13 research outputs found

    Preventing Effects of Natural Diasters in Poland – Financial Aspects

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    In the article, there is verified the prevention of the natural disasters’ effects. In the examined area of Poland, preventing the negative consequences of the extreme phenomena is financed from the central budget and from the budgets of local governments (self-governments). Expenses are assisted by the measures from e.g. foreign states, ecological funds, credits and loans. The hypothesis from the beginning of the article is verified positively: there is the co-relation between financing the prevention of natural disaster’s effects and the European Union’s programming periods. Thus, the answer for the research question of the article is: financing the prevention of natural disaster’s effects is related to the European Union’s programming periods

    Dotacje oświatowe. Problemy i wyzwania. Poradnik dla jednostek samorządu terytorialnego.

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    Publikacja w sposób całościowy omawia zagadnienie dotacji oświatowych; począwszy od miejsca tej instytucji w systemie finansów publicznych a kończąc na praktycznych wskazówkach jak ujmować je w uchwale budżetowej oraz sprawozdawczości. Do napisania tej publikacji zaprosiliśmy przedstawicieli świata nauki, pracowników regionalnych izb obrachunkowych oraz samorządowych kolegiów odwoławczych. Publikacja została przygotowana w ramach projektu „Doskonalenie strategii zarządzania oświatą na poziomie regionalnym i lokalnym II etap”

    Restructuring the economic systems on the way to an additive economy

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    The additive economy should be the productive basis toward which the national economies aspire. This paper aims to deepen the theoretical issues of the additive economy forming and its key components: additive technology and additive manufacturing. Additive technology is defined as a set of methods and tools based on which the production of products occurs by adding only the useful part of natural substances to the final commodity and creating no waste. Additive manufacturing is a system of interconnected processes of transforming natural substances into finished products based on additive technology. The additive economy is a system of trade and industries based on additive manufacturing. The study analyzes competitive advantages (direct prototyping, saving materials and energy, the ability to work without human participation, dematerialization of transportation and storage of products) and challenges of the additive economy (building an organizational network of production systems; forming solidarity economy; developing new social institutions; social development of a person). The paper formulates the key directions of economic systems restructuring to an additive economy formation, including restructuring energy production types, energy networks, and interface sphere and change of the structure of primary resources. The general debatable problem of the economic systems restructuring to the additive economy is the formation of new social institutions capable of providing necessary solutions. AcknowledgmentThe study is prepared in the framework of the research project “Restructuring of the national economy in the direction of digital transformations for sustainable development” (№0122U001232), funded by the National Research Foundation of Ukraine

    Fuzzy technologies modeling the level of welfare of the population in the system of effective management

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    Purpose: The article aims to present the use of fuzzy technologies to model the welfare of the population in the system of effective management of the country's economy. In particular, the aim was to develop an approach to assessing the welfare of the country's population based on the use of fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory. Design/Methodology/Approach: The paper deals with the procedure of fuzzy assessment of the welfare level of the country's population. The expert approach to forming a system of six partial indicators, the value of which is taken into account when calculating the level of welfare of the country's population, is used. After selecting the set of primary indicators, their value is reduced to a fuzzy form. We next find the magnitude of the original integral index of this level in a fuzzy form. Finally, we define the precise value of this integral index, which corresponds to its fuzzy form. Findings: The results obtained indicate the effectiveness of the socio-economic policy of the state during the study period, which resulted in a significant improvement in the welfare of the population of Ukraine despite social and economic instability. Practical Implications: The results obtained indicate the effectiveness of the socio-economic policy of the state during the study period, which resulted in a significant improvement in the welfare of the population of Ukraine despite social and economic instability. Originality/Value: The assessment of the level of welfare of the population, which is based on the use of the theory of fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets and the possibility of taking into account in the calculations of these quantitative and qualitative primary factors that shape this welfare.peer-reviewe


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    The paper presents models o f public debt where their level and dynamics is related to different national political institutions. These institutions may influence public choices of political decision-makers and the character o f their interactions. Differences between national political institutions in different countries may explain cross-country differences in budget deficits and public debt. The paper surveys a number of models, including models of fragmented governments, the common pool model, or model of geographically dispersed interests

    Public Debt Management in OECD Countries. Selected Institutional Arrangements

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    In this article author presents OECD countries experience in central government debt management in stitutional arrangements. He characterizes evolution models of this institutional arrangements and mains features and models of autonomic debt management agencies.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Public Debt Management in OECD Countries. Selected Institutional Arrangements

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    In this article author presents OECD countries experience in central government debt management in stitutional arrangements. He characterizes evolution models of this institutional arrangements and mains features and models of autonomic debt management agencies

    The Forms of Auctioning Treasury Securities

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    The article discusses methods used in auctioning Treasury securities in Poland. Treasury auctions are widely used by authorities responsible for the management of public debt. The authors of the paper set out to identify auction mechanisms that maximize the expected income of the seller. The paper shows the effects of the single- and multiple-price auction systems in Poland. The authors use a research method developed by G.R. Kim, S. Oh and K. Ryu. Babczuk and Dudek conclude that the single-price auction system is safer for the issuer because revenue from single-price auctions is in most cases higher than that generated from multiple-price auction systems. At the same time, due to imperfect research methods, especially in estimating the issuer’s revenue from a single-price auction system, further in-depth studies are needed into methods for carrying out auctions for T-securities in Poland, the authors conclude

    Activities of an auditor of the Regional Chamber of Audit after the receipt of a motion for his recusal : form of the recusal decision

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    W opracowaniu przedstawiono zidentyfikowaną niejednoznaczność przepisów ustawy o regionalnych izbach obrachunkowych w zakresie rozwiązań przeciwdziałających konfliktowi interesów. Unormowania tej ustawy nie wskazują bowiem ani organu rozstrzygającego o wyłączeniu upoważnionego pracownika regionalnej izby obrachunkowej, ani formy, w jakiej to wyłączenie miałoby nastąpić, ani też zakresu czynności kontrolnych, jakie upoważniony pracownik regionalnej izby obrachunkowej może podejmować po wpływie wniosku o jego wyłączenie. W artykule przedstawiono rozwiązania, jakie powinny być wprowadzone w ustawie o regionalnych izbach obrachunkowych w zakresie postępowania incydentalnego. Rozwiązania te służą pewności obrotu prawnego i kreują zaufanie do instytucji państwa.The study presents the identified ambiguity of the provisions of the Act on Regional Audit Institutions regarding solutions to counteract the conflict of interests. The provisions of this Act do not indicate either the body deciding on the exclusion of an authorised employee of the regional audit institution, the form in which this exclusion should take place, or the scope of audit activities that an official employee of the regional audit institution may undertake after receiving an application for his exclusion. The article presents the solutions that should be introduced in the Act on Regional Audit Institutions in the field of incidental proceedings. These solutions ensure certainty of legal transactions and create trust in state institutions