8 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine whether there is work burnout felt by librarians at the Library Directorate of the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII). If the results of this study show symptoms of work burnout, it will be measured to what extent the work saturation is. Then, this research will also show a picture of job satisfaction of the librarians of the Directorate of Library UII. This research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. This research is a population study that will make all librarians at the Directorate of Library UII as research subjects. The results showed that the average score of work saturation (burnout) based on the MBI for librarians in the Directorate of Library UII was 5.15. The average score of job satisfaction experienced by librarians in the UII Library Directorate is 30.48. There is a relationship between job burnout (burnout) and librarian job satisfaction in the Directorate of Library UII which shows a value of -0.489. This means that in this study the librarian burnout level was rather low followed by job satisfaction which was at the level of satisfaction


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    The presence of digital libraries as a manifestation of the development of information technology in libraries provides an opportunity for university libraries to be more active in disseminating widely the information and knowledge produced by the institutions that oversee it. Such information and knowledge are packaged in a digital space called the repositori institution. This is the repositori institution studied in this study. This study discusses the analysis of institutional repositories in 10 universities in Indonesia. This research used the indicator from webometrics, that is Visibility (V), Size (S), Rich File (R), and Scholar (Sc). The results of these four indicators will then be assigned a weight of 50% each for Visibility, 10% for Size, 10% for Rich Files, and 30% for Scholar indicators. Then from the calculation results obtained from the rank of highest to lowest results. The objective is to describe quantitatively the repositori conditions of higher education institutions in Indonesia using the webometricss indicator. Research subjects in this study are 10 Indonesian repositori institution website. The subject was selected based on webometrics ratings in the last 3 years, of which 10 repositories are in the top 10, although the ratings are fluctuating, but most remain in the top 10. The method used for data collection by observation and documentation. The result of the research will describe quantitatively the repositori condition of 10 universities institutions based on 4 webometrics indicators, then it will be weighted to 10 research subjects that will result in the repositori institution rating in this research. The result obtained is the repositori institution owned by Diponegoro University got the highest result with the final value of 0.94728489, while for the lowest result is the repositori of institutions Gunadarma University with the final value of 0.626520782


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    Libraries, museums and archives hold valuable collections in a variety of media, presenting a vast body of knowledge rooted in the history of human civilisation. These form the repository of the wisdom of great works by thinkers of past and the present. The holdings of these institutions are priceless heritage of the mankind as they preserve documents, ideas, and the oral and written records. To value the cultural heritage and to care for it as a treasure bequeathed to us by our ancestors is the major responsibility of libraries. The past records constitute a natural resource and are indispensable to the present generation as well as to the generations to come. Libraries preserve the documentary heritage resources for which they are primarily responsible. Any loss of such materials is simply irreplaceable. Therefore, preserving this intellectual, cultural heritage becomes not only the academic commitment but also the moral responsibility of the librarians/information scientists, who are in charge of these repositories. The high quality of the papers and the discussion represent the thinking and experience of experts in their particular fields. The contributed papers also relate to the methodology used in libraries in Asia to provide access to manuscripts and cultural heritage. The volume discusses best practices in Knowledge preservation and how to collaborate and preserve the culture. The book also deals with manuscript and archives issues in the digital era. The approach of this book is concise, comprehensively, covering all major aspects of preservation and conservation through libraries. The readership of the book is not just limited to library and information science professionals, but also for those involved in conservation, preservation, restoration or other related disciplines. The book will be useful for librarians, archivists and conservators. We thank the Sunan Kalijaga University, Special Libraries Association- Asian Chapter for their trust and their constant support, all the contributors for their submissions, the members of the Local and International Committee for their reviewing effort for making this publication possible

    Membangun Media Komunikasi Ilmiah Dalam Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi

