106 research outputs found


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    Towards elimination of measles and rubella in Italy. Progress and challenges

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    Introduction In the WHO European Region, endemic transmission of measles and rubella had been interrupted by 37 and 42 of the 53 member states (MSs), respectively, by 2018. Sixteen MSs are still endemic for measles, 11 for rubella and nine for both diseases, the latter including Italy. Elimination is documented by each country’s National Verification Committee (NVC) through an annual status update (ASU). Objective By analysing data used to produce the ASUs, we aimed to describe the advances made by Italy towards elimination of measles and rubella. Moreover, we propose a set of major interventions that could facilitate the elimination process. Methods A total of 28 indicators were identified within the six core sections of the ASU form and these were evaluated for the period 2013–2018. These indicators relate to the incidence of measles/rubella; epidemiological investigation of cases; investigation of outbreaks; performance of the surveillance system; population immunity levels; and implementation of supplemental immunization activities (SIAs). Results From 2013 to 2018, epidemiological and laboratory analyses of measles cases in Italy improved substantially, allowing timely investigation in 2017 and 2018 of most outbreak and sporadic cases and identification of the majority of genotypic variants. Moreover, since 2017, vaccination coverage has increased significantly. Despite these improvements, several areas of concern emerged, prompting the following recommendations: i) improve outbreak monitoring; ii) strengthen the MoRoNet network; iii) increase the number of SIAs; iv) reinforce vaccination services; v) maintain regional monitoring; vi) design effective communication strategies; vii) foster the role of general practitioners and family paediatricians. Conclusions The review of national ASUs is a crucial step to provide the NVC with useful insights into the elimination process and to guide the development of targeted interventions. Against this background, the seven recommendations proposed by the NVC have been shared with the Italian Ministry of Health and the Technical Advisory Group on measles and rubella elimination and have been incorporated into the new Italian Elimination Plan 2019–2023 as a technical aid to facilitate the achievement of disease elimination goals

    The association of health literacy with intention to vaccinate and vaccination status. A systematic review

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    Despite health literacy (HL) being recognized as a driver of health-promoting behavior, its influence on the vaccination decision-making process remains unclear. This study summarized current evidence on the association between HL and both intention to vaccinate and vaccination status. We searched PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, retrieving observational studies published until January 2022 that used HL-validated tools to investigate the above associations for any vaccine. Quality was assessed using the Newcastle–Ottawa scale. Twenty-one articles were included; of these, six investigated the intention to vaccinate and the remainder vaccination status. Articles on intention looked at SARS-CoV-2 vaccination using heterogeneous HL tools and were of high/fair quality. Vaccination status, mainly for influenza or pneumococcal vaccines, was explored using various HL tools; the quality was generally high. We found inconsistent results across and within vaccine types, with no clear conclusion for either vaccination intention or status. A weak but positive association was reported between a high HL level and influenza vaccination uptake for individuals aged more than 65 years. HL did not seem to significantly influence behavior towards vaccination. Differences in the methods used might explain these results. Further research is needed to investigate the role of HL in the vaccination decision-making process

    Early Warning Systems for Emerging Profiles of Antimicrobial Resistance in Italy: A National Survey

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) national surveillance systems in Italy lack alert systems for timely detection of emerging profiles of AMR with potential relevance to public health. Furthermore, the existence of early warning systems (EWS) at subnational level is unclear. This study aims at mapping and characterizing EWS for microbiological threats available at regional level in Italy, focusing on emerging AMR, and at outlining potential barriers and facilitators to their development/implementation. To this end, a three-section, web-based survey was developed and administered to all Italian regional AMR representatives from June to August 2022. Twenty out of twenty-one regions and autonomous provinces (95.2%) responded to the survey. Among these, nine (45%) reported the implementation of EWS for microbiological threats at regional level, three (15%) reported that EWS are in the process of being developed, and eight (40%) reported that EWS are not currently available. EWS characteristics varied widely among the identified systems concerning both AMR profiles reported and data flow: the microorganisms most frequently included were extensively drug-resistant (XDR) Enterobacterales, with the lack of a dedicated regional IT platform reported in most cases. The results of this study depict a highly heterogeneous scenario and suggest that more efforts aimed at strengthening national AMR surveillance systems are needed

