1,242 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a linear magnetic "microswimmer molecule"

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    In analogy to nanoscopic molecules that are composed of individual atoms, we consider an active "microswimmer molecule". It is built up from three individual magnetic colloidal microswimmers that are connected by harmonic springs and hydrodynamically interact with each other. In the ground state, they form a linear straight molecule. We analyze the relaxation dynamics for perturbations of this straight configuration. As a central result, with increasing self-propulsion, we observe an oscillatory instability in accord with a subcritical Hopf bifurcation scenario. It is accompanied by a corkscrew-like swimming trajectory of increasing radius. Our results can be tested experimentally, using for instance magnetic self-propelled Janus particles, supposably linked by DNA molecules.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Modelling element distributions in the atmospheres of magnetic Ap stars

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    In recent papers convincing evidence has been presented for chemical stratification in Ap star atmospheres, and surface abundance maps have been shown to correlate with the magnetic field direction. Radiatively driven diffusion in magnetic fields is among the processes responsible for these inhomogeneities. Here we explore the hypothesis that equilibrium stratifications can, in a number of cases, explain the observed abundance maps and vertical distributions of the various elements. The investigation of equilibrium stratifications in stellar atmospheres with temperatures from 8500K to 12000K and fields up to 10 kG reveals considerable variations in the vertical distribution of the 5 elements studied (Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Fe), often with zones of large over- or under-abundances and with indications of other competing processes (such as mass loss). Horizontal magnetic fields can be very efficient in helping the accumulation of elements in higher layers. A comparison between our calculations and the vertical abundance profiles and surface maps derived by magnetic Doppler imaging reveals that equilibrium stratifications are in a number of cases consistent with the main trends inferred from observed spectra. However, it is not clear whether such equilibrium solutions will ever be reached during the evolution of an Ap star.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, the paper will be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, on November 200

    Development of a window correlation matching method for improved radar rainfall estimation

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    International audienceThe present study develops a method called window correlation matching method (WCMM) to reduce collocation and timing errors in matching pairs of radar measured reflectivity, Ze, and gauge measured rainfall intensity, R, for improving the accuracy of the estimation of Ze?R relationships. This method was compared with the traditional matching method (TMM), the probability matching method (PMM) and the window probability matching method (WPMM). The calibrated relationship Ze=18.05 R1.45 obtained from 7Ă—7 km of space window and both present and 5 min previous time of radar observation for time window (S77T5) produces the best results for radar rainfall estimates for orographic rain over the Mae Chaem Watershed in the north of Thailand. The comparison shows that the Ze?R relationship obtained from WCMM provide more accuracy in radar rainfall estimates as compared with the other three methods. The Ze?R relationships estimated using TMM and PMM provide large overestimation and underestimation, respectively, of mean areal rainfall whereas WPMM slightly underestimated the mean areal rainfall. Based on the overall results, it can be concluded that WCMM can reduce collocation and timing errors in Ze?R pairs matching and improve the estimation of Ze?R relationships for radar rainfall. WCMM is therefore a promising method for improved radar-measured rainfall, which is an important input for hydrological and environmental modeling and water resources management

    An artificial neural network model for rainfall forecasting in Bangkok, Thailand

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    This paper presents a new approach using an Artificial Neural Network technique to improve rainfall forecast performance. A real world case study was set up in Bangkok; 4 years of hourly data from 75 rain gauge stations in the area were used to develop the ANN model. The developed ANN model is being applied for real time rainfall forecasting and flood management in Bangkok, Thailand. Aimed at providing forecasts in a near real time schedule, different network types were tested with different kinds of input information. Preliminary tests showed that a generalized feedforward ANN model using hyperbolic tangent transfer function achieved the best generalization of rainfall. Especially, the use of a combination of meteorological parameters (relative humidity, air pressure, wet bulb temperature and cloudiness), the rainfall at the point of forecasting and rainfall at the surrounding stations, as an input data, advanced ANN model to apply with continuous data containing rainy and non-rainy period, allowed model to issue forecast at any moment. Additionally, forecasts by ANN model were compared to the convenient approach namely simple persistent method. Results show that ANN forecasts have superiority over the ones obtained by the persistent model. Rainfall forecasts for Bangkok from 1 to 3 h ahead were highly satisfactory. Sensitivity analysis indicated that the most important input parameter besides rainfall itself is the wet bulb temperature in forecasting rainfall