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    Para ilmuwan sejak beberapa abad yang lalu telah melakukan aktivitas komunikasi ilmiah secara formal dalam rangka penyebaran ilmu pengetahuan serta hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukannya. Penggunaan media pada saat itu masih berupa selebaran hasil penelitian dalam karangan  ilmiah atau melalui sebuah buku. Sampai pada saat diterbitkannya sebuah majalah, para peneliti telah serius menerbitkan tulisan-tulisan mereka pada media tersebut, karena selain penerbitannya lebih teratur, juga akan lebih cepat daripada proses penerbitan sebuah buku. Seiring perkembangan pengetahuan serta teknologi, penggunaan media cetak untuk penyebaran ilmu pengetahuan secara bertahap telah berganti pada media elektronik. Perpustakaan, yang dalam hal ini telah berkembang menjadi lembaga pengelola ilmu pengetahuan memiliki peran cukup penting dalam penyebaran ilmu pengetahuan dengan media-medianya serta fungsinya sebagai sarana komunikasi ilmiah. Dalam tulisan ini akan dipaparkan mengenai peran dan usaha perpustakaan dalam membangun media komunikasi ilmiah. Diantaranya ialah dengan pengelolaan jurnal secara elektronik yang akan membawa perubahan terhadap media komunikasi tersebut.   Hasilnya ialah perlu adanya kajian lebih lanjut mengenai media-media yang dibangun oleh perpustakaan terhadap berlangsungnya komunikasi lmiah. Karena perpustakaan merupakan lembaga yang sudah seharusnya menjadi atau menyediakan wadah untuk mendukung perkembangan ilmu pengetahua

    Perilaku Pencarian Informasi Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Indonesia

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    Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perilaku pencarian informasi mahasiswa di Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Metode yang digunakan ialah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teori yang digunakan untuk membangun indikator pada penelitian ini ialah teori dari David Ellis yang berisi karakteristik perilaku seseorang sebelum,saat, dan setelah pencarian informasi. Subjek penelitian ialah mahasiswa UII sebanyak 100 mahasiswa yang merupakan sampel dari seluruh mahasiswa aktif di UII. Hasil yang akan dicapai dalam penelitian ini ialah pola atau karakteristik perilaku mahasiswa UII dalam pencarian informasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah Perilaku pencarian informasi mahasiswa Universitas Islam Indonesia sebelum proses pencarian informasi ialah positif. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan skor rata - rata yang di dapat pada tahap ini yaitu 2,95. Perilaku pencarian informasi mahasiswa Universitas Islam Indonesia saat proses pencarian informasi ialah positif. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan skor rata - rata yang di dapat pada tahap ini yaitu 2,65. Perilaku pencarian informasi mahasiswa Universitas Islam Indonesia setelah proses pencarian informasi juga positif. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan skor rata - rata yang di dapat pada tahap ini yaitu 3,08. Secara keseluruhan, perilaku pencarian informasi mahasiswa Universitas Islam Indonesia menunjukkan ke arah yang positif. Ini ditunjukkan dengan skor rata-rata keseluruhan dari proses sebelum, saat, dan setelah pencarian informasi adalah 2,89. skor ini masuk pada interval 2,52-3,27

    Analisis dan perancangan sistem informasi perpustakaan sekolah berdasarkan kebutuhan sistem

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    Introduction. School libraries  as part of the educational institution are required to provide all the necessary information resources to support learning process. A reliable library  system is needed to improve the library services. Data Collection Method. Theresearch method used was observation to developa new system and improve an existing one.Data Analysis. The design of the school library information system is based on “need analysis” to tackle problems occur in library services. Results and Discussions. The design of school library information systems is made simpler than University library or regional library or even archive management  that are based on circulation services, including lending and returning and fines.The school library information system is designed by using phpMyAdmin programming language and SQL database. The steps taken include inputting data collections, membership data, membercard printing, library free printing, lending and returning transactions and data reporting, including fines. The design undertaken to make the school library information system includes the design of the interface system design to facilitate users and librarians in managing the school library.Conclusions and recommendations. With the simple system design, it is expected that school libraries can create their own information system so that the service can be more  effective and efficient