68 research outputs found

    A fine kettle of fish: marine fish consumption, endocrine disrupting chemicals and thyroid hormones in rural Newfoundland

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    Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), found in the environment, can cause hypothyroidism, infertility, and neurodevelopmental deficits. EDCs can be transported long distances on water currents and can bioaccumulate in marine food webs. Two water currents around Newfoundland are suspected of transporting EDCs to adjacent marine ecosystems. Newfoundlanders may be exposed to EDCs through consumption of local seafood contaminated with EDCs. This study investigated EDC exposure in rural Newfoundland population by 1) testing local seafood species for the presence of EDCs, 2) determining the extent of local seafood consumption by surveying residents of two rural communities (Burin and New-Wes-Valley), 3) measuring serum thyroid hormones and plasma EDC concentrations in individuals who participated in the seafood consumption survey, and 4) exploring associations between seafood consumption, EDCs and thyroid hormones in participants. Liver samples from cod (Gadus morhua) and turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) showed the presence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), which were commonly used as flame retardants. There were higher levels of PBDEs in fish samples from the west coast compared to those from the northeast coast of Newfoundland. Residents from the study communities consumed local cod more than any other species, and seafood consumption was higher in males than in females; and higher in older (> 50 years) than in younger (<50 years) participants. Increasing frequency of local cod consumption was positively associated with increasing PCB (-105, -118, -138, -170, -180 and ΣPCBs) and p,p’-DDE concentrations in participants. Therefore local cod consumption may be a source of exposure to these EDCs for rural Newfoundlanders. All participants had at least 11 EDCs present in their plasma; polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p’-DDE) concentrations were higher in older participants, reflecting exposure to EDCs that have since been discontinued; while PBDEs were higher in younger participants which aligns with their recent production and use. Participants from Burin had higher levels of PCBs and p,p’-DDE (legacy contaminants from Labrador current) while NWV participants had higher levels of PBB-153 and PBDEs (novel contaminants from St. Lawrence River). In conclusion, there is evidence that the rural Newfoundland population is exposed to EDCs through local seafood consumption

    Optical and morphological properties of tetragonal Cu₂ZnSnS₄ thin films grown from sulphide precursors at lower temperatures

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    Optical constants of Cu₂ZnSnS₄ thin films formed using thermal annealing of pre-deposited layers of copper, zinc and tin sulphides on glass substrates at different temperatures and ambient atmosphere were determined. It has been shown that films grown at lower temperatures have the tetragonal structure of kesterite, and the corresponding value of the optical band gap is 1.47 eV

    Non stoichiometry effect and disorder in Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films obtained by flash evaporation Raman scattering investigation

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    The cation disorder in Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films grown by flash evaporation of ZnS, CuS and SnS binary compounds has been studied by Raman spectroscopy. Process parameters such as the substrate temperature during the evaporation and the Ar pressure in the post-thermal treatment determined the samples' composition and Raman spectra. As a measure of cation disorder, the half-width and relative intensity of the Raman band peaking at 331-332 cm-1 is analysed. Comparison of the spectra for different samples of known composition showed that the relative intensity of the 331 cm-1 defect peak correlates with the previously reported theoretical prediction about enhancement of antisite defect formation in Cu2ZnSnS4 under "Cu-poor, Zn-rich" conditions. For "Cu-rich, Zn-poor" films, further experimental confirmation was obtained of the previously detected effect of the enhancement of cation disorder under intense optical excitationThis research is supported by the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program FP7/2007-2013/ under REA grant greement 269167 (PVICOKEST), the Spanish MINECO project (KEST- PV, ENE2010-21541-C03) and the OPTEC grant. RC acknowledges financial support from Spanish MINECO within the program Ramon y Cajal (RYC-2011-08521

    Оценка эргономики прибора для мониторинга электрокардиограммы и его оптимизация

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    Aim. To assess ergonomic properties of a long-term ECG monitoring device from the standpoint of its usability and reliability of data recording.Methods. Three generations of the long-term ECG monitoring device were tested. 86 volunteers (30 women) were recruited in a study. Over 100 ECG recordings were collected to estimate ergonomic properties. A set of measures to improve the ergonomic properties was recommended after each generation testing. After the upgrading, the device was entering the next stage. The overall study duration was 3 years.Results. The assessment of ergonomic properties of the long-term ECG recording device resulted in the improvement of the device case, universal electrodes, safe data transmission channel, and a user-friendly instruction manual. The software package for data processing was improved and allowed the introduction of remote data transmission to physicians.Conclusion. The device corresponds to all standards of ergonomics and usability. It received the Federal Health Care Supervisory Agency (Roszdravnadzor) approval.Цель. Оценить эргономические свойства разработанного прибора длительного мониторирования ЭКГ с позиции удобства использования и надежности регистрации данных.Материалы и методы. Последовательно протестированы три модификации прибора длительного мониторирования ЭКГ. Всего в исследовании приняли участие 82 добровольца (40 женщин), выполнено более 100 регистраций ЭКГ. Тестирование каждой модификации прибора завершалось комплексом мероприятий по улучшению технических характеристик, и на следующий этап выходил модернизированный прибор. Общая продолжительность работы составила 3 года.Результаты. Поэтапное усовершенствование прибора длительной регистрации ЭКГ привело к созданию оптимального корпуса, универсальных электродов, надежного канала передачи данных и удобной инструкции для пользователя. Вместе с тем оптимизирован программный комплекс по обработки данных, что позволило сделать возможной систему удаленной работы врача функциональной диагностики.Заключение. Прибор полностью адаптирован к эксплуатации в реальных условиях и получил регистрационное удостоверение Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере здравоохранения (Росздравнадзор)