    Sustainable development goals and 2030 agenda: Awareness, knowledge and attitudes in nine Italian universities, 2019

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    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 2030 Agenda represent global development programs. Education can widen the acknowledgement of their relevance and their applications. This survey aims to assess awareness, knowledge and attitudes towards SDGs and sustainability among first-year students in nine Italian Universities. A Likert scale-based online questionnaire of 70 items was compiled by students from March to July 2019. It examined knowledge and expectations referred to sustainable development concepts, indicators and documents/models accounting for sociodemographic variables. Statistical analyses performed were Chi-square test, Fisher\u2019s Exact test, Kendall\u2019s W correlation coefficient, univariate and multivariate analysis. The questionnaire was completed by 1676 students. A low percentage referred a good knowledge of SDGs and 2030 Agenda, most of them had never attended related educational activities previously. Better knowledge of SDGs and 2030 Agenda was observed in case of previous specific educational activities (p < 0.001). The expectation towards university guaranteeing an education on SDGs was high, both for personal wisdom and for usefulness in future professional context. A significant difference (p < 0.001) in such expectations was found, as healthcare students were less interested than colleagues of other areas. The results showed low knowledge but interest towards sustainable development. A scheduled implementation of academic initiatives should be considered

    Which Lynch syndrome screening programs could be implemented in the "real world"? A systematic review of economic evaluations

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    Purpose: Lynch syndrome (LS) screening can significantly reduce cancer morbidity and mortality in mutation carriers. Our aim was to identify cost-effective LS screening programs that can be implemented in the "real world."Methods: We performed a systematic review of full economic evaluations of genetic screening for LS in different target populations; health outcomes were estimated in life-years gained or quality-adjusted life-years.Results: Overall, 20 studies were included in the systematic review. Based on the study populations, we identified six categories of LS screening program: colorectal cancer (CRC)-based, endometrial cancer-based, general population-based, LS family registry-based, cascade testing-based, and genetics clinic-based screening programs. We performed an in-depth analysis of CRC-based LS programs, classifying them into three additional subcategories: universal, age-targeted, and selective. In five studies, universal programs based on immunohistochemistry, either alone or in combination with the BRAF test, were cost-effective compared with no screening, while in two studies age-targeted programs with a cutoff of 70 years were cost-effective when compared with age-targeted programs with lower age thresholds. Conclusion: Universal or <70 years-age-targeted CRC-based LS screening programs are cost-effective and should be implemented in the "real world

    Genomica in Sanità Pubblica. Evidenze scientifiche e prospettive di integrazione nella pratica della prevenzione

