenic carbonate is present only in the Holocene–Pleistocene interval. The upper 198 mbsf represents a relatively high sedimentation rate record of the past 18 m.y. and is composed of sediment with ice-rafted debris and dropstones, suggesting that ice-covered conditions extended at least this far back in time. Details of the ice type (e.g., iceberg versus sea ice), timing, and characteristics (e.g., perennial versus seasonal) await further study. A hiatus occurs at 193.13 mbsf, spanning a 25 m.y. interval from the early Miocene to the middle Eocene between ~18 Ma and 43 Ma. The sediment record during the middle Eocene is of dark, organic-rich biosiliceous composition. Isolated pebbles, interpreted as ice-rafted dropstones, are present down to 239 mbsf, well into this middle Eocene interval. Around the lower/middle Eocene boundary an abundance of Azolla spp. occurs, suggesting that a fresh and/or low-salinity surface water setting dominated the region during this time period. Although predrilling predictions based on geophysical data had placed the base of the sediment column at 50 Ma, drilling revealed that the uppermost Paleocene to lowermost Eocene boundary interval, well known as the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), was recovered. During the PETM, the temperature of the Arctic Ocean surface waters exceeded 20°C. Drilling during Expedition 302 also penetrated into the underlying sedimentary bedrock, revealing a shallow-water depositional environment of Late Cretaceous age

    Investigation of a Possible Lead-Lag Relationship Between the Innuitian and Laurentide Ice Sheets, Arctic Canada

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    Peaks of iron-rich grains in Arctic Ocean sediment cores matched to the Laurentide and Innuitian Ice Sheets appear to show a lead-lag relationship during the Late Pleistocene when grain abundances are plotted against time and depth below sea floor. Cores from across the Arctic have been analyzed to determine if this is the case. Of the six IRD events identified, the Innuitian leads 68% of the time with 26% of events in all cores occurring simultaneously. The Innuitian seems to lead 33.3% of the time when peaks from the Innuitian and Laurentide occur within close proximity (less than 1 cm), with 41.7% of the Innuitian and Laurentide peaks occurring simultaneously. Innuitian IRD events lasted an average of 1.5 to 3 kyr, while Laurentide events lasted an average of 1.1 to 2 kyr. A particularly well-dated event around 18 ka in PS1230 shows the Laurentide lagging the Innuitian by around 250 years. This short response time suggests that instabilities can be rapidly transmitted from one coalesced ice sheet to another

    Widespread, multi-source glacial erosion on the Chukchi margin, Arctic Ocean

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    Multibeam bathymetry and sub-bottom profiler data acquired in 2011 from R/V Marcus Langseth in a broad grid over the Chukchi Sea margin reveal multiple glacigenic features on the top and slopes of the outer Chukchi Shelf/Rise and adjacent Borderland. Glacial lineations record a complex pattern of erosion likely formed by both local glaciation and far-traveled ice shelves/streams sourced from the Laurentide, and possibly East Siberian ice sheets. Multiple till units and stacked debris flows indicate recurrent glacial grounding events. Composite till wedges of several hundred meters thick extend the shelf edge by 10–20 km in places. Distribution of ice-marginal features on the Chukchi Rise suggests stepwise deglacial retreat towards the shelf, backing up the broad bathymetric trough at the eastern side of the Rise. Glacigenic features other than extensive iceberg scouring cannot be identified above 350-m depth, and no glacigenic bedforms are present on the current-swept shallow shelf. Despite the resulting uncertainty with the southern extent of the glaciation, the data suggest a widespread grounded-ice presence on the northern Chukchi Shelf, which makes it an important, previously underestimated component of the Arctic paleo-glacial system

    Potential and limitation of 230Th-excess as a chronostratigraphic tool for late Quaternary Arctic Ocean sediment studies: An example from the Southern Lomonosov Ridge

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    Recently, the use of “extinction ages” of excesses in U-series isotopes (230Thxs, 231Paxs) has been proposed for the setting of benchmark ages of up to ~350 and ~150 ka, respectively, in late Quaternary marine records from the Arctic Ocean. However, the use of such U-series-based chronostratigraphic approaches has some limitations. These limitations are illustrated by U-series measurements in a cored sequence from the southern Lomonosov Ridge (PS2757). In this core, the final measurable excess in 230Th (230Thxs), strictly linked to the sedimentary flux of this isotope from the overlying water column (230Thxs-marine), is observed at a depth of ~590 cm downcore. An “extinction age” of ~230 ka can be estimated for the residual 230Thxs at this depth. It approximately matches the Marine Isotope Stage 7/8 transition. Below this transition, strong redox gradients constrained by a layer enriched in organic carbon resulted in a late-diagenetic relocation of uranium leached from detrital minerals in the over- and underlying oxidized layers. This uranium relocation resulted in large amplitude radioactive disequilibria within a core section otherwise characterized by near secular equilibria between inventories of 238U-series isotopes, implying an age greater than the “230Thxs-marine extinction age” for the whole section. In the overlying part of the core, the 230Thxs distribution correlates with other 230Thxs-documented sequences from the Central Arctic Ocean. 230Thxs can be thus used for stratigraphic correlations between the relatively low-sedimentation rate marine sequences of this basin, over the last two or three glacial cycles, but special attention to potential diagenetic effects is recommended. Moreover, as for a given 230Thxs-marine flux at the seafloor, initial 230Thxs-values are broadly inversely-proportional to the sedimentation rate, the resulting estimates of 230Thxs “extinction age” vary accordingly. This variability restricts the chronostratigraphic use of 230Thxs to sequences with relatively low sedimentation rates, such as those where the initial 230Thxs-marine significantly exceeds the 230Th-fraction carried by detrital minerals.publishedVersio