    Wind Circulation in Selected Rotating Magnetic Early-B Stars

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    The rotating magnetic B stars have oblique dipolar magnetic fields and often anomalous helium and metallic compositions. These stars develop co-rotating torus-shaped clouds by channelling winds from their magnetic poles to an anchored planar disk over the magnetic equator. The line absorptions from the cloud can be studied as the complex rotates and periodically occults the star. We describe an analysis of the clouds of four stars (HD184927, beta Cep, sigma Ori E, and HR6684). From line synthesis models, we find that the metallic compositions are spatially uniform over the stars' surfaces. Next, using the Hubeny CIRCUS code, we demonstate that periodic UV continuum fluxes can be explained by the absorption of low-excitation lines. The analysis also quantifies the cloud temperatures, densities, and turbulences, which appear to increase inward toward the stars. The temperatures range from about 12,000K for the weak Fe lines up to temperatures of 33,000K for N V absorptions, which is in excess of temperatures expected from radiative equilibrium. The spectroscopic hallmark of this stellar class is the presence of strong C IV and N V resonance line absorptions at occultation phases and of redshifted emissions at magnetic pole-on phases. The emissions have characteristics which seem most compatible with the generation of high-energy shocks at the wind-cloud interface, as predicted by Babel.Comment: 19 pages, Latex plus 6 figures A&A single-spaced, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics. Files available by ftp at nobel.stsci.edu/pub/aapaper

    Soft coronal X-rays from \beta{} Pictoris

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    A type stars are expected to be X-ray dark, yet weak emission has been detected from several objects in this class. We present new Chandra/HRC-I observations of the A5 V star \beta{} Pictoris. It is clearly detected with a flux of 9+-2 10^{-4} counts/s. In comparison with previous data this constrains the emission mechanism and we find that the most likely explanation is an optically thin, collisionally dominated, thermal emission component with a temperature around 1.1 MK. We interpret this component as a very cool and dim corona, with \log L_X/L_{bol}=-8.2 (0.2-2.0 keV). Thus, it seems that \beta{} Pictoris shares more characteristics with cool stars than previously thought.Comment: accepted by ApJ, 5 pages, 2 figure

    Contact and Contrast in Valley Spanish.

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    Linguistic features that are transferred through language contact are distributed over social contexts as a result of their role in a system of social meaning. In this dissertation, I investigate the distribution of Quechua contact features in Spanish over different social contexts in a community in central Bolivia. Through the process of enregisterment, contact features participate in a system of social meaning that contrasts "traditional" categories (encompassing the feminine, rural, highland, Quechua-speaking, etc.) with "modern" categories (associated with male, urban, lowland, Spanish-speaking, etc.). Local identity, however, is produced through a fusion of these categories, often associated with a particular style of speech centrally involving contact features. The question of how and why contact features are distributed leads inevitably to the question of what contact features mean for speakers. I suggest that the meaning of contact features is not fixed, but rather is accomplished through comparison to, and in contrast with, expected patterns of speech, both in terms of contexts of speech and in terms of individual speakers. In order to understand why contact features are used, it is necessary to develop a model of what is expected of certain speakers in certain situations. Yet it is equally important to recognize that the way speakers depart from expected templates is as meaningful as the way they conform to them. Both events and speakers are always textured by reference to diverse parts of a semiotic field of meaning. Contact features participate in a local, and locally dynamic, system of social meaning. It is speakers' reference to this system that governs the distribution of contact features over different contexts of speech. Through participation in this system, contact features become an integral part of the representations that speakers construct of themselves and for others. The role of enregistered contact features as indices that speakers use to position themselves with respect to a semiotic field influences their distribution, and ultimately, their persistence or disappearance.Ph.D.Linguistics and AnthropologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/77866/1/ambabel_1.pd

    The effect of magnetic dipolar interactions on the interchain spin wave dispersion in CsNiF_3

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    Inelastic neutron scattering measurements were performed on the ferromagnetic chain system CsNiF_3 in the collinear antiferromagnetic ordered state below T_N = 2.67K. The measured spin wave dispersion was found to be in good agreement with linear spin wave theory including dipolar interactions. The additional dipole tensor in the Hamiltonian was essential to explain some striking phenomena in the measured spin wave spectrum: a peculiar feature of the dispersion relation is a jump at the zone center, caused by strong dipolar interactions in this system. The interchain exchange coupling constant and the planar anisotropy energy were determined within the present model to be J'/k_B = -0.0247(12)K and A/k_B = 3.3(1)K. This gives a ratio J/J' \approx 500, using the previously determined intrachain coupling constant J/k_B = 11.8$. The small exchange energy J' is of the same order as the dipolar energy, which implies a strong competition between the both interactions.Comment: 18 pages, TeX type, 7 Postscript figures included. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Codage d'objets de type VOP par représentation en régions auto-extractibles

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    Le nouveau standard multimédia Mpeg-4 traite aussi bien des aspects compression que de fonctionnalités de haut niveau telles que la manipulation d'objets. Notre approche propose un cadre unique permettant une compression efficace tout en offrant une segmentation à coût « quasi-nul » à travers le principe de représentation en régions auto-extractibles. Aussi montrons-nous ici que notre méthode peut constituer une alternative au mode classique de codage intra de Mpeg-4. En particulier, l'approche réussi à unifier le codage de la forme et de la texture d'un VOP
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