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    I miglioramenti registrati negli ultimi anni nella qualità del sequenziamento di nuova generazione, nella riduzione dei costi associati e in una complessiva evoluzione delle scienze omiche, hanno favorito lo sviluppo della medicina personalizzata o di precisione. Ad oggi, anche a livello di popolazione si possono ottenere dei benefici rilevanti attraverso tale approccio. La Sanità Pubblica di precisione consiste nel fornire il giusto intervento, alla popolazione che ne ha necessità, nel momento e con le modalità opportune. Significa, quindi, promuovere metodologie accurate per identificare e misurare le patologie ma anche le esposizioni, i comportamenti e la suscettibilità. La Sanità Pubblica di precisione è in evoluzione e non è legata semplicemente a geni, trattamenti e malattia ma alla precisa identificazione e risposta ai bisogni di salute. È necessario, quindi, discutere dell’inclusione delle scienze omiche in Sanità Pubblica. La medicina si è evoluta da un modello di diagnosi e trattamento basato essenzialmente sui sintomi ad uno sempre più dipendente dalla definizione bioinformatica di profili di rischio e/o patologici. Tali profili sono delineati mediante la produzione di informazioni attingendo a solide banche dati biologiche con il supporto dell’intelligenza artificiale. D’altra parte l’evoluzione nella pratica sanitaria è un processo complesso che include, tra l’altro, la sostenibilità dei costi sanitari, la valutazione dell’efficienza nella pratica clinica, l'integrazione dei nuovi progressi tecnologici e la rimodulazione dell'organizzazione dei servizi. Nel Gruppo di Lavoro Genomica in Sanità Pubblica della SItI, attivo dal 2012, sono coinvolti prevalentemente docenti universitari ma anche operatori del Ministero della Salute e dei Dipartimenti di Prevenzione. In questo special issue illustriamo alcuni argomenti di ricerca trattati. Non stupirà l’eterogeneità dei temi proposti vista la trasversalità delle scienze omiche in molteplici aspetti della salute umana. In particolare sono illustrati esempi che vanno dalla prevenzione di tumori ad alta incidenza, alla prevenzione di patologie infettive, sia per gli aspetti acuti che cronici, tenendo conto di caratteristiche genetiche ed epigenetiche della popolazione. Inoltre, illustriamo le prospettive di integrazione offerte allo studio del microbiota umano nella prevenzione. Procediamo con la discussione delle modalità di valutazione dei test genetici e genomici per la loro integrazione nell’offerta del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale. Infine, è illustrato il coinvolgimento della popolazione nell’impiego delle tecnologie omiche al fine di promuovere un cambiamento culturale nei confronti delle tecnologie disponibili e nella tutela della salute individuale e collettiva

    Teaching H.D.'s Work in a War Literature Course

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    The poet Hilda Doolittle (H.D.) came on the literary scene in the 1910s as a young American expatriate living in England. Her early lyric poems, in Sea Garden, helped launch the free verse movement known as imagism. Her work as a whole, spanning five decades, includes long narrative poems, novels, memoirs, and translations. Her experience of the two world wars in Europe is felt throughout her oeuvre, much of which focuses on the power and destructiveness of war. Other recurring topics are ancient models of civilization, comparative mythology, and female deities suppressed in the modern era. Since the 1970s, H.D.\u2019s poetry and prose have appeared regularly on undergraduate and graduate syllabi, in courses ranging from American or British modernism and gender and sexuality studies to literature of war and classical literature and mythology. Yet her work--complex and densely allusive--can be difficult for students to comprehend and for instructors to teach. This volume aims to assist instructors in helping their students navigate the intricacies of H.D.\u2019s work and overcome some of the frustration of deciphering modern poetry. The first part, \u201cMaterials,\u201d presents resources useful to instructors of H.D.\u2019s work, and the second part, \u201cApproaches,\u201d offers specific ways to teach her wide-ranging corpus. Contributors describe courses that teach H.D. in the context of modernism, alongside such writers as Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, and Gertrude Stein. Others follow the themes of myth and religion in her long epic poems Helen in Egypt and Trilogy and her autobiographical work The Gift. H.D.\u2019s analysis with Freud and her subsequent memoir of the experience find their place in a course on critical theory. Many instructors teach H.D. through the lens of sexuality, feminism, or race; others use interdisciplinary approaches that focus on H.D.\u2019s engagement with film. Contributors Jane Augustine Raffaella Baccolini Marsha Bryant Rachel Connor Mary K. DeShazer Madelyn Detloff Mary Ann Eaverly Susan Stanford Friedman Elizabeth Hirsh Donna Krolik Hollenberg Bret L. Keeling Charlotte Mandel James Maynard Susan McCabe Adalaide Morris Cyrena N. Pondrom Lisa Rado Mara Scanlon Helen Sword Heather H. Thomas Rebecca Wals
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