    Development of eleutherococcus energy bars composition

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    This article deals with the eleutherococcus energy bar composition. We present this product as a product of additional life energy. We have calculated all the nutrients, vitamins, macro- and microelements contained therein.В данной статье представлен и разработан состав энергетического батончика с элеутерококком, обосновано его применение в качестве энергетического продукта, а также произведен расчет содержащихся в нем нутриентов, витаминов, макро- и микроэлементов

    Комплексоутворення 4-амінобензгідроксамової кислоти з іонами Ru(III), Rh(III) та Pd(II)

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    A series of hydroxamate and hydroximate complexes of Ru(III), Rh(III) and Pd(II) with 4-amino-N-hydroxybenzamide (AHBA) has been synthesized, and their IR, UV-Vis and NMR 1H spectral characteristics have been studied.It has been found that AHBA interacts with metal ions mainly by the type of O,O’-coordination, wherein the structure of the complexes is largely dependent on the pH of medium. In acidic and weakly acidic media AHBA predominantly forms hydroxamate complexes with coordination of hydroxamic acid in neutral or mono deprotonated states. In NMR 1H spectra of hydroxamate complexes a singlet of NH protones is shifted upfield, which is associated with formation of cyclic metal chelates. In alkaline or near neutral media AHBA reacts as dianion to form anionic type hydroxamate complexes. In NMR 1H spectra of such complexes the singlets of NH and OH are absent. Depending on the nature of the metal, the central ion forms a square-planar [complexes of Pd(II)] or octahedral [complexes of Ru(III)] coordination unit, and it confirms the presence of d-d transition in electronic absorption spectra. The most characteristic of absorption bands in IR-spectra of the complexes are oxime group N–O of stretching vibrations that undergo low frequency offset by Dν = -(24–44) cm-1. The results obtained, as well as analysis of the published data show that increase of pH in the complexation reactions of hydroxamic acids leads to bidentate coordination of AHBA with formation of five-membered metallocycles.Синтезирован ряд гидроксаматных и гидроксиматных комплексов Ru(III), Rh(III) и Pd(II) с 4-амино-N-гидроксибензамидом (АГБА) и изучены их ИК, ЭСП и ЯМР 1Н спектральные характеристики. Установлено, что АГБА взаимодействует с ионами металлов главным образом по типу O,O’-координации, причем строение комплексов в значительной степени зависит от рН среды. В кислой и слабокислой средах АГБА образует преимущественно гидроксаматные комплексы с координацией гидроксамовой кислоты в нейтральной или монодепротонированной формах. В ЯМР 1Н спектрах гидроксаматных комплексов синглет NH протона смещается в сильное поле, что связано с образованием металлохелатных циклов.В щелочной или близкой к нейтральной средах АГБА взаимодействует как дианион, что приводит к образованию гидроксиматных комплексов анионного типа. В ЯМР 1Н спектрах таких комплексов синглеты NH и OH протонов отсутствуют. В зависимости от природы металла центральный ион формирует координационный узел в форме плоского квадрата [комплексы Pd(II)] или октаэдра [комплексы Ru(III) и Rh(III)], что подтверждает наличие d-d переходов в электронных спектрах поглощения. В ИК-спектрах комплексов наиболее характеристическими являются полосы поглощения валентных колебаний связи N–O оксимной группы, которые претерпевают низкочастотное смещение на Dν = -(24–44) см-1. Полученные результаты, а также анализ литературных данных показывают, что в реакциях комплексообразования гидроксамовых кислот с ионами переходных металлов повышение рН среды способствует бидентатной координации АГБА с образованием пятичленных металлоциклов хелатного типа.Синтезовано ряд гідроксаматних та гідроксиматних комплексів Ru(III), Rh(III) і Pd(II) із 4-аміно-N-гідроксибензамідом (АГБА) та досліджено їх ІЧ, ЕСП та ЯМР 1Н спектральні характеристики. Встановлено, що АГБА взаємодіє з іонами металів головним чином за типом O,O’-координації, причому будова комплексів значною мірою залежить від рН середовища. В кислому та слабокислому середовищах АГБА утворює переважно гідроксаматні комплекси з координацією гідроксамової кислоти в нейтральній або монодепротонованій формах. В ЯМР 1Н спектрах гідроксаматних комплексів синглет NH протона зсувається в сильне поле, що пов’язано з утворенням металохелатних циклів. В лужному або близькому до нейтрального середовищах АГБА взаємодіє як діаніон, що приводить до утворення гідроксиматних комплексів аніонного типу. В ЯМР 1Н спектрах таких комплексів синглети NH та ОН протонів відсутні. В залежності від природи металу центральний іон формує координаційний вузол у формі плоского квадрата [комплекси Pd(II)] або октаедра [комплекси Ru(III) і Rh(III)], що підтверджується наявністю d-d переходів в електронних спектрах поглинання. В ІЧ-спектрах комплексів найбільш характеристичними є смуги поглинання валентних коливань зв’язку N–O оксимної групи, які зазнають низькочастотного зміщення на Dν = -(24–44) см-1. Отримані результати, а також аналіз літературних даних показують, що в реакціях комплексоутворення гідроксамових кислот з іонами перехідних металів підвищення рН середовища сприяє бідентатній координації АГБА з утворенням п’ятичленних металоциклів хелатного типу

    Development of eleutherococcus energy bars composition

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    This article deals with the eleutherococcus energy bar composition. We present this product as a product of additional life energy. We have calculated all the nutrients, vitamins, macro- and microelements contained therein.В данной статье представлен и разработан состав энергетического батончика с элеутерококком, обосновано его применение в качестве энергетического продукта, а также произведен расчет содержащихся в нем нутриентов, витаминов, макро- и микроэлементов

    Changes in expression of appetite-regulating hormones in the cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus) during short-term fasting and torpor

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    Feeding in vertebrates is controlled by a number of appetite stimulating (orexigenic) and appetite suppressing (anorexigenic) hormones, whose levels respectively increase and decrease following fasting. Cunners (Tautogolabrus adspersus) survive the winter in shallow coastal waters by entering a torpor-like state. In order to better understand the mechanisms regulating appetite/fasting in these fish, quantitative real-time PCR was used to measure transcript expression levels of four appetite-regulating hormones: cholecystokinin (CCK) in the gut, and neuropeptide Y (NPY), cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) and orexin in the forebrain (hypothalamus and telencephalon) of fed, short-term fasted, induced summer torpor and natural torpor cunners. All hormone mRNA levels decreased during fasting and during natural torpor, but during induced summer torpor brain NPY and orexin mRNA expression levels increased, and CART brain mRNA and CCK gut mRNA expression levels decreased. These results clearly indicate that the cunner has different physiological responses to fasting and torpor

    Raman spectroscopy of Cu Sn S ternary compound thin films prepared by the low cost spray pyrolysis technique

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    Cu Sn S CTS thin films were deposited onto bare and molybdenum Mo coated glass substrates by means of the spray pyrolysis technique under different conditions. The CTS thin films obtained are shown, by means of Raman spectroscopy, to consist of two main phases Cu2SnS3 and Cu3SnS4 as well as of the secondary phase of Cu2 amp; 8722;xS. The electrical conductivity of the spray deposited p type CTS thin films under investigation is determined by two shallow acceptor levels Ev 0.07 eV at T lt; 334 K and Ev 0.1 eV at T gt; 334 K. The material of the CTS thin films was established to be a direct band semiconductor with the bandgap Eg 1.89 eV. The SEM and x ray energy dispersive analysis show the surface and cross section of the CTS thin film deposited onto molybdenum coated glass ceramics substrate with the actual atomic ratios of Cu Sn S being 2.9 1 2.64, which is in good agreement with the Raman spectra. Also, a small content of residual Cl atoms was found in the CTS thin films under investigation as the by product of the pyrolytic reaction

    Non-stoichiometry effect and disorder in Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films obtained by flash evaporation: Raman scattering investigation

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    The cation disorder in Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films grown by flash evaporation of ZnS, CuS and SnS binary compounds has been studied by Raman spectroscopy. Process parameters such as the substrate temperature during the evaporation and the Ar pressure in the post-thermal treatment determined the samples' composition and Raman spectra. As a measure of cation disorder, the half-width and relative intensity of the Raman band peaking at 331-332 cm-1 is analysed. Comparison of the spectra for different samples of known composition showed that the relative intensity of the 331 cm-1 defect peak correlates with the previously reported theoretical prediction about enhancement of antisite defect formation in Cu2ZnSnS4 under "Cu-poor, Zn-rich" conditions. For "Cu-rich, Zn-poor" films, further experimental confirmation was obtained of the previously detected effect of the enhancement of cation disorder under intense optical excitationThis research is supported by the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program FP7/2007-2013/ under REA grant greement 269167 (PVICOKEST), the Spanish MINECO project (KEST- PV, ENE2010-21541-C03) and the OPTEC grant. RC acknowledges financial support from Spanish MINECO within the program Ramon y Cajal (RYC-2011-08521